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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Megan Flanagan

Megan Flanagan

Why Won't Hillary Clinton Defend Trade Deals? - The Atlantic - 0 views

  • crimped construct leaves no room for the very different perspective of someone like architect Charles Kelley in Portland, Oregon
  • “Portland,” Kelley said, “has become responsible for setting the frame for how China will look at urbanism for the next 50 years.”
  • consult with cities around the world to develop sustainable communities through everything from promoting renewable energy to opening bike lanes.
  • ...12 more annotations...
  • “Now … I can’t imagine what the region would be like if we didn’t have the level of trade we have [today].”
  • Donald Trump insists that trade and immigration are undermining wages and devouring jobs
  • has also refused to defend the North American Free Trade Agreement that her husband Bill Clinton signed—an agreement Trump routinely calls “the single worst trade deal ever approved in this country.”
  • But her resistance to expanded trade reflects outdated assumptions about the Democratic coalition
  • Clinton may rely even more than previous Democratic nominees on these pro-trade groups
  • Democratic partisans are now much more likely than Republicans to view globalization and trade as a positive force on all those fronts
  • the movement of blue-collar whites largely skeptical of trade into the GOP, and their replacement in the Democratic coalition by minorities,
  • international trade specifically as beneficial for the U.S. economy, consumers and their own living standards,
  • voters from all parties worry that trade can eliminate domestic jobs.
  • NAFTA has likely saved many U.S. jobs that might otherwise have migrated elsewhere
  • “If you are able to produce parts of your finished product in Mexico and lower your cost, you can increase your share of the market,”
  • creates an undeniable need for fresh thinking on how to connect those displaced workers with the economy’s new opportunities.
Megan Flanagan

ISIS 'executes' 232 near Mosul, takes 'human shields' - - 0 views

  • SIS has "executed" 232 people near Mosul and taken tens of thousands of people to use as human shields against advancing Iraqi forces
  • terror group had carried out the mass killings on Wednesday,
  • 42 civilians in Hammam al-Alil,
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • 190 former Iraqi Security Forces
  • October 17, ISIS has taken "tens of thousands" of men, women and children from the outskirts of Mosul into the city.
  • civilians being murdered as ISIS tries to herd people into its last stronghold in Iraq
  • had evacuated 5,000 to 6,000 civilians from there.
  • "90% surrounded Hammam al-Alil,"
  • Iraqi security forces might storm Hammam al-Alil in the next few hours but that it would depend on the situation on the ground,
  • using a "scorched earth" policy by destroying houses, buildings and bridges to slow down the advancing Iraqi security forces, he said.
  • US and its allies have killed between 800 and 900 ISIS fighters
  • 3,000 to 5,000 ISIS fighters defending the last major stronghold
  • additional 1,500 to 2,000 ISIS soldiers in a zone outside the city
Megan Flanagan

Ash Carter suspends bonus clawbacks California National Guard members - - 0 views

  • Secretary of Defense Ash Carter said Wednesday he is suspending "all efforts to collect reimbursement"
  • following outrage from veterans and their families over attempts to recover the money 10 years after it was disbursed.
  • "While some soldiers knew or should have known they were ineligible for benefits they were claiming, many others did not.
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • this suspension will continue until "I am satisfied that our process is working effectively."
  • uncovered rampant fraud and mismanagement by California Guard officials
  • does not have the authority to unilaterally waive the debts.
  • 4,000 members will get to keep their bonuses
  • 5,400 had a problem collecting after a government audit was complete.
  • Defense Department will review current cases on an individual basis and people out of the military can also apply to be reviewed
Megan Flanagan

