Once you had data, you could build theories. Once you had theories, you have predictive power, you could test that and then the whole thing fitted itself. It suddenly very actively emerged as a field that we now call network science. Going beyond networks, going beyond connectedness, we realized we started to know not only whom you connect to and whom you see and where are your links (the economical, personal, social or whatever they are) but we started to see also the timing of your activities. What do you do with those links? When do you interact?
Contents contributed and discussions participated by Francisco Morfin
Music Timeline - 1 views
DHQ: Digital Humanities Quarterly: 2012 - 0 views
11 claves sobre las narrativas digitales | Clases de Periodismo - 0 views
Thinking In Network Terms | Conversation | Edge - 0 views
human dynamics
Physics has to change, mathematics has to change, and biology has to change.
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Perspectivas 2012 - 1 views
L'infographie dans la production du savoir - Les blogs du Diplo - 1 views
L’infographie a quitté la sphère fermée du milieu professionnel : les techniques et les instruments servant à sa production sont disponibles pour tout le monde. Cette véritable « révolution » a entraîné l’apparition de nouvelles pratiques jusqu’ici impossibles à mettre en œuvre
De nouveaux « héros de la communication » montent sur le devant de la scène pour diffuser, à tort ou à raison, leurs recettes pour obtenir la meilleure visualisation possible.
L’infographie est le résultat d’une intention.
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