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Vernon Fowler

Inclusively Hidden | - 0 views

  • sometimes content is for decorative purposes only, and it would be optimal to not announce this content to assistive technology.
  • don’t use aria-hidden on focusable content
  • Purposefully Hidden from Assistive Technology
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  • using aria-hidden to hide content specifically from screen readers
    There are various techniques to visually hide content in our web interfaces, but are you aware of the different effects they have on the accessibility of that content? While it would be nice if there was a single, native, solution for hiding content, there are contextual benefits to the various techniques at our disposal. Since there have been many articles already written about these techniques, over the many years they've been in use, the focus of this article will be to highlight the ones that are most appropriate for modern web development. We won't just look at the code behind each of these techniques, instead we'll focus on why each technique has its place, using practical examples to demonstrate their purposes. But before we talk about how to hide content we should ask ourselves a question… Why are we hiding content?
Vernon Fowler

How do you figure? | - 0 views

    A figure can be used with or without a figcaption. However, without a caption, or an alternate means of providing an accessible name (e.g. aria-label) a figure may not provide much value in conveying its semantics alone. In some cases, it may not convey any semantics at all if its given no accessible name.
Vernon Fowler

WebAIM: Usable and Accessible Form Validation and Error Recovery - 0 views

  • Errors on top
  • As one would guess, the "Errors on top" approach causes the error message to appear before the form. When presented, focus should generally be set directly to this error message. This allows screen reader and keyboard users to immediately access the error message without having to find it amongst the rest of the page contents. The message should also be visually apparent. Focus can be set to the message with client-side scripting using JavaScript focus() or similar, or the server-generated page can include an anchor name in the URI (e.g., which will set focus directly to a named anchor or element id located at the beginning of the feedback message.
  • also helpful to inform the user as to the number of errors that were detected
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  • provide a link within the error message that will set focus to the appropriate form control
  • Regardless of the mechanism used to identify and recover from form errors, aria-invalid="true" should generally be set on each invalid form control. This attribute causes screen readers to identify the control as being "invalid" or in need of attention.
Vernon Fowler

WebAIM: Keyboard Accessibility - 0 views

  • Long lists of links or other navigable items may pose a burden for keyboard-only users.
  • The following best practices can facilitate efficient keyboard navigation: Provide a "skip to main content" link on the page. Use a proper heading structure. Provide ARIA landmarks or HTML5 structural elements (<main>, <nav>, etc.)
    "when testing with a keyboard, you are not just trying to interact with the page successfully, you also want to ensure all interactions are predictable. This requires an understanding of common keyboard interactions."
Vernon Fowler

Breadcrumbs: 11 Design Guidelines for Desktop and Mobile - 0 views

  • the breadcrumb corresponding to the current page should not be a link. You should never have a link that does nothing. The last breadcrumb (denoting the current page) should not be a link.
    • Vernon Fowler
      The breadcrumb denoting the current page SHOULD be a link and differentiated from others via mechanisms such as aria-current="page" See for this pattern.
    • Vernon Fowler
      The breadcrumb denoting the current page SHOULD be a link and differentiated from others via mechanisms such as aria-current="page" See for this pattern.
  • Include the current page as the last item in the breadcrumb trail.
  • Breadcrumb trails should start with a link to the homepage.
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  • Breadcrumbs aren’t necessary (or useful) for sites with flat hierarchies that are only 1 or 2 levels deep, or sites that are linear in structure.
  • Unfortunately, on mobile, the cost of using breadcrumbs can quickly overwhelm the benefits. Don’t use breadcrumbs that wrap to multiple lines.
  • Don’t use breadcrumbs that are too small or too crowded together.
  • Consider shortening the breadcrumb trail to include only the last level(s).
  • The Oregon state government website includes a breadcrumb trail, but omits a link to the homepage. However, in this case this is acceptable, as the site also includes a Home link in the global navigation
  • duplicating the Home link in both the global navigation and the breadcrumb trail is not recommended — one or the other is fine
  • This site’s structure is nonhierarchical, and so there is no need (or value) in including a breadcrumb trail.
  • MIT’s main website has a flat hierarchy, with only 1 page in each section. While it features a breadcrumb at the top of the page, this breadcrumb isn’t necessary. In the main navigation, the location of the page is highlighted.
  • Breadcrumbs should include only site pages, not logical categories in your IA.
  • The link to the parent page is a dropdown menu, with the current page’s siblings (bottom image). A better design would  have a separate UI for the local navigation, to enable users to travel to lateral pages in the current section of the site.
  • Breadcrumbs should not replace the global navigation bar or the local navigation within a section.
  • Breadcrumbs augment but do not replace those main forms of navigation.
  • when they skip some of these levels (for example, because they arrived to the site by clicking on an external link such as a search-engine result), breadcrumbs orient them and help them find their way to other, possibly more relevant, pages.
  • In this example, the home page and current page are omitted from the breadcrumb trail, which is not recommended.
Vernon Fowler

