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Buy registered driving license online - 0 views

Buy registered driving license online, Buy visa online, Buy real registered passport, genuine ID cards, buy original and marriage certificates, buy registered TESL, TESOL,TEFL https://matinezlope...

started by kimkella589 on 11 Oct 23 no follow-up yet

Buy driver's license online - 0 views

Buy Real Passports, Driver's License, ID Cards and Resident permits Online Buy real passports online, buy real GERMANY passports, - buy real SINGAPORE passports,-...

started by kimkella589 on 16 Jan 24 no follow-up yet

buy Swedish passport online - 0 views

Buy Real Passports, Driver's License, ID Cards and Resident permits Online Buy real passports online, buy real GERMANY passports, - buy real SINGAPORE passports,-...

started by kimkella589 on 16 Jan 24 no follow-up yet

Buy Australian Driver's License online - 0 views

Buy Real Passports, Driver's License, ID Cards and Resident permits Online Buy real passports online, buy real GERMANY passports, - buy real SINGAPORE passports,- buy real DENMARK passports,- buy ...

started by kimkella589 on 11 Oct 23 no follow-up yet
isabel mateos

Teorías Sociológicas de la Educación - - 0 views

  • cómo se legitima una jerarquización social que responda a una divi
  • sión del trabajo
  • avance tecnológico
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • Durkheim y
  • Si el trabajo está más dividido, provocará en los niños, sobre un primer fondo de ideas y sentimientos comunes, una más rica diversidad de aptitudes profesionales..."
  • Teorías de la Resistencia, que sin negar la no neutralidad de de la institución escolar, critican el carácter unidireccional de las teorías de la reproducción sobre como es inculcada l
  • a pasividad en la recepción de los mensajes por
  • arte de los grupos dominado
  • da importancia a la lucha y oposición de los sectores populares, que genera la posibilidad del cambio educativo.
  • Giroux
enrique garcia

Aula N.0 - 0 views

  • Aula N.0 La educación y la formación en constante evolución
  • TAAC PLN para docentes: webinar con @dreig
  • Ayer tuvo lugar un webinar dentro del TAAC PLN para docentes de Internet en el Aula, impartido por Dolors Reig. Fue muy enriquecedor, y no quise perdérmelo a pesar de estar atendiendo a otras tareas domésticas
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • En este webinar (puedes visualizarlo aquí), con más de 170 docentes, tal y como comentó @dreig en un tweet, Dolors nos comentó algunos aspectos fundamentales para entender lo que es un PLE y un PLN (ella es más partidaria de éste último, ya que involucra a Network)
  • View more presentations from Dolors Reig
  • ver la grabación.
  • Cuanto más la uso, más ganas tengo de escribir acerca de esta fantástica herramienta. Diigo es un marcador social
  • Pero los “Favoritos” no viajaban contigo: qué fastidio cuando queríamos acceder a ese favorito y no estábamos en el mismo ordenador donde lo habíamos almacenado, ¿verdad?
  • Esta situación quedó superada cuando aparecieron los marcadores sociales: éstos nos permiten almacenar en la nube los enlaces de nuestro interés para ser accedidos desde cualquier ordenador o dispositivo.
    Formación y educación en evolución constante
Robert Rydge

PPT – Get Up To AU$1000 Without Any Delay Through Online Mode PowerPoint presenta... - 0 views

    If you want to get AU$100 to Au$1000 loan amount without any delay? Personal Loan Bad Credit is the best choice for every borrower who looking for urgent cash backing within a day. Despite their bad reputation these loans are a great option if you use them easily for urgency… @ – A free PowerPoint PPT presentation (displayed as a Flash slide show) on - id: 7f2fa8-MDI0Z
HAMZA massaoui

The daily life of the Tribe Zoe (a lost world) ~ GLOBAL NEWS - 0 views

  • po labrets.[1] [edit] Language
    They are also known as the Poturu, Poturujara, or Buré. The term "Zo'é" means "us," as opposed to non-Indians or enemies. The term "Poturu" is the type of wood used to make embe'po labrets.[1] [edit] Language
isabel mateos

Internet Sin Acoso - 0 views

isabel mateos

El ordenador de 28 euros, en mi columna de Expansión » El Blog de Enrique Dans - 0 views

  • La clave está en la
  • aída de las barreras de entrada a la
  • ordenador de 28 euro
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • r sorpresa t
  • barreras al aprendizaje de la computac
  • pensando en escuelas y niños. Pero está teniendo un recorrido muchísimo más amplio.
  • fundación británica sin ánimo de lucro ha diseñado un ordenador para reducir drásticamente las barreras al aprendizaje de la computación, pensando en escuelas y niños. Pero está teniendo un recorrido muchísimo más amplio.
  • Raspberry Pi
    El ordenador 28. 28 Euros. Interesante 
Patricia Palacios

