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Rose McGowan


    The U.S. health care system has changed significantly since the passage of the Affordable Care Act. The federal law introduced many changes to the insurance space and health care market and helped change the way that people shop for health insurance coverage. With the launch of insurance exchanges, new marketplaces were opened up to consumers, but these exchanges also represented a promising opportunity for scammers that are looking to exploit a person's private information. The U.S. Federal Trade Commission recently issued a warning about the growing prevalence of insurance scams, and there are some things that people can do to protect themselves and their information when shopping for insurance coverage. Be Careful About What You Share Online Many insurance scams seek to collect personal information through fraudulent websites. These sites can be designed to look official, but are merely fronts for criminal activity. Many fraudulent sites attempt to show that they represent an insurance or government agency, offering policies at discounted rates, but the policies that these sites offer are not real and exist only to collect information, such as medical records. Beware of Unsolicited Calls Sometimes, scammers prefer to take a more direct approach and will disguise themselves as insurance agents representing a reputable company or exchange. These people often attempt to call consumers and offer inexpensive insurance policies based on the information that they provide. Insurance exchanges do not randomly contact consumers and organizations promoting coverage through exchanges will never ask for personal information to be shared over the phone. Document Everything Keeping records of all salespeople you may come in contact with, as well as the names of their representative companies, could be valuable if your information is ever compromised. Information can be used for or against you, and collecting information from the agents or organizations trying to sell you
Rose McGowan

Westhill Healthcare Consulting Jakarta fraud prevention review - FTC Warns about fake h... - 2 views

    Tulsa - October marks the start of when many health insurance plans open enrollment.Medicare and Obamacare will also soon begin enrolling for next year's coverage. 2NEWSProblem Solver Jamil Donith has a word of caution before you shop for health insurance online. According to the Federal Trade Commission, health insurance scams are preying on consumers shopping for or comparing health plans online. Scammers use websites or phony non-profit sites that seem to offer discount medical plans. In reality, the sites are set up to get your personal information. Things like your age, occupation, contact information, marital status and whether you have pre-existing medical conditions. The FTC advises: Be stingy with your personal information when you're on the web. When a site asks for your personal information know that data could end up in the wrong hands. A health insurance website might look like the real deal, but many are fronts for criminals wanting to steal your money and personal information. Research a company before giving it your business. Enter the company's name and the "complaints" into an online search engine to see what comes up. And, before giving any personal information ask the company for the details in writing about what you want to buy. If it can't provide the fine prince, that's a big red flag. Finally, check to find out if the plan you want to buy is really insurance. The State Insurance Department can tell you whether the plan is legitimate and whether an insurance provider is licensed to do business in Oklahoma. The Oklahoma Insurance Department website link is
Rose McGowan

Westhill Healthcare Consulting Jakarta fraud prevention review Wonkbook: Why the Obama ... - 1 views

    Welcome to Wonkbook, Wonkblog's morning policy news primer by Puneet Kollipara (@pkollipara). To subscribe by e-mail, click here. Send comments, criticism or ideas to Wonkbook at Washpost dot com. To read more by the Wonkblog team, click here. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook. (Photo by Mike Segar/Reuters) Wonkbook's Number of the Day: 70 percent. That's the latest estimate of the mortality rate in the Ebola outbreak in West Africa, the World Health Organization announced. Wonkbook's Chart of the Day: Oil prices are falling, and fast. Wonkbook's Top 5 Stories: (1) Obamacare October surprises and a lower sales bar; (2) Ebola treatments for U.S. patients; (3) attorney general nomination update; (4) security threats of climate change; and (5) new help for long-term jobless. 1. Top story: With a month to go, why the Obama administration won't oversell Obamacare in year two Team Obama's year-two strategy: Underselling Obamacare. "The Obama administration vastly oversold how well Obamacare was going to work last year. It's not making the same mistake this year. Gone are the promises that enrolling will be as easy as buying a plane ticket on Orbitz. The new head of HHS is not on Capitol Hill to promise that is on track. And no one is embracing Congressional Budget Office projections of total sign-up numbers.Sobered - and burned - by last fall's meltdown of the federal website, the administration is setting expectations for the second Obamacare open enrollment period as low as possible. Officials say the site won't be perfect but will be improved." Jennifer Haberkorn in Politico. Explainer: 5 things we need to know about Obamacare before enrollment begins. Jason Millman in The Washington Post. Source: Westhill Healthcare Consulting Jakarta fraud prevention review</d
Claire Barton

