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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Herb Ert

Herb Ert

Linkbuilding: 10 Tools, die Zeit und Mühe sparen » t3n - 4 views

    "Linkbuilding wird immer komplexer, aufwändiger und letztlich teurer. Wer die richtigen Tools kennt, spart deshalb jede Menge Zeit und Geld. Ein Versuch der Optimierung deines Linkbuilding-Prozesses."
Herb Ert

Trying BoxCryptor, on-the-fly Encryption for cloud storage - 15 views

    BoxCryptor is a cryptographic virtual harddisk that encrypts all data on-the-fly using the AES-256 standard. Encrypted data is stored in an arbitrary directory of your choice, e.g. one that is synced to the cloud like your Dropbox folder.
Herb Ert

Blogging without a database: 7 database-less CMS - 9 views

    there are plenty of CMS that allow you to run a full fledged website or a blog without requiring a database like MySQL
Herb Ert

Genieo - Your Personal Homepage | Personalised Newspaper - 15 views

    Genieo brings you the news you want, from your favorite sources, right to your own personal homepage
Herb Ert

Wer hat Worüber mit Wem getwittert? Das weiss @talkexplorer - 3 views

shared by Herb Ert on 06 Jul 10 - Cached
    Die klugen Köpfe hinter dem @talkexplorer haben sich interessante Heuristiken ausgedacht um Experten innerhalb von Twitter zu entdecken.
Herb Ert

Nice new Tool: Mozilla Labs » Contacts - 16 views

    The Contacts add-on integrates with local and web-based address books to bring all of a user's contact data into a single database.
Herb Ert

Design Hacks: the Ultimate Fade-in slideshow - 24 views

    cross browser fade in slideshow script that incorporates some of your most requested features all rolled into one.
Herb Ert

Chatroulette Map: wissen wer wo sitzt - 10 views

shared by Herb Ert on 13 Mar 10 - Cached
    Irgendwie werden bei Chatroulette Map die Geodaten der Kameras der Nutzer auf zu Google Maps verknüpft und schon weiß man wo in der Nähe jemand sitzt.
Herb Ert

Nice: Google Reader Play - 12 views

    Google Reader Play, a fun, fast way to browse the most interesting stuff on the web, that shows you more stuff you'll like the next time you use Reader Play.
Herb Ert

5 Powerful Ways to Use Google Reader for SEO - 18 views

    There's a lot of potential here in just about every aspect of web use - personal and professional.
Herb Ert

Open Source Web Design - 17 views

    Open Source Web Design is a site to download free web design templates and share yours with others.
Herb Ert

Control your Facebook: Filter Add-on for Firefox - 3 views

    Facebook Filter lets you control which posts appear on your Facebook News Feed. It can automatically hide "is now friends with", "became a fan of", "joined a group", "was tagged in an album", events, and all applications except those you exclude.
Herb Ert

Socializing your Feedburner feed with Twitter - 2 views

    Automatically publish the feed items that meet your criteria to Twitter, using the Google URL shortener at
Herb Ert

The 100 essential Technology websites in 2009 - 33 views

    On today's web, phrases such as "here today, gone tomorrow" seem to involve ridiculously long timescales.
Herb Ert

Herbert goes - 1 views

shared by Herb Ert on 07 Dec 09 - Cached
    ... another cool (hmmm) Lifestreaming service ...
Herb Ert

My Twitter Analytics with Klout... - 2 views

    You don't take this Twitter stuff too seriously. People towards the lower left corner are probably very new to social media. Most people in this quadrant tend to engage with a small group of friends that they know in real life.
Herb Ert

Iconfinder | Download free icons - 14 views

shared by Herb Ert on 28 Nov 09 - Cached
    Search through 123,072 icons or browse 306 icon sets.
Herb Ert

Cooler YouTube zu MP3 Konverter - 3 views

    Video2mp3 ist ein kostenloser YouTube, MyVideo, Clipfish, Sevenload, Dailymotion, MySpace zu MP3 Konverter und ermöglicht es dir, ein Video in eine MP3-Datei online umzuwandeln und zu downloaden.
Herb Ert

13 Tools for Building Your Own iPhone App - 3 views

    Create your own iPhone applications, none of which require knowledge of Objective C, the programming language used to build apps for the iPhone OS .
Herb Ert

Top 10 Flickr Hacks Tips Tricks - 0 views

    There's a lot you can do with your Flickr account using some Tips from us which includes use of 3rd party applications to get your job done.
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