Necesidades educativas especiales - - 0 views

  • "La realidad social y cultural se refleja en las instituciones educativas y cada vez es mas manifiesta la complejidad del contexto escolar actual, por lo que se hace evidente y necesario optar por una educación abierta, "en y para la diversidad", poniendo de manifiesto un pensamiento con relieve multidimensional, que contemple las diferencias aceptando y valorizando la heterogeneidad de los niños/as y de las docentes.
  • Institucion
    • Patricia Palacios
      Las personas con capacidades especiales no deberian ser marginadas ni aisladas porque son seres humanos muy valiosos y capases de enseñarnos muchas cosas. Por eso las instituciones educativas deben estar adaptadas y capacitar a los docentes para atender estas necesidades.
  • almente la diversidad estará orientada a la valoración y aceptación de todos los alumnos y al reconocimiento de que todos pueden aprender desde sus diferencias y la diversidad social. Reconociendo que las prácticas áulicas son complejas, cargadas de obstáculos que se acentúan en las relaciones ínter e intrainstitucionales; esto nos lleva a tener que superar el paradigma de la simplicidad en la Educación Inicial (donde hay un problema y se atiende desde el sentido común, apuntando a la practicidad más que a otra cosa) asumiendo el paradigma de la complejidad en el hacer educativo cotidiano.
    Este es mi primer artículo que compatrta en Diigo, trata de las necesidades educativas especiales en las instituciones educativas.
Patricia Palacios

Educación Inclusiva - 0 views

  • La UNESCO define la educación inclusiva en su documento conceptual (i) así: ¨ La inclusión se ve como el proceso de identificar y responder a la diversidad de las necesidades de todos los estudiantes a través de la mayor participación en el aprendizaje, las culturas y las comunidades, y reduciendo la exclusión en la educación. Involucra cambios y modificaciones en contenidos, aproximaciones, estructuras y estrategias, con una visión común que incluye a todos los niño/as del rango de edad apropiado y la convicción de que es la responsabilidad del sistema regular, educar a todos los niño/as
    • Patricia Palacios
      Este artículo nos hace referncia a las ideas hacerca del proceso de integración e inclusión de personas con capacidades educativas especiales al aula y como la sociedad debe involucrarse para hacer de la integración una realidad, y como estas experiencias deben posibilitar el que haya estudiantes con NEE incluidos en clases regulares
    • Patricia Palacios
      Este artículo nos hace referncia a las ideas hacerca del proceso de integración e inclusión de personas con capacidades educativas especiales al aula y como la sociedad debe involucrarse para hacer de la integración una realidad, y como estas experiencias deben posibilitar el que haya estudiantes con NEE incluidos en clases regulares
Ginger Lewman

Web 2.0 for the Classroom Teacher - 0 views

    giant list of tools. Not sure which will be troublesome for filters.
    Giant list of tools
    I recommend you take a look at WiZiQ's virtual classroom. Mark Cruthers Link to March 17 Demo Replay. WiZiQ is an online teaching platform, which provides a free virtual classroom environment for teachers to interact online and teach students in real time. Teachers can also build a profile, keep an availability schedule, and maintain a content library, which is associated with their profiles, by uploading PowerPoint presentations and PDF Files. Works in Flash format and needs no downloads 2-way live audio/video delivery Whiteboard with Math tools Synchronous Content sharing such as PowerPoint (retains animations and transitions), PDF, Flash, MS Word, MS Excel files and videos Records all sessions to be played back in Flash format (needs no downloads) Share PowerPoint presentations asynchronously even with narrated audio in slides WiZiQ's Blog Feedback from Nellie, English Teacher Wiziq YouTube Presentations: http://ww
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NEBOSH course in Chennai, Madurai, Trichy | nebosh safety course - 0 views

New Nebosh course in chennai IGC first called IG1 the same as IGC1 in the past syllabus so this is a management-oriented theoretical paper and the second unit is IG2. IG2 is a practical assessment....

Nebosh course in chennai

started by khurshid-ahmad on 10 Nov 21 no follow-up yet

Buy Gmail Account - 100% Verified Accounts - 0 views

    Buy Gmail Account Introduction If you want to buy Gmail account, there are many websites available in the internet. Here is a list of best websites where you can buy gmail account with full guarantee and support: How to buy a Gmail Account? First, you need to register on our website. After registration, you can start buying Gmail Accounts. You can purchase gmail accounts from our website in bulk and instantly. Steps For Buy Gmail Account Choose your Gmail account type. You can choose between the standard and business accounts, or you can upgrade to a premium plan with more storage space and advanced features like spam filtering, two-factor authentication (2FA), data loss prevention (DLP) and more. Choose your Gmail accounts package. If this is your first time buying a Gmail account from us, then we will send you an email with instructions on how to complete the order form for free! After that, when it comes time for payment of $29 per month for 1 year (or $59 per month for 3 years) follow these steps: Click "Pay Now" button on top right corner of page; Select credit/debit card option; Enter required information such as name(s), address(es), etc. Review summary before confirming order via clicking "Continue" button located beneath "Payment Details" section at bottom left corner of page; Buy Gmail Account Sent To Your Email ID How to Buy Gmail Account? If you are looking to buy gmail account, then follow these steps: Go to the [] page of Gmail and click on "Buy Now" button, which will take you to the next step in purchasing your account. You will be asked whether or not you want an email address from us and then enter the information requested here including name, country and phone number etc., depending on what type of account(s) do you want? . If everything is correct according with our requirements then we'll send an activation link via email so that once activated all future communications sent via this email ID

