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Contents contributed and discussions participated by aniyahbarnett


Bullying death of Gabriel Taye leads to change in school policies - 1 views

  • Historically, she said, school districts "sweep bullying under the rug."
  • Gabriel Taye, a third grader, was bullied repeatedly at school before taking his own life in 2017
  • On Jan. 24, 2017, a student pushed Gabriel into a wall of a boys’ restroom, the blow knocking Gabriel unconscious for seven minutes
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • . A former assistant principal, Jeffrey McKenzie, found Gabriel but did not call 911
  • "Every state has bullying legislation, but if it's not enforced (by schools), it doesn't do any good."
  • The settlement involves training and supervising staff and includes two years of oversight of its anti-bullying plan.
  • Pautsch said many school districts don't track bullying
  • She said she trusts schools to educate kids but not so much when it comes to bullying.
  • "I hate to sound so cynical, but we have been doing this for 15 years,
  • They "ultimately prevented (Gabriel's) parents from fully understanding (his) horrifying experience at Carson Elementary until it was too late,
  • In the settlement, district and school officials deny the allegations
  • "The defendants strongly believe that neither CPS, its employees, nor the school nurse were responsible for the tragic death of Gabriel Taye,

When will everyone be vaccinated for COVID-19 and reach herd immunity? - 1 views

  • On March 25, President Joe Biden set a goal of 200 million shots administered in his first 100 days. The United States has now reached that goal with time to spare.
  • The White House says the U.S. will have enough vaccine supply to cover every American adult by the end of May,
  • and the pool of people qualified to give vaccines has been expanded to include paramedics, physician assistants, and dentists, among others.
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • “We need vaccinators, people who put the shots in people’s arms.”
  • The White House says options to find vaccines nearby, both online and by phone, will launch by May 1 to make it easier for individuals to make vaccine appointments.
  • On April 13 the FDA and CDC recommended pausing use of the J&J vaccine "out of an abundance of caution" due to reports of a rare combination of blood clots and low platelet counts in some people who received the vaccine
  • which use a different vaccine technology.
  • “I think the real range is somewhere between 70 to 90 percent,
  • Biden suggested that by July 4,
  •  New strains of the virus could emerge or become dominant, reducing efficacy of the vaccines

Should Kamala Harris or Joe Biden visit the US-Mexico border? - 0 views

  • Republican lawmakers on Capitol Hill have called on Harris and President Joe Biden to visit areas along the U.S.-Mexican border, where they say an increase of migrants has developed into a crisis
  • Instead, officials said, they want the Biden administration to make border cities and their leaders a larger part in conversations about finding solutions, and they want Congress to pass immigration legislation.
  • Some presidents have visited the area; others skipped Texas’ southernmost tip.
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • President Barack Obama went to Texas in 2014, but not to the border
  • President Donald Trump made immigration and building a border wall an initiative during his administration
  • iden said in March he would go to the border "at some point," then said he has not visited because he doesn’t “want to become the issue.”
  • “I don’t want to be, you know, bringing all of the Secret Service and everybody with me to get in the way,
  • Migration, Antholis said, is more complicated because officials aren’t dealing only with what’s happening at the U.S.-Mexican border but also at the point of departure
  • Missing at the border: Vice President Kamala Harris.”
  • Immigration: Biden administration closes two ICE facilities after allegations of abuse
  • “If she’s the vice president of the United States and the president put her in charge of this, Vice President Harris needs to go down to the border and see this for herself,
  • . In 2014, under the Obama administration, Border Patrol officials encountered 570,698 migrants. Under Trump in 2019, the Border Patrol apprehended nearly 1 million individuals.
  • I think it's always good for somebody to see it for themselves.”

Twitter adds climate change topic under rising pressure to combat lies - 0 views

  • Twitter is adding a topic that directs users to credible information about climate change in a new effort to combat the spread of misinformation
  • they will see posts from global environmental and sustainability organizations, environmental activists, environmental researchers and environmental institutions in their feed
  • er has no policy to label or take down climate change misinformatio
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Twitter and the nation’s leading social media companies including Facebook, Google’s YouTube and TikTok are increasingly on the hot seat over climate change misinformation
  • This year, there have been 83,590
  • yet all of the top five Twitter accounts pushing climate change denial promote claims it does.

