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Connected Papers - Getting a visual overview of a field of research ( - 0 views

    Connected Papers: Explore connected papers in a visual graph ( Connected Papers: Getting a visual overview of a field of research (

Pinecone - Pinecone makes it fast and easy to take vector search from research to produ... - 0 views

    Pinecone: Pinecone makes it fast and easy to take vector search from research to production ( Pinecone: Scale vector search service with an easy API (

Woebot Health - AI-powered mental health ally backed by clinical research (woebothealth... - 0 views

    Woebot Health: AI-powered mental health ally backed by clinical research (

OpenRead - Artificial Intelligence technology to enhance your research experience (open... - 0 views

    OpenRead: Artificial Intelligence technology to enhance your research experience (

AI-RnD - Centralized hub for Artificial Intelligence research papers and collaboration ... - 0 views

    AI-RnD: Centralized hub for Artificial Intelligence research papers and collaboration (

ExplainPaper - Get explanations of research papers by highlighting & uploading/saving t... - 0 views

    ExplainPaper: Get explanations of research papers by highlighting & uploading/saving them (
Vernon Fowler

Breadcrumb Navigation | - 2 views

  • another option may be a trail indicating the site’s prime architecture, regardless of the visitor’s path throughout the site. The latter option, along with other navigation cues, may be better in helping site visitors form a mental model of the site
  • Research indicates that frequent visitors may be the ones to get the most advantage of breadcrumbs.
  • It is probably not worth the effort to include breadcrumbs unless you can show that your Web site’s users use them frequently, either to navigate the site, or to understand the site’s hierarchy.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • The rationale for the arrows instead of colons or other indicators was because “the arrows seem to be slightly easier to understand as an indication of moving deeper and deeper into the site.”
  • Rogers and Chaparro (2003) found that the most effective use of breadcrumbs occurred when the trail was placed below the page title instead of above it at the top of the page.
  • Research indicates that those who would most benefit are frequent users who spend a lot of time on a site and who have had some instruction in the usefulness of the breadcrumbs.
Promatics Technologies

Enterprise Portal Development, Web Design and Development Company - 0 views

    Promatics India brings a complete range of high-end enterprise portal development services for its global customer portfolio. It holds proven expertise in handling complex project requirements, and creating cutting-edge solutions that are efficient enough to suffice the business requirements of its clients. With sheer dedication, hands-on experience, and deep technical knowhow, Promatics India has managed to be among one of the best IT services providers across the globe. We have different teams for handling different client requirements; right from experienced QA partners, coders, developers, to trained analysts and researchers who diligently analyze your business needs to develop the precise solution. Promatics India offers advanced enterprise portal development solutions, perfect for the industries looking to expand their business as per the growing IT trends. Our team of experts has created a number of technically advanced portals for a range of domains, including: Web content and document management Knowledge portal ERP and CRM portals Payments and billings B2B & B2C portals Order management portals E-commerce portals
Promatics Technologies

Digital Media Consulting Services - 0 views

    Digital Media Consulting & Business Consulting Firm - Promatics providing highly innovative and professional research for digital media.
arjun aswal

What's on in Dubai by Arun Panchariya, Dubai News,Events and Places - 0 views

    Abu Dhabi: Plans are underway for wheat cultivation in Abu Dhabi in addition to a number of other crops, a senior official told Gulf News on Wednesday. As part of a research project, about 100 varieties of wheat used for the production of flour used to make bread were cultivated in Al Ain region in early November last year, and the initial results were positive, Mohammad Jalal Al Reyaysa, director of communication and community service at Abu Dhabi Food Control Authority (ADFCA), said.
Jason Smith


    Have you ever thought about or researched how much money it costs a company to have open positions or to fill openings with less than the best possible candidate?
Amber Bailey

Choosing An Online Curriculum Design Shortcourse - 0 views

    This graduate-level curriculum design course offers current research findings on processes for effective instruction. The design curriculum allows one to utilize his/her present design and instill the enhancements this method delivers. Furthermore, one gets to experience learning with technology.
Ahxn Amc

Quality Dental Websites - 0 views

    I have been an ardent believer in the wonders of Dental Website Marketing. This belief and reliance was strengthened by research studies that shows almost 80% of people in need of dental care reach for the computer to check the dentists and their services ....
Aaron Rylaarsdam

