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Contents contributed and discussions participated by zachcutler


Why Mark Zuckerberg (probably) won't run for office - Jan. 12, 2017 - 0 views

  • When a public figure hires a top political campaign manager and announces plans to tour the country, you assume he or she plans to run for office.
  • After a tumultuous last year, my hope for this challenge is to get out and talk to more people about how they're living, working and thinking about the future," Zuckerberg wrote in a post, sounding curiously like a politician.
  • Beyond that, Callahan doubts Zuckerberg is ready to put any public office ahead of Facebook.
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  • Zuckerberg will be 36 in 2020, just barely old enough to legally serve as president. Apart from the age issue, Tusk questions whether the tech executive has the "temperament and personality" to wage a successful presidential campaign.
  • Yet Tusk think this probably isn't true for Zuckerberg because most political offices would be a step down for him.
  • "I like my current job at the Foundation better than I would being President. Also I wouldn't be good at doing what you need to do to get elected,"
  • The most likely politician in Facebook's C-Suite is COO Sheryl Sandberg.
  • During the presidential campaign, Sandberg was rumored to be on the short list to serve in Hillary Clinton's cabinet as Treasury Secretary.

Pence urges Americans to unite on Inauguration Day, says he's 'disappointed' in Lewis' ... - 0 views

  • Pence urges Americans to unite on Inauguration Day, says he's 'disappointed' in Lewis' comments
  • Vice President-elect Mike Pence on Sunday called for congressional Democrats, and all Americans, to unite under incoming President Donald Trump, and said he was “disappointed” in Rep. John Lewis for questioning the legitimacy of Trump’s presidency and urged him to reconsider his Inauguration Day boycott.
  • Lewis joins a handful of congressional Democrats who say they won’t attend Inauguration Day on Friday, when Trump, a Republican, becomes the country’s 45th president.
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  • “Lewis should spend more time on fixing and helping his district, which is in horrible shape and falling apart,” Trump tweeted.
  • He also said that Lewis -- who was severely beaten in the historic, 1960’s “Bloody Sunday” civil rights protest -- acted irresponsibly in using that stature to attack Trump.

Obama Orders Review of Hacking During Election 2016 - WSJ - 0 views

  • Obama Orders Review of Hacking During Election 2016
  • President Barack Obama has instructed U.S. intelligence agencies to investigate hacking activity aimed at meddling in the 2016 election, one of his top security advisers said Friday.
  • The administration was short on details about what the report would cover, and it wasn’t immediately clear how it would differ from the investigations that intelligence agencies, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Homeland Security Department have already conducted.
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  • The report could put President-elect Donald Trump, who has consistently denied Russia’s involvement, in the position of having to respond to yet another review of the hacks by the intelligence agencies that he will eventually direct.
  • After the 2014 hack of Sony Pictures Entertainment, FBI Director James Comey publicly detailed technical evidence tying the intrusions to North Korea, in order to refute some experts who doubted the link.
  • Analogous to the panel that investigated the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, it would be composed of outside experts and would have the power to interview witnesses and issue subpoenas and hear public testimony.
  • Sen. Lindsey Graham (R., S.C.) said this week he would head up a review of the Russian operation. Mr. Graham has previously called on Congress to look into the Russian hacks. He said Friday that his probe would look beyond Russia’s malicious cyberactivity.
  • Top Russian officials have shifted away from denying a role in the hack of the Democratic National Committee. Mr. Putin has said it is irrelevant who stole the computer records, and the foreign minister said the U.S. hasn’t proven anything so far.