Israel-Hamas conflict: Jewish groups sound alarm on antisemitism in US - 0 views

  • Five Jewish groups penned a letter to President Joe Biden on Friday expressing concern about the recent surge of antisemitic hate crimes in the U.S
  • "We are grateful for the current ceasefire in the conflict between Israel and the terrorist organization Hamas, but we fear that the way the conflict has been used to amplify antisemitic rhetoric,
  • Some 58,000 Palestinians have fled their homes, the Associated Press reported.
  • ...13 more annotations...
  • The Anti-Defamation League said it has documented "disturbing antisemitism" on multiple social media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and TikTok
  • "ADL has also seen an increase in on-the-ground activity that demonizes Israel and that has crossed at times into antisemitism,
  • Thousands of people have marched in major U.S. cities in recent weeks to protest Israel's actions
  • In New York City Thursday evening, 26 people were arrested as pro-Israel and pro-Palestinian demonstrators clashed in Times Square, and police were investigating the assault of a Jewish man in the same area as a hate crime
  • "The anti-Semitism we're seeing across our country isn’t in isolation and isn’t just a few incidents
  • Americans largely support Israel – but sympathy for Palestinians is on the rise
  • "Since national data collection began in 1992, the worst months of each decade revolved around disputes in the Holy Land or around conflictual elections,
  • the month that saw the most antisemitic hate crimes in the U.S. was March 1994
  • when an American-Israeli man fatally shot 29 people and wounded more than a hundred in the West Bank
  • Over the last decade, however, the most hate crimes happened around the 2018 U.S. midterm elections
  • In 2019, antisemitic hate crimes hit multiyear highs and, for the first time in recent memory, Jews were the top target in America's three largest cities
  • Muslims in the U.S. have also been the targets of hate in recent weeks
  • "Death to Palestine

Lizzo criticized body positivity. What is body neutrality? - 0 views

  • body neutrality.
  • "celebrating medium and small girls and people who occasionally get rolls."
  • "we're still getting talked about, memed, shamed," but "no one cares anymore." 
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  • Imagine just not thinking about your body. You're not hating it. You're not loving it. You're just a floating head. I'm a floating head wandering through the world."
  • "The body positive movement urges people to love their bodies no matter what they look like, whereas body neutrality focuses on what your body can do for you rather than what it actually looks like
  • She noted body neutrality's focus on how a body functions as opposed to how it looks comes with some able-bodied privilege.
  • "the idea that we can still care for our bodies even if we don't regard them positively."
  • "I don't have to be happy with my body, I don't have to love my body, but I can still acknowledge that this is the one body that I have... and so I need to be caring for tha
  • "But I can hold a space for you to learn to sort of accept your body as it is or find gratitude in what your body can do for you."
  • The body positivity movement has roots in the fat acceptance movement from the '60s
  • "commercialized" and "commandeered by smaller-bodied influencers,
  • "People can benefit from body neutrality and body positivity at different times in their lives or for different reasons
  • "definitely a step in the right direction for people who are experiencing body image concerns, and even for the general public."
  • There are also options beyond positivity and body neutrality, including "body acceptance" and "body liberation."