WikiLeaks hack collateral damage can be deeply personal - - 0 views

  • type your name into WikiLeaks to see what damage the day's hacked emails might hold for you.
  • ype your name into WikiLeaks to see what damage the day's hacked emails might hold for you.
  • the emails include the private information of a large number of bystanders, ranging from email addresses to financial data.
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  • Because you say that to your friends, you confide in your friends, and who knows what's in there of your personal life and your professional life."
  • The Clinton campaign has refused to confirm or deny the authenticity of any of the emails
  • The website has faced criticism in the past for its tendency not to screen releases for personally identifiable information or security sensitivities,
  • Podesta emails -- which go back to the 2008 race -- have contained personal email addresses and even cellphone numbers for a wide range of DC personalities,
  • sensitive financial information was contained in the emails published online.
  • information introduces these peripheral individuals to a range of risks.
  • including personal security and financial fraud.
  • the possibility that they may be targeted by phishing or scams to try to lure them into further traps.
  • the dangers can increase to identity theft and the risk extended to family, friends and professional contacts.
  • I've got all kinds of new security provisions, new computers, and I'm changing how I use email.
  • "I hired a cybersecurity firm and I'm not rich," he added. "I've spent for me what's an enormous amount of money."
  • I figured out that a new batch of hacked emails from Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman, John Podesta, had been released, including a note I wrote to Podesta with my cell number.
  • all the contents of your emails for 10 years dumped out into public, think about how that feels.
  • saying the First Amendment freedom trumps personal privac
  • 'It's like somebody robbed a bank and as they're running away the money is spilling out of the backpack and instead of catching the criminal everyone is stopping to chase the money.'
Megan Flanagan

Road to 270: CNN's general election map - - 0 views

  • both states appear to be snapping back to their traditional toss-up status
  • back in the "battleground" category
  • districts worth a total of 87 electoral votes.
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • - Florida (29) moves from "lean Democratic" to "battleground"
  • Nevada (6) moves from "lean Democratic" to "battleground"
  • Florida is also one of the handful of states where the Clinton campaign remains heavily on the air with campaign advertising and where it announced today that two closing argument ads will begin to be seen across the state
  • Florida's 29 electoral votes are the biggest prize on the map among competitive states and both campaigns plan to fight it out there all the way through November 8
  • expected back in the Silver State
  • Trump continues to shore up his Republican support and improve his standing among Hispanics
  • Clinton at 272 electoral votes
  • 179 electoral votes from the states either solidly or leaning in his direction
  • 87 electoral votes currently up for grabs
Megan Flanagan

US strikes Yemen after missiles launched on warship - - 0 views

  • American destroyer struck three sites in Yemen on Thursday
  • USS Mason
  • a minority Shia group that has taken control of swathes of Yemen, including the capital, Sanaa
  • ...15 more annotations...
  • two missiles were launched within 60 minutes of each other, but in both incidents they missed the ship and landed in the water.
  • US warship was conducting routine operations in international waters off the Yemen coast when it was targeted Wednesday,
  • Pentagon said its destroyer USS Nitze launched Tomahawk cruise missiles targeting the coastal radar sites controlled by the Houthi group in "self defense."
  • all three targets were destroyed
  • strikes were in remote areas with little risk of civilian casualties or collateral damage
  • Those who threaten our forces should know that US commanders retain the right to defend their ships, and we will respond to this threat at the appropriate time and in the appropriate manner,"
  • "there is no truth to these allegations"
  • the accusations were aimed at covering up a "heinous" Saudi-led coalition airstrike on a funeral service Saturday in Sanaa
  • increased pressure over its support of the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen,
  • Hadi himself is believed to be in exile in Saudi Arabia, as are several senior members of his administration.
  • "The United States, United Kingdom, and other governments should immediately suspend arms sales to Saudi Arabia."
  • calling the attack an "apparent war crime.
  • could further drag the US into the war in Yemen and contribute to the worsening humanitarian crisis.
  • . The crisis quickly escalated into a war that allowed al Qaeda and ISIS -- other enemies of the Houthis -- to thrive amid the chaos
  • conflict has killed about 10,000 Yemenis and left millions in need of aid
Megan Flanagan

