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Janos Haits

Seesmic - Seesmic Desktop - 5 views

    Seesmic is a powerful collection of social management tools that provide businesses and individuals with everything they need to build their brand online. With applications on every platform, Seesmic is the most comprehensive solution on the market.
avivajazz  jazzaviva

Seesmic Desktop: A Threat to TweetDeck? - 0 views

    Twitter users of TweetDeck, check this out. Facebook Connect and Seesmic Desktop is a dream application for the frequent status updater, group lover, and social media meme tracker. Has multiple columns that can be rearranged via drag and drop, customizable groups, Twitpic functions, etc.
    I started using Seesmic Desktop a few days ago and have found it to be much better than TweetDeck. One of the key features for me is that it allows you to manage multiple Twitter accounts.
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