Climate change: Biden to pledge 50% cut in US greenhouse gas emissions - 0 views

  • President Joe Biden pledged to cut U.S. greenhouse gas pollution in half by 2030 at a virtual climate summit Thursday
  • "These steps will set America on a path of a net-zero emissions economy by no later than 2050,
  • "Scientists tell us that this is the decisive decade, this is the decade we must make decisions that will avoid the worst consequences of a climate crisis,
  • ...14 more annotations...
  • Biden has pledged to make the U.S. power sector 100% carbon-pollution free by 2035.
  • Thursday's summit did not detail how the White House plans to achieve the 50% reduction in emissions.
  • is nearly double the target set by Obama administration in 2015.
  • A second administration official said the White House expects other world leaders to follow Biden's announcement
  • But Biden's climate change agenda faces obstacles at home and abroad.
  • "The U.S. chose to come and go as it likes with regard to the Paris Agreement,"
  • "how it plans to make up for the lost four years."
  • The United States is the second-largest emitter of carbon dioxide (CO2), producing about 5.41 billion metric tons in 2018.
  • China emits nearly twice that amount.
  • Experts say the world's major economies need to dramatically scale back their carbon emissions to limit the rise of average global temperatures to 1.5 degrees Celsiu
  • Biden has pledged to be the most aggressive president on climate chang
  • "The Biden-Harris administration will do more than any in history to meet our climate crisis,"
  • But Biden's steps so far, and his promise to do more, have already unleashed a torrent of criticism from Republicans who argue that his climate policies will hurt American businesse
  • "It’s difficult to imagine the United States winning the long-term strategic competition with China if we cannot lead the renewable energy revolution

Elizabeth City shooting: Andrew Brown killed by deputy, what we know - 0 views

  • For many, the sense of relief brought by the guilty verdict for former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin on Tuesday in the murder of George Floyd was short-lived.
  • including body camera footag
  • According to a witness, Brown was trying to drive away. 
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • She said officers attempted chest compressions on Brown.
  • Authorities removed a car from the scene that appeared to have multiple bullet holes and a broken rear windshield
  • Sheriff Tommy Wooten II said at a news conference Wednesday the deputy was wearing a body camera and has been placed on leave.
  • “We’re going to wait for the full and complete investigation ... and we’ll review that and make any determinations that we deem appropriate at that time. This will not be a rush to judgment.”
  • "He was about to get his kids back...Now his kids won’t never see him again.”
  • Court records show Brown had a history of drug charges and a misdemeanor drug possession conviction.

Evanston, Illinois, approves the country's first reparations program for Black resident... - 0 views

  • offering reparations to Black residents whose families have felt the effects of decades of discriminatory housing practices,
  • from a 3% tax on legalized cannabis into assistance for home loans.
  • We had to do something radically different to address the racial divide that we had in our city,
  • ...33 more annotations...
  • the first major American bank to endorse HR 40, a piece of legislation sponsored by US Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee that creates a commission to develop reparation proposals for African Americans.
  • three decades ago.
  • "as real and right as the fight we had for the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the 1965 Voting Rights Act,
  • more attentive ears with Vice President Kamala Harris and President Joe Biden in office.
  • "targeted resources into public schools and neighborhoods that have been generationally deprived of the similar types of investments that white neighborhoods have gotten,"
  • voted overwhelmingly in favor of appropriating funds for the benefit of Black residents
  • "remains unanimously supportive"
  • she called upon National African-American Reparations Commission (NAARC) convener and Institute of the Black World 21st Century (IBW) President Ron Daniels to help Evanston develop an action plan.
  • "the community process"
  • The first is the transfer of wealth to descendants of American slavery via individual cash payments,
  • I've never seen the issue of reparations being taken as seriously as it is now,"
  • , I think the process has been quite flawed when you look at it next to an HR 40
  • , there are some Black residents in Evanston who question if these policies go far enough,
  • "the strict enforcement of existing civil rights law."
  • They fear the limited funds will result in an application process that only high-credit Evanstonians would have access to.
  • "Modernity is our challenge, not social justice"
  • The City Council agrees with that
  • HR 40 was still very much in its infancy,
  • it was designed to establish a commission to examine enslavement and other derivative outcomes
  • It did, however, gain the endorsement of major civil rights organizations
  • Congress was not ready for the bill.
  • Black celebrities
  • In the over three decades since HR 40 reached the House floor, the case for reparations has only grown more organized and action-oriented. Today, the bill has more than 170 co-sponsors and a Senate companion resolution.
  • So it's really an attempt to address both the moral harm, and the crime that slavery and Jim Crow were, but also the wealth gap that was created by both of these institutions,"
  • In the wake of the Black Lives Matter movement's resurgence last year,
  • Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, and Ahmaud Arbery,
  • cultural experts and the executive branch of government that America has reneged on its promises to African Americans
  • "I think the reality is that we will as Black Americans never gain an entitlement that is commensurate with the suffering we endured.
  • "is that Black Americans will get about exactly as far as they take themselves,
  • However, Simmons sees the critique as an opportunity for more conversations on what reparations could look like for residents
  • Over a century of both legally enforced and de-facto housing discrimination and redlining, blockage from small business loans, and suppression of constitutionally protected civil rights until well into the 1960s
  • n 1920 to roughly 1.3% of US farmers in 2017.
  • history was not studied, it was not known.

