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Contents contributed and discussions participated by runlai_jiang


U.S. Soybean Farmers Fear China Will Retaliate for Steel Tariffs - WSJ - 0 views

  • Farmers and grain traders are nervous that China might retaliate by slowing imports of U.S. beans or by erecting trade barriers to them. Chinese officials in February said they would investigate whether the U.S. subsidizes sorghum exports to the country after the Trump administration slapped tariffs on goods like solar panels that are manufactured by Chinese companies.
  • the world’s largest soybean processor, said in February that he hoped tension between Washington and Beijing dies down. “It’s better that calm minds figure out good things,” he said. “There is a lot of noise and some disruptions in the supply chains coming out of the U.S.”
  • U.S. farmers hoping to tap that market are growing more soybeans than ever. Many planted soybeans in fields long used for corn and wheat after prices for those grains dropped in recent years. Soybean acreage is on track to match corn this year for the first time in 35 years.
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  • But China is buying fewer U.S. soybeans, thanks to bumper harvests of cheaper beans in South America.
  • Limited storage capacity forced many Brazilian farmers to sell at low prices, analysts said. Many Chinese crushers also prefer the higher protein content of Brazilian beans. Brazil’s soybean exports to China more than doubled from September to January while U.S. sales to China dropped more than 20%.
  • The White House proposal for tariffs on steel and aluminum has nevertheless exacerbated concerns about retaliation, according to research firm AgResource Co. Even if China couldn't avoid the U.S. altogether, the firm said, it could buy exclusively from Brazil for the next six or seven months.
  • Other headwinds for U.S. soybean farmers are strengthening. U.S. officials said they would start labeling soybean shipments to China that contain more than 1% of detritus like weed seeds, to conform with Chinese requirements.
  • “It’s just one more factor that has contributed to the relative uncompetitive nature of U.S. soybeans,” said Ken Morrison, a trader and commodity newsletter author.

Russian Influence Campaign Extracted Americans' Personal Data - WSJ - 1 views

  • That was in early 2017. It wasn’t until recently, after being contacted by The Wall Street Journal, that Ms. Hales would learn that Black4Black and “partner” groups, including BlackMattersUS, were among hundreds of Facebook and Instagram accounts set up by a pro-Kremlin propaganda agency to meddle in American politics, Facebook records show.
  • The fake directory is one example of the elaborate schemes that Russian “trolls” have pursued to try to collect personal and business information from Americans, the Journal has found. Leveraging social media, Russians have collected data by peddling niche business directories, convincing activists to sign petitions and bankrolling self-defense training classes in return for student information.
  • which also owns Instagram, said the company allows users to find out whether they have “liked” or “followed” any Russia-backed accounts through an online tool..
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  • It isn’t clear for what purpose the data were collected, but intelligence and cybersecurity experts say it could be used for identity theft or leveraged as part of a wider political-influence effort that didn’t end with the 2016 election
  • Russian operators used stolen American identities to open bank and PayPal accounts, create fake driver’s licenses, post messages online and buy political advertisements before the 2016 election, according to the indictment.
  • Another Russian group, “Don’t Shoot,” identified as Russia-linked in congressional hearings last fall, appeared to collect information by asking followers to sign petitions and report police misconduct on its website,
  • The operators allegedly kept a list of more than 100 Americans and their political views to “monitor recruitment efforts,
  • Their targets included niche groups ranging from Texas secessionists and “Southern heritage” proponents to the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community and the Black Lives Matter movement.
  • Black4Black and its partner account BlackMattersUS, which had hundreds of thousands of followers on social media, asked the American entrepreneurs to answer detailed questions so it could write articles promoting their companies. More than a dozen entrepreneurs contacted by the Journal said they turned over data to participate in the directory, yet none reported gaining any new customers.
  • However, the tool doesn’t notify users who exchanged messages with or turned over information to the accounts.
  • “We’re all just trying to make an honest living here,” said Ms. Hales, the business owner from Cleveland. “I would feel comfortable knowing that whoever’s behind this and whatever information they were pursuing has been shut down.”
    Facebook and other activists Social Media accounts like Black4black and are revealed to associate with Russian Operator to steal personal information and political inclination for manipulating election, stealing bank and Paypal accounts and create....

