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lauren hanson

The Alarming Effects of Microwave Apparatus on Food and Humans WILLIAM P KOPP / Percept... - 0 views

  • cancer-causing effects, destruction of nutritive value and biological effects of direct exposure of humans to microwave emissions.
  • A "binding effect" between the microwaved food and any atmospheric radioactivity is created, causing a marked increase in the amount of alpha and beta particle saturation in the food.
  • The unstable catabolism of microwaved food alters their elemental food substances, causing disorders in the digestive system.
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  • A statistically higher percentage of cancerous growths result in these organs, plus a generalised breakdown of the peripheral cellular tissues and a gradual degeneration of digestive and excretory functions.
    • lauren hanson
      Cancer is can grow in the stomach from the radioactivity that is in the food after you heat it up in the microwave.
  • The vital energy field content of all tested foods dropped 60-90%. Digestibility of fruits and vegetables reduced: Microwaving lowers the metabolic behaviour and integration-process capability of alkaloids, glucosides, alactosides and nitrilosides.
  • lectrical impulses in the junction potentials of the c
  • Electrical impulses in the junction potentials of the cerebrum degenerate and break down.
    • lauren hanson
      a microwave can mess up the way your brain is supposed to process your food into your stomach.
  • Their residual magnetism effect can render the psychoneural-receptor components of the brain more subject to influence by artificially induced, microwave-radio-frequency fields from transmission stations and TV relay networks.
    Microwaves take a huge part in our society today. The radioactivity is very harmful to our lives by creating direct exposer of humans. The increase of radioactivity can cause a "binding effect" between the micro-waved food causing a marked increase in the amount of alpha and beta particle saturation in the food. This also effects our digestive system by the unstable catabolism of micro-waved food alters their elemental food substances, causing disorders in the digestive system. Also electrical impulses in the junction potentials of the cerebrum degenerate and break down.
Kevin Zhou

Egypt's Autocrats Exploited Internet's Weaknesses - - 0 views

  • But now, as Egyptian engineers begin to assess fragmentary evidence and their own knowledge of the Egyptian Internet’s construction, they are beginning to understand what, in effect, hit them. Interviews with many of those engineers, as well as an examination of data collected around the world during the blackout, indicate that the government exploited a devastating combination of vulnerabilities in the national infrastructure.
    • Kevin Zhou
      Everyone is too dependent on internet, similar to how everyone is too dependent on the feed in Feed.
  • For all the Internet’s vaunted connectivity, the Egyptian government commanded powerful instruments of control: it owns the pipelines that carry information across the country and out into the world.
    • Kevin Zhou
      The internet is the place that contains all the information that anyone wants to find. By having it shut down within Egypt, it prevents information from leaving or entering, causing people to have no ideas. However, another way to gain information is also through books, but this way has become less common around people as the faster internet. This is related to the Feed as people has found no reason to use books to find any information and use their feed to find everything, much like us using the internet to find everything instead of books.
    Egypt's internet
Robert Porter