A more contagious coronavirus variant is spreading across the US. But the vaccines shou... - 0 views

  • The B.1.1.7 variant, first spotted in the UK, is not only more easily transmitted, but it also appears to be more deadly.
  • It was first spotted in Colorado
  • "Since then it has been detected in 50 jurisdictions in the United States
  • ...13 more annotations...
  • one study showing a 64% increased risk of death for people infected with B.1.1.7 compared to those infected with the older
  • implement the public health measures that we talk about all the time
  • That makes it more important than ever to get people vaccinated quickly,
  • To get as many people vaccinated as quickly and as expeditiously as possib
  • But vaccines appear to protect well against B.1.1.7
  • That's because the vaccines cause a broad immune response so that even if it's a little weakened, it's still powerful enough to prevent serious disease and death.
  • "The vaccine remained effective against B.1.1.7 with a slight but significant decrease in neutralization that was more apparent in participants under 55 years of age.
  • "had no significant effect on neutralization by serum obtained from participants who had received the mRNA-1273 vaccine in the phase 1 trial,"
  • if more mutations were acquired by the virus
  • including the B.1.351 variant first seen in South Africa and the P.1 variant that is common now in Brazil.
  • may much more easily evade the immune response prompted by vaccines
  • , it nonetheless strongly protected people against severe disease, hospitalizations and deaths in clinical trials.
  • that makes it even more important to get as many people vaccinated as possible before those variants can spread.

Covid-19 vaccines and counterfeit vaccine cards are for sale on the dark web - CNN - 0 views

  • Counterfeit vaccine cards and what are being billed as Covid-19 vaccines are now for sale on the dark web
  • , such as AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson, for up to $1,000 a dose, as well as at least 20 vaccine certificates for $200 each
  • cybercriminals often sell and buy illicit materials,
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • The counterfeit products are being marketed to people who need to board planes, cross borders,
  • just like on the real ones
  • "vendors are capable of pumping out fake vaccination cards by the thousands, if not tens of thousands,
  • negative Covid-19 test results for $25 (or "buy 2, get the third for free").
  • roll-outs are slow in many countries, and people are tired of lock-downs and curfews,
  • "If people can easily get hold of a fake passport to avoid restrictions, then they will

They wanted democracy for Belarus. Instead they say they were beaten and raped by polic... - 0 views

  • all for protesting against the election victory declared by President Alexander Lukashenko
  • He crossed the border into Ukraine illegally,
  • which involved not only swimming in freezing temperatures and through dense reed, but stumbling over sheet ice and crawling through thick sludge.
  • ...27 more annotations...
  • "I'm navigating by the stars,"
  • has now claimed asylum in another country,
  • the repression of Lukashenko's regime, i
  • protesters and opposition activists have spoken of tortur
  • that display the extraordinary ferocity of riot police against protesters who are unarmed and peaceful, many of them teenagers.
  • anti-government protests spread inside neighboring Russia against the attempted murder and imprisonment of Alexey Navalny.
  • . A police officer fires a live round into the vehicle. The protesters are yanked out violently, and forced to lie face down on the ground
  • the US "strongly condemns the ​months-long post-election brutality carried out by the Lukashenka regime against peaceful protesters.
  • there were over 500 documented cases of severe abuse, 290 political prisoners and "a number of individuals still reported missing."
  • It is September 13, 2020
  • They didn't help. They just looked at me."
  • and marked with red paint, a grim sign of the police's "traffic lights" system of grading protesters in detention.
  • Russian President Vladimir Putin swiftly moved to support Lukashenko in August with a $1.5 billion loan and other unspecified assistance.
  • Sexual assault allegations have also been made by men and women against the police.
  • At this time, I probably had brain trauma, as I started to feel really dizzy. It was hard to move at all,
  • "He cut my underwear using this knife. He asked me again to give him the password. I refused again, and then he did what he did."
  • some bleeding on the walls,
  • One man has had seven teeth smashed out.
  • and the majority would go on to face criminal charges for protesting,
  • walking over the unconscious body of a teenage boy on the floor
  • the detainee likely suffered from an epileptic fit, and was left on the floor by police,
  • she was put next to a man who had been trampled by police until his hip broke
  • Those painted red should receive the worst treatment.
  • She feared for her safety and left with her mother.
  • I was worried they would torture me on my injuries."
  • the fragments of grenade removed from her leg. One fragment is still lodged in her thigh.
  • "We are not their people, we are strangers. Russia does not care what happens to us."

