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Alison Raab Labonte

iLibrarian » Top 100 Tools for Learning - 0 views

    The Spring 2008 edition of the Top 100 Tools for Learning has been published by Centre for Learning & Performance Technologies (C4LPT). Earlier this year, they gathered the Top 10 tools used by 155 learning professionals to compile this massive list. Their analysis and individual lists are also linked within the document." The Top 10: 1. 2. Firefox 3. Google Reader 4. Skype 5. Google Search 6. Wordpress 7. PowerPoint 8. GMail 9. Audacity 10. Blogger

Getting Started with Firefox extension - Diigo help - 0 views

  •  Feature Highlight: Highlights Diigo saves the day with "highlights". Highlights let you select the important snippets on a page and store them in your library with the page's bookmark. Let's try it. Just open a page, maybe one of your old-school bookmarks or one of your new cat bookmarks, and find the information on that page you actually care about. Select that important text. Got it? Okay, now put your hemet on, 'cause this might blow your mind! Click the highlight icon on the Diigo toolbar. It's the one with the "T" on a page with a yellow highlighter. You will notice that the selected text gets a yellow background. This means that the text has been saved in your library, and as long as you have the Diigo add-on the text will be highlighted on the page! How's that for easy?   Now you've highlighted the text. It will appear in your library within the bookmark for the page it is on. Go to your library and you can see how it works. If you're not sure how to get to your library, just click the second icon on the toolbar (Diigo icon to the left of the search bar) and then select "My Library »".
  • Sticky Notes on the Web What? I can put a sticky note on a web page? How? Oh, that's right! Diigo. Just right-click anywhere on the page and choose to "add a floating sticky note". Type up your note and choose "Post", then move the note anywhere on the page. You have to type a note first, before you move it where you want, otherwise there's nothing to move!
David Wetzel

Top 5 Search Tools for Finding Flickr Images for Use in Education - 0 views

    The top five search tools for finding Flickr images are designed to help teachers and students locate just the right image for use in any subject area and project. Without these tools finding the right image on this image hosting site is often an impossible, or at least a tedious, task. The value of this site is its ability to provide digital pictures which are often impossible for a teacher to obtain any other way. Like everything else on the internet, trying to find something is like trying to find a needle in a haystack. This where the top five search tools become valuable resources for teachers and students trying to find images comes into play. These search engines are specifically designed to search the more than three billion pictures on the Flickr hosting site.

Add Website | Create Website - 0 views

  • Add a website, or see how to create your own single-page website. Create your single-page or multi-page website, see offers starting from 144 euros Create website How to create your own single page websiteCreate your single page website or with multiple pages, see the offers

Top 10 web tools #googlereader alternative to save favorite blogs - 17 views

    I also work to a list Top 100 google reader alternative where everyone can propose new tools / apss who can replace google reader for web / ipad and I will share this list on my blog in 2 weeks .
    if you want best news like this. Or follow. Your article in here
Gordon Herd

Bing Maps Adds Two New Silverlight Apps For Events And Customized Directions - 0 views

  • If you go to the Silverlight version of Bing Maps, at the bottom is an application gallery which adds different features and layers to the maps. Two new Silverlight apps added today are for Events and Destination Maps. The Events app brings up nearby events and places them as pins on the map. The name of the events appear in the left-hand column, where you can scroll through them and sort by popularity or date. You can also filter by specific times (today, tomorrow, this weekend, this week, next week, or a specific date range). The app also lets you narrow the search down by categories such as music, sports, performing arts, food & dining, and fairs & festivals. The Destination Maps app creates a stylized map that is good for party invites or directions. The recipient gets a simplified map showing just the route from where they are coming from to where they are going, and the maps can be skinned with different background themes including a a European road map or a pirate treasure map (below).
    Interesting article about Bing Maps.

