"At the college where I serve as president, we do evaluate student work; we just use a higher-quality method. Our students receive written evaluations not only on every assignment, but also for every course and learning activity. These evaluations are designed to be formative teaching tools."
"Instructional design is, or should be, nothing less than pedagogy intelligent about the medium within which learning happens. If you teach in an LMS, you are an instructional designer. If you teach in a room, you are an instructional designer. At our institutions, instructional designers or engineers or technologists should be as filled in about pedagogy as teachers are. They should not content themselves to be carriers of content from one format to the next. They should be experts in digital delivery, and consultants to collaborate with."
"I believe in the professorial mandate, the deep commitment we must have to giving back knowledge because we get the privilege of being able to spend our days thinking. But that isn't just a matter of toiling in our worlds and then throwing knowledge out of the ivory tower. It's not just about making material open and hoping people will come. It's about actively engaging the very people that we seek to understand, contributing to the communities we spend time analyzing. To treat them respectfully and to understand our moral and ethical responsibility to them."
""The real concern of this book is how existing scholarly activities (things like writing, publishing, networking and engaging) can be enhanced through social media and perhaps transformed in the process.""
"Very much like the hyphen that Butler and Spivak question, the hyperlink forms new connections, informs unexpected encounters, and formulates narratives and metaphors where none might have existed."
"A majority of courses that used adaptive learning had "no discernible impact" on grades, with just four out of 15 that could be assessed resulting in "slightly higher" averages.
SRI found no evidence that adaptive learning had had an effect on course completion in the 16 grantee-provided data sets "appropriate" for estimating that impact."
"The period - the full-stop signal we all learn as children, whose use stretches back at least to the Middle Ages - is gradually being felled in the barrage of instant messaging that has become synonymous with the digital age"
"These days, Irvine's massive courses typically run on their own. It's easier for everyone that way, says Mr. Matkin. "What we learned is you try to present a MOOC for what it is," says the dean. "It's a free course, with relatively little interaction with faculty members.""