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Contents contributed and discussions participated by tsainten


Gavin Newsom: Critics of California governor gather enough signatures to force recall e... - 0 views

shared by tsainten on 27 Apr 21 - No Cached
  • Californians hoping to remove Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom from office have met the state's minimum number of valid signatures to push a recall election forward this fall.
  • Newsom has already formed a political offensive to fight the recall, saying the effort is a partisan attempt by Republicans aligned with former President Donald Trump to wrest power from his majority-Democratic state.
  • Officials will continue verifying signatures until April 29. After that, any voter who signed the recall petition will have 30 days to reconsider their support and withdraw their signature. A recall election could happen as early as August or as late as December.
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  • Challengers have already declared their intent to run, from former Olympian and reality TV star Caitlyn Jenner to establishment Republicans like former San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer.

Death penalty: Biden vowed to end capital punishment. Activists are demanding action as... - 0 views

shared by tsainten on 27 Apr 21 - No Cached
  • While there haven't been any federal or state executions since Biden took office, about 2,500 men and women sit on death row in federal and state prisons across the country -- and advocates say that, in the absence of an executive order from the White House, a state can at any moment schedule executions or the Justice Department can decide to calendar a federal inmate's death date.
  • a promise to pass legislation eliminating the death penalty on the federal level and to "incentivize states to follow the federal government's example. These individuals should instead serve life sentences without probation or parole."
  • The President has not directly addressed the death penalty since taking office -- though White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said in March that Biden continues to have "grave concerns" about the practice.
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  • Abolishing the death penalty statute through Congress would prevent a future administration from restarting federal executions -- as former President Donald Trump did -- but members of Congress, former and current law enforcement as well as civil and human rights groups are urging Biden to use his executive pen to pause the federal death penalty.
  • Former Attorney General William Barr lifted a moratorium on the federal death penalty in July 2019, setting off a cascade of lethal injection executions -- 13 in total -- at the Terre Haute, Indiana, federal prison.
  • The President only has the power to pause the federal death penalty, according to Daniel S. Medwed, a University Distinguished Professor of Law and Criminal Justice at Northeastern University.
  • Biden's Attorney General Merrick Garland reaffirmed at his confirmation hearings in February that the new administration is committed to reversing Trump's approach. "The data is clear that it has been enormously disparate impact on Black Americans and members of communities of color, and exonerations also that something like half of the exonerations had to do with Black men. So all of this has given me pause," Garland said.
  • "I don't think citizens want the death penalty anymore or a moratorium. Now, it's a matter of dismantling the system so it cannot come back and function in a knee jerk reaction where 13 people can get executed like under Trump,"
  • "would come with great resistance." The CJLF is a nonprofit organization that advocates for equal justice for victims of crimes including pursuing the death penalty.
  • I don't want someone killed in my name," Mikey Bogart, a Boston Marathon bombing survivor, wrote in a statement after the Supreme Court decided in March to review whether to reinstate Tsarnaev's death sentence. "I hope the Biden Administration will reconsider pursuing a death sentence. Mr. Tsarnaev will spend the rest of his life in prison no matter what."

Biden establishes pro-union task force chaired by Harris - CNNPolitics - 0 views

shared by tsainten on 27 Apr 21 - No Cached
  • President Joe Biden signed an executive order on Monday establishing a task force aimed at empowering workers to organize and bargain with their employers that will be chaired by Vice President Kamala Harris,
  • "PRO Act," a bill the President said would encourage unions and "dramatically enhance the power of workers to organize and collectively bargain for better wages, benefits, and working conditions." The House passed the bill last month, and it is unclear whether the Senate, which is divided 50-50 Democrats and Republicans, will pass the bill.
  • The move is the latest of several pro-union actions taken by the President, who pledged the night before Election Day to be the "most pro-union president you've ever seen."
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  • backing the right to unionize of workers at an Amazon plant in Alabama and appeared to warn the online retail giant not to interfere.

