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Laos May Bear Cost of Planned Chinese Railroad - - 3 views

  • China is not particularly interested in sharing much of the wealth the railroad would generate. Most of the benefits, critics say, would flow to China while most of the costs would be borne by the host nation. The price tag of the $7 billion, 260-mile rail project, which Laos will borrow from China, is nearly equal to the tiny $8 billion in annual economic activity in Laos
  • Some Laotians, unhappy with the unmistakable Chinese presence, complain that their country is becoming little more than a province of China or, more slyly, a vassal state.
    An interesting piece that could be used (carefully) in discussions in either the daytime of evening development classes; particularly in regards to development stakeholders. There's also a brief mention of Ajarn Sombath.
    "people here recognise money, not people" an interesting quote from the article.

IDEAS FOR E.L.L.S - The Learning Network Blog - - 0 views

    Part of the NY Times' Learning Network, this series on English language teaching offers ideas and plans for using newspaper articles in the classroom. Nothing groundbreaking here, but a nice selection of scalable activities.

The Cleantech Future (Rob van Hattum, VPRO) - YouTube - 1 views

shared by anonymous on 29 Dec 12 - No Cached
    To Ben and Leon: I think this documentary could be very useful for IIP next year if your doing the same topics, especially as it gives some very good examples of the use of nano-technology.

Why More Schools Aren't Teaching Web Literacy... | November Learning - 1 views

  • Purposeful search: Using advanced search techniques to narrow the scope and raise the quality of information found on the Web. Effective organization and collaboration: Being able to organize all of this information into a comprehensive and growing library of personal knowledge. Sharing and making sense of information: Sharing what we find and what we learn with the world, and using the knowledge of others to help us make more sense of it all.
    What do you think of these three pillars of Web literacy? I wonder if this year we can do even better at highlighting the importance of these in IL. The section about the use of Diigo is interesting. We exploited last year as an information sharing site but perhaps we need to approach it more as a personal library???

A history of the modern fact - 2 views

    Interesting discussion about the evolution of the concept of a fact. I think we all probably claim the authority of a 'fact' sometimes, so it's relevant to understand how they are changing. The psychology behind wanting to believe facts is fascinating.
    This has some interesting perspectives, but it does little to address belief. The people interviewed seem frustrated by belief, so they take a negative stance. I would like to know more about the experiment where participants had a more open-minded response to climate change after writing an essay about a time they fought for something they believe in. In that case, belief played a constructive role because of their lateral entry. There is a greater thinking level to this issue.
    Another interesting avenue my mind took while reading this was toward Owen Barfield's early 20th century investigation of history in English words. He shows how thinking develops through language. It is a good read if you can get past some of the antiquated language he uses to categorize his thoughts. It is titled, History in English Words. I have a copy if anyone wants to check it out.

New Scientist covers fact-checking web tools - 2 views

    I grabbed this after reading the transcript of Donald's post. It seems as though a few Wyatt Earps 'ave rustled inna Dodge City and ain't no lie which kern 'scape their skinwagons.

Campfires in Cyberspace: Primordial Metaphors for Learning in the 21st Century - 4 views

    I enjoyed how he started, but he lost me when he used Newton under an apple tree and Moses in the wilderness to point out integrated learning. It may have been an homage to myth, but it missed the mark. Also, he conflates the oral tradition with Aristotelian poetics. In general, his interpretation of myth and narrative denies any acknowledge of postmodernity and post-structuralism. It is like he never left his cave after reading Levi-Strauss. I think you could learn more about 21st C. metaphors of cyberspace by skimming a Cory Doctorow novel.
  • ...2 more comments...
    Oop! *acknowledgment
    Hi Troy- Good to meet you here. I haven't reread the article recently but wonder if we approach it in different ways. This reminds me of our conversation about Parker Palmer's writings (in the sense of our different approaches). I found the three metaphors useful in thinking about how/where I find places to develop professionally spurred further reflection. I have no idea who Cory Doctorow is nor can I comment on Aristotelian poetics, postmodernity or post-structuralism. However, I like the images of a campfire, a wateringhole, and a cave. Perhaps someone else can engage with you on the level of deeper discussion ...
    No worries, Kris. I did enjoy his metaphors, but I think he took a bit of license with his appropriation of Native American oral stories. I get heated about this because it is what I have dedicated my life to, especially narrative theory. I have spent hours upon days with people fighting for their narratives - poststructural/postcolonial movement - and who believe a narrative, and all it tropes or figures of speech, unbinds truth, which allows for not just malleability but multiplicity. Cory Doctorow is the new William Gibson or Ursula Le Guin, so might put him in the same league as Philip K. Dick, but all in all, he is a cyberpunk writer cultivating a community neocyberpunks. His literary website is, and he is the co-founder of the tech blog boingboing. He has help redefine narrative fiction in the cyber age.
    Oop! *has helped

