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Contents contributed and discussions participated by johnsonma23


Uganda Halts Military Cooperation With North Korea - The New York Times - 0 views

  • Uganda Halts Military Cooperation With North Korea
  • Mr. Museveni agreed to comply with United Nations sanctions aimed at limiting North Korea’s capacity to earn foreign cash for its banned nuclear and missile program.
  • “We are disengaging the cooperation we are having with North Korea, as a result of U.N. sanctions,”
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  • Under economic pressure from international sanctions, North Korea has relied on the exports of weapons and the deployment of military instructors abroad as a source of foreign currency.
  • Mr. Museveni, in power since 1986, visited North Korea in 1987, 1990 and 1992 and met with Kim Il-sung. When he visited South Korea in 2013, he surprised officials by greeting them in Korean; he said he had learned it from Kim Il-sung, the South Korean news agency Yonhap reported.
  • During her visit, Uganda and South Korea signed 10 cooperation agreements in areas like defense, health, rural development and communications technology, both governments said.
  • South Korea has exported $350,000 worth of helmets, bulletproof jackets and grenades to Uganda in the last three years, according to South Korean government data.
  • For decades, South Korea and North Korea have tried to undercut each other’s influence in Africa.
  • On Tuesday, North Korea launched a missile, but the test ended in failure, the South Korean military said. It was the latest in a recent string of test flops that have embarrassed Kim Jong-un, who has positioned his country’s missile and nuclear programs as his key achievement.

Donald Trump: Hispanic judge in Trump University lawsuit is 'a hater' | MSNBC - 0 views

  • Donald Trump: Hispanic judge in Trump University lawsuit is ‘a hater’
  • Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump railed against the judge in the legal battle over Trump University, telling a large crowd Friday in San Diego, “There should be no trial.”
  • “We’re in front of a very hostile judge. The judge was appointed by Barack Obama,” Trump told a campaign rally
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  • U.S. District Court Judge Gonzalo Curiel “happens to be, we believe Mexican, which is great. I think that’s fine,” Trump added of the judge, who was born in East Chicago, Indiana.
  • “I have a judge who is a hater of Donald Trump, a hater, he’s a hater,” he continued. “I’m getting railroaded by a legal system that frankly they should be ashamed.”
  • “I think Judge Curiel should be ashamed of himself. I think it’s a disgrace that he’s doing this and I look forward to going before a jury not this judge, a jury, and we will win that trial.”
  • “Because of the wall and because of everything that’s going on with Mexico … this is a judge who I believe has treated me very, very unfairly,” Trump said. 

Russia's Vladimir Putin warns he'll retaliate against NATO missiles - - 0 views

  • Russian President Vladimir Putin warns he'll retaliate against NATO missiles
  • Russian President Vladimir Putin said Russia will retaliate against the placement of U.S. missiles in nearby countries such as Romania, according to Russia's state-run news agency TASS.
  • The United States launched a ground-based missile defense system earlier this month in Romania. The system is meant to defend Europe against rogue states like Iran and not intended to target Moscow's missiles, Washington has said.
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  • NATO, which operates the missile defense system, said the missiles could not be used offensively as they don't include explosives and are designed to simply "punch" targets out of the sky.
  • The NATO run system is housed at a U.S. naval support facility in Deveselu, Romania, the site of a Romanian military base. An additional anti-missile platform is planned in Poland.
  • The missile installation in Romania is the first land-based defensive missile launcher in Europe. It is part of a larger NATO defense shield that includes a command-and-control center at Ramstein Air Base, Germany, a radar installation in Turkey and four ships capable of identifying enemy missiles and firing their own SM-3s based in Rota, Spain.