How the US went from having one of the worst Covid responses to being a global leader i... - 0 views

shared by tsainten on 27 Apr 21 - No Cached
  • . And the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan helped fund the vaccination effort too. According to the White House, there are now 70,000 sites around the country where people can get vaccines.
  • When Biden came into office, the country was experiencing about 3,000 deaths and hundreds of thousands of new cases per day, only about 15 million people were vaccinated and there was a scarce supply of shots. To turn it around, Biden's team brought a fresh urgency and a desire to lean on the scientific experts who had been ignored so much in the previous year.
  • The Trump team disputes that there was no long-term plan, saying they handed the Biden administration the playbook.
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  • "I have to say it's frustrating when they spend all of their time disparaging what we did. They say we didn't have a plan. We had 65 plans," said Paul Mango, a former Trump administration official who helped oversee the operation.
  • "He's impatient," Fauci said of the President. "He asks specific questions, 'Well, what about this? Why aren't we doing this? Are we doing the best in that?' In a non-confrontative way, but more of a way that's positively trying to get the best out of everybody."
  • But Biden met that goal on day 58 and upped the ante -- doubling the target to 200 million shots in 100 days, and then exceeding that number as well.
  • We have to always start with access, making sure that people can get vaccinated in places where they are comfortable and where they trust the people who are vaccinating them," says Dr. Marcella Nunez-Smith, chair of the White House Covid-19 Equity Task Force.
  • In April, the Food and Drug Administration and US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended temporarily pausing use of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine after rare, one-in-a-million, cases of blood clots were found. The Biden team insisted this would not affect their supply or vaccination targets, and the vaccine is now back in use.
  • In 100 days, the US has gone from being heavily criticized for its Covid-19 response -- with over 570,000 recorded deaths, the highest number in the world -- to the envy of the world on vaccinations, with an inoculation rate more than four times the global average.
  • "I don't think that people understand what's in it for them," said Dr. Leana Wen, an emergency physician and visiting professor at George Washington University who is a CNN medical analyst. Wen said she also thinks the administration should have prioritized teachers for vaccination earlier in order to help schools open sooner.

The 6 biggest takeaways from the census results - CNNPolitics - 0 views

shared by tsainten on 27 Apr 21 - No Cached
  • while the Rust Belt continues to leak seats: Of the seven states losing a district following the 2020 census, all but two -- California and New York -- fall within the onetime manufacturing heart of the country. Pennsylvania has lost four seats since 2000, as has Ohio. Michigan is down three. Ditto Illinois. The biggest loser of seats in the past three decades, however, is New York, with five.
  • The long California boom is no more: For much of the past five decades, California has been the population engine of the country.
  • * Texas is the new political superpower: Sure, Texas gained two seats as opposed to the three that most people had expected.

Covid-19 vaccines provide protection for pregnant and lactating women -- and their newb... - 0 views

shared by tsainten on 25 Mar 21 - No Cached
  • The Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna Covid-19 vaccines are effective in pregnant and lactating women, who can pass protective antibodies to newborns, according to research published Thursday in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology.
  • The vaccine-induced antibody levels were equivalent in pregnant and lactating women, compared to non-pregnant women. The antibody levels were "strikingly higher" than those resulting from coronavirus infection during pregnancy, the team noted.
  • "Nearly all the moms were getting a pretty decent level of antibodies to their babies,"
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  • While the team found similar antibody levels in women vaccinated with both vaccines, Alter said they found higher levels of IgA antibodies in pregnant women who received the Moderna vaccine. She said this particular type of antibody may be transferred more efficiently to babies, for a longer period of time.
  • mRNA vaccines illicit antibodies in pregnant women that can be transferred to their babies, though this is the largest study on vaccines in pregnant women, to date. Pregnant and lactating women were not included in the initial clinical trials of the vaccines.
  • regnant people with Covid-19 are at increased risk for severe illness and may be at increased risk for adverse outcomes, like preterm birth. The CDC says it hopes to study vaccine safety in around 13,000 pregnant people for each of the three authorized coronavirus vaccines.

Our Criminal Legal System: Plagued by Problems and Ripe for Reform - 0 views

  • it is the criminal justice system.”
  • Despite its pervasiveness, we actually know surprisingly little about how plea bargaining works in practice. We do not know what percentage of criminal cases have plea offers at the arraignment, the first formal appearance in court. We do not know what percentage of criminal cases plead out early in the case or on the eve of trial. We do not know how frequently prosecutors threaten to add charges or enhancements if the defendant does not take the plea deal – although we know this does happen. We do not even know what percentage of cases plead out to the same charges that were originally filed, compared to lesser charges. We don’t know how often, or how, judges get involved in the plea bargaining process.
  • The lack of transparency also affects the implementation of any reform efforts. Without data showing what is actually happening in plea bargaining – how offers are given and countered; the timing and communication of offers; who gets offers and for what; and so forth, providing judicial o
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  • 3,000 problem-solving courts have been established nationwide, including drug courts (which make up 44% of all problem-solving courts) and mental health courts (which account for 11% of the total).

