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Conference -Book A Conference with Travel Zmart - 0 views



started by khurshid-ahmad on 12 Mar 23 no follow-up yet

Dora TV APK [Latest V5.7] - Free Download For Android - Nites T - 0 views

Dora TV APK is the best streaming app for live sports, there is almost no one alive today who hasn’t heard about the internet. In today’s world, the Internet is practically commonly kno...

Dora TV App APK Doratv

started by khurshid-ahmad on 20 Dec 21 no follow-up yet

Dora TV APK 5.6 [Latest Version] - Free Download (Official) - 0 views

Dora TV APK is the best streaming app for live sports, there is almost no one alive today who hasn’t heard about the internet. In today’s world, the Internet is practically commonly kno...

Dora TV App APK DoraTV

started by khurshid-ahmad on 21 Dec 21 no follow-up yet
Nigel Coutts

Learning And Teaching for Understanding - A day of learning with PZ Sydney Network - Th... - 0 views

    Today I had the pleasure of joining over three-hundred educators for a day of learning and sharing. That this was a Sunday and that the event was organised as a free event for educators by educators speaks volumes of the quality and care that educators bring to their role. 
makiyo nagamura

Geo Circle color Lenses Event - 1 views

Geo Circle color Lenses Event Check it out now

education tools Geo Circle color Lenses Event

started by makiyo nagamura on 04 Oct 10 no follow-up yet
Kelly Bounce

Capture Special Events with Ignite AV Equipment - 2 views

I love to capture events, especially the said events are oh, so, very special. With this, I really need high quality video recording equipment to capture the moment. At Ignite AV, that is not only ...

projector hire

started by Kelly Bounce on 06 Jul 11 no follow-up yet
omega software

Ideal school events and extra curricular activities in kalyan east - 0 views

    ideal school encourages not only study. we will conduct events and extra curricular activities in kalyan east.
enrique garcia