Rise of Donald Trump Tracks Growing Debate Over Global Fascism - The New York Times - 1 views

  • Rise of Donald Trump Tracks Growing Debate Over
  • There is a tendency at times to try to fit current movements into understandable constructs — some refer to terrorist groups in the Middle East as Islamofascists — but scholars say there is a spectrum that includes right-wing nationalism, illiberal democracy and populist autocracy.
  • Donald J. Trump’s immigration plan with Kristallnacht, the night of horror in 1938 when rampaging Nazis smashed Jewish homes and businesses in Germany and killed scores of Jews.
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  • For a bipartisan establishment whose foundation has been shaken by Mr. Trump’s ascendance, these backers say, it is easier to delegitimize his support than to acknowledge widespread popular anger at the failure of both parties to confront the nation’s challenges.
  • But the discussion comes as questions are surfacing around the globe about a revival of fascism
  • “The crash of 2008 showed how globalization creates losers as well as winners
  • “In many countries, middle-class wages are stagnant and politics has become a battle over a shrinking pie. Populists have replaced contests between left and right with a struggle between cosmopolitan elites and angry nativists.”
  • Global Fascism
  • “On a world level, the situation that affects many countries is economic stagnation and the arrival of immigrants,
  • Americans are used to the idea that other countries may be vulnerable to such movements, but while figures like Father Charles Coughlin, the demagogic radio broadcaster, enjoyed wide followings in the 1930s, neither major party has ever nominated anyone quite like Mr. Trump.
  • build a wall on the border and to bar Muslims from entering the United States. “That’s the way Mussolini arrived and the way Hitler arrived,
  • Mr. Trump has provided plenty of ammunition for critics. He was slow to denounce the white supremacist David Duke and talked approvingly of beating up protesters.
  • “Trump does not have a political structure in the sense that the fascists did,”
  • “He doesn’t have the sort of ideology that they did. He has nobody who resembles the brownshirts. This is all just garbage.”

New Taliban leaders may mean more attacks on US targets | MSNBC - 0 views

  • New Taliban leaders may mean more attacks on US targets
  • The U.S. drone strike that killed the Taliban’s leader has also set up a potential leadership struggle between two of the terror group’s up-and-comers — and may signal more attacks on Western targets.
  • When the Taliban issued a statement Wednesday confirming that its top man, Mullah Akhtar Mansour, was killed in a recent U.S. strike, it also announced a new leadership team.
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  • aqoob is believed to be in his early to mid-twenties, but is the son of perhaps the Taliban’s most important leader, Mullah Muhammad Omar, who disappeared several years ago. The Taliban confirmed Omar’s death last summer.
  • The U.S. official told NBC News that intelligence agencies are now gathering more information about how the new team might change the already complicated dynamics in the region
  • The Taliban, which has its roots in northern Pakistan, controlled Afghanistan from 1996 until the U.S. invasion in 2001. It continues to operate in large chunks of Pakistan and Afghanistan, and to launch deadly attacks on both civilian and military targets.
  • The U.S. State Department has listed Haqqani as a “specially designated global terrorist” who was instrumental in introducing suicide bombing to Afghanistan and for maintaining close ties with al Qaeda.
  • The U.S. official told NBC News that authorities are keenly interested in seeing if the new Taliban team, especially with Haqqani in a more visible position, signals an increasing focus on attacks against Western interests in Afghanistan and possibly elsewhere.
  • The U.S. government has offered a $5 million bounty for Haqqani, saying he is wanted for questioning in connection with a January 2008 attack on a Kabul hotel that killed an American citizen and five other people.
  • The Russian government also views Haqqani as a significant threat, with a top Russian diplomat saying before Wednesday’s announcement that there would be “hell to pay” if he had been picked as the new Taliban leader.

Downed WWII bomber found in Pacific 72 years later - - 0 views

  • Downed WWII bomber found in Pacific 72 years later
  • As World War II raged in 1944, an American bomber took off on a mission with three crew members on board.
  • For 72 years, the TBM-1C Avenger lay on the ocean floor and with it, the remains of the crew.
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  • It was yet another success for Project RECOVER, an organization that blends old-school archival research with new-school sonar technology to find aircraft of Americans MIA, or missing in action.
  • For two months, the sonar scanned. And then, success.
  • The process began, as all the searches do, with intensive research at the National Archives, interviews with veterans, and a dig through old military photographs.
  • "This is more than reconnecting with history; it's about locating the missing to enable the U.S. government to bring them home for a proper burial,
  • The government will use personal items, such as dog tags, dental records and DNA to identify them

Emails Add to Hillary Clinton's Central Problem: Voters Just Don't Trust Her - The New ... - 0 views

