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Private Health Insurance Market Fluctuations - 1 views

started by Rose McGowan on 29 Sep 15 no follow-up yet
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Health Insurance for Young Adults - 1 views

    As we grow older, our responsibilities add up. Having a health insurance should be one of the priorities that we should think of. By the time you are old enough to fend for yourself, you are then required to get an insurance. However, many young adults are still confused on its importance. 1. It may be Illegal When you are living in the United States, Affordable Care Act (ACA) compels you to purchase insurance. Going without insurance for three months would force you to pay a penalty of $325 or 2% of your monthly income, whichever is higher. In developing countries, uninsured individuals have the option to purchase from private companies but laws are already drafted for completion. In cities like Jakarta, Indonesia and Bangkok, Thailand, more than half of their unemployed population goes uninsured. 2. If you are a full-time employee, your employer should provide you with insurance Most companies require employees work for set period before benefits can be provided. It usually takes 3-6 months in a probationary period before regularization, by which insurance is given. It is in any law in any states and government to mandate to every employer to provide employee benefits. 3. Your parents may still be able to cover you Individuals under the age of 26 can still be listed under their parents' coverage. They can still cover even a modest premium cost. 4. You can do it alone If you are not insured under your parents' plan or purchasing insurance under your employer is not an option, you have the choice to purchase your own insurance from trusted private companies. If you are buying online, just make sure you

Medical Insurance for Expatriates - 1 views

    Expatriates may find it hard to avail of health insurance when they are in a foreign place. The system varies from that of your own nation and customs of availing is a far cry especially in developing nations. Luckily, developing countries like Indonesia and Thailand are starting to expand its insurance's scope to a more international level, catering to both local and foreign individuals. Companies operating in Jakarta, Indonesia, for instance, realize the importance of a comprehensive medical plan to cover sickness and accidents that happen to the staff that they hire. Westhill Insurance Consulting is also aware of the struggles faced by expatriates when it comes to getting insurance. What preparations do you do then? 1. Find out before you come The company who hired you and the person you are working for should provide medical insurance for you and your family members just as they do with local folks. Ask for details from your employer to ensure that your policy will adequate cover your family members for sickness, accidents or emergencies, on home leave and when you are visiting other countries for work-related purposes. If you are joining a new company, remember that they may never love you more than when you first join. Do not rely on promises that medical insurance coverage will be sorted out when you arrive. It could be the case that what the company considers ideal coverage may not meet your expectations. Be sure before you arrive that you understand what medical coverage your company provides for regular medical concerns, major medical situations such as surgery or deliveries,

Westhill consulting Insurance - Tips for handling early-year medical expenses - 3 views

    The clock on insurance deductibles reset on Jan. 1, and that means big medical bills are in store for some. Patients may be required to pay thousands of dollars before their health care coverage kicks in. Insurers typically begin or renew policies in January, and that means customers could face some daunting cost-sharing requirements in the first few months of the year. That's especially true if they need surgery or have a particularly expensive prescription. Deductibles topping $3,000 are common among plans sold on the health care overhaul's public insurance exchanges, which provide coverage for millions. Companies also have been raising deductibles for years on employer-sponsored health plans, the most common form of coverage in the United States. Plus cost-sharing requirements for Medicare prescription drug coverage renew every year. All this adds up to a business boon for organizations like the Patient Access Network Foundation, which offers grants to help cover prescription costs for dozens of life-threatening, chronic or rare diseases. The nonprofit had to hire about 80 temporary employees to help handle the heavy workload it receives at the start of the year. It fielded 4,000 calls a day last month, double its normal total. "Everybody who works doing what we do has the same challenge," CEO Daniel Klein said. Klein's foundation is one option patients can turn to if too many expenses hit at the start of the year. Here are some other tips. Understand your coverage: You can't prepare for medical expenses until you know how big the bills might be. Your insurance should come with a plan summary that lays out important numbers. Start by understanding your plan's deductibles, which can differ significantly depending on whether care is received inside or outside the insurer's network of providers. If you take prescriptions, double check how much they will cost. Drug coverage is commonly divided in