Russia, US move past Cold War to unpredictable confrontation - - 0 views

  • It's an outright conflict.
  • US-Russia relations have deteriorated sharply amid a barrage of accusations and disagreements
  • "This is a conflict, there should be no doubt,"
  • ...28 more annotations...
  • Washington publicly accused the Kremlin of cyberattacks on election systems and the democracy itself last Friday.
  • US officials suggested Russia be investigated for war crimes in the besieged city of Aleppo.
  • The whole hysteria is aimed at making the American forget about the manipulation of public opinion,"
  • We have not seen a single fact, a single proof,"
  • Hillary Clinton has pointed to the hacks as evidence that Russia favors her GOP opponent,
  • Putin dismissed that charge
  • Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said it was a baseless accusation.
  • very real possibility of a building tit-for-tat dynamic
  • openly raised the possible use of nuclear weapons
  • "I think the world has reached a dangerous point,"
  • "It's a much more dangerous and unpredictable situation."
  • Putin wants to limit America's world leadership role, curb what he sees as an American inclination for "regime change," and show that Russia too can use military force to achieve foreign policy goals.
  • Moscow abruptly left a nuclear security pact, citing US aggression, and moved nuclear-capable Iskandar missiles to the edge of NATO territory in Europe
  • "you have the impression they are escalating by themselves and going to the extreme."
  • Recent incidents include harassment of US diplomats in Moscow and Russian claims that its foreign service officers are badgered in the US, several occasions
  • quality of relations between us is certainly at the lowest point since the Cold War,
  • aggressive anti-Russia tendencies at the basis of the US policy on Russia."
  • "the unacceptability of interference with democracy in the United States of America,"
  • Gorbachev urged a "return to the main priorities" between Russia and the US.
  • "These are nuclear disarmament, the fight against terrorism, the prevention of an environmental disaster,
  • Russian president is a former KGB agent and that means "by definition he doesn't have a soul."
  • Lavrov called it "ridiculous" to suggest that "Russia is interfering in the United States' domestic matters."
  • but there's clearly concern on some level
  • Putin "really believes the US is responsible" for the December 2011 demonstrations against him
  • ollowed a typical pattern of a slow escalation and a mutual understanding on both sides when it was time to stop. 
  • 'if we are not getting what we want on one front, we will escalate on other fronts.' "
  • Russians "have signaled in a couple of ways that they are willing" to use nuclear weapons.
  • Russia understands they have another couple of months until January where nothing much is going to happen, and why not take advantage of that
Megan Flanagan

Reviled by G.O.P., WikiLeaks Embraced by Trump for Clinton Email Leaks - The New York T... - 0 views

  • Donald J. Trump is suddenly embracing an unlikely ally: The document-spilling group WikiLeaks,
  • increasingly seizing on a trove of embarrassing emails from Hillary Clinton’s campaign
  • an extraordinary turnabout after years of bipartisan criticism of the organization
  • ...27 more annotations...
  • or past disclosures of American national security intelligence and other confidential information.
  • President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia insisted on Wednesday that his nation was being falsely accused.
  • Clinton, the Republican candidate said: “Maybe there is no hacking. But they always blame Russia,” he said, as part of an effort to “tarnish me.”
  • Based on a few emails plucked from the account, Mr. Trump and his team have accused Clinton aides of improperly receiving inside information from the Obama administration
  • the campaign received an update from the Department of Justice about the timing of the release of Mrs. Clinton’s State Department emails
  • Republican allies say he has come to believe that WikiLeaks could yield a critical mass of negative and destructive information — if not a smoking gun — that drives up Mrs. Clinton’s already high unfavorable ratings with voters and perhaps even derails her candidacy.
  • emails began to appear on Friday afternoon, just hours after the director of National Intelligence and the Department of Homeland Security issued a statement attributing previous hacks to the Russian government
  • The Clinton campaign is trying its own political jujitsu with the hacks,
  • there was “the possibility that Trump’s allies had advance knowledge of the release of these illegally obtained emails.”
  • Republicans have previously condemned WikiLeaks and similarly blasted the leaks by Edward J. Snowden, a National Security Agency contractor, and said they were evidence of carelessness by the Obama administration
  • if he keeps on pressuring on it, it really will help,”
  • touched off a feverish debate over government invading people’s privacy,
  • “I thought what Snowden did was disgraceful, treasonous. But the reality is the information is out there, and if Hillary doesn’t deny it then to me it certainly has to be used.”
  • Democrats showed no compunction about using unauthorized material when it came to Mr. Trump’s 1995 tax returns, or a leaked NBC audio recording of Mr. Trump boasting about groping
  • information that WikiLeaks and other outlets had made public from hacking collectives is “relevant.”
  • “But for this information, a number of revelations would remain secret — how Hillary Clinton really feels, how paranoid she really was about an Elizabeth Warren challenge, her ability to articulate a message that’s cohesive and credible,”
  • insisted showed “bias” toward Catholics.
  • the Clinton campaign seemed uncertain about how to navigate the disclosures,
  • Democrats expressed deep concern about how much more widespread the breaches could be.
  • WikiLeaks email will do little to help Mr. Trump attract more undecided voters, especially women, or reassure wavering Trump supporters.
  • “They ought to spend less time figuring out how to reinforce those people and more time trying to add to his vote column.”
  • He said the emails “make more clear than ever, just how much is at stake in November and how unattractive and dishonest our country has become.”
  • aggressively pushed the Clinton camp emails in news media briefings and cable news appearances
  • “reaffirmed” comments that he has made as a candidate about the two-faced nature of politicians and alleged malfeasance in government.
  • “It’s really backing up what the people have been feeling all of this time about the corruption of government, embedded, just the trickle-down corruption.”
  • the emails are highly unlikely to influence undecided voters
  • But 55 to 60 percent of the country is open to a Clinton presidency and wants to see the next president get to work with Congress to help the country.”
Megan Flanagan