  • Emails Add to Hillary Clinton’s Central Problem: Voters Just Don’t Trust Her
  • She vowed to improve infrastructure in her first 100 days in office, promised to increase funding for Alzheimer’s research and proposed a $10 billion plan to combat drug and alcohol addiction.
  • Voters just don’t trust her.
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  • they could to shed that image and convince voters that Mrs. Clinton can be trusted.
  • Mrs. Clinton had not sought or received approval to use a private email server while she was secretary of state.
  • It is not just that the inspector general found fault with her email practices. The report speaks directly to a wounding perception that Mrs. Clinton is not forthright or transparent.
  • Mrs. Clinton, through her lawyers, declined to be interviewed by the inspector general as part of the review.
  • Mrs. Clinton’s allies on Wednesday jumped on the fact that the report also revealed that Colin Powell, the secretary of state under President George W. Bush, and other State Department officials had also exclusively used personal email accounts
  • Crooked Hillary, crooked Hillary, she’s as crooked as they come,’’ Mr. Trump said at a rally in Anaheim, Calif.
  • But the Clinton campaign’s new effort to define Mr. Trump as a con man who rips off the little guy for his own gain will be met with the trickle of new developments related to Mrs. Clinton’s private email.
  • Mrs. Clinton spent much of last summer insisting she did not need to apologize for keeping a private server in her home in Chappaqua, N.Y. because the practice was “allowed.”
  • Mrs. Clinton has long contended that voters care more about issues — like equal pay for women, widely available child care, and making college more affordable — than how she handled her emails as secretary of state

Mississippi to join states' suit against Obama's transgender bathroom policy | MSNBC - 0 views

  • Mississippi to join states’ suit against Obama’s transgender bathroom policy
  • Mississippi plans to back the 11 other states that filed a lawsuit Wednesday to block the Obama administration’s transgender bathroom policy at public schools
  • Texas is leading the lawsuit, and governors from Alabama, Arizona, Georgia, Louisiana, Maine, Oklahoma, Tennessee, West Virginia, Wisconsin and Utah are also on board.
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  • ordered all of the nation’s public schools to honor transgender students’ bathroom of choice.
  • “into laboratories for a massive social experiment.”
  • denying workers from using a bathroom based on their gender identity amounts to sex discrimination.

Falluja offensive: Iraqi troops retake key town of Karma from ISIS - - 0 views

  • Iraqi troops retake key town from ISIS in Falluja offensive
  • Iraqi security forces and supporting militias have retaken the key town of Karma from ISIS, the government's first significant victory
  • The United Nations said it fears an estimated 50,000 civilians trapped in Falluja ahead of the government advance are at extreme risk.
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  • Iraqi government troops, backed by Shiite militias known as the Popular Mobilization Units and an air campaign by the U.S.-led anti-ISIS coalition, launched an offensive Monday to retake Falluja, about 65 kilometers (40 miles) west of Baghdad.
  • The recapture of Karma, about 16 kilometers (10 miles) northeast of Falluja, brings most of the territory east of Falluja under government control.
  • But activists said ISIS is preventing residents from leaving, and U.N. officials have said some have died trying to escape.
  • About 800 people had been able to flee to safety since Sunday, with most hailing from outlying areas, the U.N. statement said.
  • Those who made it out described dire humanitarian conditions in Falluja, which has had supply routes cut off since government forces retook nearby Ramadi in December.

Donald Trump would speak with North Korea's Kim Jong Un - - 0 views

  • Donald Trump would speak with North Korea's Kim Jong Un
  • Donald Trump says he'd be willing to speak with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un -- a sharp departure from current U.S. policy toward the reclusive Asian nation.
  • that he would pressure China to put more pressure on North Korea to change its ways.
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  • "At the same time I would put a lot of pressure on China because economically we have tremendous power over China," he said in the wide-ranging interview.
  • The comments represent a sharp turn from the way the U.S. currently approaches Pyongyang. The U.S. has no formal diplomatic relations with the country and engages through the Swedish embassy when necessary.
  • The Trump campaign did not immediately respond to a request for further comment.
  • "One of the things I think Donald Trump understands is power and opportunity,"
  • "I believe there's nobody that's run for president in years who understands how to negotiate more effectively than Donald Trump
  • Though there have been talks between North Korea and five other major world and Asian powers about the nuclear program for years, they have never risen to the presidential level and have not resulted in much success.

