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Dianne Krause

The 33 Digital Skills Every 21st Century Teacher should Have - 1 views

    There is no blinking the fact  that the type of students we teach today are completely different from last century's. We , definitely, need to look at some of the skills we, as teachers, need to equip ourselves with to better live up to the challenge. Among all the challenges we would have in education, there is not as daunting a challenge as catching students focus and getting them engaged in the learning process. For this particular reason, and in addition to the skills I initially mentioned in 21st Century Teaching Skills article, I would like to provide you  with another list of  some equally important digital skills that you, as a teacher, need to seriously consider if you want to pave the way for the 21st century teaching. I have added a list of web tools under each skill for teachers to better exploit it.
Dianne Krause

Mathematics and Multimedia - 0 views

    This blog has two main themes: one is mathematics and the other is multimedia. The mathematics part will discuss ideas behind mathematical concepts from elementary to undergraduate topics. For now, I will be concentrating on discussing mathematics concepts from Grade 6 through Grade 12, although, from time to time, I might post topics in lower or higher levels. The multimedia part will discuss the use of different media such as text, graphics, sounds, video and animation in teaching mathematics. I will refer readers to multimedia and Web 2.0 teaching resources that can be used in teaching and learning mathematics, and I will discuss how-to tutorials on the use different software, particularly freewares. Unfortunately, most software that will be discussed in this blog are only limited to Windows platform, although many software nowadays are already cross-platform, so Linux and Mac users are invited to check the tutorials from time to time. Hopefully, I would be able to discuss software with other platforms in the future.
Dianne Krause

Welcome | Teaching Copyright - 2 views

    "EFF's Teaching Copyright curriculum was created to help teachers present the laws surrounding digital rights in a balanced way. Teaching Copyright provides lessons and ideas for opening your classroom up to discussion, letting your students express their ideas and concerns, and then guiding your students toward an understanding of the boundaries of copyright law. "
Dianne Krause

100+ Resources for Teaching Without Textbooks | Teaching Tips - 0 views

    What would your classroom be like without your students cracking open their oversized textbooks everyday? Probably a lot more interesting, especially for the kiddies. There are so many other resources out there for teachers to use, online and off, that teaching without textbooks is becoming more and more acceptable. If you don't believe us, scroll down this list of over 100 different resources - including websites, iPod lectures and field trips - that will encourage you to toss out your textbooks.
Dianne Krause

Worksheets, Lesson Plans, Teaching Tips, Teacher Resources, and Rubrics from TeAch-nolo... - 0 views

    We provide free and easy to use resources for teachers dedicated to improving the education of today's generation of students. FREE access to: 28,000 lesson plans Teaching tips and Themes 6,700 FREE printable worksheets Games and Downloads Preformatted rubrics 257,000 reviewed sites Printable generators Webquests
Dianne Krause

iBoard Interactive Activities - 2 views

    TES iboard materials are free-to-use, highly visual, interactive resources for Primary Key Stage 1. They are powerful teaching tools that can be used on any interactive whiteboard. They are also simple enough for a child to use independently or with support from a teaching assistant. Hundreds of free teaching resources are available to use in your classroom today! Browse the materials by clicking the library button.
Dianne Krause

The Innovative Educator: The Ten No Nos of Teaching with a Projector or Interactive Whi... - 3 views

    "I spend a lot of time visiting innovative classrooms in New York City. As I do, there is something that I've noticed in many classes I've visited - there are still some educators that don't seem to know the no nos for teaching with a projector or interactive whiteboard (IWB). Perhaps it's easier to notice when you're sitting as an audience member or an observer which is not often the case for teachers. If you're an innovative educator teaching with a projector or IWB, you too might be engaging in a no no or two"
Dianne Krause

Teaching Channel - 1 views

    At Teaching Channel we believe what makes teachers inspiring is how they became experts -- the hours and years they've dedicated to improving their craft to benefit their students. Our mission is to capture their technique on video so that all teachers -- new or seasoned -- have a place to find inspiration. Of course you could just lean back and admire great stories, but we also provide tools to take a few notes, trade ideas, and even build your own personal workspace. And because we know teaching is not one-size-fits-all, we tailored our technology so you can find what works best for you.
Dianne Krause

