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Article.Audio - Listen to articles instead of reading them ( - 0 views

    Article.Audio: Listen to articles instead of reading them (
qualitypoint Tech

Latest Articles for learning Web Development using php, mysql, javascript and ajax - 5 views

    Find below the latest articles for learning web development. These articles are getting displayed here by combining the data from different social bookmarking sites such as Digg. This articles list will be updated automatically using yahoo pipes and feedburner.
Julie Arceneaux

Facebook Introduced Instant Articles - 0 views

    What is Facebook "Instant Article?" Check out this blog to know about Facebook Instant Article.
awqi zar

35+ Awesome Tutorials Teaching You How To Create Your Own Icons - 7 views

    Icons are used almost everywhere. They are basically symbols and great for communication almost anything. Some Icons are detailed to a degree that makes them look almost photographs while others are the simplest possible drawings. Really there are Icons available for free or on commercial license to cover nearly any you may have. Still if you cant find exactly what you need there is still the option to create the icon yourself. Mastering the techniques in either Illustrator or Photoshop needed to create Icons can be really useful. In this article tripwire magazine provides a list of more than 35 great tutorials to get you started creating your own Icons. The article has been split up in 3 sections - Photoshop Tutorials, Illustrator Tutorials and Useful articles in Icon design.
    Hi .. Awqi Zar.. hru ? You really have a great posts.. Follow my Profile you that you can me can share our posts.. Regards Kaitlyn
Jochen Burkhard

#77: Styling an Individual Article - 0 views

    The idea of "art directing" posts is very popular lately. It's the idea of applying unique styling to an article on the web in the way that print designers uniquely style articles for, say, a magazine. This is more than just a trend, it's just a good idea. In this screencast I show and example of doing this with WordPress and a specific plugin made for helping with this idea.

77 Web Development Articles Retweeted at @htmlcut - 1 views

    This is a new portion of web design and development articles, blog posts and resources recently retweeted at @htmlcut. 4 deaths and one evil in the section "Opinions", 5 extremely valuable articles in "Copyright and Legal Issues" (including a real example of dealing with a content theft), a whole bunch of useful examples of HTML5, CSS3 and JS code and many other interesting things.
quality web

Digging out the Archive with these Blog Customization Ideas - 0 views

    To promote your blog archive posts, link the past articles with current posts and direct readers towards your archive. You can also give a list of "related articles" below every article to promote your previous posts. Following these blog customization techniques, you can promote the blog archive.
Richard Boss

Basics of RestSharp in Dot Net - 0 views

    RestSharp is a powerful library for dot net technology. By this article, let us see some of the features and advantages of RestSharp. Day by day, RestSharp is becoming a popular HTTP client library in the Dot Net development industry. For more information, read the article now.
    RestSharp is a powerful library for dot net technology. By this article, let us see some of the features and advantages of RestSharp. Day by day, RestSharp is becoming a popular HTTP client library in the Dot Net development industry. For more information, read the article now.

Guest Post Online - 0 views

    Article Writing & Guestpost You Can Join this Site for Your Article & guest post, Just Easy way to join this site & total free Article site. This site article post to totally free Way. Guest Post & Article Post live to Life time only for Current & this time new User.
rajue s

E-Link Box The Blog Press - 0 views

    Welcome to E-Link Box - The Blog Press!!! E-Link Box is a growing up community in particular to help out Bloggers, Content Writers, Authors, Online marketers, Affiliates and web masters. E-Link Box brings writers, authors, readers, affiliate marketers, webmasters, reviewers and ezine publishers together with social networking capabilities. E-Link Box provides a platform to communicate within the members to share and get assisted by each other. Registered members can create, edit, publish and submit their blog, contents, reviews and articles on topics that suite all types of audience in internet. E-Link Box is the place to blog your ideas, techniques, thoughts, knowledge, tips and stuff. It is free and easy. You have to register an account and submit your content. Members can create and mange their own groups, invite friends, start a post or discuss a topic in inbuilt forum and lot more tool. Any one who loves to write, submit articles, post content, to create high quality backlinks etc can register free with E-Link Box. Increase your exposure to search engines and boost your traffic by submitting your articles post and content as a registered member. Free updated latest web content rss feeds for all webmasters, ezines and newsletter publishers.
Ruby Crosland

FC Web Masters - Web Creation Done Right - 0 views

    First of All I want to say thanks to author for sharing this nice informative article. Your informations has been very useful for me. There are not many blogs about this subject. I bookmarked your site for future reference! :) FC Web Masters
  • ...3 more comments...
    First of All I want to say thanks to author for sharing this nice informative article. Your informations has been very useful for me. There are not many blogs about this subject. I bookmarked your site for future reference! :) FC Web Masters
    First of All I want to say thanks to author for sharing this nice informative article. Your informations has been very useful for me. There are not many blogs about this subject. I bookmarked your site for future reference! :) FC Web Masters
    First of All I want to say thanks to author for sharing this nice informative article. Your informations has been very useful for me. There are not many blogs about this subject. I bookmarked your site for future reference! :) FC Web Masters
    First of All I want to say thanks to author for sharing this nice informative article. Your informations has been very useful for me. There are not many blogs about this subject. I bookmarked your site for future reference! :) FC Web Masters
    First of All I want to say thanks to author for sharing this nice informative article. Your informations has been very useful for me. There are not many blogs about this subject. I bookmarked your site for future reference! :) FC Web Masters
Jungle Jar