Bill Clinton can't serve in Hillary's cabinet | MSNBC - 0 views

  • Bill Clinton can’t serve in Hillary’s cabinet
  • Bill Clinton couldn’t serve in Hillary Clinton’s cabinet if she’s elected president, but he could have a powerful, less formal role in her administration, according to an MSNBC analysis of federal law governing the appointment of relatives.
  • “in charge of revitalizing the economy,”
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  • Hillary Clinton’s campaign said there has been no formal decision made on the former president’s role, pointing out that she has long said her husband would play an advisory role.
  • Presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump slammed the idea. “How can Crooked Hillary put her husband in charge of the economy when he was responsible for NAFTA, the worst economic deal in U.S. history?”
  • Ironically, Hillary Clinton’s role in her husband’s administration provides the best precedent for what the former president’s job might look like.
  • all, Bill Clinton would not be able to serve in his wife’s cabinet, nor in an agency position, thanks to 1967 anti-nepotism statute.
  • , the former president appointed his wife to chair his Health Reform Task Force, which spearheaded an ambitious health care reform effort. This was not a traditional executive appointment like a cabinet post, but the first lady exercised a real government role.
  • So if a president wanted to tap a family member for some kind of non-cabinet role, there is legal and governing precedent to do so. That said, it wouldn’t come without potential governing headaches.
  • First ladies often take on some kind of policy role, but Hillary Clinton’s larger role in her husband’s White House led to clashes with the chief of staff, agency heads and others.

Consensus Is the Supreme Court's New Majority - The New York Times - 0 views

  • Consensus Is the Supreme Court’s New Majority
  • The Supreme Court has gone into hibernation, withdrawing from the central role it has played in American life throughout Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr.’s decade on the court.
  • The court had leaned right until the death of Justice Antonin Scalia in February.
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  • “I give great credit to the chief justice, who I think in general is a person who is concerned about consensus building, and I think all the more so now,
  • Opinions vary about whether a Supreme Court that does little is good for the nation, but the trend is certainly a testament to Chief Justice Roberts’s leadership. He has long said he favors narrow decisions endorsed by large majorities, and it turns out that goal is easier to achieve on an eight-member court. Advertisement Continue reading the main story
  • The justices will continue to issue decisions in most cases, but many will be modest and ephemeral, like Monday’s opinion returning a major case on access to contraception to the lower courts for further consideration.
  • “Yesterday’s contraception case shows why an equally divided court among liberals and conservatives has many benefits for our country, and also why the sky-is-falling claims by many court watchers about an eight-member court are overstated,”
  • “This type of consensus decision making,” Professor Segall said, “is a welcome change from the normal political and sometimes partisan approach we normally see in important 5-4 opinions, where one side can impose its own agenda on the parties and the country.”
  • forcing public workers to support unions they had declined to join violated the First Amendment. Justice Scalia’s questions were consistently hostile to the unions.
  • Four days before he died, the court blocked the Obama administration’s effort to combat global warming by regulating emissions from coal-fired power plants. The vote was 5 to 4, with the court’s conservatives in the majority.
  • The court has three major decisions left to decide before the justices take their summer break: on abortion, immigration and affirmative action.
  • All of this term’s blockbusters were added to the court’s docket before Justice Scalia died. Since then, the justices have agreed to hear just seven cases, and none of them concern issues of broad public interest
  • The next term, which starts in October, is thus shaping up to be a thin and quiet one. Until the next justice arrives, the Supreme Court will remain on the sideline of American life

Why Trump must make gains among women voters to win the White House | MSNBC - 0 views