Banks Look to Break Government's Hold on Student-Loan Market - WSJ - 0 views

  • Private lenders are pushing to break up the government’s near monopoly in the $100 billion-a-year student-loan market.
  • The banking industry’s main lobbying group, the Consumer Bankers Association, is pressing for the government to instate caps on how much individual graduate students and parents of undergraduates can borrow from the government to cover tuition. That would force many families to turn to private lenders to cover portions of their bills. While that could mean lower interest rates for some, it could constrain funding to households with blemished credit histories.
    • runlai_jiang
      Private Lenders boom because of the CBA's pressure for the government to instate caps on student loan.
  • At stake is potentially billions of dollars in new business for private lenders, a group currently dominated by SLM Corp. , better known as Sallie Mae, Wells Fargo & Co., and Discover Financial Services .
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  • Private lenders pushed for legislative changes in previous years to no avail, but now they’re receiving a more welcome reception from congressional Republicans and the Trump administration.
  • House Republicans, looking to revamp higher-education policies for the first time in a decade,
  • Private student lending has fallen in part because banks tightened underwriting standards after the 2007-2009 financial crisis. It also has dropped because of moves by Congress to allow students to borrow more directly from the government. Starting in 2006, most graduate students have been able to borrow unlimited amounts. Parents also face no restrictions on how much they can borrow under the Parent Plus program.
  • Promoting Real Opportunity, Success, and Prosperity through Education Reform, or Prosper, Act—calls for limits on the total federal student-loan amounts certain borrowers can receive. Many graduate students wouldn’t be able to borrow more than $150,000 in total federal loans for undergraduate and graduate studies. Parents in many cases would be limited to around $56,000 per dependent.
  • Critics say some of the industry’s proposals would hurt taxpayers and students who lack the credit to qualify for private-sector loans. Some schools and student advocates add that setting stricter dollar limits on federal loans would limit many students from attending schools of their choice.
  • Pushing more students to borrow private loans from banks without consumer protections is a terrible idea.”
  • has led to high default rates, runaway tuition inflation and taxpayer costs.
  • What we don’t want to see is continued nearly unlimited lending that has been fueling a rise in tuition costs,
  • Private student lenders target the most creditworthy borrowers. That includes parents of undergraduate students and graduate students with an established history of paying debts on time.
  • Several private lenders are offering lower interest rates than what the federal government charges the most creditworthy borrowers. And unlike federal loans, most private loans don’t charge an origination fee when borrowers sign up for the loan.
  • The government relies on interest payments from creditworthy borrowers to offset the money it loses on defaults from other borrowers and thereby keep the federal loan program solvent.
    CBA and House Republicns proposed to set a upper limit for Student Loan, for booming private lenders, reducing tuition inflation and reducing untrustworthy detors. Which may require students to have high debt credibility.

Donald Trump Pushes Staff to Implement Tariffs Plan This Week - WSJ - 1 views

  • WASHINGTON—President Donald Trump is pushing his staff to draft a proclamation as soon as Thursday that would begin implementing his proposed tariffs on aluminum and steel, White House officials said, despite concerns from trade partners and lawmakers over the sweeping nature of the proposa
  • Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said Wednesday that it was possible the White House would issue waivers for certain countries but that no decisions had been made by Mr. Trump. Speaking to lawmakers on Tuesday, Mr. Mnuchin said that Mexico and Canada probably would be exempted from the tariffs if a new North American Free Trade Agreement is negotiated.
  • Mr. Mnuchin has publicly supported the tariffs but has privately argued in favor of more targeted measures. That has put him alongside National Economic Council Director Gary Cohn, who said Tuesday he would resign from the White House after Mr. Trump blindsided his senior staff by announcing the tariffs last week.
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  • The departure will put pressure on other advisers, especially Mr. Mnuchin, to make the case for preserving the post-World War II trade architecture the U.S. helped construct and to speak credibly to financial markets.
  • We’re going to manage through this so that it is not detrimental” to economic-growth gains.
  • “He’s not afraid to get into a trade war although that’s not what we want,” said Mr. Mnuchin. “Let’s be very clear. We’re not looking to get into trade wars.”
  • Critics have said the tariffs, issued under the guise of national-security considerations, will damage relationships with Canadian and European allies, slow economic growth and harm American metal-consuming industries.
  • On CNBC, Mr. Ross said the steps were needed to target China, which is a major steel producer but doesn’t account for a large share of U.S. imports, because China makes significant transshipments through other countries.
  • big benefits for the U.S. steel industry, but caused “some harm” to U.S. firms that use steel and faced higher costs.
  • White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Wednesday there may be “potential carveouts” for Mexico, Canada and possibly other countries. But officials said it was unclear whether that would be addressed on Thursday; Mr. Trump may take additional action later to give national-security exemptions on a country-by-country basis

North Korea Says It Is Open to Talks With U.S. About Abandoning Nuclear Weapons - WSJ - 1 views

