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Stephen Harlow

Users for Sale: Has Digital Illiteracy Turned Us Into Social Commodities? - 0 views

    "Are we ceding mankind's last best hope of free and open information to marketers and corporations?"
Nigel Robertson

Pearson Free LMS: Freeing the LMS - Inside Higher Ed - 1 views

    In a move that could shake the e-learning industry, Pearson today unveiled a new learning management system that colleges will be able to use for free, without having to pay any of the licensing or maintenance costs normally associated with the technology. Pearson's new platform, called OpenClass, is only in beta phase.  By providing complimentary customer support and cloud-based hosting, OpenClass purports to underprice even the nominally free open-source platforms that recently have been gaining ground in the LMS market. "I think that the announcement really marks another, and important, nail in the coffin of the proprietary last-generation learning management system," says Lev Gonick, CIO of Case Western Reserve University.
Nigel Robertson

Summarizing All MOOCs in One Slide: Market, Open and Dewey - EdTech Researcher - Education Week - 0 views

    Good compare & contrast the variety of Moocs about, especially the new crop coming from big organisations.
Stephen Harlow

Communities Dominate Brands: Smartphone Penetration Rates by Country! We Have Good Data (finally) - 0 views

    42% per capita penetration for smartphones in NZ! Would not have guessed is was this high.
Dean Stringer

Cisco Blog » VIDEO: Demo of Cius, Cisco's Business Tablet - 2 views

    "You've likely seen the news of the Cisco Cius, our new, mobile collaboration, first-of-its- kind HD video-capable Business Tablet. However, you may have missed the demonstration of Cius yesterday at CiscoLive in Las Vegas. "
    Hey you guys. If you can keep the marketing-visor firmly in place, this an ok demo of potential of tablets in education in general. BTW, you'z got an iPad yet? :)
Nigel Robertson

Blackboard Education in the 21st Century - 1 views

    The view from the 'man' :) New report on mobile learning and another on trends.
Nigel Robertson

Gamasutra: Andy Schatz's Blog - Fishing, the iOS Clone market, and Patent/Copyright - 0 views

Nigel Robertson

lms_market.png (PNG Image, 948x698 pixels) - Scaled (58%) - 0 views

    Timeline showing the change in market share of key LMS's
Nigel Robertson

Learning Twitter - come on in, the water's warm! | Lynda Partner's Marketing Morceaux - 0 views

    Getting started with Twitter
Nigel Robertson

MobileEducator iPhone Application and CMS Review | .eduGuru - 1 views

    A development framework for building iPhone (or mobile?) apps for education. This is a review which notes it is a low barrier to entry, is simple (this is a plus and minus point) and mentions adding RSS, lectures, images, links, event lists and YouTube to your schools app.
    Seems like this is a paid for app rather than something we build ourselves. They build and then we can use their CMS to add / change content. Aimed at marketing so maybe we should pass it to them.
Nigel Robertson

Mayday, mayday - Bebo NZ is going down | The National Business Review - New Zealand - business, markets, finance, politics, property, technology and more - 0 views

    Bebo is bombing in NZ while Facebook use is going up, up, up.
Nigel Robertson

Students' Emotional Engagement, Motivation and Behaviour Over the Life of an Online Course: Reflections on Two Market Research Case Studies - 0 views

    Paper on understanding student emotional responses to online learning
Nigel Robertson

Video: Educating the Whole Person | EDUCAUSE - 0 views

    Gardner Campbell
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