'Some of the More Mundane Moments in Life Make Great Essays' - NYTimes.com - 26 views
Here’s an essay that’s sure to make an admissions officer reach for the triple grande latte to stay awake
“I spent [choose one: a summer vacation/a weekend/three hours]
struck by the number of students rhapsodizing about expensive travel or service projects in exotic locales
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I was surprised by this article and by the fact that sometimes, our seemingly boring moments in life has the potential to transform into a great college essay. This article made me change my views of college essays and reexamine what topics I want to write about.
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I liked the ideas this essay shared because I realized that if I were to have written my college essay prior to reading this article, my essay would've been similar to the majority of students who submit college essays. This site stresses the importance of being different and that having humility, humor, and personal stories in college essays are attractive. But the article did imply that there are limits and that some things such as torturing animals and showing inconsideration to other people, are inappropriate.
It seems more common now for counselors and advisors to recommend writing about everyday things, but with our own personal "flair." So it was helpful to read in this article about how there are some negative everyday experiences that are important to leave out.