  • SEOUL—North Korean leader Kim Jong Un told a visiting South Korean delegation that he was willing to hold talks with the U.S. about giving up nuclear weapons and normalizing relations with Washington, officials in Seoul said Tuesday.
  • North Korea’s government issued no statement of its own on Tuesday. On Monday, state media there said Mr. Kim had exchanged “in-depth views on the issues for easing the acute military tensions” on the Korean peninsula.
  • On Tuesday morning, U.S. President Donald Trump tweeted: “Possible progress being made in talks with North Korea. For the first time in many years, a serious effort is being made by all parties concerned.
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  • Previous rounds of negotiations with North Korea, some lasting years, have all failed to persuade Pyongyang to change course as it has worked to advance its ability to strike the U.S. with nuclear weapons. As recently as a few months ag
  • North Korea warned it was contemplating a missile attack aimed at the U.S. Pacific territory of Guam.
  • ushing ahead with increasingly stringent economic sanctions aimed at curbing the country’s access to funds and fuel—and forcing it to abandon its atomic ambitions.
  • “It would be the first inter-Korean summit at a neutral location, so Moon can avoid the optics of appearing to pay tribute to Kim in Pyongyang,”
  • Senior U.S. officials have expressed doubts about the opening as a propaganda ploy meant to drive a wedge between Seoul and Washington, but have publicly said they support South Korean efforts to bring Pyongyang to the negotiating table.
  • Kim Dong-yub, a professor of security studies at Kyungnam University, said North Korea could work to divide Washington or Seoul by insisting that a security guarantee involve the removal of U.S. troops from the Korean peninsula. “What defines security?” he said. North Korea has said repeatedly in recent years that the only true guarantee of its security was its possession of nuclear weapons. It reiterated the same idea on Tuesday, even as the South Korean delegation prepared to return home to Seoul.
  • Seoul’s delegation to the North had expected Mr. Kim to raise issues with annual springtime military exercises with the U.S., but the North Korean leader said he understood the need for them and didn’t push the point, a senior Seoul official said. North Korea has complained about the exercises, saying they are a rehearsal for invasion. Pyongyang last month warned the two allies that going ahead with them would go “against the climate of detente on the Korean Peninsula” and spell the end of the current thaw.
  • As the restrictions have tightened, North Korea has reached out to the South. Relations between the two began a nascent thaw ahead of the recent Winter Olympics.
  • The two Koreas agreed to hold a summit between their leaders at the truce village of Panmunjom in the demilitarized zone that separates the peninsula —rather than in Pyongyang, the site of the two previous inter-Korean summits in 2000 and 2007.
  • North Korean leader Kim Jong Un told a visiting South Korean delegation that he was willing to hold talks with the U.S. about giving up nuclear weapons and would halt weapons tests during any negotiations, officials in Seoul said Tuesday.
  • “It is unlikely Kim Jong Un has abandoned his determination to keep nuclear weapons indefinitely,” said Robert J. Einhorn, a former senior State Department official who negotiated with North Korean officials during the Clinton administration.
  • American officials repeatedly have said North Korea still needs to carry out additional flight tests before it can be confident that it has the capability to strike the U.S. with a long-range, nuclear-armed missile.
  • Whether negotiations would produce more significant results is questionable.”
  • Beyond doubts about what Pyongyang will offer at the table, some U.S. officials also worry that North Korea will seek to use negotiations to create divisions between Seoul and Washington and blunt the American-led efforts to maintain tough economic sanctions.
  • Mr. Kim suggested his country might be willing to participate in the Winter Olympics in South Korea and Mr. Moon responded by proposing inter-Korean talks.
  • “They may mean it is a long-term objective and we may want them to denuclearize overnight,” said Joel S. Wit, a senior fellow at the U.S.-Korea Institute at Johns Hopkins and a former State Department official.
  • Other difficult issues would include negotiating a peace treaty to formally end the Korean War, normalizing relations with the U.S. and determining when economic sanctions against North Korea would be eased and ultimately eliminated.

The cost of our war on public life - The Washington Post - 0 views

  • We didn’t appreciate having a government that was relatively honest and free of venality until we had one riddled with corruption. And we didn’t know how wildly irresponsible Republican criticisms of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton were until the GOP fell silent in the face of abuse after abuse from President Trump. Obama was “not presidential” for wearing a tan suit? Benghazi? Really?
  • Ryan said he did not run the committee, thus pushing away an obligation to act. Imagine that: A House speaker who uses all of his prerogatives to push through his own priorities claims utter powerlessness in the face of a runaway committee chairman.
  • how Trump springs new policies with little preparation and changes his views news cycle to news cycle; how ill-prepared Trump and many of his aides were for the rigors of the White House; and how recklessly they cast aside norms and rules aimed at preventing conflicts of interest and sleaze.
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  • How did we get a government of this sort? For decades, our country has been witness to a war on public life.
  • We value expertise from our doctors, nurses, engineers and scientists. But when it comes to government, there is a popular assumption that those who spend their lives mastering the arts of administration, politics and policymaking must be up to no good.
  • It has turned the word “politician” into an epithet, even though most of our best presidents (Abraham Lincoln and Franklin D. Roosevelt especially) have been politicians through and through
  • And viewing our civil servants as mere timeserving “bureaucrats” fails to appreciate the contributions they make and the extent to which our government, in comparison with so many others, has been remarkably light on corruption.
  • s. But repairing our problems requires citizens willing to engage in public life, not shun it, and people in government who respect the work they are asked to undertake.
    People don't trust their government even though they are trying to do good things, leading to the chaos now

'Like a pinball machine': Lawmakers struggle to negotiate with an erratic Trump - The W... - 0 views

