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Contents contributed and discussions participated by cjlee29


Philippine Leader Affirms US Alliance but Wants Troops Out - The New York Times - 0 views

  • The leaders of Japan and the Philippines agreed to cooperate in promoting regional peace and stability and acknowledged the importance of their alliances with the U.S
  • free of visiting American troops possibly within two years.
  • important part of maritime security in the region, including the South China Sea
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  • reassured Abe that he has no intention to sever diplomatic ties with the U.S., Hagiuda said.
  • Manila's relationship with Washington has quickly become strained.
  • Japan is a staunch U.S. ally and hosts 50,000 American troops, while Duterte has repeatedly spoken of distancing his country from Washington, often in crude terms.
  • The presence of U.S. troops in five Philippine military camps was established under a security deal signed under Duterte's predecessor as a counter to China's growing military assertiveness in the region.
  • "I want to be friends to China,"
  • "The South China Sea issue is directly linked to the region's peace and stability and a matter of interest for the entire international society,"
  • canceling planned joint military exercises with the United States, and preparatory meetings for next year's joint combat exercises between American and Filipino forces
  • Officials declined to provide details of their second round of talks, in which Abe was expected to ask Duterte specifically about his foreign policy. Their joint statement focused largely on Japan's contribution to Philippine maritime security and other projects totaling a 21 billion yen ($210 million) loan.

Warning of ISIS Plots Against West, U.S. Plans Assault on Raqqa - The New York Times - 0 views

  • The fight to retake Raqqa, the Syrian city that serves as the capital of the Islamic State, must begin soon — within weeks — to disrupt planning believed to be underway there to stage terrorist attacks on the West
  • “sense of urgency.
  • isolate the city begin soon to prevent attacks on the West that could be launched or planned from the militants’ capital.
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  • American officials are sweeping aside objections from Turkey and moving forward with plans to rely on a ground fighting force that includes Kurdish militia fighters in Syria.
  • Kurdish militia fighters will be a part of the ground force used to isolate Raqqa.
  • An American military official said the Raqqa operation would take place in roughly three phases.
  • Kurdish militia will make up the bulk of the operation, General Townsend said many of the more than 300 American Special Operations forces now in Syria would help recruit, train and equip local forces in and around Raqqa who are predominantly Syrian Arabs.
  • neither the Turks nor the Syrian Kurds view the recapture of Raqqa as one of their top priorities — unlike Washington.
  • begin within weeks.
  • American military officials say the Y.P.G. personnel are the best fighters they have.
  • Phase one, he said, is what the American-led coalition fighting the Islamic State has been doing for months:
  • Phase two, to begin in the coming weeks, will be to isolate Raqqa with the available forces
  • Phase three will be the fight for Raqqa itself, which American officials say they hope will be conducted mostly by Syrian Arabs, given that the city is majority Sunni Arab.
  • Manbij was the last stop on the route out of Syria for Islamic State militants headed to Europe.
  • Coming out of Manbij, we found links to individuals and plot streams to France, the United States, other European countries,” he said.
  • The Raqqa fight will take place even as the fight for Mosul, next door in
  • Iraq, is continuing, American military planners say.

Mosul Fight Unleashes New Horrors on Civilians - The New York Times - 0 views

  • Islamic State has moved hundreds of civilians from villages around the city to use as human shields,
  • United Nations said the militants may have killed nearly 200 people.
  • hit a Shiite mosque in northern Iraq, killing more than a dozen women and children.
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  • A sulfur plant set on fire by the Islamic State has sent dozens of people for treatment for respiratory problems, and several journalists have been hurt, and two killed, covering the fighting.
  • Although the government’s military operation itself is largely meeting its goals in progressing toward the city, the turmoil surrounding it is a sign of just how difficult it would be to secure a lasting peace across Iraq’s many divisions even after a victory.
  • The human toll and factional distrust are early examples of the complex humanitarian crisis
  • killed close to 200 people, including civilians and children, in and around Mosul in the past week.
  • Among them were said to have been 50 former Iraqi policemen
  • Mr. Colville said that in one case, several women and children, including a 4-year-old, who were being held as human shields by Islamic State fighters were suddenly gunned down by the militants, possibly because they were lagging behind the group.
  • “ISIS has lost hundreds of its members from airstrikes when they withdraw, so now they are forcibly displacing the residents of villages they are leaving and using them as human shields,”
  • So far, about 9,000 people have fled the fighting as Kurdish and Iraqi government forces have moved to secure villages around the city, according to the United Nations.
  • as the United Nations has worked to protect civilians, it has at times been undermined by the Iraqi security forces.
  • On the military front, the Islamic State has managed to launch two attacks on cities far from Mosul, diverting the attention of Iraqi security forces and the warplanes of the American-led coalition.
  • Kurdish officials in Kirkuk responded by forcing out hundreds of Arab families who had sought safety there, according to United Nations officials and local residents, as they feared that terrorists had sneaked into the city posing as displaced civilians.
  • local authorities were exacting collective punishment on Arabs for the crimes of the Islamic State
  • Local officials blamed the American-led coalition, but United States military officials have said the episode was not the result of a coalition airstrike.
  • Some have suggested that an artillery shell hit the mosque, but Human Rights Watch said the evidence it had seen “is consistent with an airstrike.” The Iraqi forces are also conducting airstrikes, and Human Rights called for a thorough investigation.
  • Citing safety concerns, the Iraqi government said recently that it would begin restricting journalists’ access to the front lines