Expansion of Health Insurance to Developing Nations - 1 views

started by Rose McGowan on 03 Aug 15 no follow-up yet

Today's Career Tips for Today's Career Trends - 0 views

started by chezka wilson on 27 Jul 15 no follow-up yet

Clinical Trials Supported by Insurance - 1 views

    Trials involving human patients are crucial to the advancement of clinical science. But they're not without risk. Fortunately, insurers are willing to cover them. Westhill Insurance Consulting, one of the most trusted on-line insurance consultant that offer consumer information on reasonably priced health and medical coverage has these following things to review if you are planning to take part in a clinical test. Challenging trials One challenge for underwriters is the relatively small premium base measured against a trend for higher [insured] limits to be requested. Clinical trials policies normally have "claims made" wordings which means that insurance coverage does not automatically extend beyond the trial dates. The potential gap is where you arrange insurance, let the policy end and have no insurance for an event which may occur sometime in the future that can be attached to the clinical trial. Serious problems in clinical trials are rare, as Rossano points out. "But what I would say is that clinical trials are not without risk. The risk of a clinical trial is that the human body is very complex and in rare cases there can be unforeseen outcomes, as happened in cases like TeGenaro."

The Role of Health Insurance to Family Planning - 1 views

started by Rose McGowan on 11 Jun 15 no follow-up yet

HMO vs PPO - 1 views

started by Rose McGowan on 04 Jun 15 no follow-up yet

Critical Health Insurance Plans for Critical Health Ailments - 1 views

started by Rose McGowan on 29 May 15 no follow-up yet

Finding Private Health Insurance - 1 views

    Many of us have to rely on the company's health care insurance provider. Lucky for those people who can stay in one job for years. How about those people who jumps from one venture to the other? Westhill Insurance Consulting has faced queries on the best alternative whenever unemployment comes near. Private health insurance is the main source of health coverage for the majority of people in the United States alone. For elderly citizens and eligible children and families from low-income households, public programs are the primary source of health cover. If you are not covered by a publicly funded program, or if your coverage is only partial, you will need to have some kind of private health insurance. In developing cities like Tokyo, Japan, Seoul, South Korea, Jakarta, Indonesia and Singapore, millions of people have found themselves with no health cover at all. Reviews show that uninsured people reaches up to 46 million. Tens of millions more have inadequate insurance.

The Best Fit in Healthcare Insurance - Westhill Consulting Insurance - 1 views

    With the widespread of insurance nowadays, people are confused which one is legit and which one is a fraud; which can offer better and which one cost less. Choosing the right health coverage has never been easy, and the health reform law has made things more complicated. Besides sorting through differences in premiums, deductibles, and copayments, you need to consider new provisions in the law that have recently kicked in and could impact your coverage for the coming year. Westhill Insurance Consulting can help you clear away any confusion, doubts and complaints. Health insurance should cover any medical need you may have, now or in the future. Buying insurance on your own used to be riskier because many plans didn't cover important things such as prescription drugs or mental health care. Every kind of health insurance must now cover preventive care, with no deductibles, co-pays, or other types of out-of-pocket expenses. That includes Pap and cholesterol tests, mammograms, immunizations, and colonoscopies when age- and condition-appropriate. But even though you no longer have to worry about your basic health care needs being covered, you'll still have to navigate lots of other confusing choices. That's true even if you get coverage through a job, because more than half of workers have a choice of two or more types of health plans. 1. Do you want to pay for care now or later? All health plans have to come up with enough money to pay for the medical expenses of their members. You can choose to collect most of the money up front in the form of premiums. If you have a high premium, you'll pay a smaller share out of your own pocket, in the form of deductibles, co-insurance, and co-pays. Or plans can go the other way, charging smaller premiums but asking you to pay a bigger share on your own. 2. Are you OK with a small network of docs? Doctors and hospitals accept lower fees from insurers if they know they'll be part of a small, o