  • As part of an effort to protect young “dreamers” from deportation in exchange for border wall funding, Trump convened a bipartisan meeting at the White House in January.
  • “It really suggests that his effectiveness is compromised as long as his word is unreliable.” Trump’s style poses challenges for members of both parties, observers say.
  • Fresh uncertainty about where Trump stands on guns came Friday as White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders fielded questions from reporters about whether the president remains committed to a proposal to raise the age to purchase rifles and shotguns to 21 from 18 — an idea opposed by the NRA.
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  • Sanders then offered a new twist, saying Trump thinks the idea probably has “more potential” at the state level than the federal level. (States already have the ability to set a higher age for such purchases. To date, only two — Illinois and Hawaii — have done so.)
  • Sanders also stressed that Trump does not necessarily support “universal” background checks, despite his use of that word previously. “Universal” can mean different things to different people, she said.
  • Others are less charitable, saying that Trump’s flexibility stems from a lack of deeply rooted convictions on many issues. “He’s going with the television headlines from day to day instead of following a policy strategy,”
  • I knew walking out of that meeting that the White House was going to have to dial back some of what the president said,” Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) said. “The president’s sort of lack of policy foundation allows him to flow where he thinks where the country is going.”
  • Besides stalled pushes on immigration and guns, Trump has also proposed significant investment in the country’s ailing infrastructure. But when Trump finally delivered a 53-page plan to Capitol Hill last month, the document was widely panned by Democrats and largely met with silence from the GOP.
  • Trump also initially pledged to leave Medicaid intact but later embraced cuts to the program, which provides health insurance to the poor.
  • Trump has since talked repeatedly about the importance of respecting the flag, but he has not pushed Congress to advance any legislation imposing consequences for its desecration.
  • He went to CPAC and was hailed as a conquering hero, and a week later, he moves to the left of many Democrats on gun control,” Heye said. Trump’s policy inconsistencies are sure to complicate and even stymie whatever legislative agenda he has this year, leaving a vacuum of policy details that lawmakers then attempt to fill.
  • When asked last week to assess Trump’s reliability as a negotiating partner, however, Senate Majority Whip John Cornyn (R-Tex.) argued that Congress is the one charged with coming up with policy measures.
  • “The president has two powers under the Constitution: One is to sign legislation. One is to veto legislation,” he said. “Obviously, he’s important. But the executive is not the primary policymaker. It’s the Congress.”
    Trump's unreliability led to different opinions of the bipartisan participants in a meeting that he just held.

In Texas-sized congressional primaries, most GOP candidates run toward Trump - The Wash... - 0 views

  • In Texas-sized congressional primaries, most GOP candidates run toward Trump
  • In several crowded Texas congressional primaries Tuesday, Republican candidates have decided that the best way to stand out is to stand squarely in Trump’s shadow — a campaign strategy that has been only slightly scrambled last week by the president’s sudden embrace of gun control and protectionist tariffs.
  • Isaac’s “Make America Like Texas” message is calibrated to couple Trump’s charisma to the more traditional Lone Star brand of small-government conservatism: “When I talk to people that move to Texas, I say, ‘Welcome to Texas, vote accordingly,’ because it’s not a mistake,” he said. “Our model works
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  • Stovall said in an interview that he is unique in squarely backing Trump even before he won the Republican nomination in 2016 — bucking, among others, the state’s dominant figure in national GOP politics, Sen. Ted Cruz.
  • “There’s been resistance even from our own party on helping him out, and they don’t want to elect somebody in this district that’s going to be a hindrance.”
  • Smith, who is retiring after 16 terms, has not made an endorsement in the race. “Half of them I’ve never heard of before,” he said in an interview, adding that Trump remains popular among his constituents: “They appreciate what the president has done. They appreciate the tax cut, and they appreciate the president’s efforts to enforce immigration laws.”
  • Having a unique message, he said, is less of a factor: “Of the real contenders, there just hasn’t been a lot of distance from Trump on any real issues.” Cruz’s shadow looms over the 21st district primary thanks to his aggressive backing of Chip Roy, a former top aide to Cruz and other high-profile Texas officials.

Boko Haram's Violent Push Puts New Heat on Nigerian President - WSJ - 0 views

  • Boko Haram’s abduction of more than 100 Nigerian schoolgirls last week is sending political shock waves through a key U.S. counterterrorism ally in Africa as President Muhammadu Buhari weighs whether to seek re-election.
  • won 2015 elections on a campaign to defeat the Islamist insurgency and liberate more than 200 Chibok schoolgirls, whose 2014 abduction prompted a global outcry.
  • The kidnapping of 110 girls from the Dapchi Government Girls Science and Technical College in northeastern Yobe state has emboldened his critics, who draw parallels to the Chibok abductions and the potential political fallout in Africa’s most-populous nation and biggest economy.
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  • None of the Dapchi girls has been found. Nigeria’s government on Tuesday said it had set up a probe led by senior security officials to investigate the abductions.
  • The U.S. State Department last week condemned the attack and emphasized its support for Nigeria’s efforts to counter terror groups.
  • The abduction could have an equally detrimental effect on Buhari’s electoral fortunes as Chibok had on his predecessor.”
  • But revelations after the abductions that the government recently withdrew security forces stationed to protect the town, saying they were needed elsewhere, has deepened anger in Dapchi.
  • The security situation is in a shambles—Boko Haram are calling the shots,” said Maria Urgbashi, who runs a food stall close to the Hilton hotel. Another trader, Umar Danjuma, agreed: “Buhari has done his best, but I don’t think his best is good enough to take Nigeria out this present hardship.”
  • remains the front-runner if he is healthy and popular enough to secure his governing APC party’s nomination.
  • The APC—which on Monday opened its annual congress—is deeply divided, as is the opposition PDP
  • The APC has the political and economic advantages of incumbency, and the president isn’t seen as personally corrupt.
  • Buhari has governed more like a king than a leader at the center of a sophisticated political structure,”
  • Buhari has repeatedly claimed to have technically defeated appears to be stubbornly resilient. After losing hundreds of square miles of territory to government forces, the jihadists have increased attacks in the past year, sending more than 90 children strapped with bombs into public places.