Identifying Your Audience - AT&T Small Business InSite - 0 views

  • <iframe leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="No" frameborder="0" height="1" width="1" src=""></iframe> Rate this content login to rate Identifying Your Audience Before designing the first Web page, it's vital to know who you are trying to reach. This single detail will chart the entire development course, from the site's content to its functionality. Defining and understanding your prospective audience increases the likelihood of user attraction and retention.
  • Before designing the first Web page, it's vital to know who you are trying to reach. This single detail will chart the entire development course, from the site's content to its functionality. Defining and understanding your prospective audience increases the likelihood of user attraction and retention.
  • Primary market research consists of personal interviews, questionnaires, focus groups and surveys. When putting together your own Target Audience Profile, use these guidelines:
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • Demographics. Regardless of the assessment tool you use, questions first should address basic demographic information. Prior to conducting a survey or focus group, spend some time online. The U.S. Department of Commerce publishes the Country and City Data Book which captures hard statistics for all U.S. states, counties, and cities with a population of 25,000 or more. Then, compile a questionnaire to address market segmentation along specific criteria:
  • Age: Users' wants and needs tend to change based on their generation. Knowing the average age range of potential users can help you design and market the site to meet that group's expectations. Gender: Male and female users often differ when it comes to what they value in a Web site. Studies show the factors that motivate women to visit or purchase from a particular site don't necessarily inspire men to do the same. Knowing gender predilections at the outset can impact the entire Web design process. Education: Data regarding potential users' educational background will help the Web developer determine design and content. In general, a site's format should target the average likely visitor, rather than aim at high or low ends of the academic experience curve. Geographic location: Where the target audience calls home drives the Web page content. For instance, urbanites living in a densely populated northeastern U.S. city likely will have different needs and preferences than their rural counterparts.
  • Marital status: Married Internet users typically access different retail/service sites than do single people. A TAP will help ascertain which group comprises your largest consumer demographic, with your Web site following this direction. Occupation: Although exceptions invariably exist, Web sites servicing "blue-collar" consumers will differ in style and content from those catering to professionals and "white-collar" workers. By the same token, retirees usually will have different preferences than consumers still in the throes of career building. Income level: A company targeting consumers who are apt to purchase luxury goods and services will require a Web site that differs considerably from a discount retailer's Internet page. Nationality: Businesses trading in goods and services for an ethnically diverse target market may need to consider multilingual content, as well as adjustments in design and format to fit cultural standards. Social class: A consumer's perception of his or her social status impacts preferences in goods and services - even when individual income does not reach this level.
  • Psychographics. Once you've finished with demographic-based questions, you're ready to take the line of inquiry a bit further. The science of psychographics (also known as "enriching characteristics") addresses why consumers act as they do. So, while demographics offer a general outline of your customer pool, psychographics brings critical characteristics of your target audience into sharper focus. Employing a psychographic methodology means devising queries about lifestyles, attitudes, values, beliefs, purchasing habits and other qualitative criteria. Although possibilities are numerous, key questions can help you and your designer hone and refine your Web site. Depending on your business, you might ask, for instance:
  • Do you consider yourself conservative or liberal? Is it important to care of the environment? What are your hobbies? Interests? Are you family-oriented or a loner? What type of entertainment do you prefer (cinema, theater, symphony, etc.)? How many books do you read monthly? What magazines do you read?
  • When you shop, which is most important - friendly staff, nice surroundings, good prices or convenient location? Do you shop for fun, because you must, or to relieve stress? Do you purchase (our) company's product because of quality, ease of use, price or availability? Do you patronize our competitor because their product is cheaper, product quality is better, service is friendlier, the store is nicer, or returns are simpler? Do you go online to work, shop, do research, play games, or e-mail? Do you think the Internet is tough going or easy to navigate? Do you prefer retail/service Web sites that are easy to navigate, easy to read, picture-heavy, or text heavy?
    Good article from AT&T explaining various demographics and psychographics to categories who target audience is.
Magento India

Magento Marketing, SEO, SEM and SMO Company in India - 0 views

    Magento India provides Search Engine Marketing Services which cover Search Website Analysis,Content Optimization,Competitors Analysis, Keyword Research, Analysis & Review.
arjun aswal

Government Grants Resources - 0 views

    Canadian Grants Business Center has devoted all resources possible to assist the business minded individual into becoming an entrepreneurial success with our leading market research and development techniques. CGBC condensed some of the best ideas and tricks of the trades:
arjun aswal

Government Grants and Funding Programs - 0 views

    Canadian Grants Business Center has devoted all resources possible to assist the business minded individual into becoming an entrepreneurial success with our leading market research and development techniques. CGBC condensed some of the best ideas and tricks of the trades:
David Maxx

Tips for Developing E-Commerce Business from Scratch to Big Store - 0 views

    In this competitive market, it is not easy to start an e-commerce business from scratch to big store as you need to spend your lots of time on researching.
spider india

Steps to Create an Effective Brochure - 1 views

    "A little effort made in research will help in maintaining easy design flow through the brochure design process. "
Pooja Runija

How Drones Are The New Gateway For App Developers? | Blog - 0 views

    In our childhood we all had flew remote airplanes which were a very common toy of those days. Now a day this remote airplane is coming with advanced technology features like sensors, monitors, chips, battery backup etc. and named as 'Drone'. Now after the IoT, Drones are so new which is typically tracked by mobile industry market research to shape up the new ways of users and app developers.
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