Why Donald Trump, Not Paul Ryan, Is Setting the G.O.P. Agenda - The New York Times - 0 views

  • originally supposed to counter Donald J. Trump, whose views often stand apart from the party’s policy traditions.
  • he says that his policy ideas will magically become Mr. Trump’s, and that the nominee will help advertise them this fall and eventually promulgate them from the White House.
  • Mr. Trump, long before he secured his party’s nomination, has shown a remarkable ability for getting television coverage of his pronouncements.
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  • While Mr. Ryan has weekly news conferences intended to talk about the House agenda, reporters tend to ask him almost exclusively about Mr. Trump.
  • The speaker is widely viewed as endorsing Mr. Trump to provide the party with the unity necessary to get House members re-elected and to help Mr. Ryan keep his day job.
  • The speaker has had a tough time getting enough votes to pass a budget in the House, let alone pass the rest of his agenda,
  • As Mr. Ryan was giving his modest endorsement to Mr. Trump, the Manhattan businessman was garnering his latest front page headlines by suggesting that a federal judge overseeing the class action suit against Trump University was biased because of his “Mexican heritage.”
  • His voice of skepticism, not his agenda, is what got Mr. Ryan the most attention, and putting it on the shelf may not serve him well

In the age of Trump, Latino Republicans are anguished over what to do - The Washington ... - 0 views

  • Hispanic Republicans and conservatives are increasingly anguished over whether they can remain involved in this year’s presidential election as Donald Trump continues to launch attacks on prominent Latinos and makes little effort to win their support.
  • Many Hispanics active in national GOP politics have been hoping for months that Trump would tone down his broadsides against immigrants
  • there is little evidence that such a change is coming — leading some to abandon the presidential race or the 2016 elections altogether.
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  • “If you’re a Hispanic holding your breath and hoping for Donald Trump to get better in his outreach to Latinos, you’re going to die of asphyxia,”
  • The unhappiness among many Latino GOP members only adds to the Republican Party’s broader problems in attracting Hispanics and other minorities
  • Trump has derided Mexican immigrants as rapists and killers and built his candidacy around vows to build a giant border wall, deport 11 million illegal immigrants and temporarily ban Muslims from entering the country.
  • Republican activists and contributors are in “a very difficult situation” because of Trump’s rhetoric and positions.
  • Just when someone thinks that they can begin to maybe start thinking about coming on board, Trump goes and attacks that judge for being Mexican
  • “are looking to see if the candidate is going to evolve,” adding that Guerra’s decision to go was “fair.”
  • “But if the candidate doesn’t reflect some of those principles and values, then waking up in the morning, meeting deadlines, being creative and standing in the gap for the candidate becomes difficult.”
  • said he’s less concerned with “personality or charisma” and more concerned with a candidate’s policy positions. The group will concentrate on Senate races in the fall.
  • Compared to similar points in previous election cycles, Trump trails previous GOP presidential candidates by wide margins.
  • Alfonso Aguilar, a Hispanic conservative activist who knows Guerra and Aguirre Ferre, said Wednesday night that it will continue to be a challenge for any Latino Republican to defend Trump.
  • You can have all the Helens you want, but if the candidate continues with his rhetoric and proposals, you’re not going to win Latinos
  • Trump had retweeted an offensive comment about Columba Bush, who was born in Mexico.
  • Three years ago, bruised by Romney’s loss to Obama, the RNC commissioned a study to determine how to improve its outreach to minority voters
  • 00-page report urged Republicans to support comprehensive immigration reform, to focus less on social issues and to build stronger relationships with minority communities.
  • everything issued in that report has been ignored

Hillary Clinton supports death penalty for accused Charleston shooter Dylann Roof - The... - 0 views

  • Hillary Clinton supports the pursuit of the death penalty for the man accused of killing nine parishioners inside a Charleston, S.C., church last year.
  • she respects the Justice Department decision" to seek the highest punishment for Dylann Roof
  • Clinton's long-held position of support for the death penalty is one that has put her at odds with many Democrats.
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  • She has been endorsed by the Rev. Anthony Thompson, whose wife, Myra, was killed in the shooting and who was featured in one of her campaign ads.
  • they have mixed feelings about the death penalty
  • Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont, Clinton's opponent in the Democratic presidential race, has criticized her support of the death penalty.
  • defend its use in extreme cases of mass violence or terrorism
  • r Clinton was confronted by a man who had spent decades on death row for a crime he didn't commit, Clinton acknowledged the moral complexity of the issue.