Biden administration grants humanitarian protections to Venezuelans in the US - CNNPoli... - 0 views

shared by tsainten on 15 Mar 21 - No Cached
  • The Biden administration on Monday granted humanitarian protection for Venezuelans, allowing an estimated 300,000 people to apply and remain lawfully in the United States, according to senior administration officials.
  • Venezuelans in the United States will have the opportunity to apply for Temporary Protected Status, or TPS -- a form of humanitarian relief, which can be granted when it is deemed unsafe to return to one's home country.
  • This marks a shift from the Trump administration, which had sharply criticized TPS and moved to terminate protections the program had provided for immigrants from other countries, arguing that years of extensions were prolonging immigrants' stays in the United States long after crises abroad had abated.
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  • Word of the new protections left many Venezuelans in the United States relieved and eager for more details.
  • The TPS designation is due to "extraordinary and temporary conditions" in Venezuela, including widespread hunger and malnutrition, a growing influence and presence of non-state armed groups, repression, and a crumbling infrastructure, DHS said.
  • Biden plans to provide "robust humanitarian assistance," in particular, to the regional countries that have been impacted by the over 5 million Venezuelans that have fled their country, the official added.

Equatorial Guinea explosions kill at least 31, injure hundreds more in Bata - CNN - 0 views

shared by tsainten on 15 Mar 21 - No Cached
  • At least 31 people died in multiple explosions at a military base in the port city of Bata, in Equatorial Guinea,
  • All the buildings in the area were completely destroyed, and bodies were still being pulled out of rubble in the area Monday, she added.
  • Alebeso added that medical aid was not getting to those who needed it the most.
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  • It said health workers and the fire brigade were providing care to victims and transferring those with serious injuries to hospitals.
  • "Bata was the location of an accident caused by the negligence and carelessness of a unit charged with the care and protection of the stores of dynamite and explosives next to the ammunition at the Nkoantoma Military Base
  • President Mbasogo appealed to the international community to assist his country in the repair of public and private infrastructure damaged in the blast -- which he said "will involve significant economic resources."

After losing one atmosphere, this exoplanet formed a second one - CNN - 0 views

shared by tsainten on 15 Mar 21 - No Cached
  • Scientists also believe the planet, known as GJ 1132 b, has evolved quite drastically from a gaseous world to a rocky one the size of Earth.
  • Scientists believe the exoplanet lost its thick hydrogen and helium atmosphere because it orbits a young, blazing hot star. The star's radiation could have stripped that atmosphere away quickly, leaving just the planetary core behind, which is about the size of Earth.
  • hazy "secondary atmosphere" made of hydrogen, methane, hydrogen cyanide and a haze of aerosol, like the smog we have on Earth.
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  • Researchers believe volcanic activity on GJ 1132 b to be the cause.
  • "We first thought that these highly irradiated planets could be pretty boring because we believed that they lost their atmospheres. But we looked at existing observations of this planet with Hubble and said, 'Oh no, there is an atmosphere there.'"
  • Exoplanet GJ 1132 b has an elliptical, or oval-shaped, orbit, which creates strong tidal forces when the planet is at its closest and farthest distances in relation to the star. There is also another planet in the system that has a gravitational tug on the planet.

Sarah Everard: Fury as London police officers break up vigil to murdered woman - CNN - 0 views

shared by tsainten on 15 Mar 21 - No Cached
  • Throughout the day, mourners had flocked to the bandstand of Clapham Common, an area where Everard was last seen, in a tribute to her life. But they also came in an act of solidarity, as an acknowledgement of the shared, omnipresent experience of intimidation, violence and harassment that women constantly face in public spaces.
  • Less than an hour after the gathering began, officers moved in to inform people that they were breaching Covid-19 regulations and had to leave. Then, a predominantly male cluster of officers moved in, using containment and corralling techniques -- where officers surround demonstrators to keep them in a particular place, making social-distancing impossible -- ordering people to leave, or face arrest and fines.
  • "Shame on you," "Arrest your own," and "Who do you protect?"
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  • "very upsetting scenes" were being "taken very seriously" by the British government.
  • Several UK leaders across party divides have agreed that the police response was disproportionately harsh, with the Mayor of London ordering "a full independent investigation of events yesterday evening and in previous days."
  • "completely understands why women, girls and allies wanted to hold a vigil to remember Sarah and all women who have been subjected to violence or lost their lives at the hands of men, and to reclaim the public spaces where women are made to feel so unsafe."