Everyday Low Benefits Wal-Mart dumps 30,000 part-timers onto the ObamaCare - 1 views

    Wal-Mart endorsed ObamaCare in 2009 and helped drag the bill through U.S. Congress, and so far it hasn't recanted. By holding back economic growth and incomes, perhaps the law is expanding the retailer's customer base. Another plus-at least for management-is that Wal-Mart can jettison its employees into the ObamaCare insurance exchanges. The Associated Press reported Tuesday that the largest U.S. private employer is dropping health benefits for some 30,000 workers, or about 5% of its part-time workforce. Earlier health-plan eligibility triage in 2011 had removed tens of thousands of Wal-Mart workers from the balance sheet, so this latest purge was probably inevitable. Wal-Mart cites its inability to manage higher-than-anticipated health expenses. Perhaps- wasn't ObamaCare supposed to bring those costs down? Obviously the company is also responding rationally to ObamaCare's incentives. With a subsidized government alternative now open for business, and since corporations aren't liable for a penalty for not covering people who work fewer than 30 hours a week on average, cost-control logic says to send such coverage ballast over the side. Other retail and grocery chains including Target, Home Depot and Trader Joe's have already done the same. ObamaCare's critics predicted that such insurance dumping was inevitable, and the only question now is how many and how fast other companies partake of the new all-you-caneat entitlement buffet. Get whatever you like, the bill's on taxpayers. The disruptions will be concentrated in industries with large numbers of low-skilled and low-income workers, like restaurants, hospitality and, yes, retail. The irony is that even as Wal-Mart drops insurance because it is too costly, President Barack Obama is claiming credit for lowering health costs. He boasted the other day that the law gave every U.S. family "a $1,800 tax cut" by supposedly reducing the rate of employer-premium growth. Obama
Rose McGowan

4 Tips for Navigating Open Enrollment for Insurance - 1 views

    When shopping for a plan, start with the basics of what you're looking for and what you're willing to pay for, says Michael McMillan,Executive Director of Market and Network Services at Cleveland Clinic. Then make your selection carefully so you get what you're paying for, he adds. To help you navigate enrollment - either on health insurance exchanges or elsewhere - McMillan offers the following helpful tips: 1. Know what services are covered under a selected plan Start by reviewing what each particular plan offers. For example, what does the network of care providers look like? What services are most important to you based on your particular health needs or conditions, and are they available within a plan's coverage? "This will be a period of great change, and consumers will have a lot of options they haven't had before on the exchanges," McMillan says. "It's important to be clear on what's available and what isn't." 2. Make sure your providers are part of the network When choosing plans, this is a major factor. Look at any given plan to see if your doctors and hospitals you use regularly are listed as network providers. One evolving trend has been for health plans to create narrow networks - smaller versions of their standard network that help them achieve a lower price. The bottom line: Not all providers are included in these limited networks, so it's worth your effort to check first and make sure your new plan includes the doctors and other practitioners you see regularly, McMillan says. 3. Know your out-of-pocket costs These are costs associated with the care received. They include things such as deductibles - the amount you pay before coverage kicks in - as well as copays and coinsurance on services. Out-of-pocket costs vary by the "metal" level of plan you choose on a health insurance exchange. So, for example, you would pay 40 percent of costs of coinsurance in a bronze plan, and 30 percent for silver. In some high
karla Jepsen

New York Regulators Slash Health Insurance Rates For 2015 - 1 views

The average health insurance rate increase next year will be about 6 percent in New York State. State regulators today set the rates for 2015 after reviewing proposals from insurers, which re...