  • Why Trump must make gains among women voters to win the White House
  • For Donald Trump to win the White House he must find a way to attract more women voters to his candidacy. The presumptive Republican nominee faces many other demographic challenges – most notably with Latino and black voters – but his biggest hurdle is in trying to close the gender gap, according to public polling and past election results.
  • First, the Democratic edge with women is consistent.
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  • . Second, women have made up more than 50 percent of the electorate in every presidential race since 1984. That’s a lot of votes.
  • In 2012, 53 percent of those who voted were women, compared to 47 percent for men, according to exit polls. And that six-point gap was not extraordinary. Since 1984, women have held an edge of 4 to 6 points in every election except 2004; and in that election women held an 8-point edge among all voters.
  • But let’s say that through a combination of personality and positions and enthusiasm, he can somehow get that difference down to 2 points. That brings us to the second part of the equation, how Trump does among men and women in the electorate.
  • The best number for Republicans among men in the last six presidential races was an 11-point edge for former President George W. Bush in 2000 and 2004. No other Republican presidential candidate got near that mark.
  • Even if Trump can do all of that - get his advantage with men up to Bush’s 11-point edge and get Clinton’s edge with women down to just 11 points - he still would come up short in the popular vote because of the first part of the equation: women produce more votes

Senate OKs bill to let 9/11 families sue Saudi Arabia - - 0 views

  • Senate OKs bill to let 9/11 families sue Saudi Arabia
  • Senate approved a bill Tuesday to allow victims and families of the 9/11 attacks to sue Saudi Arabia for its alleged involvement in the terrorist strikes.
  • But in the end, the bill's authors -- John Cornyn of Texas, the second ranking Senate Republican, and Chuck Schumer of New York, the third-ranking Senate Democrat -- were able to pass the bill on a voice vote, a rare feat in the divided chamber, especially for a controversial issue.
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  • Saudi Arabia has long denied any role in the 9/11 attacks, but victims' families have repeatedly sought to bring the matter to court, only to be rebuffed after the country has invoked legal immunity allowed under current law.
  • The White House and State Department say the bill could have dramatic ramifications for the United States and citizens living abroad to retaliatory lawsuits.
  • Formally known as the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act, the bill would prevent Saudi Arabia and other countries alleged to have terrorist ties from invoking their sovereign immunity in federal court.
  • "They're not going to suffer a huge financial loss just to make a point," said Cornyn who also predicted the legislation would not be "disruptive of the relationship we have with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia."
  • "We feel that the bill is in very good position to move through the House," she said. "We are very excited finally to get it to the House."

Clinton campaign keeps up pressure on Trump over taxes | MSNBC - 0 views

  • Clinton campaign keeps up pressure on Trump over taxes
  • Last week, Clinton’s team released a video entitled “What’s Donald Trump Hiding?” that focused on the tax issue.
  • Trump indicated last year that he would release his tax returns as a candidate, which every major party nominee over the last four decades has done, but backed away later during the primaries.
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  • “Mr. Trump is undergoing a routine audit,” Trump spokeswoman Hope Hicks said in an email. 
  • Democrats see the tax issues as a sword that cuts Trump in multiple ways. On one hand, Trump’s ongoing refusal to put to rest questions about his returns is inviting a free-for-all of speculation about what he might like to keep secret – speculation that Democrats are happy to encourage. 
  • In the absence of his returns, Trump has also had to bat away smaller stories about individual items gleaned from other source
  • owned was worth $50 million in a candidate disclosure form, but his attorneys claimed it was worth only $1.35 million for local property tax purposes, a massive gap that would save him large amounts. Trump’s attorneys subsequently revised their estimate to $9 million. 
  • In the meantime, Clinton has made Trump’s tax plan a focus of her early attacks, saying it was “written by a billionaire for billionaires” in speeches on the trail.

Money Pours in as Move to Stop Donald Trump Expands - The New York Times - 0 views

  • Money Pours in as Move to Stop Donald Trump Expands
  • Republicans hoping to halt Donald J. Trump’s march to their party’s presidential nomination emerged from the weekend’s voting contests newly emboldened by Mr. Trump’s uneven electoral performance and by some nascent signs that he may be peaking with voters.
  • And vote tallies on Saturday made clear that Mr. Trump has had at least some trouble building upon his intensely loyal following, leaving him increasingly dependent upon landslides in early voting.
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  • deploy more than $10 million in new attack ads across Florida and millions more in Illinois, casting Mr. Trump as a liberal, a huckster and a draft dodger.
  • As his rivals have despaired over the race’s vulgar turn, Mr. Trump struck a subdued tone, by his standards, as returns came in late Saturday night
  • “Trump has to worry about the consistent late-voter rejection of his candidacy,”
  • “Donald Trump was uncharacteristically low energy,” Mitt Romney, the Republican nominee in 2012, said in an interview Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” t
  • Much of Mr. Cruz’s late-breaking support on Saturday seemed to come at the expense of Mr. Rubio, not Mr. Trump. And the Cruz campaign’s message of ideological purity and religious faith is a less natural fit for many of the delegate-rich Midwestern and coastal states that remain on the map.
  • “Look, I’m supportive of Marco; I’m very hopeful,” said Mel Martinez, the former senator from Florida, who had supported Mr. Bush. “But it’s a great concern that time has kind of caught up with this whole thing.”
  • The Stop Trump forces are beginning to pour money into television ads, with a particular focus on the big states voting on March 15. Four different groups have reserved at least $10 million in airtime in Florida so far,

