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Mike Wilson

Carcinogens in E-Cigs: Stay Alert Before You Vape - 0 views

    E-cigarettes are safer than normal cigarettes and it's much less dangerous than smoking normal cigarettes. Learn about the harmful effects of E-Cigarettes and what scientists have to say about the Carcinogens in e-Cigs. Read our latest blog on to find out more!
    E-cigarettes are safer than normal cigarettes and it's much less dangerous than smoking normal cigarettes. Learn about the harmful effects of E-Cigarettes and what scientists have to say about the Carcinogens in e-Cigs. Read our latest blog on to find out more!
Sourav RC

Effects of Smoking on The Skin - 0 views

    We all know smoking cigarette is bad for lungs and heart. But it has a bad impact on our skin too. Excessive smoking of cigarette can damage the health of the skin. It can make you look older; your skin will look dull and lifeless. Sometimes excessive smoking gives the skin yellowish, grey or red complexion. The most common problems any smoker faces are the wrinkles around the eyes and dry & flaky skin. Skin also loses the elasticity by the smoke of the cigarette.
Marie Flores

Are E-Cigarettes Safe? E-cigarette smoking Health Risks - 0 views

    Smoking is bad for our health but does using an e-cigarette help you quit? Find out the truth behind these trendy smoking devices.
kris turpin

Generic zyban is the effective way to quit smoking - 0 views

    You must be wondering what is the best way to quit smoking? A method to stop smoking that will nearly guarantee that you kick away the smoking habit. A way that will help you quitting cigarettes and stop the frustration of lighting up a cigarette even though you swore you would never smoke again. Smoking is what is known as a recreational drug but the side effects of long term smoking can prove deadly and are instrumental in the onset of such diseases as emphysema, lung cancer and chronic bronchitis. As smoking is extremely addictive, however, it is difficult to quit once you've started and, in view of the serious health risks that are inherent in continuing to smoke, people are always looking for the best way to quit smoking. There is no one best way to quit smoking and some methods work better for certain people than others. If one method fails, however, then immediately start something else as quitting smoking is important

How To Protect Teeth? Tea-Cigarette Combo Bites Your Teeth - 1 views

    How To Protect Teeth: Smoking gradually kills you. But before it kills you, it slowly kills your teeth too. Smoking also increases the risk of cancer.
wb health

Good diet for the skin health - 0 views

    Avoid fast food, cigarettes and its smoke and do not forget to exercise that will help us to maintain skin health that we desire. Good luck!
Gajahmada Perkasa

Smoking Tobacco And Sexuality - 0 views

    Visit Traditional smoking causes the impotence. You've already read on cigarette packets. But what does this information actually conveys? Tobacco and Erection Tobacco, harmful to the arteries of the heart and brain, is also to those of the penis. And yes, conventional smoking increases the risk of heart attacks, strokes and disorders of erection. But if the tobacco mouth penile arteries, it also has other harmful effects far less known. Female sexuality is also affected by smoking tobacco The first is to act on the arteries as sexual mutilation. If the penis of a traditional smoker is less well irrigated, or may even no longer be enough to get an erection, female sexual area also suffers from smoking tobacco. And that is because in the arteries sexual mutilation exists, similar to those of the sexual arteries of males. Thus, a conventional smoker's risk of sexual lubrication, witness his excitement, hang, like the erection may become blocked in humans smoking tobacco. And it gets worse. Conventional smoking has a virilizing effect. Female sex hormones are not in balance when the body is intoxicated by tobacco. This is also why the voice of women traditional smokers is serious, not because of irritation of the vocal cords, but increased male hormones which cause the a more low pitched voice. These effects on sexuality are reversible within days And then, if conventional smoking is dangerous in the long term, it is also very short term. Thus, a man who quits traditional smoking sees his erection improve significantly in two or three days! And a woman observes the same way and very quickly, better lubrication during vaginal sex. This improvement is not due to the fact that the arteries open in a few days. It's just that smoking tobacco causes a significant increase in the rate of carbon monoxide in the blood (CO) gas with a vasoconstrictor property. This gas contracts the arteries, narrowing the size, thus reduc

