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Michael M Grant

Online Literacy Is a Lesser Kind - 0 views

    Article discusses how students read on the Web and how to combat the skimming.
Michael M Grant

How To Use Icons To Support Content In Web Design - 0 views

    Why use icons? Design is all about communication: it doesn't matter how important or exciting the information that you're sharing is if you fail to hook your visitors. When initially viewing a
Michael M Grant

How to Easily Customize the WordPress Image Caption - 0 views

    An easy how to for styling caption text in Wordpress.
Michael M Grant

How to Create a Tag Grid and Evolve Past the Cloud - 0 views

    How to move away from a tag cloud an into a tag grid.
Michael M Grant

How to Write a Ghazal - wikiHow - 0 views

    wikiHow article about How to Write a Ghazal (a form of ancient poetry).

How To Enhance Your Corporate Training With Next Gen Gamification Solutions - eLearning... - 0 views

    Join us for the free webinar How To Enhance Your Corporate Training With Next Gen Gamification Solutions, presented by Asha Pandey, the Chief Learning Strategist at EI Design, and sponsored by eLearning Industry. The event is scheduled for the 7th of March 2019. Stay tuned!
Michael M Grant

Design of research instruments: surveys and interviews - 1 views

    Tutorial on how to design surveys and interview protocols.
Clap Creative

How to use pop-ups on your site/blog to gain likes & followers? - 1 views

    Let's talk about how to gain likes and followers on your website/blog. Your site/blog gets more traffic than all of your social media profiles combined. Your visitors have made a decision to visit your site/blog - in contrast to randomly clicking on a social profile of yours.
Michael M Grant

BBC News - The web: vital statistics - 0 views

    As part of the BBC's SuperPower season, exploring the power of the internet, BBC News explores how the web works.
Michael M Grant

Adsense Tips for Bloggers 1 - 0 views

    How do you make money from the Google Adsense Program? What AdSense Tips can you share with us? I have ...
Michael M Grant

How to Design a Printer-Friendly Version of Your Page - 0 views

    Tips for creating a printer-friendly version of a Web page. Includes a link to a CSS how-to to do just that.
Michael M Grant

How Getting An F On Your School Paper Makes You A Better Blogger - 0 views

    This guest post was written by Rob Sutton from Ramped Reviews. Image by kharied. This comes to be a surprise ...
Michael M Grant

How to Deal with Feature Creep | Webdesigner Depot - 0 views

    If any assumption is safe, it's that six months after launching a website (or sooner?), its owners will have a list of things they want to change, from minor
Michael M Grant

Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs - 0 views

    An extensive presentation on how to present like Steve Jobs. Great tips.
Michael M Grant - 0 views

    This is the tips and how to page for Google Lit Trips.
Michael M Grant

Google Tutor: Tutorials and Tips for Google Users - 0 views

    Your how-to guide for Google with Google tutorials, tips for using Google and advice.
Michael M Grant

The Ultimate Guide to Creating a Design and Converting it to HTML and CSS - 0 views

    A full-featured how to for creating a design and then converting it to HTML and CSS.
Michael M Grant

Example slide effects with instructions - 0 views

    A series of template presentations for Powerpoint using animations and builds. Inside the slide notes give step-by-step instructions on how to create the effects.
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