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Maggie Verster

Online Free Touch Typing Program - 12 views

    "free, very unique and user-friendly learning method proven to help each and every person learn, practice, and improve your typing speed and accuracy. "
Nik Peachey

Cacoo - Create diagrams online Real time collaboration - 14 views

    handy collaborative tool for creating diagrams etc.
mbarek Akaddar

Intervue - 0 views

shared by mbarek Akaddar on 29 Mar 11 - Cached
  • Intervue is a quick and easy tool for publishers who are looking to gather short video responses online from anyone with a webcam.
mbarek Akaddar

Collaborative annotation of images online | SpeakingImage - 12 views

    SpeakingImage is an application for creating interactive images and share them with others.
Jose Antonio da Silva

Read free books online - make book, upload, share & publish book - 9 views

    Book builder
Justine Arena

Adult Learning Activities | California Distance Learning Project - 5 views

    reading and listening
Jose Antonio da Silva

Audioboo - 8 views

    We are a mobile & web platform that effortlessly allows you to record and upload audio for your friends, family or the rest of the world to hear.
edutopia .org

How Teachers Collaborate Online and in School | Edutopia - 9 views

    The Vail School District in southern Arizona developed a wiki for teachers to share lesson plans and resources. Today, the wiki is a smash hit, and textbooks are a thing of the past.
Nik Peachey

Why ebooks should be cheaper and how to get my book for free - 5 views

    In an effort to counteract this I would like to make my ebook Digital Video - A manual for language teachers freely available to anyone without the means to pay for it who is willing to help me with a little research project.
Arnab Ray

Teacher Training Videos - Free online technology and ict tutorials for use in education - 1 views

    Fantastic site with Teacher Training Videos
  • ...1 more comment...
    Excellent resource for training and technology
    Completely free teacher training videos for teachers who want to learn about technology and ICT in education
    Russell's latest articles 1-Read Russell's latest article on Video Feedback 2- Listen to Russell  interviewed about the Flipped Classroom on TEFL Show 3. Latest Article in IATEFL SIG about the Flipped Classroom __________________________________________________________...
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