Merkel Gets Backing for Fourth Term After Months of Suspense - WSJ - 0 views

  • BERLIN—Germany’s Social Democrats agreed to prolong their unpopular ruling coalition with Chancellor Angela Merkel’s conservatives, ending a period of political uncertainty unprecedented in the country’s recent history.
  • The vote lifted the last hurdle for Ms. Merkel to start her fourth, and likely last, term as leader of Europe’s largest economy nearly half a year after an inconclusive general election left the country without a clear ruling majority.
  • Party officials said a new government would now be formed by March 14, replacing the caretaker administration that has govern the country since last September.
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  • including engaging in a debate on reforming the European Union launched by French President Emmanuel Macron who wants to overhaul Europe’s common currency, the euro.
  • The protracted coalition-building was the longest since the Weimar Republic in the 1930s. Ms. Merkel’s early efforts to forge an alliance with the pro-business Free Democrats and the environmentalist Greens collapsed last November.
  • The deal also included a pledge to increase Germany’s contribution to the EU budget to make up for the shortfall that will result from Britain leaving the bloc.
  • “Building coalitions will be increasingly difficult, and governments will find it hard to forge a coherent policy platform,” Mr. Benner said.
  • Ms. Merkel gradually squeezed out the SPD from the policy arena by appropriating traditional center-left ground. She abolished conscription, accelerated a planned nuclear energy phaseout, raised welfare entitlements, adopted a minimum wage and lowered the retirement age—all issues originally championed by the SPD.
  • Hilde Mattheis, a senior SPD lawmaker who campaigned against the coalition, said the party would have to differentiate itself from the conservatives and tilt to the left to win back voters.

Your Location Data Is Being Sold-Often Without Your Knowledge - WSJ - 0 views

  • like that Jack in the Box ad that appears whenever you get near one, in whichever app you have open at the time—and as popular apps harvest your lucrative location data, the potential for leaking or exploiting this data has never been higher.
  • Every time you say “yes” to an app that asks to know your location, you are also potentially authorizing that app to sell your data.
  • They aim to compile a complete record of where everyone in America spends their time, in order to chop those histories into market segments to sell to corporate advertisers.
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  • The data required to serve you any single ad may pass through many companies’ systems in milliseconds—from data broker to ad marketplace to an agency’s custom system.
  • Another way you can be tracked without your knowing it is through any open Wi-Fi hot spot you might pass. If your phone’s Wi-Fi is on, you’re constantly broadcasting a unique MAC address and a history of past Wi-Fi connections.
  • is that with most individual data vendors holding only parts of your data, your complete, identifiable profile is never all in one place. Giants like Google and Facebook , who do have all your data in one place, say they are diligent about throwing away or not gathering what they don’t need, and eliminating personally identifying information from the remainder.
  • There are plenty of ways to track you without getting your permission. Some of the most intrusive are the easiest to implement. Your telco knows where you are at all times, because it knows which cell towers your phone is near. In the U.S., how much data service-providers sell is up to them.
  • A map of the U.S., showing areas of unusually high visits to sites where location-based advertising firm Groundtruth pushes ads to mobile devices.
  • Retailers sometimes use these addresses to identify repeat customers, and they can also use them to track you as you go from one of their stores to another.
  • WeatherBug, one of the most popular weather apps for Android and iPhone, is owned by the location advertising company GroundTruth. It’s a natural fit: Weather apps need to know where you are and provide value in exchange for that information.
  • Every month GroundTruth tracks 70 million people in the U.S. as they go to work in the morning, come home at night, surge in and out of public events, take vacations, you name it.
  • Companies like Acxiom could be prime targets for hackers, said Chandler Givens, chief executive of TrackOff, which develops software to protect user identity and personal information
  • Nearly every year, a bill comes up in the Senate or House that would regulate our data privacy—the most recent was in the wake of the Equifax breach—but none has passed. In some respects, the U.S. appears to be moving backward on privacy protections.

