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Maggie Verster

Today's the day: signups open for free Google Message Security for K-12 schools - 0 views

    Google Message Security - powered by Postini - provides the capability for administrators to limit messages based on who they are from, where they are going, or the content they contain. Message rules can be applied to groups of users, allowing customization for different user sets (like younger students, older students, and teachers).
Jose Antonio da Silva

Eyejot - the easiest way to send video - 8 views

    Video messaging webstite
Gilmar Mattos

Fluid Learning - 0 views

  • control is over. This is not about control anymore. This is about finding a way to survive and thrive in chaos.
  • We can’t roll back the clock to an earlier age without computers, without Internet, without the subtle but profound distraction of text messaging. The school is of its time, not out it.
  • The role of the instructor has changed
  • ...14 more annotations...
  • helps the students find the material available online, and helps them to make sense of it, contextualizing and informing their understanding. even as the students continue to work their way through the ever-growing set of information.
  • The instructor facilitates and mentors, as they have always done, but they are no longer the gatekeepers, because there are no gatekeepers, anywhere.
  • the more something is shared, the more valuable it becomes.
  • Education happens everywhere, not just with your nose down in a book, or stuck into a computer screen
  • Many students will never be very computer literate, but every single one of them has a mobile handset, and every single one of them sends text messages.
  • net filtering throws the baby out with the bathwater
  • Services like Twitter get filtered out because they could potentially be disruptive, cutting students off from the amazing learning potential of social messaging. Facebook and MySpace are seen as time-wasters, rather than tools for organizing busy schedules
  • media sites are blocked because the schools don’t have enough bandwidth to support them; Wikipedia is blocked because teachers don’t want students cheating.
  • Filtering, while providing a stopgap, only leaves students painfully aware of how disconnected the classroom is from the real world.
  • the maxim of the 21st century: connection is king
  • Students must be free to connect with instructors
  • difficult for instructors to manage, but it is vital.
  • Connection is expensive, not in dollars, but in time. But for all its drawbacks, connection enriches us enormously.
  • We need to let go, we need to trust ourselves enough to recognize that what we have now, though it worked for a while, is no longer fit for the times.
    I: Out of Control Our greatest fear, in bringing computers into the classroom, is that we teachers and instructors and lecturers will lose control of the
Maggie Verster

Sendible - 0 views

shared by Maggie Verster on 10 Sep 09 - Cached
    Connect with all your email, mobile and social network contacts even when you're away from the computer * Schedule email, sms and social network messages ahead of time. * Access all your email and social network contacts from one place. * Remind yourself and others of upcoming tasks and events. * Post status updates to your blogging and social network account
    Connect with all your email, mobile and social network contacts even when you're away from the computer * Schedule email, sms and social network messages ahead of time. * Access all your email and social network contacts from one place. * Remind yourself and others of upcoming tasks and events. * Post status updates to your blogging and social network account
mbarek Akaddar

10 Best Online Rhyming Dictionaries « All Sharing - 6 views

    10 Best Online Rhyming Dictionaries . My first message  on wordpress ! Your comments needed ! 
Gilmar Mattos

Welcome to Bubble Joy Video Greeting Cards - 0 views

    Simple way tosend messages using a webcam. Really cool!
Evania Netto

VoiceThread - Group conversations around images, documents, and videos - 2 views

    This is just what I was looking for: an easy way of recording a message.
    Did you know that we have the premium version at thomas that you can use it?
Eric G. Young

Let Infographics Convey Information More Clearly Than Words Alone - 8 views

    As this article from Webdesigner Depot aptly puts it, "Infographics can be a great way to quickly reference information." Infographics take advantage of the adage, "A picture is worth a thousand words," and the can give broader appeal to a message by tapping into the appetites of visually-oriented consumers.\n\nI find infographics particularly useful to help explain difficult or complex topics, and frequently make use of graphics applications like "mindmaps" in my own work. In fact, I wish my primary field would embrace more creative ways of conveying information to consumers and students. The legal world might be surprised to discover how much more interesting and informative the information would be.\n\nThis article contains infographics aimed primarily at web designers and those with a fairly advanced knowledge of technology. However, there are a number of infographics, such as no. 14, which I think do an excellent job of explaining how different social media outlets can be used by a business to attain different marketing goals. It takes no particular technical skill to understand the information displayed in no. 14, which is what makes it a good infographic for anyone.\n\nIf you are interested in this topic professionally, or you just want to look at some interesting graphics that convey information, check out the article. It's worth a look.
Eric G. Young