Trump Open to Shift on Russia Sanctions, 'One China' Policy - WSJ - 0 views

  • Trump Open to Shift on Russia Sanctions, ‘One China’ Policy
  • President-elect Donald Trump suggested he would be open to lifting sanctions on Russia and wasn’t committed to a longstanding agreement with China over Taiwan
  • . Any suggestion in the past that the U.S. may change its stance has been met with alarm in Beijing.
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  • “If you get along and if Russia is really helping us, why would anybody have sanctions if somebody’s doing some really great things?” he said.
  • But Mr. Trump’s diplomatic efforts will have to compete with those in Congress, including many Republicans, who want to see the administration take a tough line with Russia after U.S. intelligence concluded that the government of Mr. Putin sought to influence the November presidential election with a campaign of cyberhacking.
  • Asked if he supported the One China policy on Taiwan, Mr. Trump said: “Everything is under negotiation including One China.”
  • n an hourlong interview, Mr. Trump said that, “at least for a period of time,”
  • It added, “we urge relevant parties in the U.S. to fully recognize the high sensitivity of the Taiwan question, approach Taiwan-related issues with prudence and honor the commitment made by all previous U.S. administrations.”
  • “We sold them $2 billion of military equipment last year. We can sell them $2 billion of the latest and greatest military equipment but we’re not allowed to accept a phone call. First of all it would have been very rude not to accept the phone call.”
  • “Our companies can’t compete with them now because our currency is strong and it’s killing us.”
  • Later that night, House Speaker Paul Ryan (R., Wis.) said during a CNN town hall that he was working closely with the president-elect to repeal the health-care law but shot down the idea that there would be a “deportation force” to remove illegal immigrants from the U.S. Mr. Trump had said during the campaign that there would be such a force.
  • Mr. Trump weighed in on the latest development of the issue that dominated the end of the campaign.
  • In another matter, Mr. Trump during Friday’s interview described a special council, made up of 15 to 20 builders and engineers, t

Defusing ISIS bombs with bare hands and little else - - 0 views

  • Defusing ISIS bombs with bare hands and little else
  • Along a dusty village track just 20 kilometers (12 miles) from Mosul, a Peshmerga pick up truck leads us to a small house. We drive slowly, and in single file. There are hidden dangers all around.
  • It is a sobering show and tell -- and it isn't over yet. He brings us a suicide belt worn by an ISIS fighter who was killed before he could detonate it. Captain Sadk defused this deadly explosive too -- and an even bigger one he produces from the back of the pick up.
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  • All in a day's work for Kurdish teams led by men like Captain Sadk. Clearly, it's a dangerous job, but it has been particularly deadly for the Kurds, who have precious little in the way of high-tech equipment or training. For most here it's a learn-on-the-job affair, involving old metal detectors, wire clippers and bare hands. No body armor for many -- let alone bomb disposal suits. This is not "The Hurt Locker" movie.
  • As Kurdish and Iraqi forces edge ever closer to Mosul, ISIS fighters fall back. But in their absence, they leave behind their ability to kill and maim.
  • "They put them on the road, in the houses," he says. "We liberate a village and they are everywhere -- people come back to their homes, open a door or even a refrigerator and it blows up."
  • On the road back to Erbil, we see dozens of small trucks laden with personal effects -- residents of now liberated villages who returned briefly to grab whatever they could before leaving again. They're not ready to return, and for good reason.
  • Just how many IEDs and booby-traps are along the roads and in the villages around Mosul is impossible to tell. Brigadier General Mzuri tells us his men have spent three months trying to clear one village and still aren't finished.Clearing this area of rigged explosives will take longer -- much longer -- than the battle for Mosul itself.

Hillary Clinton can't sit out rest of campaign (Opinion) - - 0 views

  • Why Clinton can't sit out home stretch of campaign
  • During the third debate, Clinton once again demonstrated just how masterful she could be at the art of political combat, goading Trump into sharing his most provocative thoughts and mocking some of his most outlandish statements. There were moments when he seemed to be barely holding on as she went after his policies and personalit
  • At other moments Clinton has gone silent. During key parts of the debates and even on the campaign trail, she has stepped back, most likely just to let Trump be Trump. When your opponent's campaign is imploding, some experts believe, the best thing to do is watch.
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  • Clinton's ability to deliver a power message in the next few weeks might also help to push the scales toward a Democratic Senate and even a Democratic House. Right now, by most accounts, control of Congress could go either way, though Trump's performance in the last few weeks has opened the door to the possibility of a Democratic takeover
  • If Democrats regain control of the Congress, it might very well only last for two years. During that time, Republicans will use all the power of minority obstruction to block her initiatives. If Republicans keep control of Congress, they will have little interest in handing her any victory. Many experts expect that House Speaker Paul Ryan would face a narrower majority -- which makes every vote count -- and an expanded Freedom Caucus
  • Why does it matter that Clinton spends more time in the next two weeks articulating her agenda and campaigning around the kind of president that she aspires to be in the next four years? Why change course if the current strategy seems to be succeeding so well?
  • In one of the most famous scenes, McKay and Lucas duck into a room as a horde of journalists try to get inside. As the journalists pry open the door and flood in to interview the victor, McKay asks: "What do we do now?" Lucas can't hear him, and he never gets an answer.