Paul Ryan endorses Donald Trump - The Washington Post - 0 views

  • House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.) ended a month-long holdout by formally backing his party’s presumptive presidential nominee: Donald Trump.
  • On Thursday, the speaker penned a guest column for his hometown newspaper in which he trumpeted the controversial real-estate mogul as someone who could support the speaker’s conservative agenda.
  • Like many senior Republicans, Ryan’s endorsement came with its share of caveats about the speaker and the presumptive nominee’s remaining policy differences
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  • id not signal any level of comfort with Trump’s sometimes bombastic style
  • The move marks a big about-face for Ryan, who four weeks ago declared he was “not there yet” in terms of endorsing Trump and questioned whether the controversial businessman was even a conservative
  • Ryan and Trump met once in person in mid-May when the billionaire crisscrossed Capitol Hill for meetings with House and Senate leaders.
  • Throughout the talks, neither side agreed to switch any of their policy positions,
  • endorsement should not be construed as the sort of “real unification” of Republicans
  • Ryan’s move may also signal that the speaker and other top Republicans are worried about keeping the House and Senate in Republican hands come November, and believe the best way to do that is to unite the party.
  • Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) was among the first top leader to say he would back Trump.
  • Ryan became the last senior Republican congressional leader to throw his weight behind Trump’s candidacy.
  • Ryan’s chief communications adviser, Brendan Buck, said reporters need not mince words to figure out what it all meant.
  • “Paul Ryan in many ways is the antithesis of Donald Trump; he’s everything that Donald Trump is not. He’s a decent human being. He is a conservative. He is steeped in public policy. He cares about ideas. He’s a person who conducts himself with civility and grace in public life. He doesn’t put down his opponents,”
  • Ryan’s column in his local newspaper left no doubt where he stood after speaking “at great length” with Trump since he initially declared hesitation about his candidacy.
  • House Republicans will be inseparably tied to their toxic front-runner in November, case closed,
  • Ryan’s dragged out decision underscores how truly vulnerable Donald Trump makes House Republicans in swing districts
  • at odds with Trump’s positions on key policy planks dear to mainstream Republicans of the past 40 years
  • free trade agenda and the effort to rein in federal spending on entitlements.
  • Those issues were the hallmark of Ryan’s early congressional career and Trump stands squarely against them.
  • Trump’s proposals to ban all Muslim travel into the United States and the candidate’s brusque comments regarding minorities, women and the disabled gave Ryan pause.
  • Those concerns appear to remain, and Ryan vowed to speak out against Trump if he crosses lines again.

Clinton: Trump is 'dangerously incoherent,' 'temperamentally unfit' to be president - T... - 0 views

  • described Trump’s ideas as “dangerously incoherent,
  • she made clear that her pivot to the fall contest is underway, even with a series of final primary contests against Sen. Bernie Sanders still ahead.
  • doesn’t understand America, or the world,” she said
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  • They’re not really ideas, just a series of bizarre rants, personal feuds and outright lies.”
  • temperamentally unfit
  • It’s not hard to imagine Donald Trump leading us into a war just because somebody got under his very thin skin,
  • She listed Trump statements on everything from the NATO alliance to threats from Russia and North Korea — and played Trump’s assertions about climate change for laughs.
  • “If Donald gets his way, they’ll be celebrating in the Kremlin,” she said. “We cannot let that happen.”
  • He is too reckless, ill-informed and egomaniacal to be entrusted with the biggest job in the world,
  • she has the experience, expertise and practical temperament to be commander in chief, and Trump does not.
  • Trump had sought to rebut Clinton before she even spoke, spending parts of the last two days criticizing Clinton for her temperament and legacy as secretary of state.
  • Her speech, Trump said, would be full of “such lies.”
  • On New Jersey on Wednesday, Clinton hammered Trump over the legal controversy surrounding his now-defunct Trump University, labeling him a “fraud.”
  • He said she was “sleeping” during the seige of U.S. compounds in Benghazi, Libya, that killed four Americans in the closing months of her State Department tenure.
  • Although it has faded as a central campaign issue eight years later, both Trump and Sanders have sought to use her vote as evidence of poor decision-making.
  • comes as Clinton is trying to deny Sanders an embarrassing but symbolic victory in California’s primary.
  • put Clinton just two points ahead of Sanders in the nation’s most diverse state.
  • she is widely expected to secure the Democratic nomination the same day when five other states also hold primaries
  • Trump criticized Clinton’s support for both the Iraq war when she was a senator and military intervention in Libya when she was secretary of state, policies he had also supported.
  • Her tenure as secretary of state may be a weapon for Trump
  • As we navigate this complex world, America cannot shirk the mantle of leadership,
  • We can’t be isolationists. It’s not possible in this globalized, interconnected world.
  • “Former secretaries of state are held in high regard; candidates are not — and she’s a candidate,
  • “Her strength is her temperament: she is so cautious so scripted that she won’t scare people in the knee jerk way that Donald Trump can scare people,”
  • risks knee jerk scaring people, but he’s against so many of the interventions that many of the American people themselves are’s a real fair fight.”