New Barriers to Replace Aging Border Wall in California - WSJ - 0 views

  • The structure was one of the first new pieces of a border wall put in place since the start of a lengthy construction project in February just west of the border crossing in downtown Calexico, a small, mostly Hispanic farming town.
  • Mr. Kim said the roughly $18 million project was funded by Congress last year. He said the project happens to be getting under way in the midst of Mr. Trump’s continuing effort to build a wall along the Mexican border. “We want to make sure everyone knows what it is and what it isn’t,” Mr. Kim said.
  • California has become a flashpoint in the debate over the president’s immigration policies, including his proposal to build a wall. The state has sued the administration multiple times challenging its immigration policies.
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  • Mr. Kim said the new barriers in Calexico are replacing solid metal panels that sat as high as 18 feet in some areas. But smugglers and border crossers have cut holes in them thousands of times in recent years, requiring near-constant repairs.
  • The new bollard-style barriers are likely to be harder to breach and will offer agents more security, because they will be able to see what and who is on the other side. The Border Patrol has established a “First Amendment zone” for potential protesters, Mr. Kim said, but so far the area at the western edge of the project hasn’t been used.

Tone-Deaf: How Facebook Misread America's Mood on Russia - WSJ - 0 views

  • Rob Goldman, defended Facebook’s response and argued the Russians bought ads to exploit social divisions, not primarily to sway the 2016 U.S. presidential election, say people who heard his remarks.
  • ddress Russian manipulation and suggested there were “easy” solutions to the problem that included a better-educated population. He said influencing the election wasn’t the “main goal” of the Russian ads, which some in Washington interpreted as contradicting the indictment.
  • Facebook’s executive team was alerted to the potential Russian manipulation efforts in a Dec. 9, 2016, memo from the company’s security team, say people familiar with the memo. But the company waited nine months before publicly saying that Russian manipulation had occurred.
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  • That misjudgment appears particularly to have fueled new tension between Facebook and Democrats, who had long been close to the company.
  • a former Federal Bureau of Investigation counterterrorism agent now at the Foreign Policy Research Institute, a Philadelphia-based think tank. Mr. Watts added that Facebook has done more to address the Russian issue than other tech companies, but has borne the brunt of public criticism.
  • The issue of Russian election interference on our platform is something we continued to learn more about as we conducted our own internal reviews and provided information to law enforcement officials and legislators to inform their own inquiries.”
  • Indeed, while the security team worked to uncover Russian accounts through 2017, Facebook assigned a small team to boost user growth in Russia and other markets, says a person familiar with the team. The team considered developing Russia-specific products such as a music service, although it didn’t launch it, the person says.

One Last Step: China's Xi Jinping Stands at the Precipice of Lifelong Rule - WSJ - 0 views

  • resident Xi Jinping is counting on a gathering of nearly 3,000 lawmakers to show unequivocal support for his bid to govern China indefinitely by setting aside a decades-old safeguard against despotic rule.
  • Mr. Xi has steadily dismantled the model of collective leadership that started taking shape in the 1980s under Deng Xiaoping. Seeking to prevent a return to the Mao-era concentration of power, Deng’s administration set a constitutional cap of two presidential terms in 1982 and established clearer divisions of duties between party and state.
  • r, the party proclaimed Mr. Xi as its greatest living theorist and gave him a second five-year term without naming a likely successor—a signal of his plans to stay in power for the long haul.
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  • Lawmakers are also expected to enshrine Communist Party rule as a constitutional principle, approve the creation of a powerful anticorruption agency that expands CCP oversight over all public servants, and review plans for restructuring China’s sprawling bureaucracy
  • Vocal discontent with his efforts to consolidate power appears largely limited to China’s urban elite
  • State media has defended the constitutional revision, saying it brings the tenure for the presidency in line with Mr. Xi’s other posts, party chief and military-commission chairman, from which he derives his true authority.
  • Mr. Xi also strengthens his professed commitment to “rule of law” and his self-styled image as a fearless punisher of corrupt officials and other miscreants, some legal experts say
  • In 1992, nearly a third of lawmakers voted against or abstained from a motion to approve the Three Gorges Dam project, which later caused environmental damage and displaced more than a million people.

Trump actually thinks executing drug dealers would help. That's the problem. - The Wash... - 0 views

  • President Trump has been talking up a new strategy in the nation’s struggle against the opioid epidemic: imposing the death penalty on drug dealers, just as they do in Singapore and Rodrigo Duterte’s Philippines.
  • “You have to have strength, and you have to have toughness — the drug dealers, the drug pushers are, they’re really doing damage, they’re really doing damage,
  • Some countries have a very, very tough penalty — the ultimate penalty — and by the way, they have much less of a drug problem than we do.
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  • he country has already tried an aggressive enforcement approach to drug crimes — the four-decade-plus war on drugs — and among experts and law enforcement officers , it is almost universally acknowledged as a massive failure in economic and practical terms
  • Even more concerning, the war on drugs has been disproportionately waged against black and brown people . Escalating the possible sentence for drug crimes to death would just amplify the many injustices already present in a broken system.
  • He doesn’t recognize that most of our opioid deaths result from drugs that are made in the United States or shipped in from China 
  • And that self-centered self-assuredness is the slender framework supporting his enthusiasm for adopting the bloodthirsty edicts of a genuine despot and a notoriously repressive quasi-police state
  • hese policy proposals (such as they are) are terrible ideas considered on their own. But it’s something of an accomplishment to have them combine quite as gruesomely as “more firearms in schools” and “shoot all drug dealers” might — at least Singapore’s tougher gun-control laws prevent the kind of “good guy with a gun” vigilantism that Trump regularly invokes
  • the government has got to teach children that they’ll die if they take drugs and they’ve got to make drug dealers fear for their lives.”
    I think this is a reasonable policy though, we need to let the drug dealers feel afraid to deal drugs.

