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David Wetzel

Project Based Learning Viewed Through a Digital Lens - 0 views

    Often we search for meaningful ways to integrate digital technology in project based learning activities given to our students. We also would like our students to develop a thorough understanding of the concepts underlying the work - after all this is the purpose of the project. Giving students the opportunity to complete and present their project through a digital lens has one great advantage - student engagement. This in turn causes students to develop a more in depth understanding of concepts.
Janos Haits

Opera Neon - The future of web browsers? | Opera - 4 views

  • Opera Neon concept browser for Windows What if this were the future of web browsing? Get a glimpse into what Opera for computers could become. Each Opera Neon feature is an alternate reality for the Opera browser.
    'Opera Neon concept browser for Windows- What if this were the future of web browsing? Get a glimpse into what Opera for computers could become. Each Opera Neon feature is an alternate reality for the Opera browser.'

Technical SEO Guide: Crawl, Index, Rank your website quickly - 0 views

    In this article, we cover a few core concepts that influence technical SEO. Technical SEO will help to index, rank your website fast on Google SERP
    In this article, we cover a few core concepts that influence technical SEO. Technical SEO will help to index, rank your website fast on Google SERP

Analogenie - Generate analogies, explain concepts, improve arguments, help readers unde... - 0 views

    Analogenie: Generate analogies, explain concepts, improve arguments, help readers understand (
Janos Haits

Weotta - 8 views

    Weotta is the easy and fun way to find things you want to do. Weotta is a new concept in local discovery. Through our data intelligence and revolutionary interface, we designed Weotta to be simple, fast, and fun, allowing you to quickly figure out what's going on, what's available, and what's right for you.
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Margaret Moore-Taylor

Meograph: Four-dimensional storytelling - 13 views

    Meograph is a free, easy multimedia storytelling tool. Students can quickly combine videos, audio, pictures, text, maps, timelines, and links to create what the developers call "four-dimensional storytelling." No registration is required and an education version is available.  You have to play around with it to get the concept before introducing it to students.
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Janos Haits

Wall Street Survivor - 8 views

    Educating yourself. Wall Street Survivor is the best place to learn about fundamental investing concepts from how to build a portfolio to value investing. Test your knowledge on our real-time stock market simulator. Get fake cash to invest in real companies in real stock market conditions. Eveyrthing is real (except the cash!). Best of all, it's free. Join now.
Muslim Academy

Iran getting national internet network - 0 views

    After the series of attacks on Islamists, internet has been made a platform to attack and bounce back. Lately, in Iran, there have been going on the modifications with the internet attacks which are the sole way of influencing the people and attack their religion. In Iran, they are setting up the modifications in a way that whatever the information will be, it will be filtered by the national online network in Iran. Although the concept is not new, they talks are going on over the decade about the settlement of the flow of information which has been influencing the people in Iran, moreover, there are doubts that country has been under many cyber-attacks due to the Nuclear program. As if some forces are trying hard to steal their information. Iran is working on gathering infrastructure and security. Regarding the security measures, Iran communication and other government officials proclaimed key government agencies and military outfits offline and onto the new network by the end of September. But as per the U.S. beliefs, it's nothing more than publicity by Iranians.
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Scott Kinkoph

Text 2 Mind Map - Simple mind mapping online - 13 views

    Simple way of creating mindmaps at the same time the concept of outlining is either taught or reviewed
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David Wetzel

12 Free Mobile Math Apps for the iPod Touch - 0 views

    As a mobile learning device, the iPod Touch encourages learning anytime, anywhere! Applications available for this digital device support and encourage students to develop a greater understanding of math concepts through the lens of personalized learning.
awqi zar

Automated Filtering vs Human-Powered Curation » Browse My Stuff - 4 views

    With solutions like and Browse My Stuff grabbing attention, and with people like Robin Good doing a series on Real-Time News Curation, and Ross Dawson tells us has curation has hit the tipping point, it seems like the concepts of curation, aggregation, filtering are suddenly a central conversation.  Of course, this has long been a conversation as Robin, Ross or I could tell you.  However, what has really changed here is first the explosion of content sources.  As Robin put it: "You cannot follow and keep yourself updated in an effective way by simply subscribing to as many sources as possible." I would also say that what has really changed is the sophistication of automated filtering to deal with extracting value from the noise.  I had an interesting exchange with Robin around the question of what constitutes filtering and how that differs from curation.  I'll get to that in a bit.  Let' me first provide some background on filtering.
Ako Z°om