Militias in Libya Advance on ISIS Stronghold of Surt With Separate Agendas - The New Yo... - 0 views

  • Fighters aligned with Libya’s United Nations-backed unity government are advancing along the Mediterranean coast toward the Islamic State stronghold of Surt
  • first major assault on territory
  • reduced the length of Libyan coastline controlled by the Islamic State to 100 miles from about 150 miles.
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  • either the strength or the will to push into Surt, which is thought to be heavily fortified and also harbor several thousand foreign fighters
  • also risks destabilizing the fragile peace effort by fostering violent competition between rival groups.
  • two groups were battling for control of the so-called oil crescent
  • has become a preoccupation for Western countries worried that it could become a refuge for militants fleeing Iraq and Syria.
  • small groups of American, British and French special operations forces have quietly deployed across Libya, making contact with friendly Libyan militias in an effort to gather intelligence on the Islamic State.
  • Now, with the sudden move against the Islamic State, military action on the ground is moving faster than the country’s tangled politics.
  • attackers had captured both the Surt power plant and an area south of the city
  • The power plant where fighting raged on Wednesday is a significant prize because its loss to the Islamic State last June was seen as a significant step in the group’s domination of the Surt region.
  • That would bring his group, known as the Petroleum Facilities Guard, within 80 miles of Surt.
  • It is unclear whether foreign forces are playing a direct role in the offensive.
  • As the two-pronged assault on Islamic State territory unfolded, several analysts pointed to the role of the unity’s government’s new defense minister, Almahdi Al-Barghathi, who has been trying to bring rival militant factions under a central command that could become a national army
  • The coastal city is thought to be home to a majority of the Islamic State fighters in Libya, estimated to number between 3,000 and 6,500.
  • there is a danger of deepening divisions between east and west in Libya.
  • political mood in Libya had become increasingly confrontational during recent months as the United Nations,
  • In a sign of those divisions, the eastern branch of the country’s central bank this week announced that it had printed 4 billion Libyan dinars through a company in Russia

Hillary Clinton to Portray Donald Trump's Foreign Policy Positions as Dangerous - The N... - 0 views

  • Hillary Clinton plans to deliver a scorching assessment of Donald J. Trump’s foreign policy prescriptions on Thursday, casting her likely Republican rival as a threat to decades of bipartisan tenets of American diplomacy and declaring him unfit for the presidency.
  • persistent assault to portray a potential Trump presidency as a dangerous proposition that would weaken American alliances and embolden enemies.
  • specific criticism of comments Mr. Trump has made about rethinking the United States’s support of NATO
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  • allow Japan, South Korea and Saudi Arabia to acquire nuclear weapons
  • temporarily bar Muslims from entering the United States
  • she supported President Obama’s decision to send Navy SEALs on a raid in Pakistan that killed Osama bin Laden
  • While Mrs. Clinton must be cautious not to alienate liberal Democrats who oppose some of her hawkish foreign policy stances
  • 21 percent of independent voters and 32 percent of Republican voters said the most important issue this election was terrorism and national security
  • effort to reach out to prominent moderate Republicans who could endorse Mrs. Clinton
  • Those calls have included to an aide of the 2012 Republican nominee, Mitt Romney, and to Nicholas F. Brady, who served as secretary of the Treasury under Mr. Reagan and the elder Mr. Bush
  • Mrs. Clinton has defended her foreign policy decisions, including urging the Obama administration to join a NATO-led coalition to oust Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi in Libya and her 2002 vote to authorize the use of force in Iraq, which she later said was a mistake.
  • As each candidate argues the other is unfit to occupy the Oval Office, Mrs. Clinton’s advisers are preparing to make a case against Mr. Trump
  • will remind voters that President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia and the North Korean government of Kim Jong-un have expressed support for Mr. Trump, who has suggested a willingness to talk directly with Mr. Kim, a pariah worldwide.
  • Mr. Trump said Mrs. Clinton was “fraudulent” in her misrepresentation of his foreign policy positions, explaining that he supported global alliances,
  • “Our country can’t afford to protect the world anymore,
  • begun to lay the groundwork against what she called Mr. Trump’s “reckless actions” on foreign policy.
  • There’s not a lot of room left in terms of new proposals,

Iran-Led Push to Retake Falluja From ISIS Worries U.S. - The New York Times - 0 views