HTML5 Accessibility Chops: section elements | The Paciello Group Blog - 0 views

  • The following table illustrates support and interaction features for a number of structural HTML elements. The information is based on support for these elements by the JAWS screen reader.
  • Recommended ARIA role mappings for HTML5 section elements
  • <header role=”banner”>
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  • <nav role=”navigation”>
Vernon Fowler

The Accessibility Project - 0 views

    A community-driven effort to make web accessibility easier.
Sandra Earl

WebAIM: Accessibility of AJAX Applications - Accessibility Issues - 0 views

  • AJAX is
  • a smorgasbord of web technologies put together to allow dynamic client-server interactions to occur in web applications without requiring pages to reload or refresh.
  • AJAX uses the following:
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  • The XHTML and CSS elements can be dynamically modified to display new information or styling. These changes are typically done using the Document Object Model.
  • XHTML (or HTML) and CSS to create an interface and visually style information.
  • JavaScript is used to manipulate the interface elements and is also used to establish a communication with a web server through XMLHttpRequest. This allows data (typically in XML format) to be transmitted between the client and the web server without requiring page reloads or refreshes.
  • standard type of client-server interaction
  • A web page interface is presented. User information is collected (via forms, links, etc.). The user submits information (submits form, activates link, etc.). The server processes submitted information. A new web page interface is sent to the user.
  • With AJAX, all of these steps can be handled in one interface.
  • The types of web applications and interactions allowed by using AJAX has given rise to the term "Web 2.0"
  • AJAX allows feature-rich, dynamic web applications which use server-side processing without requiring the traditional "submit data — retrieve web page"
  • allows more streamlined applications that require less processing and data transmission
  • higher levels of interactivity
  • current solution to these problems is to either provide a non-AJAX alternative to your application or to allow your AJAX application to continue to function if JavaScript and XMLHttpRequest are not supported. Such a requirement may be very difficult to achieve
  • Another issue with AJAX is how the application interface is updated. When updates to the interface occur, it may not be visually apparent that a change has occurred. The problem is even more troublesome for screen reader users. Screen readers typically read in a linear fashion. When changes happen in the interface, the screen reader user may not be aware of the change and the new content will likely not be read.
  • to allow dynamic interface changes to be accessible, the application must alert the user that a change has occurred, allow direct access to the new content, and then allow continued functionality of the web application. This process, while difficult to achieve, especially for screen reader users, is possible to achieve in many AJAX applications.
Sandra Earl