Teaching Students to Ask Questions Instead of Answering Them by Matthew H. Bowker - 2 views

    This is pretty direct, and it hits on the point of education as transformative instead of distributive or directive. I think his reference to Winnicot's "holding environment", and it's awkward maternalism could be supplemented by good ol' Vygotsky's ZPD, Zone of Proximal Development, and his general theory of intersubjectivity, which provides us with the common term "scaffolding". Plus, I like that both Vygotsky and Piaget regard this portion of cognitive development as continuous and culturally recursive.

TEDxSomerville - Dan Rothstein: Did Socrates Get it Wrong? | E-Learning and Online Teac... - 2 views

    This TED talk is about the question formation technique which we experimented with on ADS/NZ this year.
    This makes it a bit more clear. You did this as an orientation activity, right? I think we should do it earlier and more often.

ASCD Express 8.03 - What Mind-Sets Drive Teacher Effectiveness? - 4 views

    I finally got around to reading this, and even though it is short, it outlines what we do internally very well. In AES this last year, we constantly modeled the series of questions they mentioned, especially the consciousness, craftmanship, and flexibility questions. Students often want us to provide them with the answers to these questions, but do not readily realize that the question is the important part. If you can experience conflict, which I tend to label crisis because of the cognitive or cultural gap, by calling it into question, then you can see both the origin and yourself in it. I know this is simplistic, but the courage to question plays a major role in validating the crisis and your stake in it.

How do you plan? On templates and instructional planning « Granted, but… - 3 views

    Thinking about unit / lesson planning.... I have a book about Understanding by Design if anyone is interested in seeing it.

What Happened to Downtime? The Extinction of Deep Thinking & Sacred Space :: Articles :... - 5 views

    This article reminds me of Issac Asimov's famous essay about the Eureka Phenomenon. Check it out:
    Thanks, Troy. I hadn't read it before. I was always doubtful of Eureka moments but classifying them as unnoticed thinking makes sense to me.

Struggle For Smarts? How Eastern And Western Cultures Tackle Learning : Shots - Health ... - 2 views

    This article seems to connect with habits of mind claiming that eastern cultures are more able to persevere with difficult tasks that western cultures. I question whether the cultural differences are accurately described but found it has some good reminders in relation to habits of mind.
    It reminds me that I need to be more specific when I point out achievement. I tend to acknowledge what has been done and the actual practice, but I tend to leave out the overall skill or concept. Also, I am reminded that I privilege creativity over perseverance. If a student works diligently to find a solution, and they arrive at a creative solution, then I praise the creativity and not the diligence or downplay the diligence.

Escaping Isolation: Twitter and transparency « Granted, but… - 1 views

  • What are we afraid of? Would we rather be alone or better? Now that’s a pair of essential questions.
    "What are we afraid of? Would we rather be alone or better? Now that's a pair of essential questions."

Welcome - 0 views

    This is Ron Ritchhart's website that has some good links to readings about Making Thinking Visible.

ihom - 1 views


How the Brain Learns from Mistakes - Dana Foundation - 2 views

    Common wisdom holds that we learn best from our mistakes. But researchers at Michigan State University have published a new study that suggests something more is needed: We must be conscious of our mistakes to reap the benefits of improved performance. "Those with traumatic brain injury or other brain injuries that result in impairments in self-awareness suggest that your level of awareness of your own symptoms, for example, actually correlates with the probability that you'll recover from them," he says. "But there is still quite a bit we need to learn about conscious awareness and the role it plays in performance and judgment before we can say for certain." Hmmm. what does this mean in relation to the errors our students make?

Why Are Finland's Schools Successful? | People & Places | Smithsonian Magazine - 1 views

  • Finland has vastly improved in reading, math and science literacy over the past decade in large part because its teachers are trusted to do whatever it takes to turn young lives around.
  • “If you only measure the statistics, you miss the human aspect.”

Overcoming test anxiety - 3 views

    As you are preparing your IELTS specific skills and strategies, are you also preparing stress management techniques?
    Opps...wrong group....then again, as teachers, are we not only preparing with skill area strategies but also reminding our students of stress managment techniques???
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