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Contents contributed and discussions participated by proudsa


Even Trump Voters Hate This Bill He Just Signed | The Huffington Post - 0 views

  • Republicans pushed through the resolution last month that overturns Obama administration rules banning internet service providers, or ISPs, from sharing or selling “sensitive” data, like web browsing history and Social Security numbers, without customers’ explicit permission.
    • proudsa
  • 83 percent oppose the concept, according to the HuffPost/YouGov poll
    • proudsa
      How reliable is a poll taken by an organization with a clear political leaning (biased readership?)
  • Polarization being what it is, it’s rare for any political issue to face such an overwhelming rejection.
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  • Seventy-four percent of the public—including three-quarters of Republicans—said that Trump should veto the bill, with just 11 percent advocating for him to sign it.

Donald Trump Defunds Global Maternal Health Organization | The Huffington Post - 0 views

  • halted all U.S. grants to the United Nations Population Fund, an international humanitarian aid organization that provides reproductive health care and works to end child marriage and female genital cutting in more than 150 countries. 
  • “So I’m not quite frankly sure how you make this Kemp-Kasten determination with a straight face.”  
  • will pull $76 million from the UNFPA ― about 7 percent of its budget.
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  • “If our problem is with the Chinese government’s policies, why are we taking it out on an organization providing basic reproductive health care in 149 other countries?

Obama in Hiroshima: Why It's So Hard for Countries to Apologize - The Atlantic - 0 views

    Another view on reflecting about Hrioshima

Donald Trump and the Seven Broken Guardrails of Democracy - The Atlantic - 2 views

  • In our time, the United States suffers every day of the week because there are now so many marginalized people among us who don't understand the rules, who don't think that rules of personal or civil conduct apply to them, who have no notion of self-control.
  • Unlike, say, Sarah Palin in 2008, Trump appeared before the electorate in his own clothes, speaking his own words
  • f you voted for Donald Trump, you’d get Donald Trump, in all his Trumpery and Trumpiness.  
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  • nd as he forged his path to the nomination, he snapped through seven different guardrails, revealing how brittle the norms that safeguard the American republic had grown.

Will the Constitution Protect Your Next Smartphone? - The Atlantic - 0 views

  • he preeminent cyber-prophet of the day
  • The next frontier—devices that can detect an authorized user based solely on the quirks of how they interact with it—is just around the bend.
  • Will new unlocking methods enjoy the same Fifth Amendment protections that prevent the government from forcing a person to give up their passwords?
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  • Indeed, just a year later, a Virginia judge ruled that police could force a person to unlock his own iPhone with his fingerprint. And this February, a federal judge in Los Angeles signed a search warrant that compelled a 29-year-old woman to do the same.
  • “Unlocking devices through biometric systems generally won’t raise Fifth Amendment issues.”
  • “When you put your fingerprint on the phone, you’re actually communicating something,” Gidari said. “You’re saying, ‘Hi, it’s me. Please open up.’”
  • With that nuanced a system, it’s unclear how police could force a user to retrieve information from a phone, even with a legal court order in hand.
  • It’s possible that a more advanced system, however, would be able to pick up even a slight tremor of fear and lock up.
  • a strong, memorized password remains the only foolproof way to get away with invoking the Fifth and keep your phone locked.

May's Jobs Report: Very Disappointing - The Atlantic - 0 views

  • May's Jobs Report: Very Disappointing
  • . Economists were expecting a modest 158,000 jobs to be added last month, meaning that May’s disappointing jobs report will almost surely be read as a sign of a slowing economy. It is the smallest number of jobs added in a monthly jobs report since 2010.
  • oughly 35,000 Verizon workers were on strike in the month of May, but they returned to work this week after an agreement between Verizon and its union was reached
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  • Jobs reports reveal key economic indicators, and thus this one will likely influence the Federal Reserve’s decision making  at the next Federal Open Market Committee meeting on June 14.

Hillary Clinton Attacks Donald Trump In Foreign Policy Speech - The Atlantic - 0 views

  • Contrasting her track record as secretary of state with Trump’s lack of foreign-policy experience, Clinton made the case that the presumptive Republican nominee is, above all, unqualified to be president.
    • proudsa
      This seems to be the part that voters are regularly forgetting.
  • dangerously incoherent.
  • Her speech, delivered in San Diego, portrayed Trump, by turns, as menacing, reckless, comical, even p
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  • athological.
  • But it remains unclear whether voters want a candidate, like Clinton, who can deploy careful, nuanced national-security arguments, or if they prefer a candidate, like Trump, whose approach to foreign policy frequently appears to be grounded in gut instinct.
  • divisive
  • alienates
  • It is unclear if Clinton’s arguments will resonate with Republican voters who have rallied around Trump’s brash promises to protect America, seemingly at any cost.
  • 56 percent of voters think Clinton would handle foreign policy better than Trum
  • It is impossible to predict exactly how Clinton or Trump would engage in diplomacy, or retreat from it, if elected president.
  • For his part, Trump can turn Clinton’s credentials to his advantage
  • In a general election that pits Clinton against Trump, voters may have to decide what they find more appealing: an established track record or a relatively unknown quantity who brings with him the promise of brute force.
    • proudsa
      Like Mr. Ergueta was saying in MFW, whether you agree with him or not, Trump is a candidate unlike any we have ever seen before