After Bombings, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump Clash Over Terrorism - The New York Times - 1 views

  • Hillary Clinton and Donald J. Trump were already racing to seize the political upper hand
  • called Mr. Trump a “recruiting sergeant for the terrorists”
  • blaming Mrs. Clinton and President Obama’s handling of immigration and the Iraq war for bringing terrorism to American shores
  • ...16 more annotations...
  • called for vigorous police profiling of people from the Muslim world and drew a direct equation between immigration controls and national defense.
  • attacks could reframe the presidential race around stark questions of national security
  • the bombings in New York and New Jersey over the weekend are a critical inflection point.
  • “They are looking to make this into a war against Islam, rather than a war against jihadists, violent terrorists,”
  • she has enjoyed an edge over her Republican opponent on issues of national security and foreign policy.
  • Mrs. Clinton held a news conference to call for “courage and vigilance” in the face of terrorism,
  • calling him a “recruiting sergeant” for terrorists, she accused him of giving “aid and comfort” to the Islamic State with his campaign oratory.
  • “We’re going after the bad guys, and we’re going to get them, but we’re not going after an entire religion,”
  • the candidates’ responses to an apparent terrorist plot on American soil could sharply alter voters’ views
  • criticizing Mrs. Clinton for favoring more lenient immigration policies and calling her attack on Mr. Trump tantamount to an accusation of treason.
  • to stop the rise of the Islamic State,
  • “Her weakness, her ineffectiveness, caused the problem, and now she wants to be president,” he said. “I don’t think so.”
  • directly equated American vulnerability to terrorism with what he called laxness in the immigration system
  • “These attacks, and many others, were made possible because of our extremely open immigration system,
  • “Immigration security,” he added, “is national security.”
  • he still faces broad reservations among voters about his readiness to serve as commander in chief.
Megan Flanagan

Ahmad Rahami: Fixture in Family's Business and, Lately, a 'Completely Different Person'... - 1 views