  • American commandos are on the front lines in Syria in a new push toward the Islamic State’s de facto capital in Raqqa
  • : Iran, not the United States, has become the face of an operation to retake the jihadist stronghold of Falluja from the militant group.
  • another example of how United States and Iranian interests seemingly converge and clash at the same time in Iraq.
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  • believed that Iran’s role, which relies on militias accused of sectarian abuses, can make matters worse by angering Sunnis and making them more sympathetic to the militants.
  • In Syria, where the government of Bashar al-Assad is an enemy, America’s ally is the Kurds.
  • in Iraq, where the United States backs the central government, and trains and advises the Iraqi Army, it has been limited by the role of Iran, the most powerful foreign power inside the country.
  • “There are no patriots, no real religious people in Falluja. It’s our chance to clear Iraq by eradicating the cancer of Falluja.”
  • The United States has thousands of military personnel in Iraq and has trained Iraqi security forces for nearly two years, yet is largely on the sidelines in the battle to retake Falluja.
  • A Shiite militia leader, in a widely circulated video, is seen rallying his men with a message of revenge against the people of Falluja, whom many Iraqi Shiites believe to be Islamic State sympathizers rather than innocent civilians.
  • “Falluja is a terrorism stronghold
  • It’s been the stronghold since 2004 until today.”
  • restrain themselves and abide by “the standard behaviors of jihad.”
  • “The Prophet Muhammad used to tell his companions before sending them to fight, to go forward in the name of Allah, with Allah and upon the religion of the messenger of Allah. Do not kill the elderly, children or women, do not steal the spoils but collect them, and do not cut down trees unless you are forced to do so.”
  • “saving an innocent human being from dangers around him is much more important than targeting and eliminating the enemy.”
  • If the militias do hold back as promised, then the United States is likely to step up the tempo of the air campaign
  • The American military role in Iraq has been limited mostly to airstrikes and the training of the army.
  • In northern Iraq, where they work with Kurdish forces, two American Special Forces soldiers have been killed.
  • The United States military estimates that between 500 and 1,000 Islamic State fighters remain in Falluja,
  • A big question going into the battle is whether the Islamic State fighters will dig in and fight or, as they have in some other battles, throw away their weapons and try to melt into the civilian population.
  • Led by the Marines, its forces fought two bloody battles for Falluja in 2004. Mindful of this past, American officials would have preferred that the Iraqis left Falluja alone for now and focused on the Islamic State stronghold of Mosul in the north.
  • But the battle is coming, and there are echoes of that history already.
  • If that sounds familiar, it is.
  • The American military’s assault on Falluja in April of 2004 was in retaliation for an episode that became an early symbol of a war spiraling out of control, the image of it as indelible as it was gruesome: the bodies of four Blackwater contractors dangling from the ironwork of a bridge.

As North Korean Missile Launch Fails, Pyongyang Official Visits Beijing - The New York ... - 0 views

  • ties are formally close but have eroded recently because of the North’s nuclear weapons program.
  • tried unsuccessfully to fire an intermediate-range Musudan ballistic missile
  • fourth failed attempt in two months
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  • sought to cement the power of the North Korean leader, Kim Jong-un, with whom Mr. Ri is considered close.
  • Mr. Ri’s visit continued efforts by Mr. Kim to court China, the North’s main trading partner and benefactor, as the country feels the effects of United Nations sanctions.
  • Still, China has been frustrated enough by the North’s continued testing of nuclear weapons and launching of missiles that it agreed to the international sanctions in March
  • Mr. Kim may have ordered Tuesday’s missile test to coincide with Mr. Ri’s visit,
  • reminding the Chinese that North Korea can and will elevate tensions in the absence of others’ willingness to provide assistance
  • The attempted missile launch would almost certainly rule out an audience with Mr. Xi, said Cheng Xiaohe, associate professor of international relations at Renmin University.

U.S. Struggles With Goal of Admitting 10,000 Syrians - The New York Times - 0 views

  • eight months into an effort to resettle 10,000 Syrian refugees in the United States, Mr. Obama’s administration has admitted just over 2,500.
  • facing intense criticism from allies in Congress and advocacy groups about his administration’s treatment of migrants.
  • warn that the president, who will host a summit meeting on refugees in September during the United Nations General Assembly session, risks undercutting his influence on the issue at a time when American leadership is needed to counteract a backlash against refugees.
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  • Donald J. Trump
  • The delay is frustrating for Mr. Obama, who has made a point of speaking out against anti-immigrant sentiment both in the United States and abroad
  • resettled so few refugees and we’re employing a deterrence strategy to refugees on our Southern border, I wouldn’t think we’d be giving advice to any other nations about doing better
  • must not fall short of meeting his goal to admit 10,000 Syrian refugees to the United States by the fall.
  • White House officials concede that the challenging election-year politics surrounding the issue — 47 House Democrats joined Republicans in November in voting for legislation to further tighten the screening process
  • — make it impossible to quickly take in substantially more Syrians by removing any of the tough vetting procedures.
  • The Central American migrants pouring across the Southern border pose a different but no less challenging problem
  • do not necessarily qualify as refugees
  • One method has been to deport those whose asylum claims have been rejected.
  • “We have to control the border, that’s our job
  • Humanitarian groups have denounced the administration’s approach
  • “The Syrian situation is the most pressing humanitarian crisis of our time,”
  • Departments of State and Homeland Security sent a surge of personnel to Jordan this year to interview about 12,000 refugee applicants referred by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
  • Germany has not said how many refugees it might accept. In 2015, it registered 447,336 new applicants for asylum, about 25 percent of them Syrians.
  • Administration officials argue that Mr. Obama is doing more than most — the United States admits more refugees over all than any other country and is the largest contributor to humanitarian relief.