Hundreds gathered across the US to support Asian communities after Atlanta-area spa kil... - 0 views

  • Long-simmering fears of violence boiled over for many Asian Americans last week, when eight people were gunned down at Atlanta-area spas
  • "I'm Asian, and I'm a woman. And if I don't stand up for myself, then no one else will
  • "I want people to finally hear us ... not only when we're trending,"
  • ...16 more annotations...
  • all the way down from our neighbors, all the way up to lawmakers. That's the kind of change I want to see."
  • Anti-Asian hate crimes have more than doubled during the pandemic,
  • y were hate crimes.
  • he had a sex addiction and that he saw the spas as "a temptation ... that he wanted to eliminate,"
  • Long is being held without the chance for bail in Cherokee County
  • one count of attempted murder, one count of aggravated assault and five counts of using a firearm while committing a felony
  • In Atlanta, multiple Korean church congregations held a Korean language service outside the Gold Spa in honor of the victims
  • There has been a rise in anti-Asian violence and an increase in vandalism at Asian-owned businesses across the Denver area in the past year,
  • Low said there have been reports of spitting, slurs, and graffiti targeting community members, as well as countless unreported crimes.
  • He said the US has had policies in place for more than 100 years that target and discriminate against Asian Americans, including the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 and Executive Order 9066, which ordered Americans of Japanese descent into internment camps in the 1940s.
  • e 1982 killing of Vincent Chin,
  • Within an hour of the first shooting, four more Asian women were killed at two spas on Piedmont Road in Atlanta:
  • The families of the victims who have spoken out said they want justice for the senseless deaths of their loved ones.
  • "This was a massacre.
  • "no longer affirm that he is truly a regenerate believer in Jesus Christ.
  • "absolutely devastated at this senseless loss of life and callous disregard for human beings created in the image of God

GameStop-Robinhood stock-buying frenzy echoes Trump rise - 0 views

  • By Thursday, the stock price had surged to more than $480 a share before leveling off and closing at $193
  • “We are witnessing the French Revolution of Finance,”
  • “The rules only work if a lot of people are willing to play by them
  • ...15 more annotations...
  • by turning to social media
  • Reddit
  • this is the new normal.”
  • through a process known as “short selling.”
  • and then pocketing the difference.
  • they’re a byproduct of the connected internet
    • aniyahbarnett
      what exactly is "stock"?
  • And now it’s happening to finance.”
  • They band together on Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp, messaging services like Signal and Telegram and collaboration services like Slack to trade tips.
  • Reddit shut down a subreddit where tens of thousands of Trump supporters congregated.
  • The cry: “Rally the troops, my brothers.”
  • 'It was a horrible scene': Capitol Police have a $500M budget. Why were they unprepared at the Jan. 6 riot?
  • “People get swept up in this and are likely to follow the lead of the multitude,”
  • “How many of the protesters that stormed the Capitol actually thought the FBI would be hunting them down and threatening them with 20-year jail terms?”
  • The GameStop investors have fallen victim to the same kind of group thinking, Kamen said, without considering or fully understanding that huge, easy profits can just as quickly turn into a major financial loss.