Lapses in Insurance Coverage - 1 views

started by Rose McGowan on 28 Apr 15 no follow-up yet

Insurance in a Divorce - 1 views

started by Rose McGowan on 17 Apr 15 no follow-up yet

Insure your Business in the Clouds - 1 views

started by Rose McGowan on 19 Mar 15 no follow-up yet

The 5 Best Money Lessons We Learned Last Year - 1 views

    1. It's Smart to Prepare for a Breach How many data breaches from 2014 can you name? The freshest one in your mind is probably the Sony hack, but there were also attacks on Home Depot, Staples, Dairy Queen, P.F. Chang's the list goes on. Co-Founder and Chairman Adam Levin recently wrote about the most important lessons you can learn from the Sony hack, encouraging consumers and companies to prioritize data security and behave with the knowledge that your personal information and correspondence could be exposed at any time. Prepare for the possibility of fraud by monitoring your credit, regularly reviewing account activity and knowing what to do if your personal information has been stolen. Do what you can to strengthen your data security, but know that so much of it is beyond your control, so the best thing you can do is know how to react to a breach. 2. Communication Is Crucial to Getting Debt-Free as a Couple We published several success stories about getting out of debt, but some of the most memorable involved couples working together to conquer their finances. The stories had similar themes: Ellie Kay married her husband without knowing about his $40,000 of consumer debt, and Ja'Net Adams was unaware her husband took out student loans to pay for college. Both families eventually hit breaking points where they realized debt was holding them back, and they needed to make drastic changes to get rid of it. Getting out of debt is never easy, and the more people who are involved, the more complicated it can be. At the same time, having someone to work through the challenges with you can be extremely helpful. Adams' and Kay's stories highlight two crucial elements of getting debt free: staying committed to a plan and remaining open and honest about the process' progress and challenges. Those lessons apply to any personal finance goal, whether you're planning with a family or on your own.

Data breach trends for 2015: Credit cards, healthcare records will be vulnerable - 1 views

    The data breaches of 2014 have yet to fade into memory, and we already have 2015 looming. Experian's 2015 Data Breach Industry Forecast gives us much to anticipate, and I've asked security experts to weigh in with their thoughts for the coming year as well. Experian highlights a number of key factors that will drive or contribute to data breaches in 2015. A few of them aren't surprising: Organizations are focusing too much on external attacks when insiders are a significantly bigger threat, and attackers are likely to go after cloud-based services and data. A few new factors, however, merit your attention. First, there is a looming deadline of October, 2015 for retailers to upgrade to point-of-sale systems capable of processing chip-and-PIN credit cards. As banks and credit card issuers adopt more secure chip-and-PIN cards, and more consumers have them in hand, it will be significantly more difficult to clone cards or perpetrate credit card fraud. That's why Experian expects cybercriminals to increase the volume of attacks early in 2015, to compromise as much as possible while they still can. The third thing that stands out in the Experian report is an increased focus on healthcare breaches. Electronic medical records and the explosion of health or fitness-related wearable devices make sensitive personal health information more vulnerable than ever to being compromised or exposed. The risk of health related data being breached is also a concern voiced by Ken Westin, security analyst with Tripwire. He pointed out that part of the reason that retail breaches have escalated is because cybercriminals have developed the technologies and market for monetizing that data. "The bad news is that other industries can easily become targets once a market develops for the type of data they have. For more info: Westhill Insurance Consulting Data breach trends for 2015: C

Medicare Overbilling Probes Run Into Political Pressure - 1 views

    When investigators suspected that Houston's Riverside General Hospital had filed Medicare claims for patients who weren't treated, they moved to block all payments to the facility. Then politics intervened. Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, a Texas Democrat, contacted the federal official who oversees Medicare, Marilyn Tavenner, asking her to back down, according to documents reviewed by The Wall Street Journal. In a June 2012 letter to Ms. Tavenner, Rep. Jackson Lee said blocking payments had put the hospital at financial risk and "jeopardized" patients needing Medicare. Weeks later, Ms. Tavenner, administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, instructed deputies to restore most payments to the hospital even as the agency was cooperating in a criminal investigation of the facility, according to former investigators and documents. "These changes are at the direction of the Administrator and have the highest priority," a Medicare official wrote to investigators. About two months after that order, Riverside's top executive was indicted in a $158 million fraud scheme. The hospital was barred from Medicare this May, and the CEO was convicted in October. What happened at Riverside General Hospital shows how political pressure from medical providers and elected officials can collide with efforts to rein in waste and abuse in the nearly $600 billion, taxpayer-funded Medicare system. More than a dozen former investigators and CMS officials said in interviews that they faced questions from members of Congress about policy changes or punitive action affecting providers or individual doctors.

There Is a Reason We Never Crack Down on Medicare Fraud - 1 views

started by Rose McGowan on 08 Dec 14 no follow-up yet
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BBB Tip of the Week - 1 views

started by Anika Lim on 28 Oct 14 no follow-up yet
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