Enrique García de Gabiola - 0 views

    • enrique garcia
      Incluye comentarios sobre Huarte de San Juan y la Edición de Leyden de 1652.
  • El Examen de Ingenios fue incluido en el Indice de libros prohibidos por la Inquisición. En 1581 en el "Catálogo dos libros que se prohiben nestes Regnos e Senhorios de Portugal". En 1583 fue prohibido en España en el "Índice".
  • Releyendo el "Examen de Ingenios para las Sciencias. Donde fe mueftra la diferencia de habilidades, que ay enlos hombres; y el genero de letras, que a cada uno refponde en particular. Compuesto por el Doctor Iuan Huarte, natural de Sant Juan del Pie del Puerto. Tercera Edicion de muchos querida. Leyde, En la Oficina de Iuan Maire, M.DC.LII."
  • ...18 more annotations...
  • Gotthold Ephraim Lessing tradujo esta obra al alemán con el título "Johann Huarts Prüfung der Köpfe zu den Wissenschaften" en 1752. Fue su tesis doctoral por la Universidad de Wittenberg. Esta traducción la hizo sobre la edición de Amsterdam.
  • El motivo principal de la censura era la defensa que Huarte hacía de las relaciones entre el cerebro y las facultades mentales.
  • 0e"El entendimiento del hombre depende del órgano". "Entonces se cierra la puerta a la demostración de la inmortalidad del alma". Esto fue motivo de censura por la Inquisición.
  • También fueron suprimidos otros argumentos que si tengo tiempo detallaré, en relación, por ejemplo, con la "atribución a los animales de cierto género de inteligencia".
  • Trabas que al libre albedrío imponen los temperamentos tb fueron censuradas.4 de enero a la(s) 8:31 · Me gusta
  • O la concesión por parte de Dios de determinadas gracias en función de las cualidades naturales de las personas.
  • Y otras heterodoxias como por ejemplo en relación con las potencias del alma que venían establecidas desde Aristóteles: memoria, entendimiento y voluntad
  • Huarte rehizo el libro de 1575 según el Expurgatorio de 1584. Salieron así las ediciones de Valladolid (1594), Medina del Campo (1603), Barcelona (1607), Alcalá (1640), Madrid (1668) y Granada (1768). Esta era la edición princeps reformada que según su hijo hizo su padre antes de morir
  • Sin embargo, el texto original no censurado por la Inquisición (1575: Bilbao, 1580), siguió imprimiéndose en Holanda en castellano: Leyden (1591), Amberes (1593), Amberes (1603) y Leyden (1652), que es la que yo tengo.
  • traducido al francés en 1580
  • traducido al italiano en 1582 con el título "Essame degl'ingegni degli huomini per apprender le scienze", en Venecia. Se reeditó en Venecia (1586), Cremona (1588), Venecia (1590), Venecia (1600), Venecia (1603), Venecia (1604)...
  • con el título "Anacrise, ou parfait jugement et examen des esprits propes et naiz aux sciences". Se reeditó en París (1588), Lyon (1597), Rouen (1598), Rouen (1602), Rouen (1607), Lyon (1608), Lyon (1609), Rouen (1613), Paris (1614), Paris (1619), Paris (1631) y Paris (1633). Después hubo otras ediciones: 1645, 1655, 1661, 1668, 1668, 1672, 1675...
  • traducido al inglés en 1594 con el título "Examen de Ingenios. The Examinations of Mens Wits", en Londres. Se reeditó en Londres (1596), Londres (1604), Londres (1616), y nuevamente como "Examen de Ingenios, or The Tryal of Wits" en Londres (1698)...
  • traducido al holandés en 1659 con el título "Onderzoek der byzondere Vernuftens Eygentlijkke Abelheen" en Amsterdam en 1659.
  • Gotthold Ephraim Lessing tradujo esta obra al alemán con el título "Johann Huarts Prüfung der Köpfe zu den Wissenschaften" en 1752. Fue su tesis doctoral por la Universidad de Wittenberg. Esta traducción la hizo sobre la edición de Amsterdam.
  • Three generations of distance education pedagogy | Anderson | The International Review of Research i
  • Falta incluir / se puede complementar con actividades de aprendizaje del paradigma sociohistórico (Vygotski) o pragmático (Dewey) y sus sucesores.
  • Una de las ventajas del uso de las TIC (crucial para los alumnos de compensatoria) es que se puede aprender aunque no tengan libros, cuadernos ni bolígrafos ni dónde guardarlos. Sólo hace falta que los centros tengan ordenadores y redes, y los profesores acceso a los mismos.
enrique garcia