US record guns sales: Americans bought guns in record numbers in 2020 during a year of ... - 0 views

shared by tsainten on 15 Mar 21 - No Cached
  • Gun sales in the United States reached a record level last year, with the biggest increases in background checks for firearms overlapping with months of social and political unrest, according to industry and government data.
  • 23 million guns were purchased in 2020
  • That's a 65% increase compared with 2019, when 13.9 million guns were sold, according to Small Arms Analytics.
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  • background checks surged again: to 3.9 million in June and 3.6 million in July. That compares to 2.3 million background checks in June 2019 and 2 million in July 2019.
  • In March, the FBI conducted more than 3.7 million background checks -- a month that overlapped with the start of the pandemic lockdowns.
  • FBI background checks on gun buyers increased all year, but the biggest jumps -- March, June, July and December
  • 904,035, up nearly 68% from the year before.
  • --In Michigan, January background checks increased 155% from the previous January.
  • --New Jersey saw a January over January increase of 240%.
  • The requests for background checks slowed to 3.4 million in February, but that's still up 23% from February 2020.

Covid-19 Global News: Live Updates on Johnson & Johnson Vaccine, Variants and US Re-Ope... - 0 views

  • In the past month alone, the rate of vaccinations has ramped up about 40 percent, to an average of 2.3 million shots a day as of Friday, up from an average of about 1.7 million shots a day on Feb. 12, according to a New York Times database.
  • But now that the vaccine supply is getting closer to meeting the demand of the eligible, the country faces the challenge of getting all those shots into arms, an operation that requires not only enough doses, but also improving access to communities of color, as well as space, manpower and messaging to convince Americans wary for a variety of reasons that getting vaccinated is safe and effective.
  • Mr. Biden said there should be enough vaccine supply available to any adult in the country by the end of July. By early March, he said that timeline moved up to the end of May. Mr. Biden also recently announced that his administration would secure an additional 100 million doses of the Johnson & Johnson single-shot vaccine by the end of this year, a boost that could eventually make the vaccines available to children.

Chuck Schumer joins congressional Democrats' call for Cuomo to resign - CNNPolitics - 0 views

shared by tsainten on 12 Mar 21 - No Cached
  • Andrew Cuomo to resign in the wake of sexual harassment allegations and his handling of Covid-19 deaths at state nursing homes.
  • -- who has vigorously resisted calls for his resignation and brushed them off as political maneuvers by his rivals -- but on the Biden White House, which has so far declined to call for the three-term Democratic heavyweight to step down, instead pointing to an ongoing investigation by the state's attorney general into the harassment allegations. An aide told CNN the White House had no new comment on the matter early Friday evening.
  • "Due to the multiple, credible sexual harassment and misconduct allegations, it is clear that Governor Cuomo has lost the confidence of his governing partners and the people of New York. Governor Cuomo should resign."
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  • the majority of the state's congressional delegation -- said Cuomo must resign, arguing that the allegations have impeded his ability to effectively govern and serve the people of New York.
  • The source said the tipping point for the members had been a combination of the most recent developments, including State Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie's announcement on Thursday that Democrats there would begin an impeachment investigation. The decision to go in, nearly all at the same time, was also an acknowledgment that when one made the call, it would up the pressure on all the rest.
  • "lost the confidence of the people of New York" and House Oversight Committee Chair Carolyn Maloney said Cuomo's resignation would be in the "best interest of all New Yorkers."
  • Several of the Democrats on Friday said New York State A

