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Francisco Morfin

Thinking In Network Terms | Conversation | Edge - 0 views

  • Once you had data, you could build theories. Once you had theories, you have predictive power, you could test that and then the whole thing fitted itself. It suddenly very actively emerged as a field that we now call network science. Going beyond networks, going beyond connectedness, we realized we started to know not only whom you connect to and whom you see and where are your links (the economical, personal, social or whatever they are) but we started to see also the timing of your activities. What do you do with those links? When do you interact?
  • human dynamics
  • Physics has to change, mathematics has to change, and biology has to change.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • They want to do networks. They want to do nanotechnology. These are all things that were not part of the traditional physics curriculum. They want to do astrophysics, which only recently we've internalized within the physics community. So it's a shift that is driven by the young people, it's a shift that is driven by the society.
  • What excites them is data, networks, social systems and all of these things that were really not part of the thinking. We don't have a goal. We don't have a computational social science department, at any university
  • Data is the gold mine for science these days
    con la red comenzamos a ver las conexiones como algo cuantificable... para bien y para mal.
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