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Nancy Hall

Rate Your QU Courses and Professors - SoC Graduate Program - 0 views

    Here is my final ICM505 assignment. I chose to do the course rating challenge, using all of the courses in the Communications graduate program that are to be offered next semester. Many thanks to everyone who submitted reviews - much appreciated! And a HUGE shoutout to Dr. Halavais for helping me troubleshoot those last few errors. You saved me much grief! I hope you all like it!!!
Sarah-Jane Bolling

CSS Tutorial - 0 views

    I read through this site and the tutorials. It was a little on the wordy side, but for me, it's almost a bit easier to understand. For those of you who are still teetering on CSS, this might help, it's working for me. (I'm not getting paid to say that either :-P)
Sarah-Jane Bolling

Useful Cheat Sheets for Web Designers - 0 views

    I'm finding this page to be very useful. It has many different "cheats" for not only CSS but other web development programs.
    This is extremely helpful...thanks!
Sarah-Jane Bolling

[Valid] Markup Validation of - W3C Mark... - 0 views

    This proved to me I know next to nothing about XHTML, with that said, I know I have a lot to learn and am quickly learning from my mistakes.
Alex Halavais

AppJet: Instant Web Programming - 0 views

    Claim to be "the easiest way to program, host, and share your own web app." Does it entirely in JavaScript. Worth checking out.
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