How the GOP's first female presidential campaign manager manages Donald Trump - CNNPoli... - 0 views

  • How the GOP's first female presidential campaign manager manages Donald Trump
  • Morning at the Conway household is like mornings in most homes with children. It's a scramble to get the kids fed, dressed and out the door on time for school -- organized chaos that would look familiar to any parent. But the mother of four young children in the New Jersey home we visited is not just any parent -- she is Donald Trump's campaign manager.
  • "I think it's unfair to say I'm always dutifully defending him. I look at my job, Dana, as explaining positions on issues, why he's running for president and why people should vote for him," said Conway, 49, who will turn 50 on Inauguration Day.
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  • That's not always easy when Trump is the candidate. Just this past weekend Trump was supposed to give a focused speech in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, about what he calls "draining the swamp."
  • Yet when pressed, she admitted that "Donald Trump is at his very best, at his very best, when he talks about the issues." Translation: Going off message hurts Trump.
  • "I don't sugarcoat at all," said Conway. She told him after his off script rant, "You and I are in a fight for the next 17 days." When Trump asked why, Conway replied: "Because I know you're going to win. And that comment you just made sounds like you think you're going to lose. And we're going to argue about it until you win."
  • "People will seriously say, 'Can't you delete his Twitter account?'" said Conway."I'm not going to take away -- it's not for me to take away a grown man's Twitter account," she added. The Friday that the now-infamous tape from 2005 came out of Trump describing lewd behavior, Conway publicly expressed her dismay in her own way -- canceling her Sunday TV appearances. But behind the scenes she was in the thick of it helping with damage control.
  • Since then multiple women have come forward saying Trump wasn't just engaging in locker room talk with Billy Bush on that "Access Hollywood" tape, but he actually groped them.Does Conway believe them?
  • "I believe -- Donald Trump has told me and his family, and the rest of America now, that none of this is true. These are lies and fabrications. They're all made up. And I think that it's not for me to judge what those women believe. I've not talked to them, I've talked to him," she said.

