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Social Bookmarking Sites List - 0 views

Social Bookmarking Sites List - It is a list of 39 Bookmarking sites for Backlinks & Traffic. All sites are high DA with less Spam & checked properly. Almost all sites are instant approval and you ...

education web2.0 teaching learning Resources technology Tools collaboration Web Online

started by aimnifro on 10 Jun 20 no follow-up yet

75+ Social Bookmarking Sites List 2022: Dofollow & High DA - 0 views

  • m social + bookmarking. It means bookma
  • SEO language, It is an online
  • submission activity
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • comes under the off-page
  • How to Do Social Bookmarking?
  • Some of them are as: Choose the appropriate category. Add appropriate and limited tags. Follow the social bookmarking website’s guidelines. Describe your web page correctly. Don’t bookmark a single URL many times.
  • g a link of your website (your website URL) on boo
  • There are so many tips you should remember at the time of the bookmarking of a web page.
Ced Paine

Bookmark suggestions from inSuggest - 2 views

    This tool will analyze your online bookmarks and recommend other bookmarks that matches your taste. Provide your username to see Your personal suggestions.
Michele Hardy

Session 5 Social Bookmarking, Curating and Discovery - 0 views

  • Social bookmarking is a way for users to search, manage, organize, and store useful web content they'd like to revisit and share with others. Because social bookmarking sites are web-based services, you can access your bookmarks online at any time, from any device.

Getting Started with Diigolet - Diigo help - 0 views

  • Tags help you find and organize your bookmarks by letting you select all of your bookmarks with a certain tag or combination of tags. Quickly add relevant tags to a bookmark by clicking on any of the recommended tags that appear under the description field on the “Save Bookmark” pop-up. When you are satisfied with the information in the “Save Bookmark” pop-up, click the “Save Bookmark” button. Now a link to the page is stored in your Diigo library, and the information you entered is stored with it.
  • Highlight Highlighting lets you denote important information on a page, just like highlighting in a book, but with Diigo, the highlighted text will be conveniently saved to your library as well. There are some important things for me to denote on my recipe. My wife doesn’t like pineapple, my grandfather can’t have eggs or chocolate, and I don’t like coconut very much, so I highlight those items on the recipe to let me know I need to deal with them. Highlight by clicking “Highlight” on the Diigolet. Then select the text you want to highlight. The text will be visually highlighted and the text is now stored in your library. It’s that easy. Click the button again to exit highlighter mode. You can also change the color of a highlight by clicking the downward-pointing arrow next to “Highlight” and choosing a color. Colors are useful for differentiating different types of highlights. I will use a different color for each of the different people I need to consider.
  • To add a sticky note to a highlight, simply move your mouse cursor over a highlight. When the little pop-up tab with the pencil on it appears, move the cursor to it and a menu will appear. Choose “Add Sticky Notes”. Now you can type and post a sticky note just like before, but this time it will be tied to the highlighted text.
Jeff Johnson

Diigo 3.0 social bookmarking tool adds recommendations - Download Squad - 0 views

  • Diigo is a social bookmarking service which we covered briefly while it was in private beta. But the service is out of beta, and has launched a new set of tools that make it easy to mark up web pages, save pages to your account, and search through your bookmarks and those of other users.

Inslices : bookmark and share sections of websites - 0 views

    InSlices could be a very good tool for students to use while conducting research on the Internet. Sometimes students bookmark sites while conducting research but when they go back to those sites they forget what it was they needed on those sites. InSlices solves that problem by letting users cut out just the part of the site they want to use later.

