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Stuart Mitchell

An Introduction to Cloud Servers And Their Benefits, Part 1 - Definitions - 0 views

    This trio of articles introduces the key component in cloud computing, the servers that underpin each service and provide the computing resource, as well as describing how they provide some of cloud computing's most notable benefits.
Stuart Mitchell

What is Cloud Hosting? - 0 views

    Cloud hosting services provide hosting for websites on virtual servers which pull their computing resource from extensive underlying networks of physical web servers.
Stuart Mitchell

An Introduction to Cloud Servers & Their Benefits, Part 3 - Cost & Deployment - 0 views

    The final instalment of this trio of articles looks at the features of the two cloud server deployment models, public and private, as well as discussing how they can deliver real cost savings to their customers.
Stuart Mitchell

Cloud vs Dedicated Hosting - Part 1: Cost - 0 views

    The following trilogy of articles investigates the benefits and drawbacks of cloud hosting in comparison to the more traditional 'all singing, all dancing' hosting solutions of dedicated servers. It aims to discuss why enterprise consumers in particular are so tempted to migrate to the cloud as well as the barriers that often prevent them taking the leap
Stuart Mitchell

An Introduction to Cloud Servers & Their Benefits, Part 2 - Scalability & Reliability - 0 views

    The following instalments go on to discuss how they generated some of the key features that drive the adoption of the cloud at both a personal and enterprise level. This instalment covers the two performance related benefits of scalability and reliability.
Stuart Mitchell

My visit to the Cloud World Forum - 0 views

    I attended the Cloud World Forum at Earls Court in London recently. The fourth addition of the event took place on Tuesday 12 and Wednesday 13 June and is the world biggest cloud computing conference.
Stuart Mitchell

Benefits of Cloud Hosting - 0 views

    Cloud hosting is a form of web hosting that is growing in popularity. This is due to the many benefits that include the potential to save on costs, scalability, and less chance of downtime.
Stuart Mitchell

Cloud vs Dedicated Hosting - Part 2: Performance - 0 views

    The second instalment of this series of posts looking at how cloud hosting platforms match up to traditional dedicated hosting platforms focusses on a number of issues which businesses look for in a package, including reliability, flexibility and responsiveness.
Stuart Mitchell

Security Challenges Faced by Cloud Hosting - Handling Data - 0 views

    The final part of this article looks at how and where data is stored or handled and the issues that arise in cloud computing through the process of creating multiple instances of data across multiple server platforms.
Stuart Mitchell

Interoute makes multi million euro investment in new Ghent data centre to meet European... - 0 views

    London, 29 April, 2013, Interoute, owner operator of Europe's largest cloud services platform, today announced the significant expansion of its Ghent data centre, which can now accommodate up to 8000 servers for hosting and colocation.
Stuart Mitchell

VPN Server News - Guides - 0 views

    Guides and helful information on all things VPN from the VPN Server News blog
Stuart Mitchell

Why Our VDC is different - 0 views

    VDC is a virtual equivalent of building a real physical data centre. You can plan your server, switching and storage in exactly the same way as you would the 'real' thing in the physical world.
Stuart Mitchell

A Summary of Web Hosting Packages - Shared Hosting - 0 views

    This hub is the first of two providing an overview of the various types of web hosting available on the market. The focus in this first part is on the various forms of hosting which rely on shared web servers within data centers to host multiple websites.
Stuart Mitchell

Shared Web Hosting Packages in Brief - 0 views

    This hub is the first of two providing an overview of the various types of web hosting available on the market. The focus in this first part is on the various forms of hosting which rely on shared web servers within data centers to host multiple websites.
Stuart Mitchell

The Benefits of Dedicated Hosting - 0 views

    Any business shopping around for a web hosting solution will no doubt come across terms such as shared hosting, virtual private hosting (VPS), managed hosting and, the latest to enter the lexicon, cloud hosting. Often the holy grail is purported to be, if you can afford it, dedicated hosting, but what exactly are the reasons for choosing a dedicated hosting solution and is it the right fit for you?
Stuart Mitchell

A Summary of Web Hosting Packages - 0 views

    Having taken a quick look at the various forms of shared hosting that can be used by clients to serve a web site to the rest of the world, the second installment in this couplet introduces a few alternative options which may require slightly larger budgets.
Stuart Mitchell

Web Hosting - An Overview - 0 views

    If you have ever set up either a personal or business website you will no doubt have encountered the concept of website hosting. The following article aims to give a useful overview to the options that are available to you and how they meet the differing aims of security, availability, cost, technical guidance and performance.
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