Video tutorials for Flash, Flex, Illustrator, Photoshop, Toon Boom Animate, Blender, Dr... - 0 views
A List of some of The Best Free Tools to Create Animated Pictures - 5 views
Comic Master - 10 views
Confessions of an Aca/Fan: The Informal Pedagogy of Anime Fandom: An Interview with Reb... - 0 views
Interestingly enough, schools often seem to discourage activities with these distributed forms of knowledge and resources, instead focusing on testing for what students have "inside their heads". However, I think it's just as important to recognize, evaluate, and help develop students' strategies for learning, collaborating, and accessing knowledge that they don't already possess, as this seems to be much more aligned with what we do as adults. I mean, I don't know all sorts of things, but I have pretty good strategies in place for finding them out.
experts and novices participate in the same areas and activities in affinity spaces. So, as I mentioned previously, novices aren't prevented from engaging in creative activities that they find interesting, even if these activities are challenging for them. And, through working in the same space as experts, novices are able to benefit from this exposure, by asking questions, collaborating, and by observing how experts go about certain tasks.
Pixton™ - Create web comic strips online - 0 views
E-Books Preview - 0 views
Imagination Cubed - 1 views
Animata - 22 views
Animoto - Education Video Slideshows - 9 views
GiftedSpeech - 4 views
Children aged 4 to 10 have a unique ability to acquire the phonetics of any language. Our fun games and animated videos tap into this gift, giving children a multi-language foundation so they can speak any language with an authentic accent.
GoAnimate4Schools - 11 views
animoto - the end of slideshows - 3 views - 10 views
Toondo is a free comic-creating tool and a fun site for kids. Here you can create and share your comic strips.
Toondoo is a great tool that can be used in several situations. For example, after having read a book (reader), students can create the main characters of the story and write a comic strip with them.
Yes, Selmix, that's a great idea, for it is meaningful and fun for students.
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