'Like' it or not, online ads are getting personal - - 1 views

  • industry speak for ads that target users through the use of cookies that can track your internet browsing and shopping history, among other activities.
    • Robert Porter
      Some people might view this as an invasion of privacy. The use of cookies by the industry to 'track' the users activities sure does point out a valid point. Most consumers would see advertisers as using 'personal' information to target what the users might have more interest in. In the eyes of the consumers this is seen as generally bad, in the eyes of the advertisers this type of advertising would not only keep away the advertisements that people don't want to see for products they don't need, but for advertisements for products they might want and need as the user travels to different sites. Cookies enable for this to happen, and although there is work on the web-browsers to keep advertisers away from information "internet browsing and shopping history". A question is asked though, how much personal information have people been giving away unknowingly?
    • Jeffrey Baudisch
      I think that you have a good point that people find online shopping a invasion of property. I believe though that the risks can be avoided if you are smart about where you shop.
    • Dan Tusler
      This can be related to the feed itself in a sense that it works just like a cookie. It tracks everything you do and basically uses the information it collect to try to market a product or get you to spend money. This could be where M.T Anderson got his inspiration for the feed.
  • "If you have something that you don't want anyone to know, maybe you shouldn't be doing it in the first place."
    • Robert Porter
      -Google CEO Eric Schmidt. Schmidt has a valid point that what people do on the internet shouldn't be something people want to conceal. Yet there should be limits that advertisers and any site that uses peoples information on. People don't want to know the fact that everything they do and click on in a site will be recorded down as activity and then process to be put into a category. Just like in Feed, where Titus and his friends go to the mall the Feed immediately advertises cloths that they would want, or cloths that the feed thinks they want. Even with no alert the feed does this to Titus throughout the book, even when he is just laying there or sleeping the Feed advertises things that he would want and that he should by those things based on his shopping history and habits, just like these advertisements are foreseen to be becoming.
    • Jeffrey Baudisch
      If our information is so open then should we even put out any information? The Feed uses the peoples information to advertise to them so why don't we let the advertisers do the same and make shopping easier.
    • Robert Porter
      Because information is vital, people view information (that is helpful) as valid sources of income. Sites that take your information for something can in all their rights, sell it to another advertising company. Hence the source of spam emails. So giving away personal information is a bad idea for you and the site that is distributing your information should not have that right.
    The Article By CNN states an uncomfortable outlook onto what might be a more personal advertising than ever before. Big sites such as Facebook and Twitter are mentioned in this article about tracking your 'likes' onto post, businesses, products and similar things among them. Both Google and Mozilla have recognized this as a slight problem as they both are working on a choice to block out cookies (For anyone who doesn't know what cookies are, they are what track your every move on the internet and any site you go to can have access to them, within limits of course). Questions are raised about this though, by both my Anderson and I. If this persist and evolves, would this type of advertising become as radical as it is seen in Feed? Would the advertising for this become more personal? In what limits are these ads allowed to do this within the law? Who would pay nearly 100,000 dollars to advertise in an social site? How far would advertisers go to make more money by 'invading' someones privacy or monitoring someones online activity? All are valid concerns raised from this article, and should be considered as time goes on.
Hank von GnarSlayer

Virtually Diseased! Technology is taking over our lives | The Michigan Daily - 0 views

  • It is just that I am becoming conscious of the fact that as we give in to technological innovation, we give up on traditional human nature.
    • Lany Miller
      People depend on all types of technology. Even little things, to work up words, and directions. Its as if people can't follow a printed out map.
  • I believe it all started when I sat down to balance my checkbook (a depressing task as it is) and realized that I could not subtract without my calculator.
    • Lany Miller
      People need to be able to use their own brains instead of relying on technology. Since the feed is implanted into Titus and his friends' brains, they can't use their own brain power to think.
  • The power of computers is immense these days and I am so scared that our lives are succumbing to the use of them, thus swallowing up the importance of the human mind and personal interaction with others.
    • Lany Miller
      People are beginning to forget what the human mind is capable of doing. In feed they forget to just how easy it can be to think for yourself and have your own thoughts.
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  • I believe this is absurd! What is next? Virtual sex? I will not even attempt to illustrate that!
    • Hank von GnarSlayer
      Yuck! Sounds like technology really is trying to replace every aspect of life. That last bit about virtual sex sounds ridiculous but with the way technology advances, there might be an app for that soon!
  • Always value the potential of the human mind. Always cherish the human touch, voice and face. And never let a computer replace a friend or a lover.
    • Hank von GnarSlayer
      I Agree! The way computers dominate aspects of our lives is taking away from how it was back in the day, when you could leave your couch without a cell phone, computer, ipod, calculator, navigation system, remote control prius keys etc. This makes me wonder, does technology really make life easier? Or does it make it harder to live without thousands of dollars worth of equipment everyday?
    Technology is replacing simple tasks and abilities that people should have.
chris zabriskie

Opening Day: Verizon iPhone 4 - - 0 views

  • Verizon and Apple started selling the Verizon version of the iPhone in their stores around the country at 7 a.m., as well as in their online stores
    • chris zabriskie
      apple is so wanted people would wait all night at the store to buy the phone at 7am
  • many Apple and Verizon stores seemed to have prepared for a much larger crush of customers than they received.
    • chris zabriskie
      not as many people will buy the phone as they thought
  • It could be that some are simply choosing to order online, or perhaps many are waiting to see whether or not a new iPhone will be announced this summer.
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  • At least one area of the country is expecting unusually high interest in the phone. North and South Dakota, Montana and Wyoming, which are not serviced by AT&T, will now be able to purchase an iPhone from Verizon.
    • chris zabriskie
      they only want the new system because they cant get signal where they are
    verison on the iphone
    while many people did go to get the new iphone many people are waiting to see if a new phone is released or until the rush goes down
Elizabeth Hughes

