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Nigel Robertson

Using the CAMEL Model to Build a Community of Practice - 0 views

    Collaborative approaches to the management of elearning - A Jisc and Hefce project.
Nigel Robertson

What is Scenario Planning? - JISC infoNet - 1 views

    A set of tools and techniques for scenario planning by looking at possible 'different futures'. Could be some good stuff here for us.
Nigel Robertson

JISC infoNet - Impact Calculator for Records & Info Mngmnt - 0 views

    "The Impact Calculator can be used to demonstrate the impact of records and information management by quantifying the tangible benefits or efficiency gains that can be derived from it."
Nigel Robertson

JISC infoNet - Strategy - 0 views

    A JISC InfoKit on strategic planning and activity
Nigel Robertson

JISC infoNet - Digital Literacy - 1 views

    DigLit referenced in a page on using collaborative tools.
Nigel Robertson

JISC infoNet - infoKits - promoting good practice and highlighting innovation - 0 views

    Infokits listed A-Z
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