Westhill Healthcare Consulting Review new york regulators slash health insurance rates for 2015

started by karla Jepsen on 11 Sep 14 no follow-up yet
Rose McGowan

If Your Kids Get Free Health Care, You're More Likely to Start a Company - 2 views

    Starting a business is risky enough in the best of circumstances. Most new ventures fail, and the prospect of forgoing a salary is enough to keep many would-be entrepreneurs from taking the plunge. But think about how much harder it would be if your child had a health condition, and you couldn't get her insurance if you struck out on your own. That's less of a problem in the U.S. than it was a few years ago, thanks to Obamacare, but until recently it was a very real conundrum. So does the extension of publicly provisioned health insurance prompt more people to start companies? That's the question asked by a paper released earlier this year by Gareth Olds of Harvard Business School. Olds analyzed Census data from before and after the passage of the Children's Health Insurance Program in the U.S. in 1997 to assess its impact on entrepreneurship. CHIP, or SCHIP as it was previously known, provides publicly funded health insurance to children whose families don't qualify for Medicare, but whose incomes still fall below a cutoff (typically around 200% of the federal poverty line). His results suggest that the policy did significantly increase business creation by those families affected. The self-employment rate for CHIP recipients increased from just under 15% of those eligible to over 18%. That amounts to an a 23% increase. The rate of ownership of incorporated businesses - a better proxy for sustainable, growth entrepreneurship - increased even more dramatically, from 4.3% to 5.8%, an increase of 31%. What about all the other factors that might skew this sort of analysis? Olds used several quasi-experimental statistical methods in his research to control for such variables. The basic intuition behind his methods is that a family just above the CHIP cutoff isn't all that different from a family just below it. Whether you make 199% of the poverty line or 201% doesn't matter for much, except whether or not you'll be able to enroll in the program.

How to Spot and Prevent Medical Identity Theft - 1 views | westhill consulting insurance - While credit card breaches at retailers are grabbing headlines, identity thieves are quietly homing in on an even more lucrative area: health insur...

westhill consulting insurance how to spot and prevent medical identity theft

started by juliarsantos on 28 Aug 14 no follow-up yet
Rose McGowan

'Fraud' and 'cover-up' exposed in failing semi-privatised Irish healthcare - Westhill C... - 1 views

      Image: Pharmaceuticals. Flickr/Waleed Alzuhair. Some rights reserved.   Commerce has corrupted healthcare in the Irish semi-privatized insurance-based system.   Late last year Senator John Crown revealed under parliamentary privilege in Ireland's Senead that his own hospital, St. Vincent's University Hospital in Dublin, had in 2002 billed the country's largest private health insurer €1 million for the drug trastuzumab (Herceptin). But the drug had in fact been supplied to the hospital free by pharmaceutical giant Roche, as part of clinical trials for women with breast cancer.   This was not an inadvertent error as the hospital claimed, said Senator Crown, but deliberate financial fraud, which the hospital board had spent perhaps tens of thousands trying to cover up, employing 'substantial intimidation' to bury the matter.   Senator Crown is also Professor Crown, arguably Ireland's most distinguished oncologist. He had been told of the fraud in 2002 and at once notified all relevant health authorities.   An investigation started, and then stopped in its tracks. The hospital argued it had not known about this major research program me taking place on its premises.   The debacle had ended with the suspension of the drugs trial for a year, jeopardising the lives of women with breast cancer who might otherwise have participated in this important trial
Rose McGowan

Austin Company Leads Medicaid Fraud Crackdown - 1 views

    Texas pays out $28 billion a year to some 4.8 million people, according to Kaiser. The state picks up one-fourth of the tab, and the feds pay the rest.  The FBI estimates that 10% of Medicaid claims are fraudulent, which comes out to $2.8 billion a year in Texas alone. On Monday, Austin company 21CT launches a new computer system called "Torch" to help the state bring scammers to justice. Torch will collate state data around the clock. The system will monitor frequency of claims, the size of claims and any funny patterns or anomalies. 21CT has grown to over 100 employees, most of them devoted to the crackdown. Company officials say what they are finding is eye opening. "You know it's there," said Kyle Flaherty, Vice President of Marketing for 21CT. "What's so surprising is how complex and entrepreneurial the fraudsters can be. This is a business for them and we need to disrupt the business they are creating." Torch will eyeball providers: businesses, medical supply companies, doctors, therapists, dentists, ambulance firms, hospitals and more. The system will make it easier to sort out.
Rose McGowan