Texting while Driving Facts - 0 views

  • ever, using mobiles phones while driving can lead to dangerous or fatal results on the road. As the trend of texting has gone beyond bounds, there are many youngsters and teenagers who are found texting while driving. One of the most prominent texting while driving facts is
  • ever, using mobiles phones while driving can lead to dangerous or fatal results on the road. As the trend of texting has gone beyond bounds, there are many youngsters and teenagers w
  • According to a study conducted, teenagers and youngsters are more susceptible to car crashes and fatal road accidents. If you are writing or reading text messages, your reaction time in case of emergency reduces by approximately 35%. One of the most surprising texting while driving facts is that this activity is more dangerous than driving under the influence of alcohol or marijuana.
    • Elizabeth Hughes
      this is so true, when you take your eye of the road for a second, something bad could happen at an instance, people should always be focusing on the road and not texting
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  • Around 50% of teenagers agree to the fact that they do texting while driving.
    • Elizabeth Hughes
      This fact is huge!! Teenagers should be more aware of this.
    • john peacen
      this will not stop because is big problem, even knowing is illegal does not resolve the problem.
    • john peacen
      the older people text in the car too, how this will stop if the older give this example too.
    Texting is taking over our young drivers today. It's even worse when they text while driving. Not only is it dangerous but its very distracting to the driver who won't see an oncoming car and crash or run a red light and possibly crash. Hopefully none of us will turn into that now that Texting or talking is now illegal and against a criminal law.
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    If texting is so dangerous then why is it not against the law in all states? Texting while driving is more dangerous then driving under the influence of alcohol or Marijuana so why do we still do it?
    Do older people text as well not just teens?
    i think that it is not just teenagers that are texting while driving. I think that texting become a big distraction for every one while driving
    i believe now that driving and texting is illegal that they have to hide there phone when they do text because some people are going to do it anyways. but now they wont even be looking at the road while they text when i could text on there wheel so they could actually see the road. other then looking down to try to hide there phone to avoid getting a ticket!
Dan Tusler

Good Technology? Bad Technology? - 1 views

    This article is about the ups and downs of technology as a whole. However, it mainly touches on the instant messaging aspect that is so widley used today. This raises questions regarding our common sense on eye to eye conversations and our activities we do on our own time.
Jett Ankermann

Where Does the Garbage Go? - 0 views

  • New York City and its surrounding boroughs are responsible for generating 12,000 tons (that’s right…tons!) of garbage each day.
    • Jett Ankermann
  • carted off to landfills
    • Jett Ankermann
      This is where it all goes then. How exactly do you build a landfill?
  • Many years ago, trash was burned in incinerators, but they didn’t meet the air standards of the EPA and they didn’t generate much power.
    • Jett Ankermann
      Earlier I would've thought "Why can't this be a solution?" Now I realize that it would probably kill us...
    • Jett Ankermann
      I wouldn't think that that makes clean air
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  • “Then there were landfills, but we had to close many of them down because they were filled.”
    • Jett Ankermann
      How do they determine how large they landfill should be?
  • Bloomberg explains that under the new plan, there will be four new marine waste transfer stations built and up to five rail waste transfer stations activated.
    • Jett Ankermann
      How is this more economically friendly?
  • will travel nearly six million fewer miles every year—and New Yorkers will have cleaner air and safer streets.”
    • Jett Ankermann
      Well, I guess that's the closest to more environmentally friendly you can get when it comes to garbage.
  • “Some of the ingredients of diesel fuel are carcinogenic.”
    • Jett Ankermann
      Ughh, I bet. Have you smelled the exhaust from school buses? I could die from that smell!
  • New natural gas fleets have come into operation in Paris, Madrid and Mechlun, Belgium.
    • Jett Ankermann
      Yes, because.....Paris is so close to America!!!
  • “Clean, renewable energy through the combustion of municipal solid waste in specially designed power plants equipped with the most modern pollution control equipment to clean emissions.”
    • Jett Ankermann
      If this whole statement is true, why in the world are landfills such a big issue in the world???
  • “Everything we do with garbage will cause pollution,
    • Jett Ankermann
      How very unfortunate.
  • “If you burn waste at a very high temperature,” he says, “there is little exhaust.”
    • Jett Ankermann
      Yes, but "high temperature" takes lots of energy.
  • So the next time you consider throwing away scraps and trash consider where it might end up.
    • Jett Ankermann
      Well, where else is it going to go?
  • New York City and its surrounding boroughs are responsible fo
Nathan Nast