FREE -- Teaching Resources and Lesson Plans from the Federal Government - 0 views

    FREE makes it easier to find teaching and learning resources from the federal government. More than 1,500 federally supported teaching and learning resources are included from dozens of federal agencies. New sites are added regularly.
Dianne Krause

100 Free Tools to Make Your Teaching More Entertaining - 8 views

    "Most educators hope that their teaching touches students in exciting ways so that the information conveyed makes an impact. One sure way to engage students is to make their educational experience fun. New teachers just starting out as well as experienced teachers who could use a breath of fresh air in their curriculum will love all the great tools available on the Internet to help make their teaching more entertaining. Some of the following tools will have teachers and students exploring wikis, open courseware, Twitter, blogging, comics, videos, and incorporating plenty of other tools that will help make learning fun."
Dianne Krause

Assessment & Teaching of 21st-Century Skills - 1 views

    The Assessment and Teaching of 21st-Century Skills (ATC21S) is a research project that proposes ways of assessing 21st-century skills and encourages teaching and adopting those skills in the classroom
Dianne Krause

Journal of Research in Science Teaching - Wiley Online Library - 2 views

    Although education research is not new, a gap has persisted between the research being conducted and what teachers are doing in the classroom. To help bridge that gap, the National Association for Research in Science Teaching recently published a virtual issue of the Journal of Research in Science Teaching focused on inquiry in the science classroom.
Dianne Krause

Lesson Plans and Teaching Activities - 0 views

    This section contains reproducible copies of primary documents from the holdings of the National Archives of the United States, teaching activities correlated to the National History Standards and National Standards for Civics and Government, and cross-curricular connections. Teaching with primary documents encourages a varied learning environment for teachers and students alike. Lectures, demonstrations, analysis of documents, independent research, and group work become a gateway for research with historical records in ways that sharpen students' skills and enthusiasm for history, social studies, and the humanities.
Dianne Krause

FREE -- Teaching Resources and Lesson Plans from the Federal Government - 0 views

    FREE makes it easier to find teaching and learning resources from the federal government. More than 1,500 federally supported teaching and learning resources are included from dozens of federal agencies. New sites are added regularly.
Dianne Krause

YouTube - Partnership for 21st Century Skills: Teaching 21st Century Learners - 1 views

    In this Pearson Foundation video, "Teaching Teachers to Teach 21st Century Learners," we hear from various leaders from the worlds of business and education as they discuss the importance of 21st century learning.
Dianne Krause

NZ Interface Magazine | Eight habits of highly effective 21st century teachers - 0 views

    What are the characteristics we would expect to see in a successful 21st century educator? Well, we know they are student-centric, holistic, and they're teaching about how to learn as much as teaching about the subject area. We know, too, that they must be 21st century learners as well. But highly effective teachers in today's classrooms are more than this - much more.
Dianne Krause

The Dos and Don'ts of Teaching Digital Literacy | Common Sense Media - 0 views

    "Is there a right and a wrong way to teach social media in schools? Some administrators think so. Many schools across the country have banned the use of social networking platforms, but others are transitioning to a more proactive approach. Many experts and school officials say that abandoning the more reactionary responses to social media is the first step toward implanting a more effective digital literacy education."
Dianne Krause

Education World: Managing Technology: Tips from the Experts - 0 views

    Do your technology lessons frequently turn into free-for-alls? Do you feel as though you spend too much of your time dealing with crashing programs, whining students, and missing equipment and not enough time actually teaching a lesson? Don't despair! The solutions may be simpler than you think. This month, the Education World Tech Team shares its secrets for teaching successfully with technology. Included: Thirty-three tips for managing technology use!
Dianne Krause

Ten Steps to Better Student Engagement | Edutopia - 1 views

    Project-learning teaching strategies can also improve your everyday classroom experience.
Dianne Krause

SAMR Model - Technology Is Learning - 0 views

    The Substitution Augmentation Modification Redefinition Model offers a method of seeing how computer technology might impact teaching and learning. It also shows a progression that adopters of educational technology often follow as they progress through teaching and learning with technology.
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