The tumultuous 2016 campaign is in a sudden limbo - - 1 views

  • The tumultuous 2016 campaign is in a sudden limbo
  • Donald Trump and his team, facing widening deficits in the polls, insist the Republican nominee can still win. But he and his allies seem to be increasingly contemplating the possibility of defeat.
  • With just over two weeks remaining before Election Day, much of the drama is shifting to Capitol Hill, where anxious Republican leaders -- estranged from their nominee -- can do little more than fret about how bad it could get. Trump's stumbling campaign threatens to wipe out the GOP's majority in the Senate -- and maybe even the House.
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  • He's showing that he will continue to lash out, is happy to settle scores with GOP critics like House Speaker Paul Ryan while he still can, and will use the media spotlight to wage his own personal battles before the American people
  • "I never want to look back," he said. "I never want to say that about myself."
  • "Now even though we're doing pretty good in the polls, I don't believe in the polls anymore," he said.Trump's campaign manager Kellyanne Conway admitted the campaign's struggling position Sunday, but was loathe to give Clinton any credit for her lead.
  • 'We are behind'
  • A new ABC News national poll released Sunday had Clinton 12 points up on Trump, clinching the support of 50% of likely voters nationwide. CNN's Poll of Polls gives the Democratic nominee a nine-point edge. The mounting evidence seems to be fueling a realization in the Trump camp that he may be too far behind to catch up — with hundreds of thousands of ballots already cast in some early voting states.
  • But Trump characteristically stole his own headlines, threatening to sue women who accused him of sexual assault after the election and lambasting the media for rigging the race against him.
  • Speaking with Jake Tapper Sunday on CNN's "State of the Union," Conway declined to say if she knew that her boss would weave such a personally focused tirade into his Gettysburg speech.
  • "He wasn't off message," she said. "That is his message."Increasingly, Trump supporters are forced to cherry pick polls that show their candidate competitive, or to place their faith in crowd sizes and enthusiasm on the trail, metrics that often seem attractive to lagging campaigns.
  • "I think a lot of folks think that the polls don't reflect reality," Vance said on CNN's "Smerconish" on Saturday. "If Trump loses, as the polls tell us he will, I do think a lot of folks are going to be very surprised."
  • "I do think there is a Brexit out there ... I am almost positive there is a Brexit out there. I don't know how big it is, I think that remains to be seen," Andre Bauer, the former Republican Lieutenant Governor of South Carolina said on CNN on Thursday night.
  • CNN's Jeff Zeleny reported on Sunday that Clinton had already reached out to some Republican senators, including allies from her days on Capitol Hill, saying she hopes to work with them to govern. And in another sign the campaign is looking to the future, her running mate, Tim Kaine, named Wayne Turnage as his transition director.
  • "We don't want to get ahead of skis here, so we're just as focused on Ohio, North Carolina, Florida, other states as we have ever been," Mook told Tapper. "We have a very clear message to our supporters: Let's double down, nose to the grindstone, and keep working."

Congress may flip -- but dysfunction is here to stay - - 0 views

  • Congress may flip -- but dysfunction is here to stay
  • The Republican majority in the Senate -- and maybe even the House -- could be gone after this year's election.
  • With Donald Trump trailing in the polls, Hillary Clinton is increasingly turning her attention to down-ballot races -- particularly for the Senate, where Democrats are hoping to pick up at least the four seats they'd need to claim the majority if Clinton wins the White House.
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  • The evolution in Republican candidates' messaging was on display Monday in New Hampshire, where Clinton sought to latch GOP Sen. Kelly Ayotte to Trump -- and tout Ayotte's Democratic challenger, Maggie Hassan, as someone who "unlike her opponent," stands up to the GOP nominee
  • And if the party sheds some House seats, what's left would be a House GOP even smaller and more conservative -- with less room for Speaker Paul Ryan to cut deals with Democrats that cost him conservative votes.
  • "Unlike Katie McGinty, I am not a hyper-partisan, reflexive ideologue who thinks he has to give blind obedience to his party's nominee," Toomey said.
  • If Trump were to totally collapse, Democrats hope to be within striking distance of Arizona Sen. John McCain and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio as well -- though both currently appear safe.
  • But Republicans are discovering that a checks-and-balance message cannot solve down-ballot woes in every state. One GOP operative who tested an advertising campaign in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania that called for a counterweight to Clinton found that the Democratic nominee was simply too popular there for that strategy to succeed.
  • "Now their excuse for why they should be elected is, 'Maybe we did support Trump -- now we're kind of quiet about it -- but you should vote anyway because we'll check Hillary's power. We'll be a counterweight,'" Obama said. "No no no no. No."
  • GOP likely favored in 2018
  • Democrats also could face tough races in a swath of competitive states: Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Wisconsin.
  • So Democrats aren't eager to talk 2018 just yet.
  • "Republicans are still hoping to hold onto the majority this year, and it is still within the realm of possibility. However, even if the Senate were to go 50-50 or even 49-51 or 48-52, the playing field in 2018 is so favorable to the Republican Party that I would anticipate taking the majority back," said Scott Jennings, a GOP operative who ran a pro-Mitch McConnell super PAC in 2014.

