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Michael M Grant

Design Processes & Why Every Designer Needs One - 0 views

    Consider writing up your design process.
Michael M Grant

Changing Classroom Practice to Include the Project Approach - 0 views

    Project work involves content, products, and processes. Teacher educators may notice that those new to project work adopt ideas and practices related to content and products more readily than they adopt ideas and practices related to the processes embedde
Michael M Grant

How To Jump Start The Website Design Process - 0 views

    Discover a simple four-step process that can help any web designer squeeze inspiration out of a competitor's website design.
Michael M Grant

Shortcuts to effective learning - 0 views

    "What I can help you do is avoid the common things that stop learning happen, or slow down the process.Learning takes time and it takes effort - on the part of the "teacher" and on the part of the "learner". By learning, I mean the process by which an individual is able to achieve something more quickly, or with higher quality, through gaining a skill, some knowledge, or starting to exhibit a particular behaviour."
Michael M Grant

ThinkTank - 0 views

    ThinkTank is an electronic performance support system to help students narrow down research topics and create keyworks and searches to move the research process forward.
Michael M Grant

From Blank Screen To Web Design In 5 Easy Steps - 0 views

    Learn a simple, five-step web design process to make sure you include the basic elements every website needs while freeing your mind to be more creative.
Michael M Grant

5 Great Alternatives To Google Docs You Should Consider - 0 views

    More and more of my word processing is getting moved to the Web these days for a number of reasons. My writing is accessible from anywhere, is open to
Michael M Grant

Brain Processes Written Words As Unique 'Objects,' Neuroscientists Say - 0 views

    Neuroscientists have found that an area known to be important for reading in the left visual cortex contains neurons that are specialized to process written words as whole word units. Although some theories of reading as well as neuropsychological and exp
Michael M Grant

Learning Visions: Building Measurement into Our Training-Development Process - 0 views

    Overview of integrating measurement into design process.
Michael M Grant

50 Free UI and Web Design Wireframing Kits, Resources and Source Files - Smashing Magazine - 0 views

    Planning and communication are two key elements in the development of any successful website or application. And that is exactly what the wireframing process offers:
Michael M Grant

Starting Out Organized: Website Content Planning The Right Way - Smashing Magazine - 0 views

    So many articles explain how to design interfaces, design graphics and deal with clients. But one step in the Web development process is often skipped over or...
Michael M Grant

Common Challenges of a Virtual Team - 0 views

    I work virtually; it's a primary part of my business model. This arrangement suits my work process (and personality) perfectly.
Michael M Grant

NoteStar - 0 views

    NoteStar collects and organizes Web-based annotations during the research process.
Michael M Grant

Free Adobe Dreamweaver Tutorial | CSS Tutorial for Creating Layouts in Dreamweaver | La... - 0 views

    This tutorial covers the process of building a CSS-based layout from scratch using Dreamweaver. Great beginner tutorial.
Michael M Grant

40 Tutorials for Creating Highly Detailed Icon Designs - 0 views

    Check out this collection of 40 of the best icon design tutorials, each covering the process of designing a highly detailed graphic in Illustrator or Photoshop.
Michael M Grant

Paper Prototyping - 0 views

    A quick description of usability process Common Craft is going through with paper prototypes.
Michael M Grant

iPlotz: Goofy Name Belies Powerful Wireframe Tool - 0 views

    iPlotz: Goofy Name Belies Powerful Wireframe Tool Written by Rick Turoczy / January 26, 2009 11:30 PM / 7 Comments « Prior Post Next Post » imgiplotz.jpgAnyone who has ever built a Web site for a client knows the painful process of gathering fe
Michael M Grant - 0 views

    Directory of instructional activities to align with information literacy skills and process.
Michael M Grant

From Wordpress to iTunes: Publishing your Podcast using PodPress | - 0 views

    When I needed to publish a podcast on my blog, I figured it would be a two step process. Looking around, I found that PodPress seems to be the plugin of choice
Michael M Grant

Why Wikis? - 0 views

    Most Web 2.0 tools are discussed at length in terms of their application to the learning process. While there is much that can be learned from using these tools in instruction, there are also principles upon which that use rests that have long been the g
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