WebAIM: Screen Reader Survey Results - 0 views

  • We received 1121 valid responses to the screen reader survey, which was conducted Dec. 2008 - Jan. 2009.
  • Skip to content22% Skip to main content28%
  • 33 respondents (2.9%) reported being both deaf and blind.
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  • Please rate your computer proficiency Response% of Respondents Expert22% Advanced44% Intermediate27% Beginner8%
  • Please rate your screen reader proficiency Response% of Respondents Expert17% Advanced41% Intermediate32% Beginner9%
  • Screen Reader Usage
  • Of the 1121 respondents, 74% use JAWS, 23% use Window-Eyes, 8% use NVDA, and 6% use VoiceOver. While several other screen readers were reported, these were the most prominently reported. Individual versions of screen readers are not yet computed, but generally the majority of users are using the most up-to-date version of their screen reader.
  • How soon do you update your screen reader after a new version is released? Upgrade Window% of Respondents Immediately41% First 6 months25% 6-12 months9% 1-2 years9% 2-3 years4% 3+ years6% No response6%
  • How customized are your screen reader settings? (e.g., changed verbosity, installed scripts, etc.) Response% of Respondents A lot29% Somewhat40% Slightly21% Not at all7% No response4%
  • a lot or some customization was reported by only 27.6% of respondents with no disability versus 71.4% for those that reported blindness.
  • 78% of respondents reported using a screen reader on a desktop computer, 54% use a screen reader on a laptop, and 12% use a screen reader on a mobile phone.
  • No respondents who use screen readers for evaluation reported using a screen reader on a mobile device.
  • Which web browser(s) do you currently use with a screen reader? Browser% of Respondents IE633% IE768% IE82% Firefox39% Safari6%
  • Respondents with no disability were nearly twice as likely to list Firefox as blind respondents - 66% to 37%.
  • The percentage of Safari users is over double that of the overall population - this may be due in part to the fact that some in the Mac community actively solicited survey participation and encouraged respondents to indicate their Safari use, perhaps partially due to feeling snubbed because we didn't list them with IE and Firefox as direct choices.
  • When first accessing a new, unfamiliar home page, I'm most likely to... Response% of Respondents Read through the home page46% Navigate through or listen to the links on the page35% Use the Search to find what I'm looking for13% Look for a site map or site index3% No Response2%
  • Interestingly, the more proficient screen reader users are more likely to read through the home page and use links less often than less proficient screen reader users. This may be due to faster reading speeds for more experienced users. The home page strategies used were very similar regardless of proficiency, disability, or amount of screen reader use.
  • I use "skip to content" or "skip navigation" links... Response% of Respondents Whenever they're available22% Often16% Sometimes28% Seldom19% Never10% No Response4%
  • Some questions were of a technical nature and we understand that many participants may not have been very technically savvy. Responses may also be based upon user experiences with web content that is generally inaccessible. We cannot help but wonder if responses may have been different if screen reader interactions with web content were typically very positive.
  • I use Access keys... Response% of Respondents Whenever they're available22% Often16% Sometimes28% Seldom19% Never10%
  • I navigate by headings... Response% of Respondents Whenever they're available52% Often24%
  • 76% always or often navigating by headings when they are available.
  • I use site search functionality... Response% of Respondents Whenever it's available26% Often25% Sometimes31%
  • Find the word "Search"18% Jump to the first text/edit field on the page25%
  • Jump to the first form element in a page36%
  • Proficient screen reader users were more than twice as likely to jump directly to the form or text/edit field than less proficient users. Less proficient users were nearly three times more likely to use more manual methods (reading, tabbing, or finding) than more proficient users.
  • a majority of respondents seldom or never use site maps. There was no marked difference in the use of site maps across screen reader proficiency or disability. In general, it appears that site maps may be beneficial, but are not commonly accessed by screen reader users.
  • Text-only versions are always used by many and never used by many. As such, it is very difficult to interpret the value they have for screen reader users. More proficient screen reader users were much less likely to use text-only versions than less proficient users. This may suggest that proficient users employ sufficient techniques to render the main version acceptable to them. Or, it may suggest that proficient users do not gain value in using text-only versions, which are often less than optimal.
  • If content is identified as being "for screen reader users", how often do you use it? Response% of Respondents Whenever it's available38% Often15% Sometimes25% Seldom13%
  • A closer analysis, however, reveals that pop-up windows are reported as very difficult twice as often by less proficient screen reader users than with higher proficiency. Alternatively, more proficient users were three times more likely to indicate that pop-up windows are not at all difficult. This shows that less proficient screen reader users (which represent 41% of respondents) have more difficult experiences with pop-up windows.
  • Firefox users were much more likely to give a favorable response, perhaps a reflection of Firefox support for ARIA, etc. Evaluators and those without disabilities were nearly twice as likely to indicate that these applications are not very or not at all accessible than those that always use screen readers or have disabilities. This may suggest that these applications are actually more accessible than evaluators believe them to be, or alternatively, that screen reader users with disabilities are less knowledgeable about the true inaccessibility of these technologies.
  • 66% of evaluators preferred that the image be ignored, compared to only 28% of those that always user a screen reader. Similarly, 65% of those with no disability preferred that the image be ignored, compared to 29% of those with disabilities.
  • If a web page contains a photo of the White House, I prefer that the image be identified as... Response% of Respondents Photo of the White House80%
  • 69.4% of evaluators found them difficult compared to only 42.6% of those that always use a screen reader. Those with higher screen reader proficiency naturally found these links easier.
  • 71.5% of screen reader users reported that Flash is difficult
  • While the majority (58%) of users reported that frames are easy, those that are blind were 3 1/2 times more likely to indicate that they are easy than those with no disability. Similarly, those that always use a screen reader reported frames as easy nearly 3 times more often than evaluators. This perhaps suggests a misconception among those that do not have disabilities that frames are very inaccessible when in fact those with disabilities find them easy.
Vernon Fowler

Bruce Lawson's personal site  : The practical value of semantic HTML - 0 views

  • styles each header element differently depending on the value of its itemprop attribute. Using itemprop, we’re able to ensure that the author, publication date, title, and subheading are prominently featured.
  • If you plan to put things into microdata, please note that Apple, being Apple, go their own way, and don’t use a vocabulary here. Le sigh. See my article Content needs a publication date! for more. Or view source on this page to see how I’m using microdata on this article.
  • Apple WatchOS also optimises display of items wrapped in <figure> elements
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  • First, choose the appropriate type attribute and element tag for your form controls. WebKit supports a variety of form control types including passwords, numeric and telephone fields, date, time, and select menus. Choosing the most relevant type attribute allows WebKit to present the most appropriate interface to handle user input.
  • unlike iOS and macOS, input methods on watchOS require full-screen interaction. Label your form controls or specify aria label or placeholder attributes to provide additional context in the status bar when a full-screen input view is presented.
  • By choosing the right semantics now, a machine that I don’t know about yet can understand my content and display it in the best way for its users.
  • Semantic HTML will give usability benefits to many users, help to future-proof your work, potentially boost your search engine results, and help people with disabilities use your site.
Vernon Fowler

Validation messages - 0 views

  • If there are any validation messages, the focus is set to the first invalid input: this way, a screen reader will immediately announce the associated message, so the user knows that there is at least one invalid input to be fixed.
  • For multiple radio buttons or checkboxes, the message is associated to the surrounding <fieldset>.
  • In addition to this, each invalid input is associated to its message using aria-describedby. This is important, as it makes sure that screen readers also announce the messages when navigating through the inputs using the Tab key.
    "Data submitted in a form is usually validated in some way. And if there is any unacceptable data, the form is traditionally re-displayed, together with validation messages. In such a case, it is important to immediately inform screen reader users, so they know that they have to look at their data and submit again. "
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