  • some friends noticed a marked change in his personality and religious devotion after what they believed was a trip to Afghanistan,
  • traveled to Pakistan, for three months in 2011
  • had a fractious relationship with neighbors and the police in Elizabeth, N.J.
  • ...19 more annotations...
  • to Quetta, for nearly a year
  • Mohammad Rahami told him he was from Kandahar and had been part of the mujahedeen in Afghanistan that fought the Soviet Army
  • “Muslims make too much trouble in this country.”
  • the elder Rahami was dubious of the Taliban and detested ISIS.
  • he had become more religious and had taken to wearing Muslim robes
  • He used to wear Western-style clothing, and customers said he gave little indication of his heritage.
  • “It’s like he was a completely different person,” Mr. Jones said. “He got serious and completely closed off.”
  • “Where did he really go and what did he do overseas that a kid who lived a normal New Jersey life came back as a sophisticated bomb maker and terrorist?”
  • Both of those cities’ reputations have become entwined with the militant groups who have sheltered there:
  • Collisions between those worlds sometimes led to rifts with his father, who was more religious and traditional.
  • Rahami family’s filing a lawsuit in 2011 against the city and its Police Department
  • He was arrested in 2014 on weapons and aggravated assault charges for allegedly stabbing a relative in the leg in a domestic incident
  • In June 2010, two of Ahmad Rahami’s brothers, Mohammad K. and Mohammad Q., were arrested after an altercation with police officers who had shown up after 10 to tell them to close down for the night.
  • The Rahamis said Mr. McDermott told them that “Muslims make too much trouble in this country” and “Muslims should not have businesses here.”
  • “It was neighbor complaints; it had nothing to do with his ethnicity or religion. It had to do with noise and people congregating on the streets.”
  • Sept. 16, 2011, said that Mr. Rahami had been hospitalized and that his family was in Afghanistan “but returning over the next few days.
  • At 10:30 on Sunday night, the bombs having gone off and the hunt for the perpetrator well underway, Junior Robinson, 19, stopped in at First American Fried Chicken for some drumsticks and fries.
  • Mohammad Rahami served him.
  • Ahmad Rahami was not there. Mr. Robinson gave that no thought.
Megan Flanagan

U.N. Suspends Convoys to Syria After Attack on Aid Trucks - The New York Times - 0 views

  • The United Nations suspended all aid convoys in Syria on Tuesday, the day after a deadly airstrike on trucks loaded with crucial supplies of food and medicine.
  • seeking to confirm the number of people killed and wounded in the attack on Monday nigh
  • the attack would amount to a war crime if it were found to have targeted humanitarian aid workers.
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • called for an independent investigation, adding that “the perpetrators should know that they will one day be held accountable for violations of international humanitarian and human rights law.”
  • he United States would reassess the prospects for cooperation with Russia in light of this “egregious violation” of the week-old cessation of hostilities.
  • killed a senior official of the Syrian Arab Red Crescent
  • Repeated strikes by aircraft destroyed 18 of 31 trucks that the United Nations said had been clearly marked as a humanitarian convoy.
  • bombs also destroyed a hospital
  • believed to have been the first time a convoy has come under attack by aircraft
Megan Flanagan

Shabab Attack on Hotel in Mogadishu, Somalia, Kills Over a Dozen - The New York Times - 0 views

  • at least 15 people dead and creating a fiery scene of wrecked cars, crumbled buildings, panic and smoke that stretched for blocks in the heart of Mogadishu, the capital.
  • The Shabab, a Somali militant organization that has attacked several other hotels in similar fashion, claimed responsibility for the assault.
  • Somalia has been increasingly violent.
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • are competing with the Islamic State and are desperate to demonstrate their militant prowess.
  • Somalia’s government and its Western allies, including the United States, have gone on the offensive, increasing the frequency of their strikes against militants.
  • United States killed about 150 Shabab fighters in airstrikes on a training camp; the attack was one of the deadliest single assaults in recent Somali history.
  • merican officials have said the troops’ primary role is to train and assist the African Union and Somali forces fighting the Shabab.
  • Two Somali lawmakers have been confirmed dead, and the authorities said the death toll could rise.
  • “I am scared,” said Abdulkadir Hassan
Megan Flanagan

German Vote on Armenian Genocide Riles Tempers, and Turkey - The New York Times - 0 views

