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Gilmar Mattos

The Heart of Innovation: The Top 100 Lamest Excuses for Not Innovating - 0 views

  • Innovation, as I've said before, is an inside job. It begins with the individual. Organizations don't innovate. People do. And if people are ruled by past experiences, old assumptions, and limiting concepts of what's possible, nothing much will ever change.
  • Innovation, as I've said before, is an inside job. It begins with the individual. Organizations don't innovate. People do. And if people are ruled by past experiences, old assumptions, and limiting concepts of what's possible, nothing much will ever change.
  • Innovation, as I've said before, is an inside job. It begins with the individual. Organizations don't innovate. People do. And if people are ruled by past experiences, old assumptions, and limiting concepts of what's possible, nothing much will ever change.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Innovation, as I've said before, is an inside job. It begins with the individual. Organizations don't innovate. People do. And if people are ruled by past experiences, old assumptions, and limiting concepts of what's possible, nothing much will ever change.
  • Innovation, as I've said before, is an inside job. It begins with the individual. Organizations don't innovate. People do. And if people are ruled by past experiences, old assumptions, and limiting concepts of what's possible, nothing much will ever change.
  • 18. They don't pay me enough to take on this kind of project.
    Innovation, as I've said before, is an inside job. It begins with the individual. Organizations don't innovate. People do. And if people are ruled by past experiences, old assumptions, and limiting concepts of what's possible, nothing much will ever change.
erika queiroz - 3 views

    loosely organizing the net
    how to organize the net

#MOOC next Big Thing in XXI Century Education . Top 12 free tools you can use now to jo... - 6 views

    Just posted:Top 12 free tools you can use now to join/organize a #mooc .Add your feed-back if you like my post .

Pixorial, Inc - Convert, Preserve, Organize, Produce, and Share Home Movies and Videos ... - 10 views

    Bring new life to your old videos with services from Pixorial. We convert video, then help you to organize, label, edit, and then share your favorite video moments with family and friends.
Susan Oxnevad

3 Ways to Embrace Change This Year - 4 views

    Teachers embracing technology to support the Common Core and new ways of teaching may want to get organized and prepared for some positive changes. Here are 3 ways to get  ready for change in the New Year.
Susan Oxnevad

Cool Tools for 21st Century Learners: TeachEm: Create Guided YouTube Lessons - 10 views

    TeachEm is a free and user friendly digital tool that allows users to capture YouTube content, organize it, and add time stamped flashcards to guide the learning.
Cara Whitehead

Science Vocabulary - 6 views

    Science vocabulary organized by grade level and content area


    Proud to be Leader in Cop2 organized in SMILE :) project  managed by European Schoolnet . I tried to describe here my top 10 Social Media Curation tools to develop a PLN . Please add your feed-back and add comments with your  favorite startups to build a PLN here
David Wetzel

5 Reasons Why You Should Use LiveBinders - 6 views

    LiveBinders is a web 2.0 tool which provides the ability to save and organize materials for your science or math class. The great thing about this free tool is that you can update the resources instantly to ensure your lessons include the latest ideas, tips, and resources in science and math.
Maggie Verster

OtherInbox - the cure for email overload! - 11 views

    "OtherInbox is just like Outlook or Mail on OS X. It needs your username and password to scan your email in order to organize your inbox. Think of it as your own personal email assistant."
Gilmar Mattos

e-Learning Tools - Golden Fleece Wiki - 0 views

    Fantastic - very usual page - weeb tools well organized on different categories.
Maggie Verster

Clarotine is an opensource elearning platform - 5 views

    Claroline replaces eCollege/Pearson Learning Studio, Articulate, TrainCaster LMS Used by hundreds of organizations in 93 countries, Claroline makes it easy to upload course documents, create online exercises, develop a learning path, coordinate group work, and track student progress. It also includes a calendar, wiki, chat, and the other features you would expect in an eLearning system. Operating System: Windows, Linux, OS X.
Eric G. Young

Google Voice Blog: Google Voice invites for students - 5 views

    Article discusses how Google's telephone/text message system can be especially helpful for students in organizing their educational communications in one spot, etc.
Maggie Verster

50 Fabulous Web Tools for Group Projects - 0 views

    This list of web tools is ideal for anyone working on a group project, whether you're looking for task management support, scheduling and calendar organization, or just a place to collect all your materials and brainstorms.
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