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Lisa Stewart

Language Log » Texting and language skills - 6 views

  • There's a special place in purgatory reserved for scientists who make bold claims based on tiny effects of uncertain origin; and an extra-long sentence is imposed on those who also keep their data secret, publishing only hard-to-interpret summaries of statistical modeling. The flames that purify their scientific souls will rise from the lake of lava that eternally consumes the journalists who further exaggerate their dubious claims. Those fires, alas, await Drew P. Cingel and S. Shyam Sundar, the authors of "Texting, techspeak, and tweens: The relationship between text messaging and English grammar skills", New Media & Society 5/11/2012:
Lisa Stewart

Language Log » Are "heavy media multitaskers" really heavy media multitaskers? - 7 views

    a good model for critical reading of research design
Lisa Stewart

They Get to Me: an article by Jessica Love | The American Scholar - 0 views

    lively analysis of the role of pronouns in English--this writer gives you a glimpse of what it's like to be setting up experiments in psycholinguistics
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