Five Findings From the State Department Report on Terrorism - The Atlantic - 0 views

  • ongressionally mandated analytical and statistical review of global terroris
  • m. It is important to understand how the U.S. government defines this subjective phenomenon:
    • proudsa
      start with the definition
  • overall decrease in global terrorism
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  • n both the 2014 and 2015 reports, just over half of all attacks took place in five countries
  • The Taliban replaced the self-proclaimed Islamic State as the number-one global perpetrator for terrorism attacks, with 1,093, which represents an alarming increase of 69 percent since 2013.
  • The biggest surprise was the removal of the Somali group al-Shabaab from the top-five list of perpetrators, that outfit having been responsible for the third-most attacks in 2014
  • The most consequential and troubling revelation is the reach and estimated size of al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP). According to the State Department, “AQAP has since consolidated its control over Al Mukalla and has expanded its reach through large portions of Yemen’s south,
  • owever, this is still fewer than the average number that have tragically been killed each year since 9/11, 27. The location of international attacks on U.S. citizens increased from six countries to 11, with the new countries being Bangladesh, France, Jordan, Jerusalem, Libya, and Mali.

The Democratic Establishment Wins the Primary - The Atlantic - 0 views

  • The Republican Party has been taken over and remade in the image of Donald Trump, and the Democratic Party is likewise being reshaped by Bernie Sanders.
  • While the Republican Party continues to grapple with its Trump-fueled identity crisis, Democrats are poised to nominate Hillary Clinton
  • Democrats will be choosing as their avatar a candidate
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  • centrist in orientation
  • ended off anti-establishment challengers in Pennsylvania
  • The primary is in August.
  • Sanders’s unexpected surge has demonstrated a rising progressive energy within the party, but progressives haven’t done what they set out to do this year: prove that a Tea Party-like revolt was simmering in the Democratic base.
  • According to Third Way’s analysis, Clinton has won Democratic voters, 65 percent to 35 percent, while Sanders has won independents by the same margin.
  • Whether or not these tactics were intentional, helpful to Clinton, or necessary to her prevailing, the Democratic establishment appears to be firmly in control of the Democratic Party.
  • But Howard Dean, the insurgent presidential candidate of 2004, told me he believes it has been a productive process of “renewal” for the party. Dean, who vowed in his campaign to represent “the Democratic Wing of the Democratic Party,” has endorsed Clinton this year, but salutes Sanders for his effort

Donald Trump's Campaign Leverages the Sales Strategies of Trump University - The Atlantic - 0 views

  • the defunct real-estate education program created by presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump
  • I believe that Trump University was a fraudulent scheme
  • aggressive, ethically dubious business model that targeted potential customers’ financial fears and socioeconomic anxieties
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  • precarious financial condition

Did Trump and Sanders Just Agree To A Debate? - The Atlantic - 0 views


The Impact of Money Bail - The Atlantic - 0 views

  • More than 60 percent of people in America’s overcrowded jails are there because they can’t afford to pay their bail amou
  • ipple effect
  • questions about America’s pretrial system and the way it affects the lives of unconvicted people.
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  • But that correlation might exist because some of the factors in the way bail is set are likely related to guilt—so correlations found between bail and convictions have been hard to interpret in the sense that past studies have not been able to pinpoint whether those negative outcomes are really due to bail being assigned.
  • This randomness is ideal for what economists call a natural experiment
  • being assigned money bail increases the probability of conviction by about 6 percentage points and also causes a 4 percentage point increase in the risk that someone would go on to commit another crime.
  • : That paper used the same data set from Philadelphia, and concluded that pretrial detention led to a 6.6 percentage point increase in the likelihood of conviction.
  • “Many of these convictions appear to be the result of guilty pleas by detained persons,” says Ethan Frenchman, a public defender in Baltimore and co-author of the study. “Our paper further demonstrates how the American money-bail system is not only grossly unfair and irrational, but imposes far greater harms on defendants and the public than we realize.”