Derek Chauvin trial jury: What we know about the jurors selected so far - CNN - 0 views

shared by tsainten on 12 Mar 21 - No Cached
  • Five men and two women -- half the jury -- had been chosen to serve during the trial in Minneapolis by the time court adjourned on Friday.
  • Floyd, a 46-year-old Black man, died on May 25, 2020, after Chauvin, a White former Minneapolis Police officer, placed his knee on Floyd's neck for an extended period while Floyd pleaded, "I can't breathe." His final moments were captured on video, and his death led to widespread protests against police brutality and racism under the banner Black Lives Matter as well as incidents of unrest and looting.
  • Eric Nelson is questioning the prospective jurors for the defense, while Steve Schleicher is questioning them for the prosecution. Judge Peter Cahill is presiding over the trial.
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  • The first juror selected was a White man in his 20s or 30s who works as a chemist and said he has an analytical mind.The second juror was a woman of color who appears to be in her 20s or 30s, according to a pool reporter's observations in court. She said she was "super excited" about getting the jury questionnaire form.The third juror selected was a White man in his 30s who works as an auditor.The fourth juror was a White man in his late 30s or 40s who said he had a "very favorable" view of Black Lives Matter. He also said he believed police are more truthful than other witnesses. The juror is planning to get married on May 1 and told the court that if he was selected for the trial it could delay the wedding.

Russia's Sputnik V expands reach in Latin America - CNN - 0 views

  • Russia's Sputnik V has seen rising popularity across Latin America as more countries announce shipments and deals to purchase the Covid-19 vaccine.
  • Nine Latin American countries so far have approved usage of the Sputnik V vaccine -- Argentina, Bolivia, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Paraguay and Venezuela. Distribution of the vaccine has also begun in Argentina, Bolivia, Mexico, Nicaragua, Paraguay and Venezuela
  • As Russia struggles to keep up with demand, some countries have received only very small shipments. Bolivia received 20,000 Sputnik V doses in January, though it expects enough to eventually vaccinate 2.6 million people. Paraguay announced the purchase of one million doses, but has so far only received 4,000.
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  • The Sputnik V vaccine has a cheaper list price and can be stored at higher temperatures than the Pfizer vaccine, which has made it appealing to Latin American countries with less-developed economies and infrastructures. It requires two doses taken 21 days apart to be effective.
  • Russia has acknowledged the production squeeze and has considered launching regional production hubs in several countries, including Brazil, according to Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov.
  • Experts have repeatedly voiced concern over transparency around Sputnik's testing and its accelerated authorization in Russia. However, the vaccine was found 91.6% effective against symptomatic Covid-19 and 100% effective against severe and moderate disease, in an interim analysis of the vaccine's Phase 3 trial results published in The Lancet.

US cities are losing 36 million trees a year. Here's why it matters and how you can sto... - 0 views

shared by tsainten on 15 Jan 20 - No Cached
  • “cities will become warmer, more polluted and generally more unhealthy for inhabitants,” said David Nowak, a senior US Forest Service scientist and co-author of the study.
  • that we lost 36 million trees annually from urban and rural communities over a five-year period. That’s a 1% drop from 2009 to 2014.
  • More than 80% of the US population lives in urban areas, and most Americans live in forested regions along the East and West coasts, Nowak says.

Sarah Everard: Police identify body of woman who went missing in London - CNN - 0 views

shared by tsainten on 12 Mar 21 - No Cached
  • British police confirmed Friday that they had identified the body of 33-year-old Sarah Everard, whose disappearance while walking home in London sparked an outpouring across social media from women sharing their own experiences of sexual assault and harassment.
  • A serving Metropolitan Police officer has been arrested on suspicion of Everard's kidnap and murder.
  • "I know that the public feels hurt and angry about what has happened. And those are sentiments that I share personally, and I know my colleagues here at Scotland Yard and across the Met share as well,
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  • Everard disappeared on March 3 while walking in Clapham, south London, prompting an extensive police search in the area.Read MoreHer remains were eventually found more than 50 miles from where she was last seen. A police officer whose "primary role was uniformed patrol duties of diplomatic premises" was arrested in Kent on Tuesday evening.
  • Everard's disappearance prompted thousands of women to share their own experiences of intimidation or harassment while walking alone at night in British cities and around the world.
  • "I understand that women in London and the wider public, particularly those in the area where Sarah went missing, will be worried and may well be feeling frightened,"