How does good technology go bad? | Hoover Institution - 0 views

  • To put it mildly, our health care system demonstrates large-scale confusion about whom to treat and how intensively to treat them.
    • Nathan Nast
      Our health care is now being put up on the internet. Everyones medical history can be viewed online. This can be an invasion of privacy. Having hospitals depend on something that could shit down at any moment, is non reliable.
  • Cure of neurological disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease and ALS Growth of new bone and joint tissue to reverse arthritic damage Regeneration of pancreatic functions to reverse diabetes Repair of diseased portions of the cardiovascular system
    • Nathan Nast
      All of these new diagnoses/cures, are incredible. This is one way of futuristic medicine being very helpful. The words that are used are"Cure...growth....regeneration...and repair. All of which is helping our body. Although their are bad parts to this technology, you can't pass the fact that its saving lives.
  • Broadcast and print media now overwhelm us with direct-to-consumer ads, most notably for drugs that affect people’s lifestyles, including those treating hair loss, heartburn, and the ubiquitous erectile dysfunction but also for drugs that can have important consequences for survival, including various cholesterol-reducing drugs (statins and their kin) and hypertension medications
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  • rules
    The danger of using to much technology when it comes to health. Should we keep "feed"ing money into these hospitals? What comes next?
Nathan Nast

To much, To fast - 0 views

  • A fear of many Web analysts and observers is that today's teenagers, who have never known a world without the Web, will become fixated on instant communication for all their socializing
    • Nathan Nast
      This comment makes me wonder what would happen if the internet was shut down for a day. Would the new generation be able to function? It's scary to think about how much we depend on technology.
  • Despite the ongoing concerns of identity theft, viruses, spam, and fraud, most people successfully use the Web to meet their wants and needs.
    • Nathan Nast
      "Wants and needs", This is the problem. The society today want's more than they need. For example companies are advertisement more than they need to. They also do to for the idea of competition. People are pushing other people to use more technology.
    This article is talking about the new generation.
stephen richards

Shopping Online Risks - 1 views

  • If you go shopping on a website that isn’t secure, your data may be out in the open for anyone to pick up and use.
    • Jeffrey Baudisch
      One of the risks of shopping online is that your personal information like your credit card or your social security number can be accessed. The Feed in the people in feed were open to getting viruses like your info is at risk for being stolen.
    • Ryan Clarke
      WOAH Jeff nice point...this quote relates back the the novel "feed" very nicely. As we know violet and titus and all his her friends were attacked by the hacker. Later on in the novel Violet was taken over by the feed and lost various funtions until she died because of the feed.
    • stephen richards
      I completely agree with you Ryan. because of all the online access people like titus are more open to dangers like a virus, and even those who dont use the feed as the corps want them to can get a virus but then the corps wont help them for not using the feed to purchase merchandise.
  • Another risk with shopping online is that there are many website built just to phish account names and passwords.
    • Jeffrey Baudisch
      If you are careless with your information online there can be huge consequences. You can loose your accounts and passwords to fake sights that are just look like the website you wanted. They can then shop on the real website as you. The feed can access your thoughts and use them to advertise products to you.
    • Ryan Clarke
      WOAH JEFF so true there can be huge consecuences thats why you have to be on a secure network with a secure website. For example BANK OF AMERICAS website. People log into that all the time to do online banking and if thats not secure than WOW you will get your information stolen
  • Buying without thinking or without hesitation may lead to some bad experiences down the road.
    • Jeffrey Baudisch
      If you are not careful you can end up buying a product that seems real but really is fake. When people buy something without thinking there are often consequences like a huge bill. In Feed the people are able to buy products from inside their head making it easy for them to spend out of control.
    • Nathan Nast
      Thats is a GREAT POINT Jeff...People now are going through ebay and craigs list, because itS FAST and its CHEEP. Now in todays society, TIME is MONEY. No exceptions.
    • stephen richards
      Nathan That is a good point you had about jeffs GREAT POINT. also cheap is spelled cheap not cheep but i digress. it is true that through ebay and craigs list we are less conscious about how much we spend because until the credit card bill arrives you dont see the total of what you buy and that will begin to add up.
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  • This includes your credit card number, name, address and sometimes your social security number.
    This article shows the risks of shopping online and their consequences. It also teaches you a few things about how to shop online safely.
    This article shows the risks of shopping online and their consequences. It also teaches you a few things about how to shop online safely.
Victor Shen