An exodus from Venezuela has prompted Latin America's biggest migration crisis in decad... - 0 views

  • Thousands of Venezuelans are pouring out of their crippled nation in one of the biggest migration crises in Latin American history, causing growing alarm in the region and prompting neighboring countries to rush thousands of soldiers to the border.
  • In Venezuela, children are dying. People are starving and being persecuted. What they’re getting from us is a door in the face.
  • Nowhere is the crisis more acute than here in Colombia, where 3,000 troops are fanning out across the 1,400-mile border to contain an influx of Venezuelans fleeing a collapsing economy and an increasingly repressive socialist regime.
  • ...16 more annotations...
  • In the decades after Fidel Castro’s 1959 revolution, about 1.4 million Cubans fled the island, many heading for the United States, where they transformed the social and ethnic fabric of Miami. During the 1980s and 1990s, more than 1 million people — more than a quarter of the population — were displaced during El Salvador’s civil war.
  • y, the growing Venezuelan diaspora is reshaping cities from Miami to Buenos Aires to Madrid. But most Venezuelan migrants are staying in Latin America, where countries are handling a dire situation in different ways.
  • Chávez’s handpicked successor, President Nicolás Maduro, Venezuela has reached a breaking point, with lower oil prices and economic mismanagement leading to the world’s highest inflation rate and spiraling indexes of poverty and malnutrition.
  • Our migration levels are now comparable to Syria or to [the Rohingya going to] Bangladesh,”
  • leftist firebrand Hugo Chávez became president in 1999, thousands of Venezuelans — especially from the upper classes — moved out of the country
  • Venezuelans have enjoyed access to special permits good for two years in Colombia’s border region, allowing them to stay up to seven days at a time.
  • Facing severe food and medical shortages at home, most have stocked up on supplies, or visited hospitals, before returning across the border.
  • bringing a dramatic surge across the border that reached a peak of 90,000 people a day in December. In early February, President Juan Manuel Santos suspended the issuing of new temporary visas and declared a massive militarization of the border.
  • The moves cut the daily flow almost in half — though critics say it has only motivated migrants to cross at dozens of illegal entry points along the border, putting them at risk of harm from guerrillas and criminal bands
  • Locals, meanwhile, are accusing the Venezuelans already here of harming the economy and driving up crime.
  • They come with fruit they buy for nothing in Venezuela and sell for prices here that I can’t compete with. They come here, killing and robbing Colombians. We need take our city back.”
  • The family had recently arrived from Venezuela. The little girl was malnourished and also had developed a life-threatening heart blockage. The hospital was petitioning national authorities for funds before proceeding with the costly operation.
  • Instead, he said, it was carrying out special operations designed to limit the number of Venezuelans without valid visas.
  • “Like any country, we need to have a safe and secure border,” Martinez said. But many Venezuelans weren’t able to get passports in their homeland because of the cost and long wait.
  • The operations are sending as many as 100 migrants a day back to Venezuela.
  • You have to go,” said a female officer. More than a dozen Colombian officers surrounded the thin Venezuelan. “I can’t,” Andie said, her voice breaking. “Please. I’m pregnant, and we won’t survive there.”

The Parkland students used social media to survive a shooting. Then, it became their vo... - 0 views

  • The smartphone-wielding students of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School told the story of the shooting they survived by broadcasting what they saw to the world.
  • Those same students also were bombarded with horrific images, through those same phones, sometimes while still hiding in classrooms.
  • During the shooting, having a phone was a double-edged sword. You had access to information, what was happening in real time in terms of where the shooter was
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • I'm now using Twitter as a means of relaying my thoughts as well as the things that I think are important for people to know. I think a lot of my peers have turned to Twitter [as] their own media, their own way to get their message out.