Donald Trump's Energy Plan: More Fossil Fuels and Fewer Rules - The New York Times - 0 views

  • Laying out his positions on energy and the environment at an oil industry conference in North Dakota, he vowed to rescind President Obama’s signature climate change rules and revive construction of the Keystone XL
  • It was the latest in a series of recent policy addresses, including on Israel and foreign policy, intended to position Mr. Trump, the real estate mogul and reality show star, as credible on substantive issues now that he is the presumptive Republican presidential nominee.
  • skeptical of Mr. Trump’s command of the complexities of the global energy economy.
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  • don’t seem to appreciate the complex forces that drive the energy system,
  • A central question confronting the next president will be how to address climate change.
  • denied the established science that climate change is caused by humans,
  • Mr. Trump said that in his first 100 days in office, he would “rescind” Environmental Protection Agency regulations established under Mr. Obama to curb planet-warming emissions from coal-fired power plants.
  • will not have the legal authority to unilaterally rescind the climate rules
  • justices, rather than the president, will determine its fate.
  • agreement gives foreign bureaucrats control over how much energy we use on our land
  • Mr. Trump also repeatedly emphasized “energy independence” — the idea that the United States could isolate itself from global oil markets and cease importing fuels.
  • any country wishing to withdraw would have to wait four years to do so.
  • But there would be no legal consequence if the United States, the world’s second-largest greenhouse gas polluter
  • “stop all payment of U.S. tax dollars to global warming programs.”
  • And as secretary of state, Hillary Clinton pledged that rich countries, including the United States, would commit $100 billion annually by 2020 to help poor countries adapt to the ravages of global warming.
  • “We’re going to bring back the coal industry, save the coal industry,” he said. “I love those people.”
  • No government has control over the emissions-reduction plans of other governments.
  • “I’m hoping he’s going to support the oil industry, open up some new plays — in Pennsylvania, maybe — keep Texas going and help out in North Dakota,”
  • “I want to see what his stance is on oil fracking, oil renewables and coal,
  • “I would like to see coal be part of the energy mix.”

Bernie Sanders Wins Oregon; Hillary Clinton Declares Victory in Kentucky - The New York... - 0 views

  • Senator Bernie Sanders prevailed over Hillary Clinton on Tuesday in the Oregon primary
  • a state that she won easily in 2008
  • 1,900 votes
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  • less than half a percentage point
  • The close result meant that she and Mr. Sanders would effectively split the state’s delegates.
  • With a lead in delegates that is almost impossible for Mr. Sanders to overcome, Mrs. Clinton is moving closer each week to claiming the Democratic nomination.
  • Last weekend, bitter feelings from Mr. Sanders’s supporters spilled into view at Nevada’s state convention, which descended into chaos, prompted death threats against Nevada’s Democratic chairwoman and raised the prospect of discord at the national convention in July in Philadelphia.
  • With Mr. Sanders pressing on with his campaign and Mr. Trump now the presumptive Republican nominee, Mrs. Clinton has been campaigning against two opponents at once, trying to defeat Mr. Sanders in state after state while also building an argument against Mr. Trump.
  • where she warned about Mr. Trump while urging voters to support her on Tuesday.
  • she faulted Mr. Sanders for voting against the auto industry bailout, a claim that is not as clear-cut as she suggested it was.
  • He, too, looked toward the general election, arguing that he, not Mrs. Clinton, was the more formidable candidate to take on Mr. Trump, citing polls of hypothetical matchups.
  • “There are a lot of people out there, many of the pundits and politicians, they say, ‘Bernie Sanders should drop out. The people of California should not have the right to determine who the next president will be.’”
  • “We are in till the last ballot is cast.”
  • With her overwhelming support from superdelegates, the party leaders who can vote as they wish, Mrs. Clinton could clinch the nomination by June 7, when six states
  • California and New Jersey
  • based on his strength against Mr. Trump.
  • In this year’s campaign, Mr. Sanders has been embraced by white working-class voters and young people in many places
  • Kentucky is one of the nation’s biggest coal-mining states, and Mrs. Clinton stressed her commitment to coal miners.

