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July 2 - "Teaching and Learning Weekly" is out | Studying Teaching and Learning | - 0 views

    An online newspaper that collects together the week's news relating to teaching and learning - particularly for those interested in finding resources and inspirational stories about education.  Read and subscribe free at:
Nigel Coutts

Getting started with teaching for deep learning. - The Learner's Way - 0 views

    There is an understandable interest in deep-learning, after all, who wants their students to have a superficial understanding of the content. Read the marketing of almost any school and you are likely to find some statement about the deep-learning that is achieved as a result of their excellent teaching and learning platform. Likewise, ask any teach about their philosophy of teaching and you will hear how they engage their students with learning that promotes a deep-understanding.

Sept 24 - Teaching and Learning Weekly | Education Futures | - 0 views

    An online newspaper that collects together the week's news relating to teaching and learning - particularly for those interested in finding resources and inspirational stories about education.

June 9 - "Teaching and Learning Weekly" is out | Education Futures | - 0 views

    An online newspaper that collects together the week's news relating to teaching and learning - particularly for those interested in finding resources and inspirational stories about education. Read and subscribe free online at:

Sept 3 - Teaching and Learning Weekly is out | Education Futures | - 0 views

    An online newspaper that collects together the week's news relating to teaching and learning - particularly for those interested in finding resources and inspirational stories about education. Read and subscribe free at:

July 16 - Teaching and Learning Weekly is out | Education Futures | - 0 views

    An online newspaper that collects together the week's news relating to teaching and learning - particularly for those interested in finding resources and inspirational stories about education.   Read and subscribe free of charge at:

Aug 6 - Teaching and Learning Weekly | Healthcare Professionals | - 0 views

    An online newspaper that collects together the week's news relating to teaching and learning - particularly for those interested in finding resources and inspirational stories about education. Read and subscribe at:

Aug 13 - Teaching and Learning Weekly | Education Futures | - 0 views

    An online newspaper that collects together the week's news relating to teaching and learning - particularly for those interested in finding resources and inspirational stories about education. Read and subscribe free at:

Sept 17 - Teaching and Learning Weekly | Education Futures | - 0 views

    An online newspaper that collects together the week's news relating to teaching and learning - particularly for those interested in finding resources and inspirational stories about education. Read and subscribe free at:
Nigel Coutts

Taking time to design programmes for understanding - The Learner's Way - 0 views

    Identifying what our children need to learn is one of the most important processes within education. For the teacher this is the question they engage with as they design their teaching and learning units. By no means is this an easy task and the teacher must balance multiple factors to ensure that the programmes they design provide their students with the learning they require. Even the most effective sequence of lessons is of little value if what it sets out to teach has little importance in the lives our learners are likely to lead. 
Nigel Coutts

Change and why we all see it differently - The Learner's Way - 0 views

     If the young people of today are to thrive beyond the walls of the classroom they will need to be able to cope with a world characterised by volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity. The children of todays Kindergarten will enter the workplace in the fourth-decade of the 21st Century. We debate the merits of teaching 21st Century Skills and what they might be while teaching children who have lived their entire lives in that very century. The challenge is how will schools and individual teachers respond to this drive for urgent change.
Nigel Coutts

Teaching and Learning as Dialogue with the World - The Learner's Way - 0 views

    Learning should always be an active process and a two-way partnership between teaching and learning. In essence, learning and its counterpart exist as a vibrant dialogue between individuals whose role in the relationship is continually transformative. I'd like to explore this thinking further.
Samantha Coleman

Apply Teaching Jobs Abroad Online - 0 views

Thanks to Schools And Teachers, I was able to find a suitable teaching job abroad. The online job board offered me the opportunity to access various international teaching jobs and careers that are...

started by Samantha Coleman on 24 Sep 12 no follow-up yet

5 Ways You Can Benefit From Teaching Channel's Website - 0 views

    This is a great resource where videos can be watched for all academic subjects. The videos show the teachers actually teaching. You also have the ability to ask and answer questions as well as save videos to your planner.
Nigel Coutts

The Joy of Teaching - 0 views

    For teachers in Australia the year is drawing rapidly to a close. It is a time for packing away classrooms, taking down displays of student learning and saying farewell to students as they move on to new classes. At the ending of one year it is worth taking a moment to ponder what is so remarkable about teaching as a profession.
Nigel Coutts

Ten reasons to teach thinking - 0 views

    The teaching of thinking is a critical endeavour for teachers and one that brings enhanced learning opportunities for students. Unfortunately thinking is not something that we naturally do well and as a consequence it is a skill we need to learn.
Nigel Coutts

Reimagining Education for Uncertain Times with David Perkins - The Learner's Way - 0 views

    These two powerful questions framed a recent webinar presented by Professor David Perkins of Harvard Graduate School of Education's Project Zero. Answering these questions and helping teachers find meaningful and contextually relevant answers to these questions has been a focus of Perkins' work, especially in recent times. His book "Future Wise: Educating Our Children for a Changing World" introduced us to the notion of lifeworthy learning or that which is "likely to matter in the lives our learners are likely to live". This is a powerful notion and one that has the potential to change not only what we teach but also how we go about teaching what we do.

Best Place to Learn about Archery | Archer Creed - 0 views


How to shoot a compound bow Best broadhead for elk

started by khurshid-ahmad on 16 Aug 22 no follow-up yet
Samantha Coleman

Perfect Site to Look for Perfect Job - 1 views

started by Samantha Coleman on 21 Jan 13 no follow-up yet
Sara Wilkie

Tips on Inspiring Student Curiosity - Teaching Now - Education Week Teacher - 0 views

    "teacher-ready tips for stimulating curiosity in others. First, she suggests starting with the question, rather than the answer-which teachers will recognize as the foundation of inquiry-based or discovery learning (see: math teacher Dan Meyer's take on how to make math "irresistible" to students). She then suggests offering some initial knowledge on the subject. "We're not curious about something we know absolutely nothing about," she writes. Again, teachers may know this as "activating prior knowledge" or "setting the stage" before a lesson. Finally, she says it helps to require communication, or "open an information gap and then require learners to communicate with each other in order to fill it." The think-pair-share technique and vocabulary activities that require students to teach each other their words both exemplify this. What would you add to the list? How does stimulating curiosity gel with other motivation tactics-or should teachers think of curiosity and motivation as one and the same?"
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