Favthumbs - Your bookmarks visualized. - 0 views

    Displays your bookmarks visually.
Dai Barnes

zaidlearn's EduGames Bookmarks on Delicious - 0 views

    Keep, share, and discover the best of the Web using Delicious, the world's leading social bookmarking service.
Ced Paine

Grades K-12 + Lesson Plans + Activities + videos + current events | SchooNoodle - 0 views

    "an online social bookmarking community made exclusively for K-12 educators"
Maria Knee - 8 views

shared by Maria Knee on 01 Aug 07 - Cached
newstodays liked it
    Like this Like this like this travel,hotel,fun,hotel new,new offer,hotel best,best hotel,hotel travel,seo,backlinks,edu,gov,ads,indexing,bookmark,killgoggle,gogglesuck,goggle bookmark,kill goggle,yahoo,bing,indexing,quality links,linkwell,traffic boster,index best
Cally Black

Avoid disaster by backing up your data | Bright Ideas - 0 views

    "One of the great advantages of the internet is the convenience of cloud based services where you can store documents, pictures, bookmarks or notes and access them on any device with an internet connection. Despite this level of convenience it is still important to maintain backups of your data in the case of unforeseen circumstances, such as your account being hacked or a service shutting down. Here we will take a look at a few ways to backup your online data from some of the most popular services like Diigo, Google and Evernote."
Maria Knee

Media Infusion . Four Weeks to a Flatter You | PBS - 0 views

    Like this Film,dvd,download,free download,product... ppc,adword,adsense,amazon,clickbank,osell,bookmark,dofollow,edu,gov,ads,linkwell,traffic,scor,serp,goggle,bing,,ads network,ads goggle,bing,quality links,link best,ptr,cpa,bpa
    Like this Film,dvd,download,free download,product... ppc,adword,adsense,amazon,clickbank,osell,bookmark,dofollow,edu,gov,ads,linkwell,traffic,scor,serp,goggle,bing,,ads network,ads goggle,bing,quality links,link best,ptr,cpa,bpa
Maria Knee

Wetpaint | Create A Free Wiki - 6 views

shared by Maria Knee on 01 Aug 07 - Cached
newstodays liked it
    Like this Like this like this travel,hotel,fun,hotel new,new offer,hotel best,best hotel,hotel travel,seo,backlinks,edu,gov,ads,indexing,bookmark,killgoggle,gogglesuck,goggle bookmark,kill goggle,yahoo,bing,indexing,quality links,linkwell,traffic boster,index best
Maria Knee

Google Docs & Spreadsheets - 6 views

shared by Maria Knee on 01 Aug 07 - Cached
newstodays liked it
    Like this Like this like this travel,hotel,fun,hotel new,new offer,hotel best,best hotel,hotel travel,seo,backlinks,edu,gov,ads,indexing,bookmark,killgoggle,gogglesuck,goggle bookmark,kill goggle,yahoo,bing,indexing,quality links,linkwell,traffic boster,index best
Xiusong Hu

多地遭遇大雾侵袭 北京:降雾降雨降雪又降温 --百度新闻搜索 - 0 views

shared by Xiusong Hu on 18 Mar 12 - Cached
  • 3月18日凌晨雪景。 3月17日深夜至18日凌晨,北京市区突迎降雪,京城大地一派银装素裹。 新华社记者李俊东摄
  • 3月18日凌晨雪景。 3月17日深夜至18日凌晨,北京市区突迎降雪,京城大地一派银装素裹。 新华社记者李俊东摄
  • 3月17日,北京东三环一处高层建筑被大雾笼罩。北京市气象台当日凌晨发布大雾黄色预警信号,预计17日凌晨到中午北京市将持续大雾,部分地区能见度不足500米,局部地区不足200米,对交通会产生一定影响。 新华社发(王振 摄)
    hello bookmark
David Wetzel

6 Top Free Online Tools for Support Teaching and Learning - 0 views

    The six top free online tools were selected from available web 2.0 tools for teaching and learning using presentations, blogging, and bookmarking online resources. There are many excellent online tools available in these three categories, making the selection difficult at best. However, the selection was made based on reviewing available online resources along with other contributions and feedback from teachers.
Jeff Johnson

Bubble Comment - 0 views

    Our Bookmarklet is a free tool to help you avoid having to manually cut and paste a URL for the web page you want to make a Bubble Comment on. Now you can simply click on our Bookmarklet anytime you come to a webpage you want to create a Bubble Comment on, and then just start recording your comment. It's so simple, we're sure you're going to love it! To use our Bookmarklet, simply drag the following link to your Bookmarks Toolbar or Links Bar or right mouse-click on it and select "Add to Favorites."
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