British Companies Avoid Taking Sides in the Debate Over an E.U. Exit - The New York Times - 0 views

  • Within hours it had contacted his office, insisting that it was not funding either side in the debate, stating that it had no plans to do so and requesting that he correct his message.
  • ne that could have a big impact ahead of a British referendum on June 23 on whether to leave the bloc. Polls suggest the vote could be close.
  • Many British companies have a direct interest in staying
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  • Concerns about taking sides on this divisive issue are prompting a significant number of high-profile companies to lie low. They worry that expressing any opinion about staying in the bloc or leaving could lead to backlash from customers or shareholders who hold the opposing view, or even split their own boardrooms.
  • single market of around 500 million peopl
  • Yet so far, the voice of business has been less full-throated than many analysts expected.
  • There are legal constraints, too. Electoral law prevents companies from spending more than 10,000 pounds — the equivalent of about $15,000 — to influence the result during a referendum campaign, unless they formally register as advocates.
  • Mr. Woolfe said he hoped to organize social media campaigns challenging high-profile companies that have warned against British withdrawal
  • In Mr. Woolfe’s sights now are two airlines: EasyJet and Ryanair. Carolyn McCall, the chief executive of EasyJet
  • has promised to “bore everybody to death” by repeating a pro-European Union message.
  • But consumer power was a factor in Scotland, too. When Bill Munro, the founder of the tourism company Barrhead Travel, warned employees about possible economic effects of independence, critics targeted the company on social media.
  • The atmosphere is very different from the Scottish referendum

Russia Says Talks Are Underway to Extend Syrian Lull in Fighting to Aleppo - The New Yo... - 0 views

  • ussia said on Sunday talks were taking place to include Aleppo in a temporary lull in fighting declared by the Syrian army in some western parts of the country, a sign of intensified efforts to halt a surge of violence in Syria's former commercial capital.
  • Rebels shelled government-held areas on Sunday, killing several people, and government warplanes carried out more than a dozen air strikes later in the day
  • yria's army announced late on Friday a "regime of calm", or lull in fighting, which applied to Damascus and some of its outskirts, and parts of northwestern coastal province Latakia. But it excluded Aleppo.
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • A senior defence ministry official in Moscow, which supports Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, said on Sunday negotiations were taking place to "establish a regime of calm also in Aleppo province", Interfax news agency reported.
  • Syria's army confirmed the extension of the lull around Damascus but did not mention Aleppo.
  • "We will not accept under any circumstances... regional ceasefires,
  • These are critical hours," Kerry said,
  • Both sides have rained bombardments on residential areas for nearly 10 days, killing more than 250 people including at least 40 children
  • shelled at least one area on Sunday, killing at least three people
  • Fifteen air strikes by the government side hit rebel-held areas in the city
  • Full control of Aleppo would be a huge prize for Assad
  • Government forces and their allies also fought Islamic State near Palmyra in central Syria
  • recaptured from the jihadists in March

Donald Trump's Gender-Based Attacks on Hillary Clinton Have Calculated Risk - The New Y... - 0 views

  • With the nation on the verge of a presidential election between the first woman to lead a major party and an opponent accused of misogyny, Hillary Clinton and Donald J. Trump are digging in for a fight in which he is likely to attack her precisely because she is a woman.
  • “woman’s card”
  • Mrs. Clinton’s advisers say they are confident that such comments will galvanize Democrats
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • But they also recognize that Mr. Trump has proved adept at reading the electorate and at dominating news coverage — and that Mrs. Clinton must parry his attacks without overplaying her hand or further eroding her standing with male voter
  • “He’s going to have to deconstruct Hillary Clinton if he’s going to run against her,
  • Aides to Mr. Trump, three of whom insisted on anonymity to discuss the campaign’s internal deliberations, suggested he would likely return to that line of attack as his campaign prepares for a fall contest with Mrs. Clinton.
  • Some Republicans, similarly, cringed. “When people rally around her are when people bring things up about her husband’s infidelities and when it appears as though she’s being attacked by the boys’ club,” said Katie Packer, who runs an anti-Trump group and co-founded a consulting firm that helps Republicans communicate to women.
  • With the Democratic primary winding down, Mrs. Clinton’s advisers say they have been analyzing why Mr. Trump’s attacks were so damaging to Republican rivals like Jeb Bush and Senator Marco Rubio to determine how Mrs. Clinton can avoid the same pitfalls.
  • On the debate stage, Mrs. Clinton will not respond in kind to personal attacks: No jokes about Mr. Trump’s hair or the size of his hands
  • By taking gender head-on, Trump refuses to cede women voters and so-called women’s issues to Hillary just because she is a woman,”
  • In a sign of how closely Mrs. Clinton’s aides are watching Mr. Trump’s every step, after his advisers signaled last week that Mr. Trump would start behaving more “presidentially,”
  • But by Tuesday night, after Mr. Trump had appeared to shift course again, Clinton aides adjusted. In her victory speech in Philadelphia, Mrs. Clinton’s prepared remarks included a line meant to rev up female voters at Mr. Trump’s expense: “If fighting for women’s health care and paid family leave and equal pay is playing the ‘woman card,’ then deal me in,” she said.
  • That may yet come. On Thursday, Mrs. Clinton’s campaign appealed for donations by offering supporters their “very own official Hillary for America woman card” — a hot pink credit card with the words “Congratulations: You’re in the majority!”