Watch out for health care scams - 1 views

    All the news about the Affordable Care Act has got me thinking about my health. I've been looking to download some health and fitness apps, but I notice many ask for a lot of personal information. Just how safe are these to use? The Affordable Care Act is bringing health care to a lot people's attention. It is also proving to be a field day for scammers. The Affordable Care Act has finally gone into effect. It brings sweeping changes to America's health care system. As usual, I am not going to comment on any of the politics involved. But I think everyone will agree that navigating the new system is very confusing. As with any moment of confusion, scammers are jumping in. They have got some new scams cooked up to scare and trick you. Let us start with insurance scams. One widely publicized requirement of the Affordable Care Act is that everyone needs insurance. I know some people are just going to grab whatever plan is cheapest. You might be tempted to fire up Google and search for insurance companies, but that is a bad idea. Scammers are setting up tons of fake insurance websites. You think you are signing up for insurance but you are really giving away your information. The place to start your search is the Health Insurance Marketplace at This is the official federal source for insurance providers. Of course, nothing is that simple. Sixteen states and the District of Columbia have their own marketplaces.
Rose McGowan

Seniors learn to protect themselves from fraud, drug misuse - 1 views

(westhawaiitoday) - Prescription pills and over-the-counter drugs are becoming increasingly popular drugs of choice among teens, young adults and others, in part because of their accessibility. Bi...

westhill consulting insurance seniors learn to protect themselves from fraud drug misuse

started by Rose McGowan on 15 Aug 14 no follow-up yet
Rose McGowan

Insurance fraud cases reduce by half, says IRA - 1 views

    BY PETER KIRAGU Kenya: The number of insurance fraud cases reduced by more than half last year thanks to tighter supervision by the Insurance Regulatory Authority ( IRA)'s Insurance Fraud Investigation Unit. According to the just released industry report for the year ended December 31, 2013, the unit received reports and detected cases of insurance fraud totaling 57 during the period compared to 133 similar cases in 2012. The report shows that fraud remains highest in motor insurance category with 21 cases reported in the year, down from 35 the previous year. Out of this, four fraudulent accident and 14 theft claims were made. Another three fraudulent cases of forged certificates were also reported. There were three fraudulent claims in the medical insurance category down from six the previous year with two fraudulent funeral claims made in the year down from nine in 2012. Fraud related to insurance agents also dropped with only six cases reported down from 38 the previous year. All the six reported cases were theft by insurance agents. The level of fraud related to insurance companies especially theft by employees remained the same with 10 cases reported. See Also: Australia agency opens
Rose McGowan

Special Fraud Alert: Laboratory Payments to Referring Physicians - 1 views

    I. The Anti-Kickback Statute One purpose of the anti-kickback statute is to protect patients from inappropriate medical referrals or recommendations by health care professionals who may be unduly influenced by financial incentives. Section 1128B(b) of the Social Security Act (the Act) makes it a criminal offense to knowingly and willfully offer, pay, solicit, or receive any remuneration to induce, or in return for, referrals of items or services reimbursable by a Federal health care program. When remuneration is paid purposefully to induce or reward referrals of items or services payable by a Federal health care program, the anti-kickback statute is violated. By its terms, the statute a scribes criminal liability to parties on both sides of an impermissible "kickback" transaction. Violation of the statute constitutes a felony punishable by a maximum fine of $25,000, imprisonment up to 5 years, or both. Conviction will also lead to exclusion from Federal health care programs, including Medicare and Medicaid. OIG may also initiate administrative proceedings to exclude persons from the Federal health care programs or to impose civil money penalties for fraud, kickbacks, and other prohibited activities under sections 1128(b)(7) and 1128A(a)(7) of the Act. II. Remuneration From Laboratories to Referring Physicians Arrangements between referring physicians and laboratories historically have been subject to abuse and were the topic of one of the OIG's earliest Special Fraud Alerts. 1 In that Special Fraud Alert, we stated that, "[w]henever a laboratory offers or gives to a source of referrals anything of value not paid for at fair market value, the inference may be made that the thing of value is offered to induce the referral of business.
Rose McGowan

