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Top 10 software development companies in Vietnam 2024 - 3 views


started by wetechsoftware on 23 Jan 24 no follow-up yet

Make your business visible to get targeted audience and beat the competition in marketing - 61 views

Does anyone have an idea How we can implement SEO for different ext of the same site? I have two different ext &

web development website webdesign programming tools web design company


WordPress- Best known for its CMS - - 0 views

    WordPress has shown its potential features which can CMS in a very flexible manner. In simple terms, a content management system(CMS) allows you to manage your content in a structured environment. Content management system(CMS) stores all of your documents, images, videos and any other type of online content in an organized way, so that you can easily add, retrieve, edit, delete and publish your content quickly and easily. Content management systems(CMS) also allow multiple editors to access, manage and work on the content and publish it under different sections of the site.

Avanya Content - AI-powered content generator for engaging, conversion-driven content (... - 0 views

    Avanya Content: AI-powered content generator for engaging, conversion-driven content (
Jochen Burkhard

Web Developer Class: Creative Uses for RSS Feeds - - 0 views

    Let's say you have a web site that is updated on a fairly regular basis, you have many, many pages that visitors read daily, and you'd like to promote all of your latest content on each of your content pages, including the home page. For example, the template for your content pages includes space in one of the columns for links to related content, featured content or new content.
rajue s

E-Link Box The Blog Press - 0 views

    Welcome to E-Link Box - The Blog Press!!! E-Link Box is a growing up community in particular to help out Bloggers, Content Writers, Authors, Online marketers, Affiliates and web masters. E-Link Box brings writers, authors, readers, affiliate marketers, webmasters, reviewers and ezine publishers together with social networking capabilities. E-Link Box provides a platform to communicate within the members to share and get assisted by each other. Registered members can create, edit, publish and submit their blog, contents, reviews and articles on topics that suite all types of audience in internet. E-Link Box is the place to blog your ideas, techniques, thoughts, knowledge, tips and stuff. It is free and easy. You have to register an account and submit your content. Members can create and mange their own groups, invite friends, start a post or discuss a topic in inbuilt forum and lot more tool. Any one who loves to write, submit articles, post content, to create high quality backlinks etc can register free with E-Link Box. Increase your exposure to search engines and boost your traffic by submitting your articles post and content as a registered member. Free updated latest web content rss feeds for all webmasters, ezines and newsletter publishers.
Clicks and Comments Digital marketing agency

Web Design & Development in India - 1 views

    You envision and we will create a website that will turn your visitors into your clients. We have team of professionals that creates robust and impressive websites using latest technology helping your business reach its goals. We are living in digital world where online presence is essential for every business. And hence it is to have your company website. Without website it will be difficult for your consumers to find you or understand about your company, your products or services. As a result you will lose out on your potential customers. Website is an asset to your business. Clicks and Comments excels in designing the customized and an impactful SEO friendly websites for its customers whether you are B2B or B2C company, a large or small organization or just start up. We design remarkable websites for our clients. Being passionate about websites design and development we love to work with clients with different industry segments. Why Choose Us? Our professional web design team will develop a website that will enhance the visibility of your online presence and support the business growth by ranking on top page of search engine. At Clicks and Comments we have designed stunning ecommerce, corporate websites across diversified business. Your website is determined by the content and designs as it is the face of your business and will have high impact on the visitors. Every page of your website plays an important role conveying the right message about your products & services. Powerful & effective content & visuals will take your business to the next level increasing conversion rates. You website should be great looking that appeals to your audiences and maximizes your online presence. We create effective content and modern graphic designs and high-end programming applications that are visually attractive and deliver the right message about your products and services to the mind of your customers giving it the brand recognition. Our dedicated team will provide

How to identify the right objectives for your content marketing strategy - 0 views

    The most important part of a content marketing strategy is identifying and setting specific goals. Unless you know the purpose that your content is going to serve, it is just a random piece of information without much value. Just like setting targets for any other aspect of business, well-defined and measurable objectives are essential for judging the efficiency of your content.
Ahxn Amc

Different Types of Content and How to Make them Work for You - 0 views

    What is content marketing? Content marketing is a procedure of creating various, visual, and enlightening content to attract targeted audience. It's also a top method to increase the income of your business. Here are some tips on how to promote your business with the help of best content marketing strategy.

Here's How to Entice Your Customers with the Power of Social Media - 14 views

Social media marketing is the key to compete in this saturated digital environment. People use social media networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat and more to connect with the worl...