China travel: Americans and other Westerners are increasingly scared of traveling there... - 0 views

shared by tsainten on 12 Mar 21 - No Cached
  • More than a dozen academics, NGO workers and media professionals CNN spoke to, who in pre-Covid times regularly traveled to China, said they were unwilling to do this once the pandemic restrictions lifted, over fears for their personal safety.
  • As President Xi breeds a culture of nationalism and forges increasingly hostile relations with Western governments, some fear that if a diplomatic spat between their government and Beijing occurred while they were in China they could become a target.
  • the detention of two Canadians in China in December 2018 as a turning point in their thinking. Michael Kovrig, an NGO worker and former diplomat, and Michael Spavor, who organized trips to North Korea, including for NBA player Dennis Rodman, were detained just after Huawei executive Meng Wanzhou was arrested in Vancouver on charges filed in the United States.
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  • Gordon Matthews, a professor of anthropology living in Hong Kong, says some of his colleagues at the Chinese University of Hong Kong who have devoted their lives to China are exploring pursuing new lines of academic inquiry to avoid visiting the mainland.
  • 'What are the things I have been doing that may have contributed to my getting detained?' It's also a question of, 'What is my nationality? What have the politicians from my country have been saying?'" says Nee.
  • "China has always protected the safety and legitimate rights and interests of foreigners in China in accordance with the law,"
  • In June, a business advisory council to the US State Department issued a report titled "Hostage Diplomacy in China," seen by CNN, which cited the two Canadians' cases as a primary reason why firms should be more careful when sending employees to China.
  • O'Halloran's exit ban was finally lifted in January. But to complete what Member of the European Parliament for Dublin, Barry Andrews, has called his "Kafkaesque nightmare," when O'Halloran went to the airport, hoping to get home for his son's 14th birthday, he was stopped again. He remains in China.
  • n 2020, China became the world's largest recipient of foreign direct investment, with flows into the country rising 4% to $163 billion.
  • he wasn't concerned about getting into the country from a political standpoint. In fact, she said her community is itching to go for research and investing purposes, once the pandemic permits travel there again. "Fund flow is still positive and strong into China," she said. "So if you're investing, it's typical to take quarterly trips."
  • "When I'm in China, I don't go out. I don't fraternize, I don't go out to bars," he says. "You know, there's too much to lose. So my life in China is very small and I want to keep it that way. Because, you know, I've heard horror stories.
  • criminalizes secession, subversion, terrorism, and collusion with foreign powers.
  • He recalls one Buddhist colleague who had started contributing to a school in Tibet, a restive region of China with an exiled government agitating for its autonomy. He says his company took the colleague aside to ask her to refrain from donating, and to keep a low profile on Tibetan matters, to avoid causing the firm problems when she represented them in the mainland.
  • "A lot of the new advice we are getting, as graduate students, is to do a project that does not require you to necessarily do fieldwork in China,
  • With fewer academics willing to travel to China, and those who do make it after the coronavirus pandemic encountering a more closed nation, the result could be fewer Western minds reporting on and studying China firsthand at a time when, arguably, the world has never had a greater need to understand the country.

Myanmar police who fled to India say they refused orders to shoot protesters - CNN - 0 views

shared by tsainten on 12 Mar 21 - No Cached
  • Tha Peng said he and six colleagues all disobeyed the February 27 order from a superior officer, whom he did not name.Read More
  • police in Mizoram on March 1 by another Myanmar police lance corporal and three constables who crossed into India, according to a classified internal police document seen by Reuters.
  • "As the Civil disobedience movement is gaining momentum and protest(s) held by anti-coup protesters at different places we are instructed to shoot at the protesters," they said in a joint statement to Mizoram police.
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  • Myanmar's military junta, which staged a coup on February 1 and deposed the country's civilian government, did not respond to a Reuters request for comment.
  • Around 100 people from Myanmar, mostly policemen and their families, have crossed over a porous border into India since the protests began, according to a senior Indian official.
  • rotesters should either be stopped by rubber bullets or shot below the knees. Reuters could not verify police policies.
  • "shoot till they are dead,"
  • Fearing imprisonment for siding with the protesters and their civil disobedience movement, she said she decided to flee Myanmar.
  • All three said there was substantial support for the protesters within Myanmar's police force."Inside the police station, 90% support the protesters but there is no leader to unite them," said Tha Peng, who left behind his wife and two young daughters, one six months old.
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