In Flint, both Clinton and Sanders call for Michigan Gov. Snyder to resign | MSNBC - 0 views

  • In Flint, both Clinton and Sanders call for Michigan Gov. Snyder to resign
  • Both Democratic presidential candidates, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, said that Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder should resign because of his response - or lack thereof - to the lead water crisis in Flint, Michigan.
  • Sanders and Clinton called on his resignation during opening statements of a Democratic presidential debate taking place in Flint.
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  • Corrosive pipes leaked lead into the homes of Flint residents for more than a year despite complaints by residents for dirty-looking and smelly water.
  • Clinton said she would commit to do so and “go further.” She would clear lead from soil and paint through out the country.

O.J. Simpson Prosecutor Marcia Clark: If Trial Were Held Today, It'd Probably Be Hung J... - 0 views

  • O.J. Simpson Prosecutor Marcia Clark: If Trial Were Held Today, It'd Probably Be Hung Jury
  • The Los Angeles prosecutor who tried and failed to convict O.J. Simpson says the infamous murder trial would probably end in a hung jury if it were held today.
  • Because in the wake of all these police shootings and all the racial mistrust that has been exposed, probably what would result, in my opinion, is a hung jury."
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  • Clark has long contended that wariness of the Los Angeles Police Department and anger over the brutal Rodney King beating figured in the acquittal of Simpson after a five-month trial in 1995 that transfixed the world.
  • Clark said prosecutors amassed a "mountain of evidence" pointing to Simpson's guilt in the killings of his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and her friend, Ron Goldman.
  • "They didn't care whether he was guilty or innocent," she told Dateline's Josh Mankiewicz. "They were going to use this case for payback."
  • , 'I'm not black, I'm O.J.,'"
  • s not exactly your civil rights firebrand."
  • "But at the end of the day, the evidence didn't wind up mattering because there was a fundamental large issue standing in the way of seeing the evidence," she said. "You had this enormous mistrust of everything LAPD, everything officer related."
  • "I think he's someone who is a danger to society," she said. "He was getting into one scrape after another after he was acquitted."

Donald Trump asks backers to swear their support, vows to broaden torture laws - CNNPol... - 0 views

  • Trump asks backers to swear their support, vows to broaden torture laws
  • The altercation happened with Trump standing nearby, and at one point he left his podium to approach the protesters. It's unclear if Trump said anything to the men, who were vigorously shouting at the GOP front-runner as attendees around them attempted to wrangle them.

International Women's Day Rally in Turkey Turns Violent - NBC News - 0 views

  • Mar 6 2016, 3:08 pm ET International Women's Day Rally in Turkey Turns Violent
  • Turkish police on Sunday briefly detained at least one woman and fired rubber bullets to disperse a crowd of hundreds of people trying to mark International Women's Day in central Istanbul.
  • Women's Day commemorations on March 8 in order to draw more supporters on a Sunday, had ignored a ban on the march by the Istanbul governor who scrapped this year's rally, citing security concerns.
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  • The government frequently faces criticism for its handling of women's issues, including the failure to stem high rates of violence and low female participation in the workforce.
  • Plainclothes police began shoving members of the group, and many women fled the square when riot police fired rubber bullets into the crowd.
  • You see the power of women. We are here despite every obstacle and we will continue to fight for our cause."
  • Turkey has sharply limited the right to peaceful assembly in recent years, giving police wider powers to detain protesters and the courts more power to prosecute them.
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