Venezuela halts effort to recall president - - 0 views

  • Venezuela halts effort to recall president
  • A drive to hold a recall referendum on Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro has been halted, Venezuela's National Electoral Council announced in a statement.
  • Opposition leader Henrique Capriles said Friday, "Yesterday in Venezuela there was a coup d'état. There is no other way to call it. What we feared so much was hatched."
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  • "The time has come to defend Venezuela's constitution," he said at a news conference, adding that "next Wednesday, we're going to take Venezuela from end to end." He didn't specify what might happen beyond protests.
  • Maduro, heir to the late socialist leader Hugo Chavez, has vowed that efforts to remove him from office won't succeed.
  • Many people are fed up with the widespread shortages of basic goods and medical supplies, factory shutdowns and
  • blackouts.
  • Opposition groups collected signatures of 1% of the voting population during the first petition drive last summer. That was enough to trigger the second round.

American vigilante hacker The Jester defaces Russian government website - Oct. 22, 2016 - 0 views

  • American vigilante hacker sends Russia a warning
  • "Comrades! We interrupt regular scheduled Russian Foreign Affairs Website programming to bring you the following important message," he wrote. "Knock it off. You may be able to push around nations around you, but this is America. Nobody is impressed."
  • Stolen emails have been taken by Russia and published by WikiLeaks. Russia and President Vladimir Putin have denied involvement. The Jester referenced Putin's denial in his webpage graffiti.
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  • is the official website of the Russian agency that is in charge of maintaining that country's international diplomacy -- equivalent to the U.S. Department of State.
  • Jester has taken down jihadist websites, hacking into communication forums, and identifying potential terrorist threats. Ex-FBI agents have called him "the Batman of the internet." CNNMoney profiled this mysterious vigilante last year.
  • In an exclusive interview with CNNMoney this weekend, Jester said he chose to attack Russia out of frustration for the massive DNS cyberattack that knocked out a portion of the internet in the United States on Friday.
  • As of 11 a.m. ET Saturday, the message remained online. Jester wants the Russians to take it seriously. He's not the only American hacker with this kind of capability. "Think of this as a professional courtesy," his public warning states. "Or if you prefer message from 'USA with love.'"

Feds: NSA contractor's secrets theft 'breathtaking' - - 0 views

  • Feds: NSA contractor's secrets theft 'breathtaking'
  • A former government contractor who's charged with stealing thousands of classified and sensitive intelligence files committed "breathtaking" crimes, according to a new filing from federal prosecutors.
  • Before his arrest, Martin worked as a contractor to the National Security Agency through
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  • consulting firm Booz Allen Hamilton, which fired him after he was charged.
  • He has a long history working with sensitive government intelligence, and served in the US Navy and Naval Reserves for more than 10 years, reaching the rank of lieutenant
  • Prosecutors characterized the notes as seemingly intended for a non-intelligence community audience
  • Martin had classified information dating from 1996 to 2016, the government said, including a document "regarding specific operational plans against a known enemy of the United States and its allies."
  • FBI investigators haven't concluded what Martin's motivation was for stealing the documents. So far, they don't believe he did it for a foreign country.
  • In a subsequent filing, Martin's attorneys argued he presents no flight risk, noting as the government does that he does not have his passport. Given that his wife and home are in Maryland and noting his military service, they said there was no reason nor legal basis to deny him bail.
  • "There is no evidence he intended to betray his country," they wrote.

Poll: Israelis strongly favor Clinton over Trump - - 0 views

  • Poll: Israelis strongly favor Clinton over Trump
  • Almost twice as many Israelis prefer Hillary Clinton to Donald Trump, bucking the recent trend of Republican presidential candidates winning more support than Democrats, according to a new poll.
  • When asked which candidate they preferred, 42% of Israelis said Clinton, compared with 24% who cited Trump
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  • "Clinton is a well-known commodity in Israel.
  • "The Jewish Vote: Obama vs. Romney: A Voter's Guide."
  • Trump has had problems attracting the Jewish vote in the US after claims of anti-Semitic themes in various tweets and the backing he's received from the former head of the KKK, David Duke,
  • When asked which candidate would more heavily pressure the Israeli government to renew peace talks with the Palestinians, 57% said Clinton, while only 7% believed Trump would lean more on the Israeli government.
  • Israel has 200,000 eligible American voters, according to the non-partisan organization IVoteIsrael, which registers American Israelis to vote.

