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Holistix by the Sea

Blood Chemistry Analysis, Toxicity Level Tests, Drug Addiction Treatment | Holistix ... - 0 views

    Blood Chemistry Analysis: Soon after you arrival at Holistix by the Sea we conduct various tests to know the toxicity levels & diagnose the root cause of drug addiction.

05 changes in your body chemistry by love, - 0 views

    how love changes your body chemistry positively.
Holistix by the Sea

Blood Chemistry Analysis, Toxicity Level Tests, Drug Addiction Treatment | Holistix ... - 0 views

    Blood Chemistry Analysis: Soon after you arrival at Holistix by the Sea we conduct various tests to know the toxicity levels & diagnose the root cause of drug addiction.
Rommy Sunny

Anesthesia: Molecules That Make You Sleep - 0 views

    There is a quote from Antonio Muñoz Molina, which was used by Alfredo Pérez-Rubalcaba during the inauguration of the International Year of Chemistry, according recounts the exceptional reporter moment Bernardo Herradón, and it is also possible to find Wikiquotes : "Just lie back on the Chair of the dentist to be cured to any nostalgia of lost pre-technological havens. Any time spent before the anesthesia was awful. "
thinkahol *

Exercise reduces anxiety and depression « KurzweilAI - 0 views

    Exercise can ameliorate anxiety and depression-like behaviors induced by an adverse early-life environment by altering the chemistry of the hippocampus, the part of the brain that regulates stress responses, researchers from the University of New South Wales (UNSW) have found.
Skeptical Debunker

Phones, paper 'chips' may fight disease - - 0 views

  • George Whitesides has developed a prototype for paper "chip" technology that could be used in the developing world to cheaply diagnose deadly diseases such as HIV, malaria, tuberculosis, hepatitis and gastroenteritis. The first products will be available in about a year, he said. His efforts, which find their inspiration from the simple designs of comic books and computer chips, are surprisingly low-tech and cheap. Patients put a drop of blood on one side of the slip of paper, and on the other appears a colorful pattern in the shape of a tree, which tells medical professionals whether the person is infected with certain diseases. Water-repellent comic-book ink saturates several layers of paper, he said. The ink funnels a patient's blood into tree-like channels, where several layers of treated paper react with the blood to create diagnostic colors. It's not entirely unlike a home pregnancy test, Whitesides said, but the chips are much smaller and cheaper, and they test for multiple diseases at once. They also show how severely a person is infected rather than producing only a positive-negative reading.
    A chemistry professor at Harvard University is trying to shrink a medical laboratory onto a piece of paper that's the size of a fingerprint and costs about a penny.
Sourav RC

Alpha Carotene: What is Alpha Carotene And Benefits of Alpha Carotene - 0 views

    Alpha Carotene is a Provitamin A and one of the fifty carotenoids able to be converted in the body into retinol or Vitamin A. It is also known as α-carotene- a form of carotene with a β-ring at one end and an ε-ring at the other. It's a very potent antioxidants and recent research has shown that this perhaps more potent antioxidant than Beta Carotene. Alpha Carotene is very beneficial for those who are in the habit of smoking and alcohol consumption. Also, people with low intake of fruits and vegetables need more Alpha Carotene.

Is Test Boost Max Safe - Safety Guidelines for Using Test Boost Max Effectively! - 1 views

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started by kanibi on 20 Aug 24 no follow-up yet

Test X180 Boost Side Effects - A Comprehensive Look at Test X180 Boost Side Effects ! - 1 views

Visit our Facebook page and groups: - https://www.faceboo...

started by kanibi on 17 Aug 24 no follow-up yet
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