  • it is that people should learn from their history
  • which is expected to overwhelmingly approve a resolution that officially declares the century-old Armenian massacres to be genocide
  • warned Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany in a telephone call that there could be consequences if the resolution passes
  • ...13 more annotations...
  • The Turkish government has long rejected the term genocide, saying that thousands of people, many of them Turks, died in the civil war that destroyed the Ottoman Empire.
  • resolution comes at a delicate time for Ms. Merkel.
  • stem the flow of migrants from the Middle East to Europe, a policy that has earned her criticism for allying with the increasingly authoritarian Mr. Erdogan.
  • “If Germany is to be deceived by this, then bilateral, diplomatic, economic, trade, political and military ties — we are both NATO countries — will be damaged,”
  • has been a driving force behind the resolution,
  • a step intended to foster reconciliation between Turks and Armenians by encouraging them to examine their history.
  • “The intent is not, and never was, to incriminate someone,”
  • “It must be possible to work through a historical event that took place 100 years ago,” h
  • “They will use the resolution as proof of a further attack by the West on Turkey,”
  • had pushed last spring to postpone the vote on it. That was before the migrant crisis, when ties between Germany and Turkey were less complicated.
  • The two sides seem to have taken care to leave themselves room to move forward on issues such as visa-free travel for Turks to Europe, which for Ankara is a crucial point of the broad accord on migrants, and advancing Turkey’s bid to join the bloc.
  • We will never give up working for amity and peace, and against those who try to politicize history through bitter rhetoric of hate and enmity, and to alienate the two neighboring nations, who are bound by their common history and their similar traditions,”
  • “I do not think that the German Parliament will destroy this relationship
Megan Flanagan

Militias in Libya Advance on ISIS Stronghold of Surt With Separate Agendas - The New Yo... - 0 views

  • dvancing along the Mediterranean coast toward the Islamic State stronghold of Surt, signaling the first major assault on territory that
  • the terrorist group’s largest base outside of Iraq and Syria.
  • reduced the length of Libyan coastline controlled by the Islamic State to 100 miles from about 150 miles
  • ...12 more annotations...
  • advance did signal a new setback for the Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL, at a time when it is already under concerted attack in Falluja, Iraq, and in parts of Syria.
  • risks destabilizing the fragile peace effort by fostering violent competition between rival groups
  • slamic State fighters have presided over a brutal rule in the city, with public executions and floggings, as well as shortages of food and medicines
  • a potential plan for extensive airstrikes against the militant group’s camps,
  • faltered badly as the unity government, which arrived in the capital, Tripoli, in March, has failed to gain broad political acceptance.
  • a significant prize because its loss to the Islamic State last June was seen as a significant step in the group’s domination of the Surt region.
  • seized the coastal town of Bin Jawad and claimed on Tuesday to have moved on nearby Nawfaliyah.
  • principally involved in intelligence gathering and reconnaissance.
  • such efforts are being frustrated by the tribal and personal rivalries that have fueled chaos in Libya since the fall of Colonel Qaddafi in 2011
  • “These forces lack crucial capabilities,”
  • The coastal city is thought to be home to a majority of the Islamic State fighters in Libya, estimated to number between 3,000 and 6,500.
  • the eastern branch of the country’s central bank this week announced that it had printed 4 billion Libyan dinars through a company in Russia, drawing a furious reaction from the main central bank in Tripoli.
Megan Flanagan

Russian jet barrel-rolls over U.S. aircraft - - 0 views

  • plane was barrel-rolled by a Russian jet over the Baltic Sea
  • when a Russian jet "performed erratic and aggressive maneuvers" as it flew within 50 feet of the U.S. aircraft's wing tip
  • "intercepted by a Russian SU-27 in an unsafe and unprofessional manner,"
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • actions of a single pilot have the potential to unnecessarily escalate tensions between countries
  • United States is protesting with the Russian government.Read More
  • incident were "not consistent with reality"
  • encounter comes just days after the U.S. Embassy in Moscow issued formal concerns with the Russian government over an incident last week in which Russian fighter jets flew close to the USS Donald Cook in the Baltic.
  • ncounters between Russian military aircraft and U.S. warships have become increasing common in recent months
  • Department of Defense announced it was spending $3.4 billion for the European Reassurance Initiative in an effort to deter Russian aggression against NATO allies following Russia's 2014 intervention in Ukraine.
  • U.S. has deployed additional military assets throughout Europe
Megan Flanagan

