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Sheryl A. McCoy

web2tutorial » home - 0 views

    this wordle is the focus of descriptive terminology of Web 2.0
    A brief description of web2.0 and some examples; also a WORDLE
Sheryl A. McCoy

Exploring Web 2.0 Teaching Ideas - Exploring Web 2.0 Teaching Ideas - 0 views

    @bookjewel has developed a new wiki for educators and collaboration on teaching ideas. She used a web application called imagechef to make WORDLES in various shapes. Hers is a star; very cool!
Sheryl A. McCoy

Week 7: Wordle (WEB 2.0 Wednesday Challenge)</title> - 1 views

    Weekly Challenges Using Google and other Great Web 2.0 Tools
Heather Hurley

Tagul - Gorgeous tag clouds - 9 views

    Tagul is a web service that enables you to create beautiful looking tag clouds and embed it on your web page
Dean Mantz

WebList - The place to find the best web lists on the web - 16 views

    Compile and share resources in a form of a weblist. 
Sheryl A. McCoy

U Tech Tips » Wordle - DIY Word Clouds - 0 views

    My first contribution to the UTechTips site! On to the Tips… Apparently, I am very late on the bus with this particular tool However, I looked at whether it had been covered on UTechTips and I think that often with Web 2.0 tools, we find that we are bringing in new readers in our faculty ALL THE TIME. So how do they go back and discover new tools or read some of the great posts of our past?
Sheryl A. McCoy

Technology Education Know-How » Blog Archive » Wordle in Education - 0 views

    graphical display to show the frequency of word usage in a text, web page or document.
Jess McCulloch

Ways to use Wordle | SoulCradler - 0 views

    A couple of months ago, my network of teachers went a little bit nuts over a new web2.0 application called Wordle. I blogged about it, as did many others.
oyku altan - 4 views


L-space » Web 2.0 tools - 1 views

    A collection of interactive tools and ways to use them in school libraries.
Sheryl A. McCoy

Tip 47 - Wordle - 0 views

    This week's tip features a web tool that will create word clouds from text you provide. The more frequently a word appears in your source text, the larger it will be in the cloud. With this clever tool you can even change fonts, layouts, and color schemes.
    Excellent all-around resource on WORDLE.
Sheryl A. McCoy

Online Mind Mapping - MindMeister - 1 views

    a data visualization web app similar to WORDLE, et al
Sheryl A. McCoy

L-space » Web 2.0 tools - 0 views

    interactive tools and ways to use them in school libraries. Wordle - creates word clouds from pieces of text, rss feeds or tag clouds. Higher-frequency words become larger than others, providing a visual demonstration of their probable importance.
Sheryl A. McCoy

Wordle: Learning to Communicate | Technology Questions - 0 views

    Layne P. Heiny explains the history of the word, WORDLE, as well as discussing the author of this web application
Gary Bertoia

Wordle Assessing Word Choices and Variety - 108 views

Noticed the same thing as your science teacher with my students when I used tagcrowd last year. Wordle gives more options however. Used it again this year with my students ...

wordle LA variety writing

Dean Mantz

ImageChef - Word Mosaic - 2 views

    saw @bookjewel used this WORDLE related web application on her new Web2.0 wrksp for educators; very cool
Carla Estell

Best content in WORDLE | Diigo - Groups - 1 views

    Educators and students can use WORDLE in a variety of ways, including assessment, evaluation and presentation. WORDLE can be a powerful tool for learning and teaching. By forming this group, collaboration will increase our knowledge and use of this web application.
    Wordle is a great tool to use in numerous ways. Students enjoy it as well as teachers. It allows you to be very creative in a number of subjects.
Steve Neufeld

Just the Word 'mash up' with WORDLE - 8 views

    An example of maniupulting the output from a collocates/pattern table in Just the Word as input for the ADVANCED feature of WORLDE.
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    Welcome to our WORDLE group. I read your excellent post, but I couldn't comment there. I'll copy it here: Yes, this is very neat! Thanks for sharing this aspect of WORDLE. I will encourage the members of our WORDLE group to practice this. Do you think a person could use Google Spreadsheet? I'm thinking that might make another avenue to work this advanced feature. Welcome!
    Hi Sheryl - glad you found it useful. You are quite right about the spreadsheet idea...I tend to use EXCEL and some of the basic TEXT, LOOKUP and FILTER options to manipulate lexical data I get from various sources. I did leave several suggestions for PHIL at the JustTheWord user group in GOOGLE to make the 'mash up' between JTW and WORDLE more seamless. But, as you suggest, copying and pasting the data into a spreadsheet is the only way to do this at the moment. Spreadsheets aren't everyone's cup of tea, but perhaps we could provide a template for the faint at heart, which can make it easier.... I also use the same technique to extract 'sets' from Mark Davies corpus sites at as well as vocabulary profiles at Tom Cobb's Lextutor site at -- Of course, PC-based software like ANTCONC and ANTWORDPROFILE also output data that can easily be manipulated into the ADVANCED feature of WORDLE. Here are some WORDLEs in my public gallery that show the results...the ones contrasting OBAMA and McCAIN speeches are quite interesting. My background is EFL, so I find other sources of lexical sets like also useful as input to WORDLE. :)
    I'll look over these resources. Yes, I made WORDLES of Obama and McCain. I think one reason these types of web applications are so interesting is to view the ways in which we teach and learn....what our commonalities are.
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