Health and wellness: Smoking reduces the ability to taste sweets in women - 0 views

    A new analysis says that fat ladies who smoke cigarettes might not have the interest towards sweets.
ashley kate

The risks of surrogate motherhood | Surrogate Motherhood - 0 views

    A woman must fully comprehend what it means to be a surrogate mother. She needs to know what her body will go through, what the couple she is working for will expect of her while she is carrying their child and what the risks are in all of this. A woman may enjoy the idea of being pregnant and carrying a child but she must think of the risks of surrogate motherhood before she embarks on such a long journey. One of the risks involved in surrogate motherhood is the pregnancy itself. A natural pregnancy is dangerous; let alone an artificial one. Complications happen that can't always be avoided. It is simple fate that may lead you to miscarry, or acquire health problems from the pregnancy. Though using a surrogate motherhood agency is the safest way to go, no one can promise you that there will be no complications. If and when you are pregnant with someone else's child, you are responsible for taking care of it while in your womb. What you eat, drink and take into your body will affect the child. Not everyone has the self discipline to take their vitamins every day or not smoke a cigarette. If something happens and the child is born with a problem that could possibly be because of you and what you did to your body during pregnancy, then you will be investigated. It may not have been your fault, but if the possibility exists then the agency has to look into it. When you get into surrogate motherhood, you become business partners with the parents of the child for the duration of the pregnancy. There is no backing out. If the couple that you chose turns out to be mean or irresponsible, you are stuck with them until the baby is born. This is especially dangerous if you are not using a surrogate agency. If the couple skips town, you won't be taken care of and will be stuck with a baby to raise. What happens if the child is born with some kind of deformity or disease? The parents may not want the child. So then, is it you that takes care of it? Is it put up for a
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Does Smoking Cause Acid Reflux? - 0 views

    In 2013, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that the average smoker smokes 10-19 cigarettes a day, and about 17.8% of the population were active smokers.
jim con

Study Says 206 Million Indians Use Smokeless Tobacco | eHEALTH Magazine - 0 views

    Having nearly 275 million tobacco users, India ranks second globally and very close to China (approximately 301 million users). But unlike China, where nearly all are smokers and nearly 95 per cent smoke manufactured cigarettes, India accounts for more of smokeless tobacco users - 206 million, says a study published on 17th Aug, in The Lancet.

8 amazing health facts you will like - 0 views

    AMAZING HEALTH FACTS1) People who spend some time of day in sun have less chances of developing depression.2) Being lonely, antisocial or without friends affects health as much as smoking a cigarettes oack a day.3)..

Sleep Disorders: Types And Ways To Overcome! - 2 views

In the modern era, people are all the time busy in their stiff scheduled life. In this busy life taking a power nap is a very important thing. Otherwise, there are so many troubles can occur in our...

sleep disorders sleeping disorder sleep apnea

started by anonymous on 15 Jan 15 no follow-up yet
dani setiawan

Secrets to Stop Smoking - 0 views

    Cigarettes or tobacco is one of the most addictive substances. People only see the bad side of smoking after they get smoking lung diseases
Vortege Ville

Program urges smokers switch to smokeless tobacco - 0 views

    In the smoker-heavy state of Kentucky, a cancer center is suggesting something that most health experts won't and the tobacco industry can't: If you really want to quit, switch to smoke-free tobacco.

10 Mental Trісkѕ To Fight Dерrеѕѕіоn - 0 views


psychiatrist health mentalhealth

started by letstakhealth on 31 Aug 18 no follow-up yet

Tips for women to stay healthy - 0 views

  BREAST CANCER –          Regular self examination of the breast. –          Physical e...

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started by lifelinelab on 27 Nov 18 no follow-up yet

Why Should you Quit Smoking Now? - 1 views

    Smoking is a life-threatening addiction that involves inhalation and exhalation of fumes from burning tobacco in cigars, cigarettes, and pipes. Quitting it can drastically improve the quality of life of the person and reduces the future health risk. In this blog, we will give you the top 10 reasons for why you should quit smoking now.
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