US Capitol riot: Police describe facing the pro-Trump mob - CNNPolitics - 0 views

  • he knew a group of rioters were stripping him of his gear. They grabbed spare ammunition, ripped the police radio off his chest and even stole his badge.
  • who had just been Tasered several times in the back of the neck,
  • 'Kill him with his own gun,'" said Fanone, who's been a police officer for almost two decades.
  • ...14 more annotations...
  • But Fanone, who said he'd rather be shot than be pulled into a crowd where he had no control, was suddenly in his biggest nightmare as an officer.
  • Fanone considered using deadly force.
  • And I just remember yelling out that I have kids. And it seemed to work
  • "Thank you, but f*** you for being there,"
  • still suffering the effects of a mild heart attack.
  • Investigators are now looking into the notion that here was some level of planning,
  • "We were getting chemical irritants sprayed. They had pipes and different metal objects, batons, some of which I think they had taken from law enforcement personnel. They had been striking us with those,"
  • with enough evidence to indicate that it was not just a protest that got out of control, l
  • "It was difficult to offer any resistance when you're only about 30 guys going up against 15,000."
  • "The individuals were pushing officers, hitting officers. They were spraying us with what we were calling, essentially, bear mace, because you use it on bears,"
  • crushed by a door.
  • The 32-year-old officer is seen in the clip with blood dripping through his teeth as he kept gasping for enough air so he could yell "Help" at the top of his lungs.
  • . What did surprise him was how the insurrectionists thought the police would be on their side.
  • "They say things like, 'Yeah, we've been supporting you through all this Black Lives Matter stuff, you should have our back' and they felt entitled."

The Covid-19 pandemic is getting worse. What happens next is up to you. - CNN - 0 views

  • experts warned the start of 2021 would be a very rough time in this pandemic.
  • The United States just shattered its all-time records for the most Covid-19 infections, hospitalizations and deaths reported in one day:
  • On January 2, a record-high 302,506 new infections were reported in one day, according to Johns Hopkins University.
  • ...23 more annotations...
  • "linger in the air for minutes to hours,"
  • Many hospitals are now filled beyond capacity,
  • pandemic fatigue.
  • And many of those who are sick of taking precautions are getting sick.
  • , more people are socializing indoors.
  • "These viruses may be able to infect people who are further than 6 feet away from the person who is infected or after that person has left the space," the CDC said.
  • A variant first detected in South Africa
  • Gathering with multiple friends indoors can be dangerous.
  • "If you go to a party with five or more people, almost certainly there's going to be somebody with Covid-19 at that party,"
  • more than 50% of all infections are transmitted from people who aren't showing symptoms.
  • Some patients have been put in hospital break rooms, parking garages and gift shops.
  • The United States has confirmed at least 76 cases of a highly transmissible variant of the coronavirus that was first detected in the United Kingdom.
  • And the United States ranks 61st in how quickly virus samples are collected from patients, analyzed and then posted to an international database to find new variants.
  • While it may be more transmissible, there's no evidence this variant first detected in the UK is deadlier or causes more severe disease, the CDC said.
  • That's an average of 3.5 people getting infected every second.Read More
  • As of Thursday, it has not been detected in the United States.
  • That didn't happen. Not even close.
  • As of Thursday morning, about 10.2 million vaccine doses had been administered, out of roughly 29.3 million doses that have been distributed across the United States, according to the CDC.
  • You can test
  • negative
  • but still be infected and contagious.
  • And don't think you're invincible -- even if you're young and healthy.
  • "We see severe illness among healthy, young adults with no apparent underlying causes," Hotez said.

