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DiLieto  Lauren M

PHP Cheat Sheet (V2) - Cheat Sheets - Added Bytes - 0 views

    Here is a PHP cheat sheet I found through a google search. It provides a reference for listing date format arguments, regular expression syntax and common functions.
    The PHP cheat sheet I have bookmarked is an extensive overview of format arguments, regular expression syntax, and common functions. The best part is that it is a one page sheet, making it easy to find what you are looking for quickly.
 Mark Zaniewski

CSS Cheat Sheet (V2) - Cheat Sheets - Added Bytes - 0 views

    Download a .pdf of a CSS Cheat Sheet that looks very much like the one Alex is seen using in his Module 2 CSS lectures. Could it be? :) There are other Cheat Sheets on the site as well.
Katie McLaughlin

An elementary explanation of CSS - 0 views

    Similar to something I bookmarked in module one, this page does a great job explaining CSS in its most basic terms. It is short on words, but long on meaning, which is what I tend to seek out when learning something new. The following line (which is very similar to something Alex said in the lecture) really helped me put CSS into perspective: "The coolest thing about CSS is that you can link to an external style sheet, and this sheet can change the style (font size, color, link color, link hover etc.) on your whole Web site just by editing the one style sheet."
Starr Andrew

HTML Cheat Sheet - Cheat Sheets - Added Bytes - 0 views

    Great site for free downloadable cheat sheets for HTML, CSS, MySQL, and seemingly everything else pertaining to web programming. Formatted in pdf to fit on one page to print for easy reference.
DiLieto  Lauren M

Standards-compliant HTML: CSS cheat sheet - 0 views

    This CSS cheat sheet is not really set up like a standard cheat sheet but it is easy to read and follow along. I think it will be helpful to those of us who need to be reminded of all the CSS shorthand.
Gomez Evamarie

JavaScript Cheat Sheet - Cheat Sheets - Added Bytes - 0 views

    Here is what seems to be a useful Javascript cheat sheet. You can find functions, methods and even includes a guide to XMLHttpRequestObject.
 Mark Zaniewski

Downloading mysql-cheat-sheet-v1.pdf - Added Bytes - 0 views

    A MySQL cheat sheet from the folks at Added Bytes. It isn't much for specific syntax, but it gives a broad overview. Explains different types of data used in setting up your database table. Also much date and time info, functions, and some sample select queries. Gives a feel for what's involved with the PHP/MySQL combination.
Hoving Allan

Cheat Sheet Round-Up: Ajax, CSS, LaTeX, Ruby... | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine - 0 views

    How can I tell if anyone else has previously bookmarked this?
    Here's an interesting site I encountered looking for CSS cheat sheets. I'm not sure how useful it might be, it because the entry is dated 2006. But the eye-candy on the page attracted me.
    Have to check the bookmarks in the group.
Chere B

CSS Basics - Making Cascading Style Sheets Easy to Understand - 0 views

  • - Everything you ever wanted to know about the basics of CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) table of contents
Lee Howard

MySQL Cheat Sheet - 0 views

    A handy "cheat sheet" for various problems that can be solved by using MySQL.
Sorteberg  Matthew T

CSS Cheat Sheet - 0 views

  • 4. Properties List
    Just another cheat sheet for CSS terms, lists, etc...
Bryan Dumelin

CSS - Recipe Restyle - 0 views

    This bookmark is a combination of 2-d and 2-f: it is my restyled recipe and horizontal menu for the CSS portion of the course. At first, I was a little hesitant / confused about learning the CSS formatting. Once I got used to the concept of the css formatting I found myself wiring code with ease. There was many back and forth between typing and viewing in the browser, but I got the hang of it. The one issue I had was with browser compatibility - the margin: auto; code did not render well in IE7, but had not bugs in firefox. The most difficult potion of the menu was hiding the attributes that the browser assumes should be included with a bulleted list and links hence why a css style sheet comes in handy.
    Very nice. Should make it a habit to title your pages. But well done.
Marie Shanahan

Green Smoothie with a side of CSS - 0 views

    I retooled my green smoothie recipe with a cascading style sheet for all elements. I have multiple divs, an image that "floats" to the right, and a fixed background image.
    Well done. Need to keep a keen eye on legibility with background images. But like the direction you moved in.
Deitrick  Erica L

Peach Daquiri - 0 views

    I restyled my recipe using a seperate style sheet.
Ford  James A

Great Rivalries in Boston Sports - 0 views

    This is my 3 page, well 4 page website for module 2. They are all linked to the same CSS sheet. It's about great rivalries in Boston Sports and has a lot of other fun links too. Enjoy!
Hoving Allan

Chili for a Ben's-Style Half-Smoke with CSS - 0 views

    nutso: a misplaced semi-colon can mess you up big-time
    Did a for the recipe; linked to a style sheet; added background color; added border and changed style of list; changed link color (but don't know why viewed link color doesn't change).
Sorteberg  Matthew T

Cascading Style Cheatsheet - 0 views

    I came across this site and found it to be a good reference (cheat sheet) when it comes to doing CSS.
Zebeck Jillian

Download free CSS templates - Free CSS Templates - 0 views

    Here is a site that may be useful to our class when trying to find ideas and sample css style sheets to help with building our own sites. There are examples of a variety of layouts including two and three columns.
Lee Howard

Do you want to design like the pros? | 365 Web Applications for Designers - 0 views

    This shows how to set up style sheets so you don't have to reinvent the wheel every time you want to design an element similar to what you did last time. This makes it easier for type, color and other elements to have a continuity and to feel more cohesive. It also saves valuable time if you know you are going to use a certain design style over and over.
Wright Sashagaye

Web Programming :: 1-6: Images - 0 views

    When I view my recipe page on the desktop the image and links work fine. But when I publish it to the internet, the link for the image works but the image does not show up. I followed the steps meticulously and cannot figure out what has happened. Can you let me know what I missed?
    Hopefully I already answered this, but in case not: *Everything* for the site has to get uploaded to the server. So, if you are including an image, the image also has to go up to the server. Next week, when we do style sheets, the style sheet has to go up to the server. Since it's a whole 'nother computer, you need to make sure all the pieces that make up your page/site make it up.
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