Bernie Sanders's Political Revolution Nears Its End - The Atlantic - 0 views

    "This Is How a Revolution Ends" - keep in mind the revolutions we have studied throughout the year (notice the differences and similarities)

Obama's Hiroshima Visit Is a Reminder that Atomic Bombs Weren't What Won the War - 0 views

  • opportunity to reconsider some of the myths surrounding the historic decision to use the atomic bomb
  • loss of 135,000 people made little impact on the Japanese military
  • Japan had been willing to sacrifice city after city to American conventional bombing in the months leading up to Hiroshima
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  • The historical record also makes clear that American leaders fully understood this.
  • Japan was likely to surrender with the sole proviso that Japan be allowed to keep its emperor in some figurehead role.
  • The U.S. military had long planned to keep the emperor in such a role to help control Japan during the postwar occupation.
  • they too judged that this would end the war.
  • the United States allowed Japan to keep its emperor as a way to help control Japan during the occupation
  • the use of this barbarous weapon at Hiroshima and Nagasaki was of no material assistance in our war against Japan
  • What can be proved is that the president was advised that the assurances were, in fact, likely to end the war without the bombs
  • So there was plenty time to use the bombs if Japan did not surrender once assurances for the emperor were given.
  • Close attention to some key dates is also instructive.
  • the Red Army attack on or around Aug. 8. Hiroshima was destroyed on Aug. 6 and Nagasaki on Aug. 9.
  • What really happened in the days leading up to the decision to destroy Hiroshima and Nagasaki may never be known.
  • The only serious answer to the threat of nuclear weapons is an all-out effort to abolish them from arsenals throughout the world

Donald Trump Secures Delegates Needed To Clinch GOP Presidential Nomination - 0 views

  • AP reported, pushing the billionaire businessman over the 1,237-delegate threshold he needed to avoid a contested convention ahead of the Nov. 8 election.
  • former reality TV star
  • Trump would face either former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton or U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont, who are vying for the Democratic nomination

An Open Letter to My Friends Who Support Donald Trump - 1 views

  • But I can't understand why you would support someone as hateful, sexist, racist and ignorant as Donald Trump.
    • proudsa
      Not necessarily related to our unit but an interesting  read
  • It's not okay to marginalize an entire race of people, saying things like all the Mexicans are lazy, that they are all stealing our jobs and bringing drugs into our country.
  • We're all human. Some humans are really bad people. Some are really good. And it doesn't matter what color they are, it makes no difference whatsoever
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  • Trump's supporters are angry, and anger is infectious.
  • We need the kind of leader that seeks to bring us together, not tear us apart.
  • Lucky for us, this isn't Grandma's house, so feel free to punch him in the mouth in the form of getting out and making your vote count.
  • but racism isn't one of them, neither is hate, neither is the belittling of women or the judgment of others based on their appearance or their disability, or their sexual preference.
  • Do you think empowered women will suddenly quit their jobs and go back to the kitchen ? Because electing Trump won't make any of that come true. We're past that as a nation, or at least I thought we were.
  • Whatever led you to believe that racism is okay can be unlearned if you open your mind. I'm sorry that you were raised to believe that you deserve better treatment than the rest of the people on the planet that have different views than yours, worship different gods than you and have skin that isn't white.
  • I implore you to get out and vote against him. Don't let the progress of this great nation be halted. We've come too far.
  • The idea that certain religions are more dangerous than others and the idea that people should be judged based on the color of their skin rather than the content of their character.
  • And then there are just the plainly insane people who finally snap and go on shooting rampages for no discernible reason at all. They just went mad.
  • We're still healing from the damage inflicted by the Civil War, WWI, WWII, Vietnam, Iraq and the War on Terror. And it isn't just ISIS or Al-Qaeda.

The human remains just found at Stonehenge could change how we see the ancient world. - 0 views

  • researchers discovered the remnants of dozens of individuals buried under and around the stone ring
    • proudsa
      Could these belong to one of the ancient civilizations we've studied?
  • 14 more women (and nine men) were excavated by researchers
  • "The archaeology now shows that as far as the burials go, women were as prominent there as men. This contrasts with the earlier burial mounds, where men seem to be more prominent,"
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  • "Historical evidence has shown that women’s status has gone up and down quite noticeably at different times in the past."
    • proudsa
      Important to remember as we're studying different time periods.
  • gender equality was common in hunter-gatherer communities prior to the advent of farming.

Pope Francis' Guide to Lent: What You Should Give Up This Year | TIME - 0 views

  • So, if we’re going to fast from anything this Lent, Francis suggests that even more than candy or alcohol, we fast from indifference towards others.
    • proudsa
      Love this!
  • Describing this phenomenon he calls the globalization of indifference, Francis writes that “whenever our interior life becomes caught up in its own interests and concerns, there is no longer room for others, no place for the poor. God’s voice is no longer heard, the quiet joy of his love is no longer felt, and the desire to do good fades.” He continues that, “We end up being incapable of feeling compassion at the outcry of the poor, weeping for other people’s pain, and feeling a need to help them, as though all this were someone else’s responsibility and not our own.”

Bernie Sanders' Healthcare Dreams Are Revolutionary, Unaffordable And Unachievable - Fo... - 0 views

  • Unaffordable And Unachievable
    • proudsa
      According to recent studies, with Bernie's plan, the US will be bankrupt in two years 
  • Bernie’s plan falls short of this imagined utopia and would fail for reasons fiscal, political, social and medical.
  • No American would have to come up with copays or satisfy deductibles, nor would they face the fear of losing coverage.
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  • Bernie’s proposal is, in a word, revolutionary–at least for Americans.
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