Social Media Design web Website Tools

started by abrendajohn on 23 Jan 18 no follow-up yet
Madeline Evans

Web Content Management Systems - Puretech WebApps - 0 views

    Puretech Internet's web Content Management System is a bespoke CMS, developed on the robust Microsoft DotNet platform. The original Content Management System engine is tweaked and modified as per the various customer needs and changes from project to project.
Luciano Ferrer

Cutter.js Truncate HTML - 1 views

    "We sometimes need to display a shorter version of a text/content so that it fits to the layout as expected (like the "read more" links shown for truncated content). Cutter.js is a JavaScript class that allows us to accomplish this on the client-side without losing markup. The class cuts the content to the number of requested words and if needed puts a link to open the full content again and, if wanted, places a link to open the full content. It is a standalone + lightweight resource (1.5kb gzipped) and works cross-browser."
awqi zar

Animated Content Menu with jQuery | Codrops - 10 views

    Today we will create a slick animated content menu with jQuery for a restaurant theme. The menu items will be animated and when clicked, a content area with more information will appear. Also, he background image is going to change according to which menu item was clicked. The main idea is to have a restaurant menu with the different menu categories displayed. Each content are will have some foods/drinks listed. Once a content box is shown, the menu items are going to disappear. If we click on the close button to close the box, the menu items will be shown again.

Quick tips to create effective content that converts - 0 views

    Good quality content is essential for communicating your products and services and generating business. It is therefore essential to have contents which are effective and help convert business ideas into revenue. Following certain practices and principles, this objective can be achieved.

Lead Generation Through Instagram - 0 views

    Every business focuses on organizational growth and streamlining business. Hence, they must be interested in generating quality leads for the brand. There are various eCommerce sites and offline businesses, selling products and services. It becomes more visual when using Instagram marketing. Certain industries and businesses, like fashion, beauty, and travel are more popular through Instagram. Using several social media platforms is one of the business strategies to reach out to new audiences and generate new leads. Let's dive in, to see the strategies: Targeting Audience: Converting visitors into buyers who are interested in your product or service can be termed as lead generation. It is more substantial to generate leads than generating brand awareness. Among all social media platforms, on Instagram, lead generation works differently. They just want visitors and leads to keep scrolling through their feed. On Instagram, lead generation is all about creating interest and encouraging customers. Generating leads through Instagram goes a lot smoother when the overall marketing strategy is made. Mapping Instagram campaigns, creating high-quality content, stories, and hashtags are the most significant Instagram marketing efforts. Creative Marketing Content: Ads help businesses learn and know more about customers' choices, improve direct marketing campaigns, and more. To increase the inflow of leads, Instagram content should adhere to ad specifications. Based on the niche of product or services that one builds, there should be at least one post uploaded every day on Instagram. One can also generate different kinds of engaging content. Since Instagram is all about the media, the more creative one can show, he will have millions of followers. Along with creativeness, one should never forget to include hashtags. Hashtag brings outposts to the people searching for them working as a search engine. Creating a link in Profile Bio: Optimizing Instagram bio is one of the s
Fadsan Technologies Private Limited

A Human Rights Review of the Facebook Oversight Board - 0 views

    Hello There, I am here once again to tell you one of the best examples of evolution, yes the Facebook Oversight Board. Mark Zuckerberg while developing Facebook may not have thought of this day when he has to make a separate body to deal with content decisions, but when people started using Facebook, things started happening, Facts, False News, millions of appeals for content decisions, so to handle the grievances and unacceptable posts by a majority of individuals, a new independent body comes to existence to deal with all such appeals. fadsan portfolio when was conceptualized, it was clear to the promoters what they want to do. They were feeling the requirement of a Website development company, the best digital marketing company. A company that can understand the requirement of the various industries. They started their journey with few services like graphics design, digital marketing, etc. Slowly and steadily working on various other requirements of client they keep increasing their services, kept enhancing the quality of their services understanding and processing the client's feedback. This is the evolution of anything that exists. Make, deliver, feedback, amend and change and again deliver. It's a nonstop evolution cycle. Just look at the work of any mobile app development company or cloud computing or SMO Company. They all adopt the same procedure to evolve, they deliver, watch for results, change the backend algorithm, again go to market, get feedback from clients and again repeat the same cycle with more focussed working. But as per a cloud computing Company here Facebook has a bit different story. At any given point, for any particular post, they are dealing with millions of Clients, yes us the profile owners, the Facebook users. So the matter to be dealt with has to have an amicable approach. Concerning a mobile app development company Let us understand the factors that should be taken care of while reviewing Human Rights by the Facebook Oversi
Siddhi Infosoft

8 Reasons Reaffirming that Quality Content is Essential to Promote your Business - 0 views

    "Content is king" - this simple phrase has oversaturated the online marketing world. B2B and B2C businesses have achieved considerable investments in the development of content. From social media to search engines, quality content plays a role in promoting a business effectively. Here are 8 Reasons Reaffirming that Quality Content is Essential to Promote your Business.
damian jacls

Define or Modify With Open Source Content Management System - 0 views

    Content management system (CMS) has made it possible to modify and change your already set web page on line. Now with help of content management system it just takes few seconds to modify, define any type of data, text movies images, phone numbers etc.CMS lets you to publish, edit and modify content as well as maintains site from the central page.

Managing Web Contents through CMS Web Development - 0 views

    Consistently update and improve the quality of content easily using CMS Web Development. CMS is a content management system allowing businesses to keep their website well managed with content and quality images. Create, edit, delete and update contents using CMS as a perfect strategy.
Ucodice IT Company

IT Company: Content Development in Website - 0 views

    Content comes before design. Design without content is not considered as design. Your design must be extraordinary, but if the content is not able to convince your users, then all your efforts get wasted.
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