Google Voice Blog: Google Voice invites for students - 5 views

    Article discusses how Google's telephone/text message system can be especially helpful for students in organizing their educational communications in one spot, etc.
Carla Arena

12 Key Messages for Education in a Social Media Age by Blog By Carol - 0 views

    Fantastic post worth reading.
Elysio Soares

WebCite - 0 views

    Cite an online source and archive it for later reference by you or any other readers. This way, you will never have to face that 404 File Not Found annoying message.
Maggie Verster

Investigating Glubble family safe platform & searchengine - 0 views

  • is an exciting new online resource that helps families safely enjoy the internet together. Part social network and part web browser/filter, Glubble provides your family with an online meeting place to post pictures and messages for each other, and allows parents to monitor and regulate young children's internet use. One of the cool things about Glubble is that it uses your existing web browser, but allows you to "lock" it for your kids so they can only access pre-approved websites. Glubble provides a list of suggested websites, and parents can pick and choose which ones they like, as well as suggest other sites they would like their kids to use.
Carla Arena - 11 views

gabriela anjos

High Techpectations: Spontaneous Advice - 0 views

  • What's a simple way to start infusing your curriculum with technology? What's a good starting point? Do you have a fav collab project? Courtesy of my Twitter Network: Suggest they take a part of their curriculum that they know well.... & consider if it could be made more collaborative, interactive, or personal for the students... then the tech tools are a win...  Need a GREAT project? Use Glogster to create and publish a WOW multimedia poster on any academic topic!  I've been thinking a lot about NETS-making tech "transparent and routine."  For tech neophytes, it's got to be non-threatening. so I've used GoogleGroups and GoogleDocs for out-of-class discussion and collaboration. As a language teacher, has been invaluable with connecting my students to native speakers.  Also, wikis & google earth Every faculty member has account-didn't support browser bkmrks when gave new machines-made em use del.icall summer collaboration and planning was done on wiki or google docs-all tech supprt documentation on wiki-students/teachers add  Visit ISTE student profiles. Pick a unit to enhance w/them. See  We start many a noobie on sharing online bookmarks, understanding how to share and access others bookmarks and subscribe to them. Use technology to reach it?  Sometimes I think when they see how well the objective is reached, and how engaged the students are We use wikis & google tools a LOT for collab started as tchr driven switched 2 stud recommend gaggle too Blogs would be my top suggestion... very collaborative.. easy learning curve... lots of possibilities.  My teachers found the collaboration to be a powerful and easily integrated project. locating images for a timeline project? posting a question of the day on a class blog? recording and sharing language mp3s? I started last year with podcasting and posted their work on the web, just like students in my class do. This year I showed teachers how to post and use a ning. They LOVED it. I call it Facebook for teachers. Set up Google Apps for Ed acct. for older students. Demonstrate the powerful uses of apps. Learn to organize Start with wikispaces. Look for other examples. Keep it simple & collborative. Kids work in teams to build wiki. Maybe info one? I'd say using tools such as Voki and Voicethread have been a good start for me :o)  Tchers have 2 start by letting go of the idea that they are "integratin tech" change to using tool for effective instruct ,that in response casts to gcast, post assign 2 wiki let kids discuss, storytelling 4 slide...feel post coming on:) The easiest way for this writing teacher is to pick a topic, any topic, and podcast students another starting point is to use VoiceThread to accomplish that.or start blogging and ask them to share their poetry (quick, simple success) then post that online. Have them drop poems into PPT Poetry then put it online with VoiceThread and invite feedback from other teachers' students on the poems, serious or fun. Take them to and let them use the story mapper or to map a poem, story, nonfiction text Do something simple that can be successful and allow person to see tech can support and make easier initially...find easy web sites that kids can do (my background is EC) that excite them. Find place so they communik8 (such as ask an expert) Online enviros such as nings or wikis offer the most flexibility for just about any kind of content; images, video, audio,text basic start would be w digital camera and bulletin bd then putting pics into projects, especially w a technophobe....take a look at what is happening and see what could be done w tech--morning messages, sign in on the computer, parent notes etc. I think that there is incredible power in planning learning with other teachers, and inviting student input :-) I think wikis are an easy way in for teachers. they understand the collaborative nature of them. So do kids I think blogging is a simple way to start for humanities teachers. It's writing for an audience. That makes sense to teacher
    • gabriela anjos
      Good hints on how to add more tech richness to our curriculum
    Some good hints on how to add techrichness to our curriculum!
Jose Antonio da Silva

50 Ways to Use Wikis for a More Collaborative and Interactive Classroom (RT @russeltarr) - 18 views

    Using wikis in education
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