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Janos Haits

PROTOCOL.BY | MIT Media Lab - 10 views

    Protocol helps you, and those you communicate with, understand and share personal preferences - permission protocol - to communicate effectively..
John Onwuegbu

Open Protocols Displace Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync - 5 views

    While, the company have recommended that users should avails themselves of the new seamless experience by using the open protocols.
    if you want best news like this. Or follow. Your article in here

A Comprehensive Guide to VPN Protocols and Which One is Right for You - 0 views

    Layout your requirements and concerns; the risk model is also included there. Once you have a clear idea, ask the VPN service provider to launch the suitable protocol. Another thing you need to be concerned about is the budget. Is it convenient and aligning the offered services and accessibilities for a definite duration?
Graham Perrin

Google Oz coders crossbreed email with IM * The Register - 0 views

  • Google has unveiled a new-age communication and collaboration tool
  • Google Wave
  • online application
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • demonstration of what is possible in the browser
  • HTML 5 standard
  • email with IM and document-sharing
  • threaded conversations between multiple users
  • threads - or "waves," as Google insists on calling them
  • APIs for adding "waves" to other web services
  • Wave protocol for communication
  • open-source "the lion's share" of Wave's code
  • open protocol
    Google Wave in The Register.
Janos Haits

Hola Better Internet - 8 views

  • is building an overlay network which will change the way the Internet works - for the first time in 40 years. Our ultimate goal is to make the Internet 10x faster! Hola accelerates HTTP using a combination of patented technologies - caching, multiple sources, compression, P2P protocols and other technologies. Hola also creates a special local cache with the Hola client (your Android phone or Windows PC) so when you reload content (like a YouTube movie) it doesn't come from the web again, but from the local Hola cache.
    if you want best news like this. Or follow. Your article in here
Janos Haits

Torrent Stream - 15 views

    TS Media Center is your personal media platform for managing video/audio content in the Internet, through the most popular and efficient BitTorrent protocol.
Graham Perrin

Google Wave - 0 views

  • Google Wave is a new communication service
  • formatted text, photos, videos, maps, and more
  • free-form workspace
  • ...12 more annotations...
  • write documents collaboratively
  • plan events
  • discuss
  • create a wave and add people
  • formatted text, photos, gadgets, and even feeds from other sources on the web
  • reply
  • or edit the wave
  • concurrent rich-text editing
  • "playback" to rewind the wave to see how it evolved
  • API that could be used to extend the service
  • Wave protocol that allows anyone to run a "wave" server
  • available later this year
    Google Wave on the unofficial Google Operating System blog.
Maluvia Haseltine

IANA - Internet Assigned Numbers Authority - 0 views

shared by Maluvia Haseltine on 28 Jun 09 - Cached
    The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) is responsible for the global coordination of the DNS Root, IP addressing, and other Internet protocol resources.
Allard Strijker

Microservices - Wikipedia - 2 views

    Microservices are a software development technique-a variant of the service-oriented architecture (SOA) architectural style that structures an application as a collection of loosely coupled services. In a microservices architecture, services are fine-grained and the protocols are lightweight.
Janos Haits

Nylas - The next-generation email platform. - 11 views

    Nylas provides a modern developer platform for email, contacts, and calendar. Stop fighting old protocols, and start building great products.
Janos Haits

Bitcoin - Open source P2P digital currency - 2 views

    if you want best news like this. Or follow. Your article in here
Tad Vas

The Hunt for the Ultimate Curation Tool: Cliqset is Getting Closer - 1 views

  • The Hunt for the Ultimate Curation Tool: Cliqset is Getting Closer
  • If a thousand social networks bloom, with cross-network communication and real-time replies, how will you manage to find and share the best things that your friends put into your stream? Innovative social network aggregator Cliqset launched a new version this morning that offers a very interesting answer to that question. Cliqset is a service that lets you publish and subscribe to 80 different social networks, from Twitter to YouTube to Delicious to Foursquare.
  • The service's integration of the Google-led Salmon messaging protocol lets Cliqset users message across social networks, something Cliqset hopes will be adopted by many social networks and breathe new life into the long tail. If you can message people on from inside Twitter, there's all the more reason to take a long look at's interface, for example.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Speaking of Tweetdeck, Cliqset says it is doing API work of its own that should enable Tweetdeck to serve up streams from 80 different social networks very soon. That sounds very cool, and like something that deserves its own coverage. Cliqset is the most sophisticated, forward looking tool for stream reading on the internet today. It's also awkward, unstable, confusing and full of more potential than actualized usefulness. But that balance changes a little more with every iteration. You should check out Cliqset - sooner or later it could win you over.
Helen Baxter - 0 views

  • Packet Garden captures information about how you use the internet and uses this stored information to grow a private world you can later explore. To do this, Packet Garden takes note of all the servers you visit, their geographical location and the kinds of data you access. Uploads make hills and downloads valleys, their location determined by numbers taken from internet address itself. The size of each hill or valley is based on how much data is sent or received. Plants are also grown for each protocol detected by the software; if you visit a website, an 'HTTP plant' is grown. If you share some files via eMule, a 'Peer to Peer plant' is grown, and so on.
Graham Perrin

Opinion: Google's wave drowns the bling in Microsoft's Bing - Software - iTnews Australia - 0 views

  • The browser battle renewed today
  • Microsoft's hand may have been moved by the launch of Wolfram|Alpha
  • much promise in connecting people to knowledge
  • ...16 more annotations...
  • the first round clearly goes to Wave
  • collaborative technology that blurs the lines between email, wiki, SMS and Twitter
  • Wave integrates many of the features of disparate systems in common use
  • application programming interfaces would make it easier for third-parties to customise web applications
  • Microsoft's Bing, launched under the NineMSN banner in Australia
  • Go offline and the wave data stayed with you
  • ultimately it would mean a user could save all their work in the browser and dump it on the intertubes when they go back online
  • waves worked best on standards-compliant, Webkit browsers
  • emails (which could be translated between languages in real time) to a wave user
  • wave that was turned back into an e-mail
  • The same held true for instant messages and tweets
  • getting people to change their rusted-on habits
  • a shift from discrete applications to just one to handle all communications
    • Graham Perrin
      This is almost certainly too much for me to swallow.
    • Graham Perrin
      I like discrete applications.
  • Safari
  • Mozilla
  • Chrome
Kheeran D

Google Wave - 0 views

  • communication and collaboration on the web
    • sheryl barnes
      Pretty cool, huh?
    • Kheeran D
      Wave looks awsome. I hope it all comes together the way that they expect.
    Preview, at the time of bookmarking.
    Preview, at the time of bookmarking.
    Preview, at the time of bookmarking.
Graham Perrin

Google Wave has developers buzzing | Webware - CNET - 0 views

  • Developer support is crucial to the success of Google Wave
  • the genius behind Google Wave is
  • in the way Google has assembled a set of existing technologies into an attractive platform for developers
New Media Services

B2B Services - 3 views

Connect with New Media Services Pty Ltd. for quality assurance when it comes to Customer Support Service - Customer Support Services 24/7 Inbound and Outbound Email and Voice Support focused on t...

web2.0 tools webapps web software twitter Internet collaboration social Google

started by New Media Services on 18 Jul 11 no follow-up yet

Buy the Best IPTV Service in the UK: A Comprehensive Guide - 1 views

In recent years, the way we consume television has transformed dramatically. Traditional cable and satellite services are being replaced by more flexible and affordable options, with IPTV (Internet...

buy the best IPTV service in uk

started by sayedhok on 24 Jan 25 no follow-up yet
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