The manufacturing boom that Donald Trump ignores - Oct. 20, 2016 - 0 views

  • The manufacturing boom that Donald Trump ignores
  • "Made in the U.S.A." is not dead. The nation's manufacturing sector is actually booming, even if many people don't realize it.
  • "We produce more today than we ever have," said Chad Moutray, chief economist with the National Association of Manufacturers. "We made $2.1 trillion worth of products in 2015. There are sectors doing really well."
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  • While some of the lost factory jobs are due to outsourcing to foreign plants, others have been lost to automation and improved efficiency.
  • U.S. aircraft production is at a record high and well ahead of the rest of the world.
  • U.S. auto production and employment has also been growing steadily since bottoming out in 2009 with the bankruptcies at GM and Chrysler.
  • The chemical boom has been fueled by the record U.S. energy boom, which has made oil and natural gas particularly cheap. Petroleum is a key raw material for many chemicals, most of which are produced using energy from natural gas.

Taliban Say They Won't Attend Peace Talks, but Officials Aren't Convinced - The New Yor... - 0 views

  • KABUL, Afghanistan — The Taliban said on Saturday that they would not participate in international peace talks, citing what they claimed were increased American airstrikes and Afghan government military operations.
  • In a statement posted on the insurgents’ website, the Taliban denied that a representative would attend the talks. “We reject all such rumors and unequivocally state that the esteemed leader of Islamic Emirate has not authorized anyone to participate in this meeting,” read the statement, posted in English.
  • The official said the Pakistan military leader, Gen. Raheel Sharif, who visited Kabul last week, had assured Afghan leaders that talks would go ahead.
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  • The Afghan government has given Pakistan a list of specific insurgents with whom it hopes to negotiate, the Afghan official said. Hoping to achieve some immediate reduction in violence, Mr. Ghani’s government wants to engage commanders in the field, as well as political leaders abroad who have direct influence over the level of fighting.
  • While there are no confirmed reports that the United States has increased troop levels in Afghanistan — there are now about 10,000 American service members in the country
  • A spokesman for Pakistan’s Foreign Ministry, Mohammad Nafees Zakaria, said the four countries sponsoring the talks had recommended that there should be no preconditions. “All four countries are making efforts to bring the Taliban groups to the negotiation table,” he said.

South Korea Government Accused of Using Defamation Laws to Silence Critics - The New Yo... - 0 views

  • SEOUL, South Korea — In late 2014, months after 304 people died in the sinking of a South Korean ferry
  • Was Ms. Park, the flier asked, now cracking down on her critics in an attempt to keep that scandal from coming to light?
  • Last year, the United Nations Human Rights Committee warned against South Korea’s “increasing use of criminal defamation laws to prosecute persons who criticize government action.” Freedom House, a rights group based in Washington, criticized “the increased intimidation of political opponents” under Ms. Park, who took office in 2013.
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  • An opposition lawmaker, Park Jie-won, said the indictment had embarrassed the country. “It’s prosecutors who should be indicted for defaming South Korea,” he said
  • Charges that her administration was suppressing political rights sprang up almost as soon as Ms. Park — whose father, the military dictator Park Chung-hee, ruled South Korea with an iron fist during the 1960s and ’70s — assumed office.
  • The government’s use of the laws against critics predates Ms. Park’s presidency. During the five-year tenure of her predecessor, Lee Myung-bak, 30 such cases were filed, 24 of them criminal and six civil, according to People’s Solidarity for Participatory Democracy, an influential South Korean civic group.
  • Attempts to amend the defamation laws have also been unsuccessful. Last month, the Constitutional Court struck down a proposal to ban defamation charges in cases where the supposedly defamatory comment circulated online is true
  • Bills that would bar government officials from filing defamation cases have stalled in Parliament.
  • “I can never support this attempt to place a dog collar on the people,” Eun Soo-mi, an opposition lawmaker who was once tortured by the spy agency, said during a 10-hour filibuster against the bill, which was approved but has not yet become law.
  • Such rulings aside, critics argue that South Korean prosecutors and judges have largely failed to protect the public’s rights, often because they want to earn the favor of politicians who can promote them.