IBM's Watson Dominates Jeopardy Competition on Day 2 - PCWorld - 0 views

    • Victor Shen
      New function of the computer which is kind of similar to the feed, the computer had the mind
  • The computer was able to answer 13 of the first 15 Jeopardy clues virtually uncontested, with one answer going to Jennings and another problem that all three contestants got wrong.
    • Victor Shen
      The IBM dominate the computer market, it is kind of similar to the feed company dominate the future world in the book feed
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  • Regardless of Watson's shortcomings the IBM sup
  • Regardless of Watson's shortcomings the IBM super computer has been dominant against its human adversaries. Now, it all comes down to Wednesday night's broadcast when Jennings and Rutter will attempt to battle back and overcome Watson's commanding lead.
    • Victor Shen
      The IBM dominate the computer market, it is kind of similar to the feed company dominate the future world in the book feed
  • The computer was able to answer 13 of the first 15 Jeopardy clues virtually uncontested, with one answer going to Jennings and another problem that all three contestants got wrong.
  • The computer was able to answer 13 of the first 15 Jeopardy clues virtually uncontested, with one answer going to Jennings and another problem that all three contestants got wrong.
  • The computer was able to answer 13 of the first 15 Jeopardy clues virtually uncontested, with one answer going to Jennings and another problem that all three contestants got wrong.
    • Victor Shen
      New function of the computer which is kind of similar to the feed, the computer had the mind
  • The computer was able to answer 13 of the first 15 Jeopardy clues virtually uncontested, with one answer going to Jennings and another problem that all three contestants got wrong.
  • s shortcomings
    IBM's new technology dominate the market!
    I think this is really cool because it kind of shows both sides of the feed how it knows so much. Although at the same time there are malfunctions much like the virus that violet and others were hit with.
Elizabeth Hughes

Teen Chat Rooms Peer Pressure Statistics - 2 views

  • 95% of parents couldn't identify common chat room lingo that teenagers use to warn people they're chatting with that their parents are watching.
  • Nearly three out of 10 (28%) of parents don't know or are not sure if their teens talk to strangers online.
  • One in thirty-three received an aggressive sexual solicitation - a solicitor who asked to meet them somewhere; called them on the telephone; sent them regular mail, money, or gifts.
    • Jonathan McDavid
      lets face the facts, there are some nasty and sketchy people in the world. its best to avoid the ones that are up to no good.there should be a guideline to tell the teen to know ahead of time whether or not there is a danger rather than learn the hard way.
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  • Over half (51%) of parents either do not have or do not know if they have software on their computer(s) that monitors where their teenager(s) go online and with whom they interact.
    • Jonathan McDavid
      parents need to learn how to better protect there kids. make the change
  • Many of the shocking statics regarding teens and online chat reveal some very disturbin
    • Elizabeth Hughes
      Students should be able to talk to their parents when ever they have a problem in any situation.
    the feed exists today as it does in the book feed. only a down graded version. through chat rooms the youth find it very adicting to talk to other people online. but there are many problems with this. for example, DRAMA. sometimes it is easyer to get in a violently verbal argument on a computer rather than talk like that to a person in real life, alowing the person(s) being angry to display their true colors. similarly there is much cyber bulling with isolation, teasing, and other wrong behaviors that people typicaly only do because " they can."
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