That's where the money is - 1 views

    MEDICAL science is hazy about many things, but doctors agree that if a patient is losing pints of blood all over the carpet, it is a good idea to stanch his wounds. The same is true of a health-care system. If crooks are bleeding it of vast quantities of cash, it is time to tighten the safeguards. In America the scale of medical embezzlement is extraordinary. According to Donald Berwick, the ex-boss of Medicare and Medicaid (the public health schemes for the old and poor), America lost between $82 billion and $272 billion in 2011 to medical fraud and abuse (see article). The higher figure is 10% of medical spending and a whopping 1.7% of GDP-as if robbers had made off with the entire output of Tennessee or nearly twice the budget of Britain's National Health Service (NHS). Crooks love American health care for two reasons. First, as Willie Sutton said of banks, it's where the money is-no other country spends nearly as much on pills and procedures. Second, unlike a bank, it is barely guarded. Some scams are simple. Patients claim benefits to which they are not entitled; suppliers charge Medicaid for non-existent services. One doctor was recently accused of fraudulently billing for 1,000 powered wheelchairs, for example. Fancier schemes involve syndicates of health workers and patients. Scammers scour nursing homes for old people willing, for a few hundred dollars, to let pharmacists supply their pills but bill Medicare for much costlier ones. Criminal gangs are switching from cocaine to prescription drugs-the rewards are as juicy, but with less risk of being shot or arrested. One clinic in New York allegedly wrote bogus prescriptions for more than 5m painkillers, which were then sold on the street for $30-90 each. Identity thieves have realised that medical records are more valuable than credit-card numbers.
Rose McGowan

Medicare card and identity theft; help to get cell phones - 1 views

    Dear Savvy Senior, I just turned 65 and received my Medicare card. I see that the ID number on my card is the same as my Social Security number, and on the back of the card it tells me I need to carry it with me at all times. What can I do to protect myself from identify theft if my purse and Medicare card get stolen? Answer: Many people new to Medicare are surprised to learn that the ID number on their Medicare card is identical to their Social Security number (SSN). After all, we're constantly warned not to carry our SSN around with us, because if it gets lost or stolen, the result could be identity theft. But the Medicare ID is more than an identifier. It's proof of insurance. Beneficiaries need to show their Medicare card at the doctor's office and the hospital in order to have Medicare pay for treatment. Over the years, many consumer advocates, have called for a new form of Medicare identification. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, which administers Medicare, also acknowledges the problem, but so far nothing has been done. One of the main reasons is because it would cost an estimated $255 to $317 million to fix it. And that's just the direct cost to the federal government. It doesn't include the expense for physicians and other health care providers to adjust their systems, or the cost to the states. Other government health systems like the Department of Veterans Affairs and Department of Defense have already begun using ID numbers that are different from SSNs, but no one knows when Medicare will follow suit. In the meantime, here are some tips offered by various consumer advocate groups that can help keep your Medicare card safe and out of the hands of fraudsters. * For starters, AARP suggests that you simply don't carry your Medicare card at all, because it's not necessary. Most health care providers already have their patients in their electronic systems and know how to bill you.
Rose McGowan

