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Mark Cotrupe

Creating Sortable Lists With PHP And Ajax - PHP articles and PHP tutorials - PHP 5, My... - 0 views

    This is a more advanced tutorial on using Ajax and PHP to extract a list from a MySql database that can be done in a way that an ordered list can't provide. After you've created the database, you use PHP and Ajax to drag and drop data in the order you want it extracted, then you can save the data in this newly-defined order.
Rafael Santiago

Getting Started - MDC - 0 views

    This mozilla developer AJAX website provides an introduction to AJAX. It includes two examples.
Sarah-Jane Bolling

What is Ajax - Asynchronous JavaScript and XML - 0 views

    As all my other bookmarks have been, this page explains in wordy English (but understandable) what Ajax is. After reading this page I think I have a better understanding of what it is....actually implementing it might be another story though...
Marie Shanahan

Auto-populating Select Boxes using jQuery & AJAX - 0 views

    In my search for how to use jQuery and AJAX to build a select drop down menu, I found this four part demo - HTML, PHP, jQuery and JSON (JavaScript Object Notation). It also includes an example of how to create multiple select boxes with data populated from a MySQL database.
Bawa Neha

Ajax Tutorial - 0 views

    I still don't understand why AJAX is useful (heh) but this website explains it really well. Thanks for a great semester y'all.
Caruso  Nicholas L

6-b Comment - 0 views

    I place a comment/link on this page above the YouTube video ( It's a great site that has more general info regarding the use of Ajax with php, forms, and browsers. Good for newbies like myself!
Katie McLaughlin

Essential Technology - Ajax Arrives for the Enterprise - - Business Technology ... - 0 views

    A smart article that reads almost like a novel, or maybe more like an engaging scholarly paper. It won't teach you how to implement Ajax/Javascript; rather, it will help you put it all into perspective a bit more.
Rafael Santiago

Favorite Sport AJAX - 0 views

    This page helps one select a favorite sport. After selecting a sport, it automatically populates the drop-down box with sports teams.
Hoving Allan

Cheat Sheet Round-Up: Ajax, CSS, LaTeX, Ruby... | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine - 0 views

    How can I tell if anyone else has previously bookmarked this?
    Here's an interesting site I encountered looking for CSS cheat sheets. I'm not sure how useful it might be, it because the entry is dated 2006. But the eye-candy on the page attracted me.
    Have to check the bookmarks in the group.
Bryan Dumelin

Google - AJAX APIs Playground - 0 views

    Although we are not there yet, I found this site by Google to be very interesting. The fact that Google lets you play with their code and run scenarios is amazing. The code playground seems similar to what we see in firebug - you edit the code and see an output. It allows for Google to operate on a whole new level and interaction. Allowing people to freely test your code and learn from it, mow that's cool.
Sorteberg  Matthew T

AJAX Tutorial - 0 views

    w3schools does a great job once again with their tutorials. I often find myself here at w3 when I run in to a problem. They usually do a decent job shedding light on many issues depending on what you are trying to accomplish.
Nick Caito

Module 6: AJAXXX Drop Downz - 0 views

    apparently other people got the code from webmonkey too? here's my stab at their ajax voodoo... since i'm one of the few here who dont work at espn (ha!), i picked something other than sports
Kuban  Ellise J

Rate-a-Class - 0 views

    This is my final project. all the pages validate, and i have included the little icon the validation page provides you. I have used ajax and php on the first page to display course information when you select a course from the drop down menu. on the courses page, i have included a javascript validation to make sure you fill out all the fields if you want to submit a rating and comments. The php automatically displays the comment once posted. any questions, just ask! Thanks for everything
    This is very nice. Enjoying the subtle differences in this challenge among those who did it.
Starr Andrew - 0 views

shared by Starr Andrew on 21 Apr 09 - Cached
    "Fairly" simple AJAX/HTML scripts for adding cool effects to your website.
Ford  James A

Ajax presents...sports! - 0 views

    This is module 6-e. It was a little tricky to do, but what I found interesting was how there were a few ways to do it. You could connect to a database or you could do it through making individual files. This module is for Northeast sports. Enjoy!
Deitrick  Erica L

Build Your Own AJAX Web Applications - SitePoint Books - 0 views

    This website I found helpful for this module. I like the beginner sites that explain the simple stuff from the start. I would recommend this site to not only beginners but to web developers as well, it is always a good idea to review the basics.
Gomez Evamarie

Hollywood Icons - 0 views

    Here is my page for challenge 6-e "Ajaxed up". Instead of using a sports theme I decided to do it on some of my favorite actresses. Hope you enjoy! The code used was found on and
Monica Aversa

Hot Cities - Pro Sports Teams - 0 views

    Here is my ajax project for challenge 6-e. The goal is to teach a person in a new city the names of their home teams. My saving grace was this tutorial--
    Very nice, but the name of the team is Red SOX, not Red Sux! :)
    Hahaha. Nice touch, Monica!
Deitrick  Erica L

A library of DHTML and Ajax scripts - - 0 views

    This website has a ton of tutorials and codes. It also has explainations and is a great way to search for ideas and get a sense of what kind of code you will be producing. I would recommend this site to anyone in this class, I wish I would have found it earlier in the semester.
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