Rethinking Information Diversity in Networks - 0 views

    • enrique garcia
      See also Janis (1972) "Group Thought". Probably assessing close contacts vs distant ones could be a nice clue for assessing FB profiles' "Innovative Information Ratings" .
  • See also Janis (1972) "Group Thought". Probably assessing close contacts vs distant ones could be a nice clue for assessing FB profiles' "Innovative Information Ratings" . I Keep reading...
  • Social Networks as Information Pathways
  • ...47 more annotations...
  • Economic sociologist Mark Granovetter
  • The Strength of Weak Ties
  • 1973 paper
  • people are more likely to acquire jobs that they learned about through individuals they interact with infrequently rather than their close personal
  • We are connected to core groups of strong ties that we interact with frequently and weak ties that we interact with infrequently
    • enrique garcia
      See Moreno (1951), Lewin (1947), etc.
    • enrique garcia
      Moreno (1951:1931)
  • the "strength of weak ties" states that weak ties facilitate information flow from disparate clusters of people
    • enrique garcia
      Innovation related to distant people (weak connections)
  • tight-knit social circles tend to be small relative to people's entire social network, and when it comes to information about future job opportunities, it can be hard to find new leads.
  • Weak ties help spread novel information by bridging the gap between clusters of strong tie contacts
  • homophily [3], the tendency of individuals with similar characteristics to associate with one another.
    • enrique garcia
      Inbreeding (Endogamia)
  • Individuals are connected to each other through workplaces, professions, schools, clubs, hobbies, political beliefs and other affiliations.  The homophily principle holds true for any kind of social network you can think of:
  • even the people you ride the bus with.
  • these commonalities not only shape how often people interact and what they talk about, but also what kinds of information they as individuals seek on the Web.
  • Homophily suggests that people who interact frequently are similar and may consume more of the same information. 
  • Individuals that interact less often tend to be dissimilar and may consume more diverse information. 
  • We found that people are more likely to share the information they were exposed to by their strong ties than by their weak ties on Facebook (Figure 3).   
  • strength between two individuals is measured by the number of comments a person received from their friend on Facebook
  • Other measurements of tie strength, like the number of messages, co-appearances in photos, and discussion on posts are discussed in our paper [5].
  • There are many possible explanations for the increased flow of information across strong ties
  • information shared by a person's weak ties is unlikely to be shared at a later point in time independently of those friends.
  • seeing content from a weak tie leads to a nearly tenfold increase in the likelihood that a person will share a link
  • In contrast, seeing information shared by a strong tie in News Feed makes people just six times as likely to share.
  • weak ties have the greatest potential to expose their friends to information that they would not have otherwise discovered.
  • though a person is more likely to share a single piece of information from one of their close contacts,
  • weak ties are collectively responsible for the majority of information spread. 
  • example (illustrated in Figure 5). Let's say a person has 100 contacts that are weak tie friends, and 10 that are strong tie friends.  Suppose the chance that you'll share something is very high for strong tie friends, say 50%
  • but the weak tie
  • sharing is only 15%
  • Therefore the amount of information spread due to weak and strong ties would be 100*0.15 = 15, and 10*0.50 = 5 respectively
  • so in total, people would end up sharing more from their weak tie friends.
  • because of their abundance, weak ties are primarily responsible for the majority of information spread on Facebook.
  • majority of people’s contacts are weak tie friends
  • We are exposed to and spread more information from our distant contacts than our close friends.
  • Since these distant contacts tend to be different from us, the bulk of information we consume and share comes from people with different perspectives
  • Our work
  • shows that online social networks can serve as an important medium for sharing new perspectives, products and world events.
  • very often, information does not "cascade" very far along the network.  This phenomenon has been observed in earlier research on Twitter in Everyone's an Influencer: Quantifying Influence on Twitter
  • and has been studied across other networks
  • by Sharad Goel and Duncan Watts at Yahoo! Research, NY.
  • person who click 'like' is in the weak ties group, and then who write a reply is in the strong ties group ?
  • share opinion , please
    • enrique garcia
      Not necesarily but it's a good idea to assess FB behaviour.
    • enrique garcia
      Answer to Pudjo Radharjo
  • See also Janis (1972) "Group Thought". Probably assessing close contacts vs distant ones could be a nice clue for assessing FB profiles' "Innovative Information Ratings" . I Keep reading...
  • How do your friends shape the information you see online? See also Janis (1972) "Group Thought". Probably assessing close contacts vs distant ones could offer a nice clue for assessing FB profiles' "Innovative Information Ratings" . More comments inside, see also Diigo.
  • See also Janis (1972) "Group Thinking". Probably assessing close contacts vs distant ones could offer a nice clue for assessing FB profiles' "Innovative Information Ratings" . More comments inside, see also Diigo.

Wedding Vendors: Wedding rehearsal dinners and bridal showers ideas in ga - 0 views

    The wedding rehearsal dinners in ga or bridal shower is less formal. Get great ideas for planning these events from your source for everything wedding, iwedplanner
Tumble Dore

DropEvent - Collaborative Photo Galleries - 0 views

    Drop Event is a free service for creating public and private group photo albums. To create a group photo album you do need to register for the service, but contributors to your photo album don't need to register. When you create your photo album it is assigned an email address that contributors can send photos to through email. To invite people to contribute to your album, just give them the email address assigned to your album.
Kara Pols

See Some Great Cricket At Lords In London - 0 views

    Sports events abound in a city the size of London and during the summer every visiting American should be forced to go to Lords or The Oval and watch a game of cricket!