USA Gmail Account - 100% real and usa verified accounts - 0 views

    USA Gmail Account Introduction Gmail is a free email service provided by Google. Gmail users can send, receive and manage email using their web-connected computers, smartphones or tablets. USA Gmail USA Gmail is a free email service provided by Google. It's similar to the old Hotmail, but with a lot more storage space and other benefits. Gmail is a web-based email that provides users with one gigabyte of storage, as well as additional storage if you refer other people to the service. What is USA Gmail address? What Is USA Gmail Address? A USA Gmail address is a Gmail account that is in the United States of America, and it does not have an Indian IP address. If you want to create a new G Suite account for your business or personal use, you can use this type of address instead of an Indian one since it will be more secure and reliable for sending emails from the US. USA Gmail Account How can I get a USA Gmail account without a phone number? You can get a USA Gmail account without a phone number. You can buy a USA Gmail account. You can get a USA Gmail account without an address or email address, as long as you have an Internet connection, which most people do these days anyway! Does USA have Gmail? Gmail is a free, advertising-supported email service provided by Google. It's available as part of a free, advertising-supported offering called Google Apps Free Edition. Email account sign up You can create a new email account for free. To do this, follow these steps: Go to the Gmail website and click "Get started" in the top right corner of your screen. Click "Create an account." The next page will let you choose which type of Gmail account you want to create (personal or business), as well as whether or not it should be encrypted. If it's going to be encrypted, then enter your password twice; if not, then just leave those fields blank. Finally, click "Next Step." USA Gmail Accounts In order to get a USA Gmail account, you need to follow these steps

Buy Verified Coinbase Account - 100% USA UK Coinbase - 0 views

    How to verify coinbase account on phone You need to provide a copy of your driver's license or passport, along with a selfie with your ID and that will be verified by phone. You can also upload a photo of the ID and the photo will be verified by phone. Get verified coinbase Accounts Coinbase is a digital currency exchange platform that allows you to buy, sell and store cryptocurrencies. The company was founded in 2012 by Brian Armstrong and Fred Ehrsam. Since then they have grown their user base significantly and now have more than 13 million customers worldwide. Buy Verified Coinbase Account Coinbase supports both Bitcoin and Ethereum. It's also possible to purchase other cryptocurrencies using your Coinbase account such as Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash or Ripple (XRP). Why buy coinbase accounts from RealServiceIT? Buying verified Coinbase accounts from RealServiceIT is the best place to do so. We have a large database of verified accounts, and we provide them at an affordable price. Buying a verified Coinbase account is safe and secure, because it's backed by our 24/7 customer support team and 100% money back guarantee. If you are not satisfied with your purchase then you can get a full refund within 24 hours of placing your order!
    Buy Verified Coinbase Account Introduction Coinbase is a popular digital currency exchange and wallet service. It allows you to buy, sell and trade Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Litecoin (LTC) and other digital currencies. Coinbase also provides trading services for several other cryptocurrencies, including Binance Coin (BIB) and ex protocol tokens (ZR). What is Coinbase? Coinbase is a cryptocurrency exchange. Founded in 2012, it's one of the most popular platforms for buying, selling and transferring digital currency. Buy Verified Coinbase Account With over 16 million users worldwide and over $20 billion in transactions processed each year (as of 2019), you can rest assured that your funds are safe with Coinbase. The company also boasts an 18-month history of standing behind its customers' accounts - something many other exchanges don't offer at all! Verified Coinbase Accounts for Sale Verified Coinbase Accounts for Sale Verified Coinbase Accounts are available for purchase. These accounts have been verified by the company, which means that they've passed rigorous checks and have achieved a high level of security. Buy Verified Coinbase Account The account holder can use the wallet to make transactions with other users, but also has access to some extra features such as buying/selling cryptocurrencies and sending money abroad via bank transfer or wire transfer. Why Should You Buy Verified Coinbase Account For Your Business? Buying a verified CoinBase account is actually beneficial for your business in many ways: firstly, it shows potential clients that you're legit; secondly it makes them feel safe when doing business with you; thirdly it protects any funds stored on their platform from hackers who may try stealing information from inside phishing attacks - these people would need several years worth of time spent training criminals just so they could hack into an unsuspecting user's computer system before stealing anything valuable therefrom! Bu
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