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Stuart Mitchell

Public vs Private Clouds - 0 views

    As an alternative to the three tiered classification of cloud based services - Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Software as a Sevice (SaaS) - cloud computing can also be classified based upon how the underlying networks are implemented and accessed by the client. The following article provides and overview of the two principle models Public and Private Clouds.
Stuart Mitchell

What is Cloud Hosting? - 0 views

    A guide to all things cloud hosting with news and advice on topics such as private vs public cloud models, IaaS & PaaS and Virtual Data Centres
Stuart Mitchell

What Is Cloud Hosting? - 0 views

    IT professionals and private consumers of technology alike will no doubt be aware of the term cloud computing. A term and a concept that appears to be consuming everything in its path as the future of the IT industry. The following article looks at one incarnation of the technology that offers great potential for enterprise, that of cloud hosting.
Stuart Mitchell

What is Cloud Hosting? - 0 views

    Cloud hosting services provide hosting for websites on virtual servers which pull their computing resource from extensive underlying networks of physical web servers.
Stuart Mitchell

An Introduction to Cloud Servers & Their Benefits, Part 3 - Cost & Deployment - 0 views

    The final instalment of this trio of articles looks at the features of the two cloud server deployment models, public and private, as well as discussing how they can deliver real cost savings to their customers.
Stuart Mitchell

What is IaaS? - 0 views

    Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) is one of the three fundamental service models of cloud computing alongside Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Software as a Service (SaaS).
Stuart Mitchell

VDC FAQs - 0 views

    Interoute's cloud hosting service offers dedicated infrastructure as a service via a private cloud. Our IaaS service is delivered via our virtual data centres.
Stuart Mitchell

The Benefits of Dedicated Hosting - 0 views

    Any business shopping around for a web hosting solution will no doubt come across terms such as shared hosting, virtual private hosting (VPS), managed hosting and, the latest to enter the lexicon, cloud hosting. Often the holy grail is purported to be, if you can afford it, dedicated hosting, but what exactly are the reasons for choosing a dedicated hosting solution and is it the right fit for you?
Stuart Mitchell

Purchasing Options For Web Hosting Renting Direct - 0 views

    Every website needs to be hosted somewhere and so every business or private individual who is looking to claim one small corner of the world wide web for themselves will have to get to grips with the idea of web hosting and find their way through the many options that will be available to them. The following three part article outlines a few of the paths that prospective web site owners can take to get their site online.
Stuart Mitchell

A Summary of Web Hosting Packages - Shared Hosting - 0 views

    This hub is the first of two providing an overview of the various types of web hosting available on the market. The focus in this first part is on the various forms of hosting which rely on shared web servers within data centers to host multiple websites.
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