    Greenland is a long land and individual just Danish township a whole of the North Atlantic and Arctic seas. Many of its land earth is defended in ice. Greatest of its petty people live beside the ice-free, defended the coast, especially within the southwest. Its northern point, in high detail beyond the Arctic Circle, issues in herbal events which constitute summer season's nighttime sun and cold climate's Northern Lights.
Nigel Coutts

Reflections from The Future of Education Conference - The Learner's Way - 0 views

    The Future of Education is a topic often discussed, and at the recent gathering of educators in Florence, it was the title and theme for the conference. Now in its ninth year, The Future of Education is an international conference that attracts educators from around the world and across all domains touched by education. The conference is an inspiring two days of discussion and sharing, with the city of Florence, the centre of the Renaissance, providing a constant reminder of what might be possible when creativity and critical thinking combine. Here are my key takeaways from this event.
Nigel Coutts

AAMT Why Maths? - Inspiration beyond the classroom - The Learner's Way - 0 views

    This week I spent three days in Brisbane attending the Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers' national conference. The theme of the conference was "Why Maths?" and along with 500 other mathematicians, we looked to find inspiring answers to this provocative question beyond the classroom. Here are my key takeaways from this event. 
Nigel Coutts

From Good to Great: Writing well by Thinking like Authors - The Learner's Way - 0 views

    A common challenge for students and teachers is how to develop a great idea for a piece of writing. Too often students struggle with the process of finding inspiration for their writing. They have a vague idea for the story they hope to tell, but all too quickly it transforms into a list of events with little or no detail. The goal here is to provide our students with a process to use during the planning process. The hope is that by identifying the type of thinking required during the early phases of ideation and to focus their attention on details, that the stories our students subsequently compose will be more enjoyable to read. Hopefully, this process helps.

Buy Now Woocommerce - WordPress plugin | - 0 views

    Buy Now Woocommerce is a plugin to allow the reduction of the steps inside the Woocommerce checkout process. You are able to simplify the checkout process by skipping the shopping cart page. The "Add to cart" button is added to each product to redirect customers to the checkout page. This can encourage buyers to shop more and quickly. You will increase your sales reducing cart abandonment. HIGHLIGHTS Add Button on Checkout to go direct to the checkout page Auto add to cart and checkout Skip add to cart. Avoid reload checkout page. Simplify Woocommerce. FORMERLY BUY NOW WOOCOMMERCE This plugin was formerly known as \"Buy Now Woocommerce\". WordPress forced us on August 8, 2019, to change the name of the plugin due to the use of the \"WooCommerce\" word at the beginning of the name. We apologize for the problems that the downtime may have caused to you. SPEED CHECKOUT PROCESS Buy Now woocommerce aims to simplify the checkout process, leading to an immediate increase in sales. This plugin for WooCommerce allows you to redirect users to the checkout instead of the cart page, change the text and link of the added to cart alert and include the ajax add to cart button in the products pages. QUICK PURCHASE BUTTON The premium version of Buy Now woocommerce allows to include a quick purchase button in the single products page that redirects your users directly to the checkout page, avoiding the need to force them to add the products to the cart. IMPROVEMENTS Use less bandwidth Reduce server load Speed user experience Increase your sales! WOOCOMMERCE REQUIRED WooCommerce is the world's most popular open-source eCommerce solution. Our core platform is free, flexible, and amplified by a global community. The freedom of open-source means you retain full ownership of your store's content and data forever. Whether you're launching a business, taking brick-and-mortar retail online, or developing sites for clients, use WooCommerce for a store that powerfully b
Nigel Coutts

PZ Sydney Network becomes PZ Australia - The Learner's Way - 0 views

    The PZ Sydney Network has achieved many of its goals in the past five years. Most importantly the network has been able to provide high-quality professional development to many educators through free events large and small and both face-to-face and online. The PZ Sydney Network has been able to expand its reach and in recognition of this is transforming to become the PZ Australia Network.
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