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Jamie McCarty

HTML Station--Welcome - 0 views

    This site has an AOL 3.0 feel to it but regardless, the main page has links to step-by-step instructions on what you want to do with HTML. I was using it while I was working with my Wordpress page. I like the fact that it has split everything up into sections so you can access the page with what you want.
Sarah-Jane Bolling

HTML Help - 0 views

    I have found myself over the years Googling part of a HTML code to make sureI get it written correctly. Most of the time I will type in something like " just as a starting point. I think this site will help elimiate the need for many different sites. This looks to be a one stop shop for any common, and even some obscure HML coding.
Marie Shanahan

Basic HTML commands - 0 views

    Type "html basics" into Google. This site, last updated by North Carolinia State University in 1998, is the top search result. The web page provides unadorned, useful information.
Deitrick  Erica L

Make an HTML Document - Webmonkey - 0 views

    Check this out!
    This site is about how to make an HTML document. It provides information on tags and provides an example of a simple HTML document. It is useful because it is very simple and easy to understand.
Katie McLaughlin

Why Do I Have to Learn This Stuff? - 0 views

  • make your head a more interesting place to live
  • the training of the mind to think
  • 'So how does organic chemistry save lives?'  he persisted.  'It keeps idiots out of medical school.' replied the professor.
    Clearly this page doesn't pertain to learning HTML per se, but it helps put in to perspective the whole notion of learning a new skill/language/subject. Knowing HTML may quite possibly be the one attribute that helps one candidate land a coveted job over another. Or, it may never come up in our careers -- but our minds will have been made "more interesting" nonetheless.
Alex Halavais

Web Programming :: webprog-1-d - 0 views

  • intro.html
    • Marie Shanahan
      What's the difference between naming an HTML file with .html or .htm? Both work, right?
    • Alex Halavais
      HTML is the "correct" choice, though .htm will also work. The latter is a result of limitations of the early DOS & Windows systems, which could only handle 3 letter extensions (and 8 letter filenames). Why is it still used today? Microsoft continues to push it as a feature, not a bug, and those using MS servers or ASP are more likely to use it, unless, of course, it is a .asp page. But the standard usage is still .html.
Chere B

Web Color Chart - Hexadecimal - by VisiBone - 0 views

    This site provides 216 web safe html color codes. When it's time to add a little color to your site hope this can help.
Alex Halavais

HTML Goodies - 0 views

shared by Alex Halavais on 20 Jan 09 - Cached
    • Alex Halavais
      Nicely done, Monica. +10
    This site offers tutorials, demos, and explanations for using HTML. I found it particularly helpful when creating a site with frames. -- Free html tutorials and help, images, color codes and more for the web developer. Featuring tutorials on HTML tags, programming, basics, JavaScript, frames, hex codes and more. Our weekly newsletter provides the latest information for developers.
Lee Howard

HTML Code: MiniChapter 4: Links and Images - 0 views

    This site tells how to add links to your Website using HTML coding. Links are a key to the interactivity of the Internet, so I thought it would be good to know.
Starr Andrew

HTML Cheat Sheet - Cheat Sheets - Added Bytes - 0 views

    Great site for free downloadable cheat sheets for HTML, CSS, MySQL, and seemingly everything else pertaining to web programming. Formatted in pdf to fit on one page to print for easy reference.
Lee Howard

Learn the Basic HTML Tags! - 0 views

    This gives you everything you basically need to know about HTML tags, which is what separates one section of code from another. This will be a useful reference for those who are still confused about how to write legible code.
Sorteberg  Matthew T

HTML Color Coding - 0 views

    I found this site to be helpful when learning the HTML process. It gives a brief overview of adding color when creating a web page.
Marie Shanahan

TABLEIZER! -- Spreadsheets to HTML Tables Tool - 0 views

    Convert spreadsheet cells to HTML tables by copy and paste. This site was created by a fellow online producer at the Orlando Sentinel. I've found it to be rather helpful for presentation of data.
Sorteberg  Matthew T

XHTML vs HTML, XHTML verses HTML the differences and depreciated tags Tutorial. - 0 views

    This site helped to give a little background on this issue of HTML vs XHTML.
Zebeck Jillian

Cookie Recipe Showing Database Comments - 0 views

    Here is my sugar cookie recipe, updated to include a "See Comments" button to show users' the comment information from my database table. I tried to utilize CSS to style the table to match the html page.
Monica Aversa

Challenge 2-f: Site With Nav Bar - 0 views

    Is Derek Jeter a future Hall of Famer? My page from Module 1's been updated to be XTHML/CSS friendly, with a navigation bar thanks to the tutorial here -
Kelly Utt-Grubb

3-Page Websire: - 0 views

  • (hosted at allows professors to publicly rate students. Compare notes with other professors before you select a graduate student, award a fellowship, or provide a recommendation.
Katie McLaughlin

All the President's Menus gets a menu! - 0 views

    I created a working, horizontal menu bar on the main page HTML file for the web site I created earlier in the semester. The menu bar allows people to click on individual presidents' names to find out their favorite foods.
Marie Shanahan

NYPL: Style Guide: XHTML: Guidelines - 0 views

    Five basic rules to follow when converting from traditional HTML to XHTML 1.0. Librarians are good at explaining stuff.
Kuban  Ellise J

IPL Kidspace: Learning HTML - 0 views

    This site also helped me out last semester. The biggest problem I had just simply understanding the concepts behind HTML. Once I got the patterns down, it was just a matter of learning the tags, etc.
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