JungleJar | Looking at Wordpress Custom Fields and Images Further - 3 views

    You may remember a previous article I wrote here on called Using Custom Fields To Post Your Images, but if not, I'm going to reintroduce a few of the code snippets and methods I wrote about in the tutorial about how to save and display image data from custom fields within Wordpress. In this article I'm also going to cover a few of the small yet robust code block methods I myself tend to practice quite a bit that I didn't previously touch on. So, if you're looking for a solid tutorial on how to use Wordpress Custom Fields to display blog post thumbnails in an easy and flexible manner, then this article is for you.

Zend Framework -ZendView - 0 views

    • anonymous
      An dieser Stelle kann man mehrere Views für eine Action erzeugen. Variablen müssen dann mit ->setVariables(array()) oder ->setVariable(Einzelwert an den passenden View übergeben werden.
  • $view = new ViewModel(); // this is not needed since it matches "module/controller/action" $view->setTemplate('content/article/view'); $articleView = new ViewModel(array('article' => $article)); $articleView->setTemplate('content/article'); $primarySidebarView = new ViewModel(); $primarySidebarView->setTemplate('content/main-sidebar'); $secondarySidebarView = new ViewModel(); $secondarySidebarView->setTemplate('content/secondary-sidebar'); $sidebarBlockView = new ViewModel(); $sidebarBlockView->setTemplate('content/block'); $secondarySidebarView->addChild($sidebarBlockView, 'block'); $view->addChild($articleView, 'article') ->addChild($primarySidebarView, 'sidebar_primary') ->addChild($secondarySidebarView, 'sidebar_secondary'); return $view;

Design Feeds - 0 views

    A collection of design related articles, resources, comments and inspiration. provides easy to use and up to date information on anything design. From design inspiration to CSS and coding techniques, refreshes every 10 minutes and grabs new articles from a growing resource of respected websites.
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bryan yu

Using Lightbox Plus 1.6 to implements ColorBox for WordPress - 0 views

    Recently, Due to some convenience reason, so I proceed with revising Blog on the picture, but whether to adjust the picture size or location that it always do not really meet users requirement, especially when I saw an article and want to see the detail graphic in article, during this time a large image will be shows immediately in this page...
awqi zar

PHP: What You Need To Know To Play With The Web - Smashing Magazine - 10 views

    In this article, I'll introduce you to the fundamentals of PHP. We'll focus on using PHP to access Web services and on turning static HTML pages into dynamic ones by retrieving data from the Web and by showing different content depending on what the user has entered in a form or requested in the URL. You won't come out a professional PHP developer, but you'll be well on your way to building a small page that uses Web services. You can find a lot of great PHP info on the Web, and most of the time you will end up on itself. But I was asked repeatedly on several hack days and competitions to write this quick introduction article, so here it is.
Jochen Burkhard

Web Developer Basics: The HTML5 Video Element - - 1 views

    This article begins a "mini-series" of our in-depth coverage of important new elements in HTML5 to help you create media-rich pages that will work in any compliant browser. It's recommended that you also read the prelude to this article, Multimedia In HTML5. HTML5's video element is conceptually easy to work with, since at bottom it's been designed like the tag...just code and go:

5 Tips on Picking Great Images for Your Articles - 0 views

    Articles with pictures accompanying them are proven to get clicked on at a higher rate than text-only articles. Our eyes gravitate to the imagery we spot when we land on a page. This has always been true, dating back centuries. When news was delivered daily inside of newspapers, the papers always featured a prominent and attractive photo on their covers. Today, on the internet, a primarily visual medium, the raw communicative power of imagery has increased exponentially. Picking the right photo, though, can be daunting, difficult, or time-consuming.............................
Luciano Ferrer

CPanel Alternatives Both Free and Non-Free (Updated, Expanded and Revised) - 0 views

    "Back in September 2007 I wrote article 966, "CPanel Alternatives Both Free and Non-Free", which has been a perennial favourite with forum users the world over when answering the question "What else is there to use other than cPanel?". CPanel continues to be the most well known control interface for your remote server and/or general shared hosting requirements. CPanel and WHM also continue to be not-that-cheap and they just like in 2007 when I first said this they still have a few issues (as do most things). In 2007 I said that we needed a few CPanel alternatives which I offered to the world and the world seemed to be pleased to have available. However it is now 2011 and about time I released a more up to date edition of my eternally popular article which now includes more alternatives than ever including some cloud server management systems."

Best Of Joomla Templates You Should Download - 0 views

    Hi Guys! I am writing this article because of increasing demand in Joomla Templates and your overwhelming response appreciating my previous article Best Joomla Template Designs To Inspire Your Aesthetics. I have compiled some of the best of joomla templates with latest joomla 3.0 framework
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