What is actually needed for emotional bonding - Program your Mind for ultimate Success - 0 views
Santanu Ghosh on 08 Mar 22WHAT YOU WILL GET OUT OF IT Meaning of emotional bonding What is lack of emotional bonding? What is the importance of emotional bond. What is actually needed for emotional bonding. Emotional bonding is the strongest bonding created between two people with strong emotional feelings. When two people have strong feelings on friendship, love or any relationship the bonding between them make emotionally strong. This bonding is far beyond just physical attraction, self-interest, selfishness and empathy. The emotional bond between two persons is formed when they trust each other more than themselves, trust each other with closed eyes, can share everything with each other with an open mind, and give each other equal dignity. Emotional bonding is when one's image is reflected on the other, seeing oneself in the other. What is your understanding of the person in front of you, it is a big factor in any relationship. Emotional bonds are formed with him/her, with whom understanding develops. Stephen Covey says that "First seek to understand, then seek to be understood"