We Featured in Top app developers 2020 in Georgia by Clutch - 0 views

    Again a piece of good news for AppZoro Technologies and the team from the Clutch, we featured in top app developers & top B2B companies 2020.
Marcus Schroefel

Top 10 Week | Social Aggregators | Social Web Tools - 1 views

    A Top 10 list of the best social aggregators on the Web to date, by ChaCha Fance. Lifestreaming & aggregation is becoming a hot Topic. My own little list I put together. Nothing fancy, just my own opinion. Feel free to share your own opinion as well!
    List or 10 Top Social Aggregators. (Watch for I-Frame Hacks on some of the links)
David Wetzel

6 Top Free Online Tools for Support Teaching and Learning - 0 views

    The six top free online tools were selected from available web 2.0 tools for teaching and learning using presentations, blogging, and bookmarking online resources. There are many excellent online tools available in these three categories, making the selection difficult at best. However, the selection was made based on reviewing available online resources along with other contributions and feedback from teachers.

Top 10 Facebook Applications For Social Media Lovers | Social Web Tools - 0 views

    You may or may not have heard or use some of these applications but I just wanted to highlight the "Top 10" Facebook applications that I think are best for social media users (in no particular order). Agree? Disagree? Is there one I'm missing?
awqi zar

Top 20 Cell Phones Of 2009. From Business To Personal Devices Companies Delivered - 5 views

    2009 was a great year to be a cell phone user. From the iPhone 3GS to WebOS and Google Android devices, there were literally hundreds of phones to choose from. Here's our list of the top 20 cell phones for 2009.
Clara James

Top WordPress Image Gallery Plugins for 2011 - 0 views

    Check this source and get info about Top WordPress Image Gallery Plugins for 2011.

BLOG USING GR8 WEB 2.0 TOOLS AND APPS IN XXI CENTURY EDUCATION by Lucian #curation is #socialmedia king . Top 10 #edtech20 tools who will change research this year - 0 views

    #curation is #socialmedia king . Top 10 #edtech20 tools who will change research in #education20 this year . I invite you to subscribe free to our monthly newstelller . This post was made after 1 year research in #edtech20 #socialmedia #curation project . If you are agree that #curation is #socialmedia king leave a comment and share with #PLN . Also I invite to read every week on this blog about  gr8 tools . Also all my blog post are now on scoopit

MY RESEARCH AND TOP 10 WEB 2.0 TOOLS IN XXI CENTURY EDUCATION with Proud to be leader in Smile EUN Project COP2 and to present my TOP 10 tools to build #edtech20 #PLN - 0 views

    Proud to be Leader in Cop2 organized in SMILE :) project  managed by European Schoolnet . I tried to describe here my top 10 Social Media Curation tools to develop a PLN . Please add your feed-back and add comments with your  favorite startups to build a PLN here
mbarek Akaddar

Top 10 Language Teaching Blogs 2010 - & Lexiophiles - 11 views

    Top 10 Language Teaching Blogs 2010
awqi zar

Top 7 tips I used to make $41,438.42 in 2009 with Amazon Associates | Make Money on the Internet - 12 views

    The Amazon Associates program was my top earner last year and while I'm in the process of looking forward to achieving new goals in 2010 after getting fired from my job in 2009, I wanted to take some time to share my absolute best tips on how to make more money with's affiliate program as we move into the new year. This list will be different than any other list you've read because to compose this list I used over 40 different tracking codes across the wide range of blogs, websites and forums I run to conclusively test what tactics worked best. So not only will these tips help you earn more money, I can also share specific figures as to how well each tip helped contribute to my $41,438.42 earned in 2009.
mbarek Akaddar

Top Web 2.0 Tools for Learning for the New School Year - 14 views

    Top Web 2.0 Tools for Learning for the New School Year
mbarek Akaddar

The top 10 most dangerous internet search terms - Telegraph - 11 views

    The top 10 most dangerous internet search terms
mbarek Akaddar

Top 10 Coloring Pages Websites - LoveToKnow - 12 views

mbarek Akaddar

20 Plus Microblogging Sites (Including Top Sites And Favorites) - TechShali - 10 views

    20 Plus Microblogging Sites (Including Top Sites And Favorites)
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