Ted Cruz, Attacking Donald Trump, Uses Transgender Bathroom Access as Cudgel - The New ... - 0 views

  • HighlightBookmarkSticky
  • As Senator Ted Cruz of Texas seeks every possible edge to stop Donald J. Trump, he has seized on a once-obscure issue with a proven power to inflame conservatives: letting transgender women use women’s bathrooms.
  • a state with many social conservatives that is all but a last stand for him in his fight to deprive Mr. Trump of the Republican presidential nomination.
  • ...13 more annotations...
  • Mr. Cruz has alternated between mockery and outrage nearly every day in highlighting Mr. Trump’s stance
  • Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton both agree that grown men should be allowed to use the little girls’ restroom
  • campaign’s private polling indicates that the bathroom issue has the power to help close the gap
  • The topic could surface in July at the Republican convention, where a fight is already brewing in the platform committee to overturn the party’s historical objection to same-sex marriage.
  • conservatives around the country have effectively invoked to defeat anti-discrimination laws
  • In leveraging the issue, Mr. Cruz has raised the specter of sexual predators in women’s restrooms
  • Even with the transgender protections deleted, the bill died.
  • Social conservatives in Indiana have been on high alert since last year, when Gov. Mike Pence and fellow Republican lawmakers amended a so-called religious freedom law
  • He said Mr. Cruz’s attack on Mr. Trump was meant to show that Mr. Trump is a liberal who supports the right of transgender people to “choose the bathroom that aligns with their identity that day.”
  • But it was North Carolina that thrust the issue into the nation’s consciousness last month, after state lawmakers passed a law prohibiting transgender people from using a public restroom that does not correspond to the gender on their birth certificate.
  • Later, Mr. Trump amended his stance, saying it was up to cities and states to decide on their own.
  • That did not stop Mr. Cruz from saying the country had gone “stark raving nuts
  • She added that 85 to 90 percent of sexual assault victims know their attackers. “Pay attention, read the news, get an understanding,” she said. “This whole argument about going to the bathroom is just ridiculous.”

With Iraq Mired in Turmoil, Some Call for Partitioning the Country - The New York Times - 0 views

  • With tens of thousands of protesters marching in the streets of Baghdad to demand changes in government, Iraq’s Shiite prime minister, Haider al-Abadi, appeared before Parliament this week hoping to speed the process by introducing a slate of new ministers
  • But, like so much else in the Iraqi government, the effort fell short, with only a handful of new ministers installed and several major ministries,
  • called in a 2006 essay for the partition of Iraq into Sunni, Shiite and Kurdish zones
  • ...11 more annotations...
  • With the Islamic State in control of territory in Iraq and Syria; expanding into Libya, Afghanistan and elsewhere; and having carried out attacks in Paris and Brussels, it is perhaps easy to forget that the group rose in the first place as a consequence of the failure of politics in Iraq
  • Writing last year in Foreign Affairs, Mr. Khedery said Washington should “abandon its fixation with artificial borders”
  • “I generally believe it is ungovernable under the current construct,”
  • Even today, her legacy is felt: This week, Mr. Abadi put forward Sharif Ali bin Hussein, a descendant of King Faisal, who was chosen by Ms. Bell in 1921 to rule Iraq, as foreign minister. But lawmakers rejected him as a reminder of Iraq’s failed monarchy.
  • Mr. Biden has worked to promote Iraqi unity, despite his proposal a decade ago to divide Iraq into thirds. But in comments on Thursday to American diplomatic and military personnel in Baghdad, he harked back to that proposal.
  • Much of what troubles Iraq today is the legacy of Saddam Hussein’s brutality.
  • Shiites and Kurds, oppressed under Mr. Hussein’s Sunni-dominated administration, have been unable to overcome their grievances.
  • “Iraq, it seems, has a long memory but is short on vision,”
  • “It is like a vehicle traveling over rocky terrain, with a large rearview mirror but only a keyhole for a windscreen
  • Divisions within the Shiite leadership — with Mr. Maliki and others pushing back against Mr. Abadi’s efforts at restructuring — are also at the core of the current political crisis.
  • Hadi al-Ameri, a Shiite rival to Mr. Abadi, who runs a powerful militia that is supported by Iran, is seen by many as harboring ambitions to replace him.
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