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Sallie Draper

World History - YouTube - 0 views

    Learned about the Crash Course World History video series from free technology for Teachers -
Sallie Draper

World Book Night US - Welcome to World Book Night US - 3 views

    Be a book giver - applications for WBN 2014 now open!
Sallie Draper

Global Share the Bible Day - - 0 views

  • No matter where you are, take a few minutes on Christmas day to share the Bible in your social media spaces (using #Bible on Twitter). Share the Christmas story, your favorite verse, or simply the Bible App itself. As we do, we'll be helping the world remember what Christmas is all about: the incomparable hope and love of a God who is with us.
    YouVersion is promoting Share the Bible Day this Christmas - Use #Bible on Twitter - Share the Christmas story, your favorite verse, or simply the Bible App itself. As we do, we'll be helping the world remember what Christmas is all about: the incomparable hope and love of a God who is with us.
Sallie Draper

SmartBrief: SmartBrief Industry News - 1 views

    Designed specifically for education stakeholders with an interest in the education technology world, SmartBrief on Ed Tech is a FREE, daily e-mail newsletter. It provides you with the tools to navigate this constantly evolving area to make the best possible decisions for your schools
Jason Schmidt

Google Groups - 4 views

    I started this Google Group for participants in my EDT 6801 class through MLC. This group is meant to connect Google users of all kinds in our WELS schools to learn more about how these powerful tools can be used with effective teaching to meet the needs of our students and to preach Christ crucified to a dying world.

Technology Integration in Education - Facilitating the Use of Technology in the Classroom - 2 views

  • . Technology Integration in Education is a site that does away with the hours of searching the net for the right resources for you. TIE is the Facebook or Linkedin of Education. It is the site to go to network with educators and professionals around the world in order to share best practices when it comes to teaching with technology. TIE is the site that allows members to form groups around ideas, resources and skills. It provides a place where best educational videos can be shared. It provides tutorials in the form or Podcasts or live webinars that give members the opportunity to share some of the multiple resources they could use in order to achieve different objectives. There is a constant streaming of news articles from most of the major educational technology magazines available in one location. In essence, everything an educator could need to integrate technology in their daily teaching can be found in this one location. Well know companies as well as start-up companies now have a single location where educators can go in order to see everything. This centralized location dramatically cuts down on the research and planning time and provides a way for companies to attract prospective clients to their company in one centralized location. Educators are able to blog and discuss their teaching as well as the products used in an open and friendly atmosphere. The opportunities are endless.Join us at
Jason Schmidt

Skype Education - 1 views

    Beta directory for educators looking to use Skype in the classroom. Make connections all over the world using Skype.
Jason Schmidt

ePals Global Community - 2 views

    Site for connecting with, finding, and setting up opportunities to collaborate with others all over the world.
Jason Schmidt

Global SchoolNet: Home - 0 views

    Looking for partners for a global project? Global School net allows you to search for partners from all around the world. Volunteer your class for projects and look for other classes to work with you.
Jason Schmidt

Geocube - The world of Geography at your fingertips - 1 views

    Does it get much cooler than this?
Sallie Draper

iPad stand picture - 2 views

    My 95 cent iPad stand from the frame dept. @ Wally World
Sallie Draper

The Christ in Media Institute < Bethany Lutheran College | Promoting production and dis... - 0 views

    Planning a Media in World Missions conference in 2012
Gail Potratz

Bloom's Taxonomy and the Digital World - 2 views

    Good reading to accompany the digital image pyramid of web 2.0 tools that I shared a while ago. Explanation of where some of the tools fit in Bloom's Taxonomy and why.

British Museum - Cultures - 1 views

    British Museum collection of world cultures. Good for history or geography.
Sallie Draper

The Complete Guide to Choosing a Content Calendar - 1 views

    In the world of web presence, most focus efforts on design when the real work is CONTENT! Having a content strategy and calendar to support it is a great way to systematically organize your efforts.
Sallie Draper

Mobile Ministry - 1 views

    Renew World Outreach resource directory for mobile ministry
Sallie Draper

OER Commons - 2 views

    OER Commons is a public digital library of open educational resources. Explore, create, and collaborate with educators around the world to improve curriculum.

Google Art Project - 2 views

    Explore collections from around the world with thousands of artworks photographed in extremely high resolution. Also enables to create and share own collections of masterpieces.
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