Marco Rubio defends Donald Trump attacks - - 0 views

  • Florida Sen. Marco Rubio defended his position in the Republican presidential race, insisting his campaign doesn't ride on whether he wins his home state's March 15 winner-take-all primary.
  • "I don't want us to have a president that we constantly have to be explaining to our kids, 'Look, I know that's what the president did, but you shouldn't do that.' I don't want that," Rubio said.
  • The Florida senator wouldn't say whether he has asked former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush -- a one-time presidential rival -- for his endorsement ahead of Florida's 99-delegate, winner-take-all primary.
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  • "I didn't get into this to beat up on other candidates, I really didn't," Rubio said. He ticked off Trump's positions on Planned Parenthood, Israel and health care -- and added that a year ago, he'd have wondered, "on what planet would that be the Republican front-runner?"
  • During the interview, Rubio also pledged he wouldn't nominate anyone for the Supreme Court in the last year of his tenure in the Oval Office if he's elected -- saying that President Barack Obama shouldn't fill deceased Justice Antonin Scalia's seat.

Reince Priebus: 'I think the tone should improve' - - 0 views

  • "I think the tone should improve. And I would hope that at the next debate, things are improved over the last debate as far as tone and rhetoric," Priebus said Sunday on ABC's "This Week."
  • Priebus has sought to maintain control of his party, even as it appears to be splintering apart.Read MoreHe was pressed on the "autopsy" that the RNC compiled after 2012's losses, underscoring that the party needs to reach out to Latinos and emphasize respect.
  • "I just don't see that happening," he said. It doesn't mean it's impossible, it just means that you don't know what next week is going to bring, or the week after, or a month from now. I would say that if we have an interview in a month and it's still some sort of tied scenario, then I think people start talking about it more clearly.
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  • "But I just think these are hypotheticals at this point, there's a long way to go."

5 takeaways from Super Saturday vote - - 0 views

  • The voters delivered a mixed verdict on Super Saturday to the presidential front-runners.
  • On the Democratic side of the aisle, Hillary Clinton took Louisiana but Bernie Sanders came out on top in both Nebraska and Kansas.
  • Trump remains the Republican presidential front-runner, but he didn't clean up on Saturday.
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  • rump also took criticism from conservatives for skipping a scheduled appearance at the Conservative Political Action Conference, the largest annual gathering of right-wing activists.
  • Cruz has defeated Trump in more state contests than any other competitor, and in regions as diverse as the South, Midwest and New England.
  • Despite his strong showing on Saturday, Cruz still faces major hurdles in overcoming Trump in the delegate race.
  • After Saturday, Clinton still won't be able to shut Sanders out of the race for the Democratic presidential nomination, even though she pulled in another win Saturday and leads the delegate count.
  • Sanders's campaign tends to do better in states with large populations of white voters, while the former secretary of state has had more success in states where greater numbers of African-Americans participate.
  • "We got decimated," Sanders said on ABC's "This Week" of South Carolina, where Clinton beat him 74% to 26% last month.
  • While Trump and Cruz both claimed victories Saturday, Rubio and Kasich, the governor of Ohio, played only a minor role in the four states that participated.
  • Rubio's campaign pointed to upcoming states on the electoral calendar, particularly the fact that there are only two states left that hold caucuses. His team believes he will do better in primaries, though so far he has only won one content -- in Minnesota -- which was a caucus.

First on CNN: Video of bombing of 'millions' in ISIS cash - - 0 views

  • The Department of Defense has released declassified video from its January 11 bombing of an ISIS cash depot in Mosul, Iraq, which was first reported exclusively by CNN. The video, which has no sound, begins moments before a pair of 2,000-pound bomb strikes the building. After the explosion, clouds of cash are seen fluttering in the air and later scatter on top of the roofs of nearby buildings.
  • Austin said that this is not the first strike on an ISIS cash storage site.
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