Obama at the CIA: 'Depraved' ISIS now on the defensive - - 0 views

  • SIS is on the defensive after a "bad few months,"
  • "depraved" nature of the organization, also known as ISIL, only brings the world together and strengthens opposition to the group
  • barbarism only stiffens our unity and our determination to wipe this vile terrorist organization off the face of the earth
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  • successful U.S. missions to take out ISIS leaders, which he said would continue in the coming months
  • Their ranks of fighters are estimated to be at the lowest levels in about two years,
  • If you target Americans, you have no safe haven. We will find you."
  • third time Obama had gathered his team to discuss the terror fight at sites outside of the typical gathering place
  • working to better explain his efforts against ISIS
  • Obama will also consult allies in London and Germany to press for greater cooperation on the ISIS figh
  • the massacres in Europe have shaken the American public's confidence in Obama's plans.
  • sending an additional 250 U.S. Special Operations forces into Syria
Megan Flanagan

First on CNN: Democrats to spend millions across five states in fight for Senate majori... - 0 views

  • has quietly reserved nearly $40 million
  • effort to retake the majority and compete with a presidential campaign consuming much of the public's attention
  • privately hammering out an election-year strategy
  • ...11 more annotations...
  • defend two of their own seats
  • $10 million in air time to target the state's open Senate seat in Florida
  • $10 million in Ohio
  • $8 million in the race to unseat GOP Sen. Kelly Ayotte.
  • Democrats believe that swing voters in purple states will end up voting for their candidates down-the-ticket and help them take back the Senate
  • $4 million in the race for the Nevada seat
  • air time will be reserved later in other states where there are major Senate races, like Illinois, but unlikely to be contested in a presidential race.
  • declined to comment.
  • 10 seats to defend compared to 24 for the Republicans.
  • $5 million to defend two seats -- Colorado
  • Katie McGinty, has benefited from $1.1 million in advertising by the committee
Megan Flanagan

Taiwan elects first female president; China ties strain - - 0 views

  • Taiwan has elected its first female president
  • Tsai Ing-wen, leader of the opposition Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), won the presidency with 56.1% of the vote,
Megan Flanagan

King of Jordan says ISIS could be defeated 'fairly quickly' - - 0 views

  • ISIS terrorists in Iraq and Syria can be defeated "fairly quickly,
  • the group could be taken off the battlefield soon.
  • mid-term is going to be the intelligence and security aspect. The long-term is the ideological one and the educational one.
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • have been working alongside dozens of other nations to take out ISIS fighters through airstrikes,
  • that the fight wouldn't necessarily yield an immediate victory
  • It may take time, but we have long memories, and our reach has no limit,
  • Not only inside Islam, as we as Muslims gain the supremacy against the crazies, the outlaws, of our religion, but also reaching out to other religions that Islam is not what they have seen being perpetuated by 0.1% of our religion
  • where we hold them accountable on whatever potential mischief may be found.
  • "As for the President, we're in contact all the time," Abdullah said. "I've heard this morning that there's a feeling that I've been snubbed, and that couldn't be further from the truth."
  • Obama and Abdullah have met often in the past to discuss issues like counter-terrorism and the war on ISIS,
  • ordan remains an important partner on really important issues like fighting ISIL
Megan Flanagan

Police: Danville officer killed after suspect's threat - - 0 views

  • said her ex-boyfriend took off with his weapons Sunday night and was looking to kill an officer
  • Cottrell's body was found behind the Danville Municipal Building
  • His weapon had been stolen, and his police car was missing.
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • immediately clear whether Cottrell was targeted specifically, or if the assailant was trying to kill any police officer.
  • at least 30 U.S. law enforcement officers were shot to death
  • 24 law enforcement officers died in the line of duty in 2015, a 4% increase from 2014
  • 42 officers were killed by firearms, which was a decline from 2014, when 49 officers were shot and killed,
  • encountered a man who shot him
  • had faced multiple state and federal charges going back more than 10 years
  • pleaded guilty to possessing an unregistered sawed-off rifle in 2005, and in 2010 pleaded guilty to felony possession of a firearm
  • a federal magistrate judge sent Henderson to a treatment center run by the Utah Department of Corrections
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