Trump explodes at Nixon comparisons as he prepares to leave office - CNNPolitics - 0 views

  • President Donald Trump has found the parts of the job he loved replaced by cold legal warnings,
  • the President is playing the role of victim and not a gracious leader departing office.
  • And he has made clear to aides in separate conversations that mere mention of President Richard Nixon,
  • ...19 more annotations...
  • the last president to resign, was banned.
  • "2021 Biden-Harris Inauguration"
  • , Trump liked to show off to visitors the letter he received from President Barack Obama
  • He has grown more and more worried about what legal or financial calamities may await him when he is no longer president,
  • On Thursday, it was Pence carrying out tasks ordinarily left to a president, like visiting national guardsmen posted at the US Capitol or visiting White House operators to say farewell.
  • received applause from junior aides as he left the building.
  • Even though some of his allies had encouraged him to attend Biden's inauguration,
  • weathering a second impeachment
  • - who's facing federal fraud charges
  • . For instance, handoff of the nuclear football -- a 45-pound briefcase that accompanies the president everywhere he goes in case of nuclear attack -- won't be as simple as it would be if the two men were in each other's vicinity.
  • still contends he won the 2020 election,
  • his second impeachment trial,
  • who falsely told Trump that Pence could block the certification of Biden's win.
  • Yet he has also been lashing out at aides, allies and lawyers trying to protect him from criminal exposure
  • Trump's subsequent appearances have been more tightly scripted,
  • Trump has read them from teleprompters set up by the White House Communications Agency as senior officials look on
  • the abrupt removal of the PGA honor came as a blow not only to his bottom line but to his ego
  • But he now plans to leave on the morning of January 20.
  • aides worried that Trump might respond off-the-cuff to a question about the riots and veer from the carefully scripted comments condemning the actions

Election day is finally here in the US. Here's what to expect - 0 views

    • aniyahbarnett
      This is already very bias.
  • voting day in the US is likely to be very different this year.
  • some 99 million Americans have already voted this year, more than 72% of the total votes cast in 2016.
  • ...15 more annotations...
  • 64% of those early votes have been mail-in ballots.
  • around 28 million were still yet to be returned
  • meaning we may not have a clear winner today.
    • aniyahbarnett
      Why would Republicans not want more votes? Seems a bit suspicious to me.
  • despite Republican attempts to block this.
  • because he didn’t want states to make it easier for Americans to vote by mail.
  • That, too, could delay the results even further.
  • the Center for Public Integrity has identified
  • hundreds of court cases across the US related to voter identification laws
  • Amy Coney Barrett, reinforces its conservative majority
  • the networks will still need to be more cautious than usual when projecting the winner
  • that has long been associated with voter intimidation and suppression in the US.
  • from neo-Nazis and right-wing activists
  • Democratic challenger Joe Biden is ahead in the polls in each of these states and
  • , if he wins them, it is highly unlikely Trump will reach the 270 electoral votes needed to secure re-election.

It's here: What to watch on Election Day in America - 0 views

  • nearly 100 million Americans had already cast ballots by Tuesday
  • That’s the result of an election system that has been reshaped by the worst pandemic in a century, prompting many voters to take advantage of advance voting rather than head to polling places in person at a time when coronavirus cases are rising.
  • ...15 more annotations...
  • Trump has downplayed the coronavirus outbreak and panned governors
  • — virtually all Democrats — who have imposed restrictions designed to prevent the spread of the disease
  • choosing between two candidates with very different visions for the future.
  • Biden has said he’d heed the advice of scientists.
  • The candidates also hold distinctly different views on everything from climate change to taxes to racial injustice.
  • “law and order”
  • Biden acknowledges systemic racism, picked the first Black woman to appear on a major party’s presidential ticket and has positioned himself as a unifying figure.
  • Election 2020Joe Biden
  • The two parties took wildly different approaches to contacting voters amid the pandemic.
  • “urging my supporters to go into the polls and watch very carefully, because that’s what has to happen. I am urging them to do it.”
  • an alleged plot to kidnap Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, the Democratic secretary of state tried to impose a ban on carrying firearms openly at a polling place. A Michigan judge struck down the order.
  • seeking to replicate 1968,
  • Early returns, meanwhile, could show divergent results.
  • Biden’s expected to lead comfortably among early voters, who tend to skew toward Democrats. Trump is likely to counter with a lead among Election Day voters.

Opinion | You're Waiting for Election Results. It's Agony. Here's What to Do. - The New... - 2 views

  • All elections elicit this feeling t
  • iting so difficult and what, if anything we can do to make this uncertain moment a little more tolerable?
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