Trump Bucks Republican Orthodoxy on Guns - Washington Wire - WSJ - 0 views

  • Photo: iStock/Getty Images By Joshua Jamerson Mar 1, 2018 7:18 am ET 0 COMMENTS Save Article Save Remove View Saved Articles <circ
  • He also dashed conservative hopes that he would support a move now for gun owners who legally carry concealed firearms in one state to carry them in the other 49 states, a long-sought goal of the National Rifle Association.
  • he bucked Republican orthodoxy by suggesting the swift removal of guns from people who are potentially mentally ill,
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • he continued to seek a legislative response to the deaths of 17 people at a Parkland, Fla., high school two weeks ago
  • His comments came the same day&nbsp;Walmart and Dick’s Sporting Goods–two of the country’s biggest gun sellers–said they both would no longer sell guns to anyone under 21 years old.
  • with Democrats saying they doubted the president’s words would yield immediate results, and several key Republicans saying they remained opposed to the Manchin-Toomey legislation that the president said he favored.&nbsp;
  • Mr. Trump has staked out positions on controversial issues in the past, only to surprise some lawmakers with an apparent change of heart later.
  • &nbsp;For more than 20 years, federal law has effectively halted the government’s ability to research gun violence. Now,&nbsp; a bipartisan group of lawmakers&nbsp;is taking another look at the restrictions…C
  • Hope Hicks, the longtime Trump confidant and White House communications director, is resigning. Ms. Hicks, 29 years old, told the president in recent weeks that she wanted to leave the White House to explore outside opportunities, Rebecca Ballhaus and Peter Nicholas report.
  • The bipartisan legislation would relax dozens of rules for small to medium-size banks, shaking up the banking sector with policy changes that could encourage deal-making and make it easier for banks to exp
  • several banks for information about their relationships with Jared Kushner and his finances, Emily Glazer, Erica Orden a
  • News of federal inquiries concerning Kushner Cos. has emerged in recent months, including by prosecutors at the U.S. attorney’s office in Brooklyn and by the Securities and Exchange Commission report
  • The Pentagon is pushing to make the F-35 combat jet cheaper and will take over some repair work to prevent the world’s most expensive military program from becoming unaffordable.
    Trump promised to restrict gun purchase but the reliability is still a question mark

How Trump's Tariff Punch Hurt His Pro-Business Agenda - WSJ - 0 views

  • Markets fell after President Donald Trump announced planned tariffs on steel and aluminum imports, an effect that was exacerbated by what the move symbolizes fo
  • When a key economic input suddenly becomes scarce, &nbsp;it’s called a supply shock: It pushes costs up and economic activity down.
  • This helps explain why markets have responded so badly to President Donald Trump’s announcement of a 25% tariff on steel imports and 10% on aluminum. Like a geopolitical shock that reduces the supply of oil, it’s bad for both inflation and growth.
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • With investors already on edge about Federal Reserve interest rate increases, the steel tariffs at the margin compound inflation pressure. That effect is so far too small to alter the Fed’s calculus, but a tit-for-tat cycle of retaliation could lead to even more inflation and rate increases than investors or the Fed have anticipated.
  • By following his nationalist instincts Mr. Trump has broken with the pro-business factions in his administration and his party whose policy priorities have been critical to the upswing in business and investor sentiment since he was elected. By willingly hurting U.S. allies over a problem of overcapacity that is mainly China’s doing, he’s cast further uncertainty over the U.S. role as global leader.
  • exacerbated by what the tariffs symbolize for Mr. Trump’s agenda and the broader global economy.
  • Protectionism shrinks markets, raises costs, and reduces how fast a country can grow without generating inflation. U.S. steel and aluminum companies can meet the demand previously filled by imports, but with unemployment at a 17-year low that may require hiring workers away from other industries, putting upward pressure on wages.
  • This is good news in the short run for workers, but bad news for any consumer who must now pay more for cars or beer cans.
  • nvestors speculated that the angry reaction of American allies, in particular the European Union, showed U.S. global leadership is fading and with it the dollar’s appeal as a reserve currency.
  • China may move more quickly to curb its overcapacity, the root of the import surge and price pressure that is hurting U.S. producers.&nbsp;Yet the decision has generated conflict within his own administration, his party and with key U.S. allies that, at least at the margin, counteracts the boost from the rest of his agenda.

In Sports Cars and Roller Coasters, Europe Zooms Ahead - WSJ - 0 views

  • A company in Liechtenstein built the world’s fastest roller coaster, part of a niche industry combining innovation with no economies of scale
  • ABU DHABI—The world’s fastest roller coaster, which can reach 149 miles an hour in 4.5 seconds, is at an amusement park called—what else?—Ferrari World, in Abu Dhabi.
  • The tiny alpine principality, sandwiched between Switzerland and Austria, is one of a handful of European countries that dominate the niche business of producing roller coasters.
  • ...11 more annotations...
  • there are no scale economies,” said Claus Frimand, a Danish amusement-park expert at attractions consultants MR ProFun Management Group.
  • designing coasters “is a European tradition,
  • Europe has remained prosperous after years of financial crises and unemployment in part because of its dominance in any number of small but profitable businesses like roller coasters, which combine highly specialized engineering skills with a centuries-old tradition of innovation.
  • He noted that European coaster makers tap the same pool of engineers known for their “obsession with detail and precision” as German car makers.
  • Such high-margin exports support thousands of production and design firms that demand large numbers of skilled employees and pay wages that manufacturers in few parts of the world can afford.
  • Where we have a compelling advantage in Europe is cutting-edge stuff coming from companies you haven’t heard of,
  • global competition and shifting trends in Europe mean the advantage is “fragile,” he said.
  • Schwarzkopf and its main U.S. rival, Arrow Dynamics, chased orders and cut prices in heated pursuit of business that ultimately landed both in bankruptcy, industry veterans say. T
  • Of the world’s 20 leading countries for engineering skills, 15 are in Europe, according to a study by London-based analysts at the Centre for Economic and Business Research.
  • On a computer, you can simulate anything, but when it comes to production, it’s a question of how precisely you can bend the track,”
  • even though all outsource track fabrication to specialized metalworks. “You can come up with a nice design but if it has a rough ride, nobody will want to ride it,” he said.
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