The Challenge of Health Care Fraud - 1 views

    Consumer Alert: The Impact of Health Care Fraud on You! In 2011, $2.27 trillion was spent on health care and more than four billion health insurance claims were processed in the United States. It is an undisputed reality that some of these health insurance claims are fraudulent. Although they constitute only a small fraction, those fraudulent claims carry a very high price tag. The National Health Care Anti-Fraud Association (NHCAA) estimates that the financial losses due to health care fraud are in the tens of billions of dollars each year. Whether you have employer-sponsored health insurance or you purchase your own insurance policy, health care fraud inevitably translates into higher premiums and out-of-pocket expenses for consumers, as well as reduced benefits or coverage. For employers-private and government alike-health care fraud increases the cost of providing insurance benefits to employees and, in turn, increases the overall cost of doing business. For many Americans, the increased expense resulting from fraud could mean the difference between making health insurance a reality or not. However, financial losses caused by health care fraud are only part of the story. Health care fraud has a human face too. Individual victims of health care fraud are sadly easy to find. These are people who are exploited and subjected to unnecessary or unsafe medical procedures. Or whose medical records are compromised or whose legitimate insurance information is used to submit falsified claims. Don't be fooled into thinking that health care fraud is a victimless crime. There is no doubt that health care fraud can have devastating effects. What Does Health Care Fraud Look Like? The majority of health care fraud is committed by a very small minority of dishonest health care providers. Sadly, the actions of these deceitful few ultimately serve to sully the reputation of perhaps the most trusted and respected members of our society-
Rose McGowan

Health insurance coverage now costs $23,215 for a typical family - 1 views

    The typical cost of health care for a family of four with employer-based insurance this year is $23,215, according to a new report from the Milliman actuarial firm. The bad news first: That amount has more than doubled in the past 10 years. The goodish news: That cost grew just 5.4 percent between 2013 and 2014, the slowest growth rate since Milliman started keeping track in 2002. That $23,215 figure isn't what the employee pays, though. Employers pay about 60 percent of those costs ($13,520), while workers pay the rest through payroll deductions ($5,908) and out-of-pocket costs ($3,787). The employee share of the costs have been rising faster - increasing 73 percent since 2007 - than the employer contribution, which has grown 52 percent over the same period. The Milliman numbers are for family coverage under preferred provider plans, so it excludes the increasing prevalence of consumer-driven health plans, in which employees handle a higher share of the costs. Don't blame the four-year-old Affordable Care Act for these changes, though. Milliman says Obamacare has barely had any impact so far on these large employer plans, but that's about to change. The actuarial firm cites Obamacare's impending excise tax on "Cadillac" plans - valued at at least $27,500 for family coverage starting in 2018 - as a factor that will force employers to scale back health plans. Milliman points to other factors that will push down cost increases. Higher out-of-pocket costs are fueling efforts around health-care price transparency, and that's making consumers become better health-care shoppers. Conversely, an improving economy and an increase in expensive specialty drugs will pressure costs to rise.
Rose McGowan

NJ targeting unemployment insurance fraud; the check may not be in the mail - 1 views

    When the Bergen County couple filing for unemployment certified they were "able and looking for work," they did so the same way thousands of others do from home every week - by logging into the state Department of Labor website. The online world, however, is not quite as anonymous as many believe. Every computer carries a unique electronic address so it can be found on the internet, and what alerted state investigators to this particular claim was the location of the network being used. It was not in New Jersey. It was registered to Royal Caribbean Cruises in Miami, and no one was under any illusion that the couple was looking for work at sea. Unemployment fraud is a multimillion-dollar business in New Jersey, say officials, with 1,600 to 2,000 attempts to bilk the system each week - from the couple on vacation certifying they were able to work while cruising to the Bahamas, to hackers from all over the world trying to game the system, to people still trying to collect unemployment benefits even after finding new jobs. "No one likes to be ripped off, but the volume of money we put out is staggering," said Harold Wirths, the commissioner of the Department of Labor and Workforce Development. New Jersey's Unemployment Trust Fund went broke in 2009, not only under the strain of the severe recession that led to high unemployment levels, but from years of fraud that went on through decades of neglect. Wirths said the fund is now solvent again, due in part to anti-fraud measures being put into play that he said have saved the state $448.7 million the past three years. "We're fighting fraud on every front," the commissioner said. It is a national issue, according to Douglas Holmes, president of UWC Strategic Services, a Washington, D.C., group that represents businesses on unemployment issues.
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