Le Web2.0 illustré en une seule image - 0 views

  • Si tu essayes de définir le web2 tu vas t’arracher les cheveux… Le principe du schéma est très très bon, car il permet d’exprimer l’inexprimable ! Pour ma part, je pense que le web2 ne se définit pas, tout simplement car on ne définit pas une époque ! Le web2 c’est une époque, une période qui correspond à une mutation des usages grâce à des évolutions techniques. On peut lister les usages, lister les évolutions techniques, essayer de comprendre pourquoi il y a eu une évolution, mais définir un terme à la base “marketing” je ne vois pas l’intérêt. On peut le schématiser, on peut donner des exemples, imaginer ce que sera la suite, mais le définir… impossible, voir absurde ! Ex : wikipedia c’est totalement web2 non ? Pourtant ca existait bien au moment du web1 non ? Alors le web1 était aussi web2 ou c’est l’inverse ? Bref, du débat à perte de vue en perspective… peu constructif… et qui aura comme conséquence l’effet inverser recherché : semer le trouble. Ton schéma est très très bon. Il ne présente pas tous les concepts (et c’est pour ça qu’il est bon). Autant multiplier les schémas autant de fois qu’il y a un concept fondateur du web2. Un exemple de schéma qui serait intéressant, serait de mettre en regard les évolutions technologiques avec les mutations des usages sur une ligne temporelle. Ex : généralisation du haut débit (technique) ->augmentation du tps passé par les internautes sur le net + augmentation de la consommation de médias lourds (photos, vidéos)->Youtube. etc !
    for a def of web 2 ... in french !
    une definition des possibilités du web2 ... voir l'illustration
Helen Baxter

IdeaScale - 0 views

    IdeaScale enables companies to build living/breathing Digg style communities. IdeaScale is based on the simple model of crowdsourcing. It begins with an idea posted to your IdeaScale community by a user. Each idea can be expanded through comments by the community. The ultimate measure of an idea is determined by a voting system. Any idea can be voted to the top or buried back down to the bottom. It combines the "wisdom of the crowds" concept with Web 2.0 models like Digg.
Thieme Hennis

Zilok huur en verhuur alles online ! - 0 views

    P2P lending & renting. cool concept.
awqi zar

Windows Phone 7 Series hands-on and impressions (updated with video) -- Engadget - 3 views

    Forget everything you know about Windows Mobile. Seriously, throw the whole OS concept in a garbage bin or incinerator or something. Microsoft has done what would have been unthinkable for the company just a few years ago: started from scratch. At least, that's how things look (and feel) with Windows Phone 7 Series. This really is a completely new OS -- and not just Microsoft's new OS, it's a new smartphone OS, like webOS new, like iPhone OS new. You haven't used an interface like this before (well, okay, if you've used a Zune HD then you've kind of used an interface like this). Still, 7 Series goes wider and deeper than the Zune by a longshot, and it's got some pretty intense ideas about how you're supposed to be interacting with a mobile device. We had a chance to go hands-on with the dev phone before today's announcement, and hear from some of the people behind the devices, and here's our takeaway. (And don't worry, we've got loads of pictures and video coming, so keep checking this post for the freshest updates).
David Wetzel

Using the Web 2.0 WallWisher Tool in Science Classes - 0 views

    What is Wallwisher and why use it? Its a Web 2.0 application which allows students to express their thoughts or share information on a science concept.
David Wetzel

How to Make Science or Math Flash Cards for an iPod like a Pro - 0 views

    "Ever wondered how to make science or math flash cards for students to use with their mobile devices? This typically comes about because finding science and math flash cards specific to a particular concept, topic area, or unit is difficult. Often when appropriate flash cards are found, they are too expensive or need modification. Technological advances have uncomplicated the process of making tailor made free flash cards for students."
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